ref: a72f2679927158d7a00f846b5dede0f049c4668e
dir: /src/decode.c/
/* * Copyright © 2018, VideoLAN and dav1d authors * Copyright © 2018, Two Orioles, LLC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "dav1d/data.h" #include "common/intops.h" #include "common/mem.h" #include "src/decode.h" #include "src/dequant_tables.h" #include "src/env.h" #include "src/qm.h" #include "src/recon.h" #include "src/ref.h" #include "src/tables.h" #include "src/thread_task.h" #include "src/warpmv.h" static void init_quant_tables(const Av1SequenceHeader *const seq_hdr, const Av1FrameHeader *const frame_hdr, const int qidx, uint16_t (*dq)[3][2]) { for (int i = 0; i < (frame_hdr->segmentation.enabled ? 8 : 1); i++) { const int yac = frame_hdr->segmentation.enabled ? iclip_u8(qidx + frame_hdr->segmentation.seg_data.d[i].delta_q) : qidx; const int ydc = iclip_u8(yac + frame_hdr->quant.ydc_delta); const int uac = iclip_u8(yac + frame_hdr->quant.uac_delta); const int udc = iclip_u8(yac + frame_hdr->quant.udc_delta); const int vac = iclip_u8(yac + frame_hdr->quant.vac_delta); const int vdc = iclip_u8(yac + frame_hdr->quant.vdc_delta); dq[i][0][0] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][ydc][0]; dq[i][0][1] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][yac][1]; dq[i][1][0] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][udc][0]; dq[i][1][1] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][uac][1]; dq[i][2][0] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][vdc][0]; dq[i][2][1] = dav1d_dq_tbl[seq_hdr->bpc > 8][vac][1]; } } static int read_mv_component_diff(Dav1dTileContext *const t, CdfMvComponent *const mv_comp, const int have_fp) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const int have_hp = f->frame_hdr.hp; const int sign = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->sign); const int cl = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->classes, 11); int up, fp, hp; if (!cl) { up = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->class0); if (have_fp) { fp = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->class0_fp[up], 4); hp = have_hp ? msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->class0_hp) : 1; } else { fp = 3; hp = 1; } } else { up = 1 << cl; for (int n = 0; n < cl; n++) up |= msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->classN[n]) << n; if (have_fp) { fp = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->classN_fp, 4); hp = have_hp ? msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, mv_comp->classN_hp) : 1; } else { fp = 3; hp = 1; } } const int diff = ((up << 3) | (fp << 1) | hp) + 1; return sign ? -diff : diff; } static void read_mv_residual(Dav1dTileContext *const t, mv *const ref_mv, CdfMvContext *const mv_cdf, const int have_fp) { switch (msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&t->ts->msac, t->ts->, N_MV_JOINTS)) { case MV_JOINT_HV: ref_mv->y += read_mv_component_diff(t, &mv_cdf->comp[0], have_fp); ref_mv->x += read_mv_component_diff(t, &mv_cdf->comp[1], have_fp); break; case MV_JOINT_H: ref_mv->x += read_mv_component_diff(t, &mv_cdf->comp[1], have_fp); break; case MV_JOINT_V: ref_mv->y += read_mv_component_diff(t, &mv_cdf->comp[0], have_fp); break; default: break; } } static void read_tx_tree(Dav1dTileContext *const t, const enum RectTxfmSize from, const int depth, uint16_t *const masks, const int x_off, const int y_off) { const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const int bx4 = t->bx & 31, by4 = t->by & 31; const TxfmInfo *const t_dim = &av1_txfm_dimensions[from]; const int txw = t_dim->lw, txh = t_dim->lh; int is_split; if (depth < 2 && from > (int) TX_4X4) { const int cat = 2 * (TX_64X64 - t_dim->max) - depth; const int a = t->a->tx[bx4] < txw; const int l = t->l.tx[by4] < txh; is_split = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&t->ts->msac, t->ts->cdf.m.txpart[cat][a + l]); if (is_split) masks[depth] |= 1 << (y_off * 4 + x_off); } else { is_split = 0; } if (is_split && t_dim->max > TX_8X8) { const enum RectTxfmSize sub = t_dim->sub; const TxfmInfo *const sub_t_dim = &av1_txfm_dimensions[sub]; const int txsw = sub_t_dim->w, txsh = sub_t_dim->h; read_tx_tree(t, sub, depth + 1, masks, x_off * 2 + 0, y_off * 2 + 0); t->bx += txsw; if (txw >= txh && t->bx < f->bw) read_tx_tree(t, sub, depth + 1, masks, x_off * 2 + 1, y_off * 2 + 0); t->bx -= txsw; t->by += txsh; if (txh >= txw && t->by < f->bh) { read_tx_tree(t, sub, depth + 1, masks, x_off * 2 + 0, y_off * 2 + 1); t->bx += txsw; if (txw >= txh && t->bx < f->bw) read_tx_tree(t, sub, depth + 1, masks, x_off * 2 + 1, y_off * 2 + 1); t->bx -= txsw; } t->by -= txsh; } else { memset(&t->a->tx[bx4], is_split ? TX_4X4 : txw, t_dim->w); memset(&t->l.tx[by4], is_split ? TX_4X4 : txh, t_dim->h); } } int av1_neg_deinterleave(int diff, int ref, int max) { if (!ref) return diff; if (ref >= (max - 1)) return max - diff - 1; if (2 * ref < max) { if (diff <= 2 * ref) { if (diff & 1) return ref + ((diff + 1) >> 1); else return ref - (diff >> 1); } return diff; } else { if (diff <= 2 * (max - ref - 1)) { if (diff & 1) return ref + ((diff + 1) >> 1); else return ref - (diff >> 1); } return max - (diff + 1); } } static void find_matching_ref(const Dav1dTileContext *const t, const enum EdgeFlags intra_edge_flags, const int bw4, const int bh4, const int w4, const int h4, const int have_left, const int have_top, const int ref, uint64_t masks[2]) { const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const ptrdiff_t b4_stride = f->b4_stride; const refmvs *const r = &f->mvs[t->by * b4_stride + t->bx]; int count = 0; int have_topleft = have_top && have_left; int have_topright = imax(bw4, bh4) < 32 && have_top && t->bx + bw4 < t->ts->tiling.col_end && (intra_edge_flags & EDGE_I444_TOP_HAS_RIGHT); #define bs(rp) av1_block_dimensions[sbtype_to_bs[(rp)->sb_type]] #define matches(rp) ((rp)->ref[0] == ref + 1 && (rp)->ref[1] == -1) if (have_top) { const refmvs *r2 = &r[-b4_stride]; if (matches(r2)) { masks[0] |= 1; count = 1; } int aw4 = bs(r2)[0]; if (aw4 >= bw4) { const int off = t->bx & (aw4 - 1); if (off) have_topleft = 0; if (aw4 - off > bw4) have_topright = 0; } else { unsigned mask = 1 << aw4; for (int x = aw4; x < w4; x += aw4) { r2 += aw4; if (matches(r2)) { masks[0] |= mask; if (++count >= 8) return; } aw4 = bs(r2)[0]; mask <<= aw4; } } } if (have_left) { const refmvs *r2 = &r[-1]; if (matches(r2)) { masks[1] |= 1; if (++count >= 8) return; } int lh4 = bs(r2)[1]; if (lh4 >= bh4) { if (t->by & (lh4 - 1)) have_topleft = 0; } else { unsigned mask = 1 << lh4; for (int y = lh4; y < h4; y += lh4) { r2 += lh4 * b4_stride; if (matches(r2)) { masks[1] |= mask; if (++count >= 8) return; } lh4 = bs(r2)[1]; mask <<= lh4; } } } if (have_topleft && matches(&r[-(1 + b4_stride)])) { masks[1] |= 1ULL << 32; if (++count >= 8) return; } if (have_topright && matches(&r[bw4 - b4_stride])) { masks[0] |= 1ULL << 32; } #undef matches } static void derive_warpmv(const Dav1dTileContext *const t, const int bw4, const int bh4, const uint64_t masks[2], const struct mv mv, WarpedMotionParams *const wmp) { int pts[8][2 /* in, out */][2 /* x, y */], np = 0; const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const ptrdiff_t b4_stride = f->b4_stride; const refmvs *const r = &f->mvs[t->by * b4_stride + t->bx]; #define add_sample(dx, dy, sx, sy, rp) do { \ pts[np][0][0] = 16 * (2 * dx + sx * bs(rp)[0]) - 8; \ pts[np][0][1] = 16 * (2 * dy + sy * bs(rp)[1]) - 8; \ pts[np][1][0] = pts[np][0][0] + (rp)->mv[0].x; \ pts[np][1][1] = pts[np][0][1] + (rp)->mv[0].y; \ np++; \ } while (0) // use masks[] to find the projectable motion vectors in the edges if ((unsigned) masks[0] == 1 && !(masks[1] >> 32)) { const int off = t->bx & (bs(&r[-b4_stride])[0] - 1); add_sample(-off, 0, 1, -1, &r[-b4_stride]); } else for (unsigned off = 0, xmask = masks[0]; np < 8 && xmask;) { // top const int tz = ctz(xmask); off += tz; add_sample(off, 0, 1, -1, &r[off - b4_stride]); xmask >>= tz + 1; off += 1; } if (np < 8 && masks[1] == 1) { const int off = t->by & (bs(&r[-1])[1] - 1); add_sample(0, -off, -1, 1, &r[-1 - off * b4_stride]); } else for (unsigned off = 0, ymask = masks[1]; np < 8 && ymask;) { // left const int tz = ctz(ymask); off += tz; add_sample(0, off, -1, 1, &r[off * b4_stride - 1]); ymask >>= tz + 1; off += 1; } if (np < 8 && masks[1] >> 32) // top/left add_sample(0, 0, -1, -1, &r[-(1 + b4_stride)]); if (np < 8 && masks[0] >> 32) // top/right add_sample(bw4, 0, 1, -1, &r[bw4 - b4_stride]); assert(np > 0 && np <= 8); #undef bs // select according to motion vector difference against a threshold int mvd[8], ret = 0; const int thresh = 4 * iclip(imax(bw4, bh4), 4, 28); for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { mvd[i] = labs(pts[i][1][0] - pts[i][0][0] - mv.x) + labs(pts[i][1][1] - pts[i][0][1] - mv.y); if (mvd[i] > thresh) mvd[i] = -1; else ret++; } if (!ret) { ret = 1; } else for (int i = 0, j = np - 1, k = 0; k < np - ret; k++, i++, j--) { while (mvd[i] != -1) i++; while (mvd[j] == -1) j--; assert(i != j); if (i > j) break; // replace the discarded samples; mvd[i] = mvd[j]; memcpy(pts[i], pts[j], sizeof(*pts)); } if (!find_affine_int(pts, ret, bw4, bh4, mv, wmp, t->bx, t->by) && !get_shear_params(wmp)) { wmp->type = WM_TYPE_AFFINE; } else wmp->type = WM_TYPE_IDENTITY; } static inline int findoddzero(const uint8_t *buf, int len) { for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) if (!buf[n * 2]) return 1; return 0; } static void read_pal_plane(Dav1dTileContext *const t, Av1Block *const b, const int pl, const int sz_ctx, const int bx4, const int by4) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const int pal_sz = b->pal_sz[pl] = 2 + msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.pal_sz[pl][sz_ctx], 7); uint16_t cache[16], used_cache[8]; int l_cache = pl ? t->pal_sz_uv[1][by4] : t->l.pal_sz[by4]; int n_cache = 0; // don't reuse above palette outside SB64 boundaries int a_cache = by4 & 15 ? pl ? t->pal_sz_uv[0][bx4] : t->a->pal_sz[bx4] : 0; const uint16_t *l = t->al_pal[1][by4][pl], *a = t->al_pal[0][bx4][pl]; // fill/sort cache while (l_cache && a_cache) { if (*l < *a) { if (!n_cache || cache[n_cache - 1] != *l) cache[n_cache++] = *l; l++; l_cache--; } else { if (*a == *l) { l++; l_cache--; } if (!n_cache || cache[n_cache - 1] != *a) cache[n_cache++] = *a; a++; a_cache--; } } if (l_cache) { do { if (!n_cache || cache[n_cache - 1] != *l) cache[n_cache++] = *l; l++; } while (--l_cache > 0); } else if (a_cache) { do { if (!n_cache || cache[n_cache - 1] != *a) cache[n_cache++] = *a; a++; } while (--a_cache > 0); } // find reused cache entries int i = 0; for (int n = 0; n < n_cache && i < pal_sz; n++) if (msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7)) used_cache[i++] = cache[n]; const int n_used_cache = i; // parse new entries uint16_t *const pal = f->frame_thread.pass ? f->frame_thread.pal[((t->by >> 1) + (t->bx & 1)) * (f->b4_stride >> 1) + ((t->bx >> 1) + (t->by & 1))][pl] : t->pal[pl]; if (i < pal_sz) { int prev = pal[i++] = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, f->cur.p.p.bpc); if (i < pal_sz) { int bits = f->cur.p.p.bpc - 3 + msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, 2); const int max = (1 << f->cur.p.p.bpc) - 1; do { const int delta = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, bits); prev = pal[i++] = imin(prev + delta + !pl, max); if (prev + !pl >= max) { for (; i < pal_sz; i++) pal[i] = pal[i - 1]; break; } bits = imin(bits, 1 + ulog2(max - prev - !pl)); } while (i < pal_sz); } // merge cache+new entries int n = 0, m = n_used_cache; for (i = 0; i < pal_sz; i++) { if (n < n_used_cache && (m >= pal_sz || used_cache[n] <= pal[m])) { pal[i] = used_cache[n++]; } else { assert(m < pal_sz); pal[i] = pal[m++]; } } } else { memcpy(pal, used_cache, n_used_cache * sizeof(*used_cache)); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) { printf("Post-pal[pl=%d,sz=%d,cache_size=%d,used_cache=%d]: r=%d, cache=", pl, pal_sz, n_cache, n_used_cache, ts->msac.rng); for (int n = 0; n < n_cache; n++) printf("%c%02x", n ? ' ' : '[', cache[n]); printf("%s, pal=", n_cache ? "]" : "[]"); for (int n = 0; n < pal_sz; n++) printf("%c%02x", n ? ' ' : '[', pal[n]); printf("]\n"); } } static void read_pal_uv(Dav1dTileContext *const t, Av1Block *const b, const int sz_ctx, const int bx4, const int by4) { read_pal_plane(t, b, 1, sz_ctx, bx4, by4); // V pal coding Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; uint16_t *const pal = f->frame_thread.pass ? f->frame_thread.pal[((t->by >> 1) + (t->bx & 1)) * (f->b4_stride >> 1) + ((t->bx >> 1) + (t->by & 1))][2] : t->pal[2]; if (msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7)) { const int bits = f->cur.p.p.bpc - 4 + msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, 2); int prev = pal[0] = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, f->cur.p.p.bpc); const int max = (1 << f->cur.p.p.bpc) - 1; for (int i = 1; i < b->pal_sz[1]; i++) { int delta = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, bits); if (delta && msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7)) delta = -delta; prev = pal[i] = (prev + delta) & max; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < b->pal_sz[1]; i++) pal[i] = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, f->cur.p.p.bpc); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) { printf("Post-pal[pl=2]: r=%d ", ts->msac.rng); for (int n = 0; n < b->pal_sz[1]; n++) printf("%c%02x", n ? ' ' : '[', pal[n]); printf("]\n"); } } // meant to be SIMD'able, so that theoretical complexity of this function // times block size goes from w4*h4 to w4+h4-1 // a and b are previous two lines containing (a) top/left entries or (b) // top/left entries, with a[0] being either the first top or first left entry, // depending on top_offset being 1 or 0, and b being the first top/left entry // for whichever has one. left_offset indicates whether the (len-1)th entry // has a left neighbour. // output is order[] and ctx for each member of this diagonal. static void order_palette(const uint8_t *pal_idx, const ptrdiff_t stride, const int i, const int first, const int last, uint8_t (*const order)[8], uint8_t *const ctx) { int have_top = i > first; pal_idx += first + (i - first) * stride; for (int j = first, n = 0; j >= last; have_top = 1, j--, n++, pal_idx += stride - 1) { const int have_left = j > 0; assert(have_left || have_top); #define add(v_in) do { \ const int v = v_in; \ assert(v < 8U); \ order[n][o_idx++] = v; \ mask |= 1 << v; \ } while (0) unsigned mask = 0; int o_idx = 0; if (!have_left) { ctx[n] = 0; add(pal_idx[-stride]); } else if (!have_top) { ctx[n] = 0; add(pal_idx[-1]); } else { const int l = pal_idx[-1], t = pal_idx[-stride], tl = pal_idx[-(stride + 1)]; const int same_t_l = t == l; const int same_t_tl = t == tl; const int same_l_tl = l == tl; const int same_all = same_t_l & same_t_tl & same_l_tl; if (same_all) { ctx[n] = 4; add(t); } else if (same_t_l) { ctx[n] = 3; add(t); add(tl); } else if (same_t_tl | same_l_tl) { ctx[n] = 2; add(tl); add(same_t_tl ? l : t); } else { ctx[n] = 1; add(imin(t, l)); add(imax(t, l)); add(tl); } } for (unsigned m = 1, bit = 0; m < 0x100; m <<= 1, bit++) if (!(mask & m)) order[n][o_idx++] = bit; assert(o_idx == 8); #undef add } } static void read_pal_indices(Dav1dTileContext *const t, uint8_t *const pal_idx, const Av1Block *const b, const int pl, const int w4, const int h4, const int bw4, const int bh4) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const ptrdiff_t stride = bw4 * 4; pal_idx[0] = msac_decode_uniform(&ts->msac, b->pal_sz[pl]); uint16_t (*const color_map_cdf)[8 + 1] = ts->cdf.m.color_map[pl][b->pal_sz[pl] - 2]; for (int i = 1; i < 4 * (w4 + h4) - 1; i++) { // top/left-to-bottom/right diagonals ("wave-front") uint8_t order[64][8], ctx[64]; const int first = imin(i, w4 * 4 - 1); const int last = imax(0, i - h4 * 4 + 1); order_palette(pal_idx, stride, i, first, last, order, ctx); for (int j = first, m = 0; j >= last; j--, m++) { const int color_idx = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, color_map_cdf[ctx[m]], b->pal_sz[pl]); pal_idx[(i - j) * stride + j] = order[m][color_idx]; } } // fill invisible edges if (bw4 > w4) for (int y = 0; y < 4 * h4; y++) memset(&pal_idx[y * stride + 4 * w4], pal_idx[y * stride + 4 * w4 - 1], 4 * (bw4 - w4)); if (h4 < bh4) { const uint8_t *const src = &pal_idx[stride * (4 * h4 - 1)]; for (int y = h4 * 4; y < bh4 * 4; y++) memcpy(&pal_idx[y * stride], src, bw4 * 4); } } static void read_vartx_tree(Dav1dTileContext *const t, Av1Block *const b, const enum BlockSize bs, const int bx4, const int by4) { const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const uint8_t *const b_dim = av1_block_dimensions[bs]; const int bw4 = b_dim[0], bh4 = b_dim[1]; // var-tx tree coding b->tx_split[0] = b->tx_split[1] = 0; b->max_ytx = av1_max_txfm_size_for_bs[bs][0]; if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.lossless[b->seg_id] || b->max_ytx == TX_4X4) { b->max_ytx = b->uvtx = TX_4X4; if (f->frame_hdr.txfm_mode == TX_SWITCHABLE) { memset(&t->a->tx[bx4], TX_4X4, bw4); memset(&t->l.tx[by4], TX_4X4, bh4); } } else if (f->frame_hdr.txfm_mode != TX_SWITCHABLE || b->skip) { if (f->frame_hdr.txfm_mode == TX_SWITCHABLE) { memset(&t->a->tx[bx4], b_dim[2], bw4); memset(&t->l.tx[by4], b_dim[3], bh4); } else { assert(f->frame_hdr.txfm_mode == TX_LARGEST); } b->uvtx = av1_max_txfm_size_for_bs[bs][f->cur.p.p.layout]; } else { assert(imin(bw4, bh4) <= 16 || b->max_ytx == TX_64X64); int y, x, y_off, x_off; const TxfmInfo *const ytx = &av1_txfm_dimensions[b->max_ytx]; for (y = 0, y_off = 0; y < bh4; y += ytx->h, y_off++) { for (x = 0, x_off = 0; x < bw4; x += ytx->w, x_off++) { read_tx_tree(t, b->max_ytx, 0, b->tx_split, x_off, y_off); // contexts are updated inside read_tx_tree() t->bx += ytx->w; } t->bx -= x; t->by += ytx->h; } t->by -= y; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-vartxtree[%x/%x]: r=%d\n", b->tx_split[0], b->tx_split[1], t->ts->msac.rng); b->uvtx = av1_max_txfm_size_for_bs[bs][f->cur.p.p.layout]; } } static inline unsigned get_prev_frame_segid(const Dav1dFrameContext *const f, const int by, const int bx, const int w4, int h4, const uint8_t *ref_seg_map, const ptrdiff_t stride) { unsigned seg_id = 8; assert(f->frame_hdr.primary_ref_frame != PRIMARY_REF_NONE); dav1d_thread_picture_wait(&f->refp[f->frame_hdr.primary_ref_frame], (by + h4) * 4, PLANE_TYPE_BLOCK); ref_seg_map += by * stride + bx; do { for (int x = 0; x < w4; x++) seg_id = imin(seg_id, ref_seg_map[x]); ref_seg_map += stride; } while (--h4 > 0); assert(seg_id < 8); return seg_id; } static void decode_b(Dav1dTileContext *const t, const enum BlockLevel bl, const enum BlockSize bs, const enum BlockPartition bp, const enum EdgeFlags intra_edge_flags) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; Av1Block b_mem, *const b = f->frame_thread.pass ? &f->frame_thread.b[t->by * f->b4_stride + t->bx] : &b_mem; const uint8_t *const b_dim = av1_block_dimensions[bs]; const int bx4 = t->bx & 31, by4 = t->by & 31; const int ss_ver = f->cur.p.p.layout == DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I420; const int ss_hor = f->cur.p.p.layout != DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I444; const int cbx4 = bx4 >> ss_hor, cby4 = by4 >> ss_ver; const int bw4 = b_dim[0], bh4 = b_dim[1]; const int w4 = imin(bw4, f->bw - t->bx), h4 = imin(bh4, f->bh - t->by); const int cbw4 = (bw4 + ss_hor) >> ss_hor, cbh4 = (bh4 + ss_ver) >> ss_ver; const int have_left = t->bx > ts->tiling.col_start; const int have_top = t->by > ts->tiling.row_start; const int has_chroma = f->seq_hdr.layout != DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I400 && (bw4 > ss_hor || t->bx & 1) && (bh4 > ss_ver || t->by & 1); if (f->frame_thread.pass == 2) { if (b->intra) { f->bd_fn.recon_b_intra(t, bs, intra_edge_flags, b); if (has_chroma) { memset(&t->l.uvmode[cby4], b->uv_mode, cbh4); memset(&t->a->uvmode[cbx4], b->uv_mode, cbw4); } const enum IntraPredMode y_mode_nofilt = b->y_mode == FILTER_PRED ? DC_PRED : b->y_mode; memset(&t->l.mode[by4], y_mode_nofilt, bh4); memset(&t->a->mode[bx4], y_mode_nofilt, bw4); } else { if (b->comp_type == COMP_INTER_NONE && b->motion_mode == MM_WARP) { uint64_t mask[2] = { 0, 0 }; find_matching_ref(t, intra_edge_flags, bw4, bh4, w4, h4, have_left, have_top, b->ref[0], mask); derive_warpmv(t, bw4, bh4, mask, b->mv[0], &t->warpmv); } f->bd_fn.recon_b_inter(t, bs, b); const uint8_t *const filter = eve_av1_filter_dir[b->filter2d]; memset(&t->l.filter[0][by4], filter[0], bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[0][bx4], filter[0], bw4); memset(&t->l.filter[1][by4], filter[1], bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[1][bx4], filter[1], bw4); if (has_chroma) { memset(&t->l.uvmode[cby4], DC_PRED, cbh4); memset(&t->a->uvmode[cbx4], DC_PRED, cbw4); } } memset(&t->l.intra[by4], b->intra, bh4); memset(&t->a->intra[bx4], b->intra, bw4); return; } const int cw4 = (w4 + ss_hor) >> ss_hor, ch4 = (h4 + ss_ver) >> ss_ver; b->bl = bl; b->bp = bp; b->bs = bs; // skip_mode if (f->frame_hdr.skip_mode_enabled && imin(bw4, bh4) > 1) { const int smctx = t->a->skip_mode[bx4] + t->l.skip_mode[by4]; b->skip_mode = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.skip_mode[smctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-skipmode[%d]: r=%d\n", b->skip_mode, ts->msac.rng); } else { b->skip_mode = 0; } // segment_id (if seg_feature for skip/ref/gmv is enabled) int seg_pred = 0; if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.enabled) { if (!f->frame_hdr.segmentation.update_map) { b->seg_id = f->prev_segmap ? get_prev_frame_segid(f, t->by, t->bx, w4, h4, f->prev_segmap, f->b4_stride) : 0; } else if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.seg_data.preskip) { if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.temporal && (seg_pred = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.seg_pred[t->a->seg_pred[bx4] + t->l.seg_pred[by4]]))) { // temporal predicted seg_id b->seg_id = f->prev_segmap ? get_prev_frame_segid(f, t->by, t->bx, w4, h4, f->prev_segmap, f->b4_stride) : 0; } else { int seg_ctx; const unsigned pred_seg_id = get_cur_frame_segid(t->by, t->bx, have_top, have_left, &seg_ctx, f->cur_segmap, f->b4_stride); const unsigned diff = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.seg_id[seg_ctx], NUM_SEGMENTS); const unsigned last_active_seg_id = f->frame_hdr.segmentation.seg_data.last_active_segid; b->seg_id = av1_neg_deinterleave(diff, pred_seg_id, last_active_seg_id + 1); if (b->seg_id > last_active_seg_id) b->seg_id = 0; // error? } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-segid[preskip;%d]: r=%d\n", b->seg_id, ts->msac.rng); } } else { b->seg_id = 0; } // skip const int sctx = t->a->skip[bx4] + t->l.skip[by4]; b->skip = b->skip_mode ? 1 : msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.skip[sctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-skip[%d]: r=%d\n", b->skip, ts->msac.rng); // segment_id if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.enabled && f->frame_hdr.segmentation.update_map && !f->frame_hdr.segmentation.seg_data.preskip) { if (!b->skip && f->frame_hdr.segmentation.temporal && (seg_pred = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.seg_pred[t->a->seg_pred[bx4] + t->l.seg_pred[by4]]))) { // temporal predicted seg_id b->seg_id = f->prev_segmap ? get_prev_frame_segid(f, t->by, t->bx, w4, h4, f->prev_segmap, f->b4_stride) : 0; } else { int seg_ctx; const unsigned pred_seg_id = get_cur_frame_segid(t->by, t->bx, have_top, have_left, &seg_ctx, f->cur_segmap, f->b4_stride); if (b->skip) { b->seg_id = pred_seg_id; } else { const unsigned diff = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.seg_id[seg_ctx], NUM_SEGMENTS); const unsigned last_active_seg_id = f->frame_hdr.segmentation.seg_data.last_active_segid; b->seg_id = av1_neg_deinterleave(diff, pred_seg_id, last_active_seg_id + 1); if (b->seg_id > last_active_seg_id) b->seg_id = 0; // error? } } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-segid[postskip;%d]: r=%d\n", b->seg_id, ts->msac.rng); } // cdef index if (!b->skip) { const int idx = f->seq_hdr.sb128 ? ((t->bx & 16) >> 4) + ((t->by & 16) >> 3) : 0; if (t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[idx] == -1) { const int v = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, f->frame_hdr.cdef.n_bits); t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[idx] = v; if (bw4 > 16) t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[idx + 1] = v; if (bh4 > 16) t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[idx + 2] = v; if (bw4 == 32 && bh4 == 32) t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[idx + 3] = v; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-cdef_idx[%d]: r=%d\n", *t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr, ts->msac.rng); } } // delta-q/lf if (!(t->bx & (31 >> !f->seq_hdr.sb128)) && !(t->by & (31 >> !f->seq_hdr.sb128))) { const int prev_qidx = ts->last_qidx; const int have_delta_q = f-> && (bs != (f->seq_hdr.sb128 ? BS_128x128 : BS_64x64) || !b->skip); if (have_delta_q) { int delta_q = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.delta_q, 4); if (delta_q == 3) { const int n_bits = 1 + msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, 3); delta_q = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, n_bits) + 1 + (1 << n_bits); } if (delta_q) { if (msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7)) delta_q = -delta_q; delta_q *= 1 << f->; } ts->last_qidx = iclip(ts->last_qidx + delta_q, 1, 255); if (have_delta_q && DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-delta_q[%d->%d]: r=%d\n", delta_q, ts->last_qidx, ts->msac.rng); } if (ts->last_qidx == f->frame_hdr.quant.yac) { // assign frame-wide q values to this sb ts->dq = f->dq; } else if (ts->last_qidx != prev_qidx) { // find sb-specific quant parameters init_quant_tables(&f->seq_hdr, &f->frame_hdr, ts->last_qidx, ts->dqmem); ts->dq = ts->dqmem; } // delta_lf int8_t prev_delta_lf[4]; memcpy(prev_delta_lf, ts->last_delta_lf, 4); if (have_delta_q && f-> { const int n_lfs = f-> ? f->seq_hdr.layout != DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I400 ? 4 : 2 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < n_lfs; i++) { int delta_lf = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.delta_lf[i + f->], 4); if (delta_lf == 3) { const int n_bits = 1 + msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, 3); delta_lf = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, n_bits) + 1 + (1 << n_bits); } if (delta_lf) { if (msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7)) delta_lf = -delta_lf; delta_lf *= 1 << f->; } ts->last_delta_lf[i] = iclip(ts->last_delta_lf[i] + delta_lf, -63, 63); if (have_delta_q && DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-delta_lf[%d:%d]: r=%d\n", i, delta_lf, ts->msac.rng); } } if (!memcmp(ts->last_delta_lf, (int8_t[4]) { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 4)) { // assign frame-wide lf values to this sb ts->lflvl = f->lf.lvl; } else if (memcmp(ts->last_delta_lf, prev_delta_lf, 4)) { // find sb-specific lf lvl parameters dav1d_calc_lf_values(ts->lflvlmem, &f->frame_hdr, ts->last_delta_lf); ts->lflvl = ts->lflvlmem; } } if (b->skip_mode) { b->intra = 0; } else if (f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) { const int ictx = get_intra_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->intra = !msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.intra[ictx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-intra[%d]: r=%d\n", b->intra, ts->msac.rng); } else if (f->frame_hdr.allow_intrabc) { b->intra = !msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.intrabc); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-intrabcflag[%d]: r=%d\n", b->intra, ts->msac.rng); } else { b->intra = 1; } // intra/inter-specific stuff if (b->intra) { uint16_t *const ymode_cdf = f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1 ? ts->cdf.m.y_mode[av1_ymode_size_context[bs]] : ts->cdf.kfym[intra_mode_context[t->a->mode[bx4]]] [intra_mode_context[t->l.mode[by4]]]; b->y_mode = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ymode_cdf, N_INTRA_PRED_MODES); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-ymode[%d]: r=%d\n", b->y_mode, ts->msac.rng); // angle delta if (b_dim[2] + b_dim[3] >= 2 && b->y_mode >= VERT_PRED && b->y_mode <= VERT_LEFT_PRED) { uint16_t *const acdf = ts->cdf.m.angle_delta[b->y_mode - VERT_PRED]; const int angle = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, acdf, 7); b->y_angle = angle - 3; } else { b->y_angle = 0; } if (has_chroma) { const int cfl_allowed = !!(cfl_allowed_mask & (1 << bs)); uint16_t *const uvmode_cdf = ts->cdf.m.uv_mode[cfl_allowed][b->y_mode]; b->uv_mode = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, uvmode_cdf, N_UV_INTRA_PRED_MODES - !cfl_allowed); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-uvmode[%d]: r=%d\n", b->uv_mode, ts->msac.rng); if (b->uv_mode == CFL_PRED) { #define SIGN(a) (!!(a) + ((a) > 0)) const int sign = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.cfl_sign, 8) + 1; const int sign_u = sign * 0x56 >> 8, sign_v = sign - sign_u * 3; assert(sign_u == sign / 3); if (sign_u) { const int ctx = (sign_u == 2) * 3 + sign_v; b->cfl_alpha[0] = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.cfl_alpha[ctx], 16) + 1; if (sign_u == 1) b->cfl_alpha[0] = -b->cfl_alpha[0]; } else { b->cfl_alpha[0] = 0; } if (sign_v) { const int ctx = (sign_v == 2) * 3 + sign_u; b->cfl_alpha[1] = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.cfl_alpha[ctx], 16) + 1; if (sign_v == 1) b->cfl_alpha[1] = -b->cfl_alpha[1]; } else { b->cfl_alpha[1] = 0; } #undef SIGN if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-uvalphas[%d/%d]: r=%d\n", b->cfl_alpha[0], b->cfl_alpha[1], ts->msac.rng); } else if (b_dim[2] + b_dim[3] >= 2 && b->uv_mode >= VERT_PRED && b->uv_mode <= VERT_LEFT_PRED) { uint16_t *const acdf = ts->cdf.m.angle_delta[b->uv_mode - VERT_PRED]; const int angle = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, acdf, 7); b->uv_angle = angle - 3; } else { b->uv_angle = 0; } } b->pal_sz[0] = b->pal_sz[1] = 0; if (f->frame_hdr.allow_screen_content_tools && imax(bw4, bh4) <= 16 && bw4 + bh4 >= 4) { const int sz_ctx = b_dim[2] + b_dim[3] - 2; if (b->y_mode == DC_PRED) { const int pal_ctx = (t->a->pal_sz[bx4] > 0) + (t->l.pal_sz[by4] > 0); const int use_y_pal = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.pal_y[sz_ctx][pal_ctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-y_pal[%d]: r=%d\n", use_y_pal, ts->msac.rng); if (use_y_pal) read_pal_plane(t, b, 0, sz_ctx, bx4, by4); } if (has_chroma && b->uv_mode == DC_PRED) { const int pal_ctx = b->pal_sz[0] > 0; const int use_uv_pal = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.pal_uv[pal_ctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-uv_pal[%d]: r=%d\n", use_uv_pal, ts->msac.rng); if (use_uv_pal) // see aomedia bug 2183 for why we use luma coordinates read_pal_uv(t, b, sz_ctx, bx4, by4); } } if (b->y_mode == DC_PRED && !b->pal_sz[0] && imax(b_dim[2], b_dim[3]) <= 3 && f->seq_hdr.filter_intra) { const int is_filter = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.use_filter_intra[bs]); if (is_filter) { b->y_mode = FILTER_PRED; b->y_angle = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.filter_intra, 5); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-filterintramode[%d/%d]: r=%d\n", b->y_mode, b->y_angle, ts->msac.rng); } if (b->pal_sz[0]) { uint8_t *pal_idx; if (f->frame_thread.pass) { pal_idx = ts->frame_thread.pal_idx; ts->frame_thread.pal_idx += bw4 * bh4 * 16; } else pal_idx = t->scratch.pal_idx; read_pal_indices(t, pal_idx, b, 0, w4, h4, bw4, bh4); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-y-pal-indices: r=%d\n", ts->msac.rng); } if (has_chroma && b->pal_sz[1]) { uint8_t *pal_idx; if (f->frame_thread.pass) { pal_idx = ts->frame_thread.pal_idx; ts->frame_thread.pal_idx += cbw4 * cbh4 * 16; } else pal_idx = &t->scratch.pal_idx[bw4 * bh4 * 16]; read_pal_indices(t, pal_idx, b, 1, cw4, ch4, cbw4, cbh4); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-uv-pal-indices: r=%d\n", ts->msac.rng); } const TxfmInfo *t_dim; if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.lossless[b->seg_id]) { b->tx = b->uvtx = (int) TX_4X4; t_dim = &av1_txfm_dimensions[TX_4X4]; } else { b->tx = av1_max_txfm_size_for_bs[bs][0]; b->uvtx = av1_max_txfm_size_for_bs[bs][f->cur.p.p.layout]; t_dim = &av1_txfm_dimensions[b->tx]; if (f->frame_hdr.txfm_mode == TX_SWITCHABLE && t_dim->max > TX_4X4) { const int tctx = get_tx_ctx(t->a, &t->l, t_dim, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); uint16_t *const tx_cdf = ts->cdf.m.txsz[t_dim->max - 1][tctx]; int depth = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, tx_cdf, imin(t_dim->max + 1, 3)); while (depth--) { b->tx = t_dim->sub; t_dim = &av1_txfm_dimensions[b->tx]; } } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-tx[%d]: r=%d\n", b->tx, ts->msac.rng); } // reconstruction if (f->frame_thread.pass == 1) { f->bd_fn.read_coef_blocks(t, bs, b); } else { f->bd_fn.recon_b_intra(t, bs, intra_edge_flags, b); } dav1d_create_lf_mask_intra(t->lf_mask, f->lf.level, f->b4_stride, &f->frame_hdr, (const uint8_t (*)[8][2]) &ts->lflvl[b->seg_id][0][0][0], t->bx, t->by, f->bw, f->bh, bs, b->tx, b->uvtx, f->cur.p.p.layout, &t->a->tx_lpf_y[bx4], &t->l.tx_lpf_y[by4], has_chroma ? &t->a->tx_lpf_uv[cbx4] : NULL, has_chroma ? &t->l.tx_lpf_uv[cby4] : NULL); // update contexts memset(&t->a->tx_intra[bx4], t_dim->lw, bw4); memset(&t->l.tx_intra[by4], t_dim->lh, bh4); const enum IntraPredMode y_mode_nofilt = b->y_mode == FILTER_PRED ? DC_PRED : b->y_mode; memset(&t->l.mode[by4], y_mode_nofilt, bh4); memset(&t->a->mode[bx4], y_mode_nofilt, bw4); memset(&t->l.pal_sz[by4], b->pal_sz[0], bh4); memset(&t->a->pal_sz[bx4], b->pal_sz[0], bw4); if (b->pal_sz[0]) { uint16_t *const pal = f->frame_thread.pass ? f->frame_thread.pal[((t->by >> 1) + (t->bx & 1)) * (f->b4_stride >> 1) + ((t->bx >> 1) + (t->by & 1))][0] : t->pal[0]; for (int x = 0; x < bw4; x++) memcpy(t->al_pal[0][bx4 + x][0], pal, 16); for (int y = 0; y < bh4; y++) memcpy(t->al_pal[1][by4 + y][0], pal, 16); } if (has_chroma) { memset(&t->l.uvmode[cby4], b->uv_mode, cbh4); memset(&t->a->uvmode[cbx4], b->uv_mode, cbw4); // see aomedia bug 2183 for why we use luma coordinates here memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[1][by4], b->pal_sz[1], bh4); memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[0][bx4], b->pal_sz[1], bw4); if (b->pal_sz[1]) for (int pl = 1; pl < 3; pl++) { uint16_t *const pal = f->frame_thread.pass ? f->frame_thread.pal[((t->by >> 1) + (t->bx & 1)) * (f->b4_stride >> 1) + ((t->bx >> 1) + (t->by & 1))][pl] : t->pal[pl]; // see aomedia bug 2183 for why we use luma coordinates here for (int x = 0; x < bw4; x++) memcpy(t->al_pal[0][bx4 + x][pl], pal, 16); for (int y = 0; y < bh4; y++) memcpy(t->al_pal[1][by4 + y][pl], pal, 16); } } else { // see aomedia bug 2183 for why we reset this memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[1][by4], 0, bh4); memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[0][bx4], 0, bw4); } if ((f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) || f->frame_hdr.allow_intrabc) { memset(&t->a->tx[bx4], t_dim->lw, bw4); memset(&t->l.tx[by4], t_dim->lh, bh4); splat_intraref(f->mvs, f->b4_stride, t->by, t->bx, bs, y_mode_nofilt); } if (f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) { memset(&t->l.comp_type[by4], COMP_INTER_NONE, bh4); memset(&t->a->comp_type[bx4], COMP_INTER_NONE, bw4); memset(&t->l.ref[0][by4], -1, bh4); memset(&t->a->ref[0][bx4], -1, bw4); memset(&t->l.ref[1][by4], -1, bh4); memset(&t->a->ref[1][bx4], -1, bw4); memset(&t->l.filter[0][by4], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS, bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[0][bx4], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS, bw4); memset(&t->l.filter[1][by4], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS, bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[1][bx4], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS, bw4); } } else if (!(f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1)) { // intra block copy candidate_mv mvstack[8]; int n_mvs; mv mvlist[2][2]; av1_find_ref_mvs(mvstack, &n_mvs, mvlist, NULL, (int[2]) { -1, -1 }, f->bw, f->bh, bs, bp, t->by, t->bx, ts->tiling.col_start, ts->tiling.col_end, ts->tiling.row_start, ts->tiling.row_end, f->libaom_cm); if (mvlist[0][0].y | mvlist[0][0].x) b->mv[0] = mvlist[0][0]; else if (mvlist[0][1].y | mvlist[0][1].x) b->mv[0] = mvlist[0][1]; else { if (t->by - (16 << f->seq_hdr.sb128) < ts->tiling.row_start) { b->mv[0].y = 0; b->mv[0].x = -(512 << f->seq_hdr.sb128) - 2048; } else { b->mv[0].y = -(512 << f->seq_hdr.sb128); b->mv[0].x = 0; } } const struct mv ref = b->mv[0]; read_mv_residual(t, &b->mv[0], &ts->cdf.dmv, 0); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-dmv[%d/%d,ref=%d/%d|%d/%d]: r=%d\n", b->mv[0].y, b->mv[0].x, ref.y, ref.x, mvlist[0][0].y, mvlist[0][0].x, ts->msac.rng); read_vartx_tree(t, b, bs, bx4, by4); // reconstruction if (f->frame_thread.pass == 1) { f->bd_fn.read_coef_blocks(t, bs, b); } else { f->bd_fn.recon_b_inter(t, bs, b); } splat_intrabc_mv(f->mvs, f->b4_stride, t->by, t->bx, bs, b->mv[0]); memset(&t->a->tx_intra[bx4], b_dim[2], bw4); memset(&t->l.tx_intra[by4], b_dim[3], bh4); memset(&t->l.mode[by4], DC_PRED, bh4); memset(&t->a->mode[bx4], DC_PRED, bw4); memset(&t->l.pal_sz[by4], 0, bh4); memset(&t->a->pal_sz[bx4], 0, bw4); // see aomedia bug 2183 for why this is outside if (has_chroma) memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[1][by4], 0, bh4); memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[0][bx4], 0, bw4); if (has_chroma) { memset(&t->l.uvmode[cby4], DC_PRED, cbh4); memset(&t->a->uvmode[cbx4], DC_PRED, cbw4); } } else { // inter-specific mode/mv coding int is_comp, has_subpel_filter; if (b->skip_mode) { is_comp = 1; } else if (f->frame_hdr.switchable_comp_refs && imin(bw4, bh4) > 1) { const int ctx = get_comp_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); is_comp = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp[ctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-compflag[%d]: r=%d\n", is_comp, ts->msac.rng); } else { is_comp = 0; } if (b->skip_mode) { b->ref[0] = f->frame_hdr.skip_mode_refs[0]; b->ref[1] = f->frame_hdr.skip_mode_refs[1]; b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_AVG; b->inter_mode = NEARESTMV_NEARESTMV; b->drl_idx = 0; has_subpel_filter = 0; candidate_mv mvstack[8]; int n_mvs, ctx; mv mvlist[2][2]; av1_find_ref_mvs(mvstack, &n_mvs, mvlist, &ctx, (int[2]) { b->ref[0], b->ref[1] }, f->bw, f->bh, bs, bp, t->by, t->bx, ts->tiling.col_start, ts->tiling.col_end, ts->tiling.row_start, ts->tiling.row_end, f->libaom_cm); b->mv[0] = mvstack[0].this_mv; b->mv[1] = mvstack[0].comp_mv; if (!f->frame_hdr.hp) { unset_hp_bit(&b->mv[0]); unset_hp_bit(&b->mv[1]); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-skipmodeblock[mv=1:y=%d,x=%d,2:y=%d,x=%d,refs=%d+%d\n", b->mv[0].y, b->mv[0].x, b->mv[1].y, b->mv[1].x, b->ref[0], b->ref[1]); } else if (is_comp) { const int dir_ctx = get_comp_dir_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_dir[dir_ctx])) { // bidir - first reference (fw) const int ctx1 = av1_get_fwd_ref_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_fwd_ref[0][ctx1])) { const int ctx2 = av1_get_fwd_ref_2_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = 2 + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_fwd_ref[2][ctx2]); } else { const int ctx2 = av1_get_fwd_ref_1_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_fwd_ref[1][ctx2]); } // second reference (bw) const int ctx3 = av1_get_bwd_ref_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_bwd_ref[0][ctx3])) { b->ref[1] = 6; } else { const int ctx4 = av1_get_bwd_ref_1_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[1] = 4 + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_bwd_ref[1][ctx4]); } } else { // unidir const int uctx_p = av1_get_uni_p_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_uni_ref[0][uctx_p])) { b->ref[0] = 4; b->ref[1] = 6; } else { const int uctx_p1 = av1_get_uni_p1_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = 0; b->ref[1] = 1 + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_uni_ref[1][uctx_p1]); if (b->ref[1] == 2) { const int uctx_p2 = av1_get_uni_p2_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[1] += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_uni_ref[2][uctx_p2]); } } } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-refs[%d/%d]: r=%d\n", b->ref[0], b->ref[1], ts->msac.rng); candidate_mv mvstack[8]; int n_mvs, ctx; mv mvlist[2][2]; av1_find_ref_mvs(mvstack, &n_mvs, mvlist, &ctx, (int[2]) { b->ref[0], b->ref[1] }, f->bw, f->bh, bs, bp, t->by, t->bx, ts->tiling.col_start, ts->tiling.col_end, ts->tiling.row_start, ts->tiling.row_end, f->libaom_cm); b->inter_mode = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.comp_inter_mode[ctx], N_COMP_INTER_PRED_MODES); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-compintermode[%d,ctx=%d,n_mvs=%d]: r=%d\n", b->inter_mode, ctx, n_mvs, ts->msac.rng); const uint8_t *const im = av1_comp_inter_pred_modes[b->inter_mode]; b->drl_idx = 0; if (b->inter_mode == NEWMV_NEWMV) { if (n_mvs > 1) { const int drl_ctx_v1 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 0); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v1]); if (b->drl_idx == 1 && n_mvs > 2) { const int drl_ctx_v2 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 1); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v2]); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-drlidx[%d,n_mvs=%d]: r=%d\n", b->drl_idx, n_mvs, ts->msac.rng); } } else if (im[0] == NEARMV || im[1] == NEARMV) { b->drl_idx = 1; if (n_mvs > 2) { const int drl_ctx_v2 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 1); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v2]); if (b->drl_idx == 2 && n_mvs > 3) { const int drl_ctx_v3 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 2); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v3]); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-drlidx[%d,n_mvs=%d]: r=%d\n", b->drl_idx, n_mvs, ts->msac.rng); } } #define assign_comp_mv(idx, pfx) \ switch (im[idx]) { \ case NEARMV: \ case NEARESTMV: \ b->mv[idx] = mvstack[b->drl_idx].pfx##_mv; \ if (!f->frame_hdr.hp) unset_hp_bit(&b->mv[idx]); \ break; \ case GLOBALMV: \ has_subpel_filter |= \ f->frame_hdr.gmv[b->ref[idx]].type == WM_TYPE_TRANSLATION; \ b->mv[idx] = get_gmv_2d(&f->frame_hdr.gmv[b->ref[idx]], \ t->bx, t->by, bw4, bh4, &f->frame_hdr); \ break; \ case NEWMV: \ b->mv[idx] = mvstack[b->drl_idx].pfx##_mv; \ read_mv_residual(t, &b->mv[idx], &ts->, \ !f->frame_hdr.force_integer_mv); \ break; \ } has_subpel_filter = imin(bw4, bh4) == 1 || b->inter_mode != GLOBALMV_GLOBALMV; assign_comp_mv(0, this); assign_comp_mv(1, comp); #undef assign_comp_mv if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-residual_mv[1:y=%d,x=%d,2:y=%d,x=%d]: r=%d\n", b->mv[0].y, b->mv[0].x, b->mv[1].y, b->mv[1].x, ts->msac.rng); // jnt_comp vs. seg vs. wedge int is_segwedge = 0; if (f->seq_hdr.masked_compound) { const int mask_ctx = get_mask_comp_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4); is_segwedge = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.mask_comp[mask_ctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-segwedge_vs_jntavg[%d,ctx=%d]: r=%d\n", is_segwedge, mask_ctx, ts->msac.rng); } if (!is_segwedge) { if (f->seq_hdr.jnt_comp) { const int jnt_ctx = get_jnt_comp_ctx(f->seq_hdr.order_hint_n_bits, f->cur.p.poc, f->refp[b->ref[0]].p.poc, f->refp[b->ref[1]].p.poc, t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4); b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_WEIGHTED_AVG + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.jnt_comp[jnt_ctx]); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-jnt_comp[%d,ctx=%d[ac:%d,ar:%d,lc:%d,lr:%d]]: r=%d\n", b->comp_type == COMP_INTER_AVG, jnt_ctx, t->a->comp_type[bx4], t->a->ref[0][bx4], t->l.comp_type[by4], t->l.ref[0][by4], ts->msac.rng); } else { b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_AVG; } } else { if (wedge_allowed_mask & (1 << bs)) { const int ctx = av1_wedge_ctx_lut[bs]; b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_WEDGE - msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.wedge_comp[ctx]); if (b->comp_type == COMP_INTER_WEDGE) b->wedge_idx = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.wedge_idx[ctx], 16); } else { b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_SEG; } b->mask_sign = msac_decode_bool(&ts->msac, 128 << 7); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-seg/wedge[%d,wedge_idx=%d,sign=%d]: r=%d\n", b->comp_type == COMP_INTER_WEDGE, b->wedge_idx, b->mask_sign, ts->msac.rng); } } else { b->comp_type = COMP_INTER_NONE; // ref const int ctx1 = av1_get_ref_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[0][ctx1])) { const int ctx2 = av1_get_ref_2_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[1][ctx2])) { b->ref[0] = 6; } else { const int ctx3 = av1_get_ref_6_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = 4 + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[5][ctx3]); } } else { const int ctx2 = av1_get_ref_3_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[2][ctx2])) { const int ctx3 = av1_get_ref_5_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = 2 + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[4][ctx3]); } else { const int ctx3 = av1_get_ref_4_ctx(t->a, &t->l, by4, bx4, have_top, have_left); b->ref[0] = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.ref[3][ctx3]); } } b->ref[1] = -1; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-ref[%d]: r=%d\n", b->ref[0], ts->msac.rng); candidate_mv mvstack[8]; int n_mvs, ctx; mv mvlist[2][2]; av1_find_ref_mvs(mvstack, &n_mvs, mvlist, &ctx, (int[2]) { b->ref[0], -1 }, f->bw, f->bh, bs, bp, t->by, t->bx, ts->tiling.col_start, ts->tiling.col_end, ts->tiling.row_start, ts->tiling.row_end, f->libaom_cm); // mode parsing and mv derivation from ref_mvs if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.newmv_mode[ctx & 7])) { if (!msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.globalmv_mode[(ctx >> 3) & 1])) { b->inter_mode = GLOBALMV; b->mv[0] = get_gmv_2d(&f->frame_hdr.gmv[b->ref[0]], t->bx, t->by, bw4, bh4, &f->frame_hdr); has_subpel_filter = imin(bw4, bh4) == 1 || f->frame_hdr.gmv[b->ref[0]].type == WM_TYPE_TRANSLATION; } else { has_subpel_filter = 1; if (msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.refmv_mode[(ctx >> 4) & 15])) { b->inter_mode = NEARMV; b->drl_idx = 1; if (n_mvs > 2) { const int drl_ctx_v2 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 1); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v2]); if (b->drl_idx == 2 && n_mvs > 3) { const int drl_ctx_v3 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 2); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v3]); } } } else { b->inter_mode = NEARESTMV; b->drl_idx = 0; } if (b->drl_idx >= 2) { b->mv[0] = mvstack[b->drl_idx].this_mv; } else { b->mv[0] = mvlist[0][b->drl_idx]; if (!f->frame_hdr.hp) unset_hp_bit(&b->mv[0]); } } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-intermode[%d,drl=%d,mv=y:%d,x:%d,n_mvs=%d]: r=%d\n", b->inter_mode, b->drl_idx, b->mv[0].y, b->mv[0].x, n_mvs, ts->msac.rng); } else { has_subpel_filter = 1; b->inter_mode = NEWMV; b->drl_idx = 0; if (n_mvs > 1) { const int drl_ctx_v1 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 0); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v1]); if (b->drl_idx == 1 && n_mvs > 2) { const int drl_ctx_v2 = get_drl_context(mvstack, 1); b->drl_idx += msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.drl_bit[drl_ctx_v2]); } } if (n_mvs > 1) { b->mv[0] = mvstack[b->drl_idx].this_mv; } else { b->mv[0] = mvlist[0][0]; if (!f->frame_hdr.hp) unset_hp_bit(&b->mv[0]); } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-intermode[%d,drl=%d]: r=%d\n", b->inter_mode, b->drl_idx, ts->msac.rng); read_mv_residual(t, &b->mv[0], &ts->, !f->frame_hdr.force_integer_mv); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-residualmv[mv=y:%d,x:%d]: r=%d\n", b->mv[0].y, b->mv[0].x, ts->msac.rng); } // interintra flags const int ii_sz_grp = av1_ymode_size_context[bs]; if (f->seq_hdr.inter_intra && interintra_allowed_mask & (1 << bs) && msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.interintra[ii_sz_grp])) { b->interintra_mode = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.interintra_mode[ii_sz_grp], N_INTER_INTRA_PRED_MODES); const int wedge_ctx = av1_wedge_ctx_lut[bs]; b->interintra_type = INTER_INTRA_BLEND + msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.interintra_wedge[wedge_ctx]); if (b->interintra_type == INTER_INTRA_WEDGE) b->wedge_idx = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.wedge_idx[wedge_ctx], 16); } else { b->interintra_type = INTER_INTRA_NONE; } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO && f->seq_hdr.inter_intra && interintra_allowed_mask & (1 << bs)) { printf("Post-interintra[t=%d,m=%d,w=%d]: r=%d\n", b->interintra_type, b->interintra_mode, b->wedge_idx, ts->msac.rng); } // motion variation if (f->frame_hdr.switchable_motion_mode && b->interintra_type == INTER_INTRA_NONE && imin(bw4, bh4) >= 2 && // is not warped global motion !(!f->frame_hdr.force_integer_mv && b->inter_mode == GLOBALMV && f->frame_hdr.gmv[b->ref[0]].type > WM_TYPE_TRANSLATION) && // has overlappable neighbours ((have_left && findoddzero(&t->l.intra[by4 + 1], h4 >> 1)) || (have_top && findoddzero(&t->a->intra[bx4 + 1], w4 >> 1)))) { // reaching here means the block allows obmc - check warp by // finding matching-ref blocks in top/left edges uint64_t mask[2] = { 0, 0 }; find_matching_ref(t, intra_edge_flags, bw4, bh4, w4, h4, have_left, have_top, b->ref[0], mask); const int allow_warp = !f->frame_hdr.force_integer_mv && f->frame_hdr.warp_motion && (mask[0] | mask[1]); b->motion_mode = allow_warp ? msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.motion_mode[bs], 3) : msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.obmc[bs]); if (b->motion_mode == MM_WARP) { has_subpel_filter = 0; derive_warpmv(t, bw4, bh4, mask, b->mv[0], &t->warpmv); #define signabs(v) v < 0 ? '-' : ' ', abs(v) if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("[ %c%x %c%x %c%x\n %c%x %c%x %c%x ]\n" "alpha=%c%x, beta=%c%x, gamma=%c%x, delta=%c%x\n", signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[0]), signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[1]), signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[2]), signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[3]), signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[4]), signabs(t->warpmv.matrix[5]), signabs(t->warpmv.alpha), signabs(t->warpmv.beta), signabs(t->warpmv.gamma), signabs(t->; #undef signabs } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-motionmode[%d]: r=%d [mask: 0x%" PRIu64 "x/0x%" PRIu64 "x]\n", b->motion_mode, ts->msac.rng, mask[0], mask[1]); } else { b->motion_mode = MM_TRANSLATION; } } // subpel filter enum FilterMode filter[2]; if (f->frame_hdr.subpel_filter_mode == FILTER_SWITCHABLE) { if (has_subpel_filter) { const int comp = b->comp_type != COMP_INTER_NONE; const int ctx1 = get_filter_ctx(t->a, &t->l, comp, 0, b->ref[0], by4, bx4); filter[0] = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.filter[0][ctx1], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS); if (f->seq_hdr.dual_filter) { const int ctx2 = get_filter_ctx(t->a, &t->l, comp, 1, b->ref[0], by4, bx4); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-subpel_filter1[%d,ctx=%d]: r=%d\n", filter[0], ctx1, ts->msac.rng); filter[1] = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.filter[1][ctx2], N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-subpel_filter2[%d,ctx=%d]: r=%d\n", filter[1], ctx2, ts->msac.rng); } else { filter[1] = filter[0]; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-subpel_filter[%d,ctx=%d]: r=%d\n", filter[0], ctx1, ts->msac.rng); } } else { filter[0] = filter[1] = FILTER_8TAP_REGULAR; } } else { filter[0] = filter[1] = f->frame_hdr.subpel_filter_mode; } b->filter2d = av1_filter_2d[filter[1]][filter[0]]; read_vartx_tree(t, b, bs, bx4, by4); // reconstruction if (f->frame_thread.pass == 1) { f->bd_fn.read_coef_blocks(t, bs, b); } else { f->bd_fn.recon_b_inter(t, bs, b); } const int is_globalmv = b->inter_mode == (is_comp ? GLOBALMV_GLOBALMV : GLOBALMV); const uint8_t (*const lf_lvls)[8][2] = (const uint8_t (*)[8][2]) &ts->lflvl[b->seg_id][0][b->ref[0] + 1][!is_globalmv]; dav1d_create_lf_mask_inter(t->lf_mask, f->lf.level, f->b4_stride, &f->frame_hdr, lf_lvls, t->bx, t->by, f->bw, f->bh, b->skip, bs, b->tx_split, b->uvtx, f->cur.p.p.layout, &t->a->tx_lpf_y[bx4], &t->l.tx_lpf_y[by4], has_chroma ? &t->a->tx_lpf_uv[cbx4] : NULL, has_chroma ? &t->l.tx_lpf_uv[cby4] : NULL); // context updates if (is_comp) { splat_tworef_mv(f->mvs, f->b4_stride, t->by, t->bx, bs, b->inter_mode, b->ref[0], b->ref[1], b->mv[0], b->mv[1]); } else { splat_oneref_mv(f->mvs, f->b4_stride, t->by, t->bx, bs, b->inter_mode, b->ref[0], b->mv[0], b->interintra_type); } memset(&t->l.pal_sz[by4], 0, bh4); memset(&t->a->pal_sz[bx4], 0, bw4); // see aomedia bug 2183 for why this is outside if (has_chroma) memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[1][by4], 0, bh4); memset(&t->pal_sz_uv[0][bx4], 0, bw4); if (has_chroma) { memset(&t->l.uvmode[cby4], DC_PRED, cbh4); memset(&t->a->uvmode[cbx4], DC_PRED, cbw4); } memset(&t->a->tx_intra[bx4], b_dim[2], bw4); memset(&t->l.tx_intra[by4], b_dim[3], bh4); memset(&t->l.comp_type[by4], b->comp_type, bh4); memset(&t->a->comp_type[bx4], b->comp_type, bw4); memset(&t->l.filter[0][by4], filter[0], bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[0][bx4], filter[0], bw4); memset(&t->l.filter[1][by4], filter[1], bh4); memset(&t->a->filter[1][bx4], filter[1], bw4); memset(&t->l.mode[by4], b->inter_mode, bh4); memset(&t->a->mode[bx4], b->inter_mode, bw4); memset(&t->l.ref[0][by4], b->ref[0], bh4); memset(&t->a->ref[0][bx4], b->ref[0], bw4); memset(&t->l.ref[1][by4], b->ref[1], bh4); memset(&t->a->ref[1][bx4], b->ref[1], bw4); } // update contexts if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.enabled && f->frame_hdr.segmentation.update_map) { uint8_t *seg_ptr = &f->cur_segmap[t->by * f->b4_stride + t->bx]; for (int y = 0; y < bh4; y++) { memset(seg_ptr, b->seg_id, bw4); seg_ptr += f->b4_stride; } } memset(&t->l.seg_pred[by4], seg_pred, bh4); memset(&t->a->seg_pred[bx4], seg_pred, bw4); memset(&t->l.skip_mode[by4], b->skip_mode, bh4); memset(&t->a->skip_mode[bx4], b->skip_mode, bw4); memset(&t->l.intra[by4], b->intra, bh4); memset(&t->a->intra[bx4], b->intra, bw4); memset(&t->l.skip[by4], b->skip, bh4); memset(&t->a->skip[bx4], b->skip, bw4); if (!b->skip) { uint32_t *noskip_mask = &t->lf_mask->noskip_mask[by4]; const unsigned mask = ((1ULL << bw4) - 1) << bx4; for (int y = 0; y < bh4; y++) *noskip_mask++ |= mask; } } static int decode_sb(Dav1dTileContext *const t, const enum BlockLevel bl, const EdgeNode *const node) { const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const int hsz = 16 >> bl; const int have_h_split = f->bw > t->bx + hsz; const int have_v_split = f->bh > t->by + hsz; if (!have_h_split && !have_v_split) { assert(bl < BL_8X8); return decode_sb(t, bl + 1, ((const EdgeBranch *) node)->split[0]); } uint16_t *pc; enum BlockPartition bp; int ctx, bx8, by8; if (f->frame_thread.pass != 2) { if (0 && bl == BL_64X64) printf("poc=%d,y=%d,x=%d,bl=%d,r=%d\n", f->frame_hdr.frame_offset, t->by, t->bx, bl, t->ts->msac.rng); bx8 = (t->bx & 31) >> 1; by8 = (t->by & 31) >> 1; ctx = get_partition_ctx(t->a, &t->l, bl, by8, bx8); pc = t->ts->cdf.m.partition[bl][ctx]; } if (have_h_split && have_v_split) { if (f->frame_thread.pass == 2) { const Av1Block *const b = &f->frame_thread.b[t->by * f->b4_stride + t->bx]; bp = b->bl == bl ? b->bp : PARTITION_SPLIT; } else { const unsigned n_part = bl == BL_8X8 ? N_SUB8X8_PARTITIONS : bl == BL_128X128 ? N_PARTITIONS - 2 : N_PARTITIONS; bp = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&t->ts->msac, pc, n_part); if (f->cur.p.p.layout == DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I422 && (bp == PARTITION_V || bp == PARTITION_V4 || bp == PARTITION_T_LEFT_SPLIT || bp == PARTITION_T_RIGHT_SPLIT)) { return 1; } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("poc=%d,y=%d,x=%d,bl=%d,ctx=%d,bp=%d: r=%d\n", f->frame_hdr.frame_offset, t->by, t->bx, bl, ctx, bp, t->ts->msac.rng); } const uint8_t *const b = av1_block_sizes[bl][bp]; switch (bp) { case PARTITION_NONE: decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_NONE, node->o); break; case PARTITION_H: decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H, node->h[0]); t->by += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H, node->h[1]); t->by -= hsz; break; case PARTITION_V: decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V, node->v[0]); t->bx += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V, node->v[1]); t->bx -= hsz; break; case PARTITION_SPLIT: if (bl == BL_8X8) { const EdgeTip *const tip = (const EdgeTip *) node; assert(hsz == 1); decode_b(t, bl, BS_4x4, PARTITION_SPLIT, tip->split[0]); const enum Filter2d tl_filter = t->tl_4x4_filter; t->bx++; decode_b(t, bl, BS_4x4, PARTITION_SPLIT, tip->split[1]); t->bx--; t->by++; decode_b(t, bl, BS_4x4, PARTITION_SPLIT, tip->split[2]); t->bx++; t->tl_4x4_filter = tl_filter; decode_b(t, bl, BS_4x4, PARTITION_SPLIT, tip->split[3]); t->bx--; t->by--; } else { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[0])) return 1; t->bx += hsz; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[1])) return 1; t->bx -= hsz; t->by += hsz; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[2])) return 1; t->bx += hsz; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[3])) return 1; t->bx -= hsz; t->by -= hsz; } break; case PARTITION_T_TOP_SPLIT: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_TOP_SPLIT, branch->tts[0]); t->bx += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_TOP_SPLIT, branch->tts[1]); t->bx -= hsz; t->by += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_TOP_SPLIT, branch->tts[2]); t->by -= hsz; break; } case PARTITION_T_BOTTOM_SPLIT: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_BOTTOM_SPLIT, branch->tbs[0]); t->by += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_BOTTOM_SPLIT, branch->tbs[1]); t->bx += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_BOTTOM_SPLIT, branch->tbs[2]); t->bx -= hsz; t->by -= hsz; break; } case PARTITION_T_LEFT_SPLIT: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_LEFT_SPLIT, branch->tls[0]); t->by += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_LEFT_SPLIT, branch->tls[1]); t->by -= hsz; t->bx += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_LEFT_SPLIT, branch->tls[2]); t->bx -= hsz; break; } case PARTITION_T_RIGHT_SPLIT: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_T_RIGHT_SPLIT, branch->trs[0]); t->bx += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_RIGHT_SPLIT, branch->trs[1]); t->by += hsz; decode_b(t, bl, b[1], PARTITION_T_RIGHT_SPLIT, branch->trs[2]); t->by -= hsz; t->bx -= hsz; break; } case PARTITION_H4: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H4, branch->h4[0]); t->by += hsz >> 1; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H4, branch->h4[1]); t->by += hsz >> 1; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H4, branch->h4[2]); t->by += hsz >> 1; if (t->by < f->bh) decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_H4, branch->h4[3]); t->by -= hsz * 3 >> 1; break; } case PARTITION_V4: { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V4, branch->v4[0]); t->bx += hsz >> 1; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V4, branch->v4[1]); t->bx += hsz >> 1; decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V4, branch->v4[2]); t->bx += hsz >> 1; if (t->bx < f->bw) decode_b(t, bl, b[0], PARTITION_V4, branch->v4[3]); t->bx -= hsz * 3 >> 1; break; } default: assert(0); } } else if (have_h_split) { unsigned is_split; if (f->frame_thread.pass == 2) { const Av1Block *const b = &f->frame_thread.b[t->by * f->b4_stride + t->bx]; is_split = b->bl != bl; } else { const unsigned p = gather_top_partition_prob(pc, bl); is_split = msac_decode_bool(&t->ts->msac, p); if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("poc=%d,y=%d,x=%d,bl=%d,ctx=%d,bp=%d: r=%d\n", f->frame_hdr.frame_offset, t->by, t->bx, bl, ctx, is_split ? PARTITION_SPLIT : PARTITION_H, t->ts->msac.rng); } assert(bl < BL_8X8); if (is_split) { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; bp = PARTITION_SPLIT; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[0])) return 1; t->bx += hsz; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[1])) return 1; t->bx -= hsz; } else { bp = PARTITION_H; decode_b(t, bl, av1_block_sizes[bl][PARTITION_H][0], PARTITION_H, node->h[0]); } } else { assert(have_v_split); unsigned is_split; if (f->frame_thread.pass == 2) { const Av1Block *const b = &f->frame_thread.b[t->by * f->b4_stride + t->bx]; is_split = b->bl != bl; } else { const unsigned p = gather_left_partition_prob(pc, bl); is_split = msac_decode_bool(&t->ts->msac, p); if (f->cur.p.p.layout == DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I422 && !is_split) return 1; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("poc=%d,y=%d,x=%d,bl=%d,ctx=%d,bp=%d: r=%d\n", f->frame_hdr.frame_offset, t->by, t->bx, bl, ctx, is_split ? PARTITION_SPLIT : PARTITION_V, t->ts->msac.rng); } assert(bl < BL_8X8); if (is_split) { const EdgeBranch *const branch = (const EdgeBranch *) node; bp = PARTITION_SPLIT; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[0])) return 1; t->by += hsz; if (decode_sb(t, bl + 1, branch->split[2])) return 1; t->by -= hsz; } else { bp = PARTITION_V; decode_b(t, bl, av1_block_sizes[bl][PARTITION_V][0], PARTITION_V, node->v[0]); } } if (f->frame_thread.pass != 2 && (bp != PARTITION_SPLIT || bl == BL_8X8)) { memset(&t->a->partition[bx8], av1_al_part_ctx[0][bl][bp], hsz); memset(&t->l.partition[by8], av1_al_part_ctx[1][bl][bp], hsz); } return 0; } static void reset_context(BlockContext *const ctx, const int keyframe, const int pass) { memset(ctx->intra, keyframe, sizeof(ctx->intra)); memset(ctx->uvmode, DC_PRED, sizeof(ctx->uvmode)); if (keyframe) memset(ctx->mode, DC_PRED, sizeof(ctx->mode)); if (pass == 2) return; memset(ctx->partition, 0, sizeof(ctx->partition)); memset(ctx->skip, 0, sizeof(ctx->skip)); memset(ctx->skip_mode, 0, sizeof(ctx->skip_mode)); memset(ctx->tx_lpf_y, 2, sizeof(ctx->tx_lpf_y)); memset(ctx->tx_lpf_uv, 1, sizeof(ctx->tx_lpf_uv)); memset(ctx->tx_intra, -1, sizeof(ctx->tx_intra)); memset(ctx->tx, TX_64X64, sizeof(ctx->tx)); if (!keyframe) { memset(ctx->ref, -1, sizeof(ctx->ref)); memset(ctx->comp_type, 0, sizeof(ctx->comp_type)); memset(ctx->mode, NEARESTMV, sizeof(ctx->mode)); } memset(ctx->lcoef, 0x40, sizeof(ctx->lcoef)); memset(ctx->ccoef, 0x40, sizeof(ctx->ccoef)); memset(ctx->filter, N_SWITCHABLE_FILTERS, sizeof(ctx->filter)); memset(ctx->seg_pred, 0, sizeof(ctx->seg_pred)); memset(ctx->pal_sz, 0, sizeof(ctx->pal_sz)); } static void setup_tile(Dav1dTileState *const ts, const Dav1dFrameContext *const f, const uint8_t *const data, const size_t sz, const int tile_row, const int tile_col, const int tile_start_off) { const int col_sb_start = f->frame_hdr.tiling.col_start_sb[tile_col]; const int col_sb128_start = col_sb_start >> !f->seq_hdr.sb128; const int col_sb_end = f->frame_hdr.tiling.col_start_sb[tile_col + 1]; const int row_sb_start = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row]; const int row_sb_end = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row + 1]; const int sb_shift = f->sb_shift; ts->frame_thread.pal_idx = &f->frame_thread.pal_idx[tile_start_off * 2]; ts-> = &((int32_t *) f->[tile_start_off * 3]; ts->cdf = *f->in_cdf.cdf; ts->last_qidx = f->frame_hdr.quant.yac; memset(ts->last_delta_lf, 0, sizeof(ts->last_delta_lf)); msac_init(&ts->msac, data, sz); ts->tiling.row = tile_row; ts->tiling.col = tile_col; ts->tiling.col_start = col_sb_start << sb_shift; ts->tiling.col_end = imin(col_sb_end << sb_shift, f->bw); ts->tiling.row_start = row_sb_start << sb_shift; ts->tiling.row_end = imin(row_sb_end << sb_shift, f->bh); // Reference Restoration Unit (used for exp coding) Av1Filter *const lf_mask = f->lf.mask + (ts->tiling.row_start >> 5) * f->sb128w + col_sb128_start; const int unit_idx = ((ts->tiling.row_start & 16) >> 3) + ((ts->tiling.col_start & 16) >> 4); for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) { ts->lr_ref[p] = &lf_mask->lr[p][unit_idx]; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[0] = 3; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[1] = -7; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[2] = 15; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[0] = 3; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[1] = -7; ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[2] = 15; ts->lr_ref[p]->sgr_weights[0] = -32; ts->lr_ref[p]->sgr_weights[1] = 31; } if (f->n_tc > 1) atomic_init(&ts->progress, 0); } int decode_tile_sbrow(Dav1dTileContext *const t) { const Dav1dFrameContext *const f = t->f; const enum BlockLevel root_bl = f->seq_hdr.sb128 ? BL_128X128 : BL_64X64; Dav1dTileState *const ts = t->ts; const Dav1dContext *const c = f->c; const int sb_step = f->sb_step; const int tile_row = ts->tiling.row, tile_col = ts->tiling.col; const int col_sb_start = f->frame_hdr.tiling.col_start_sb[tile_col]; const int col_sb128_start = col_sb_start >> !f->seq_hdr.sb128; reset_context(&t->l, !(f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1), f->frame_thread.pass); if (f->frame_thread.pass == 2) { for (t->bx = ts->tiling.col_start, t->a = f->a + col_sb128_start + tile_row * f->sb128w; t->bx < ts->tiling.col_end; t->bx += sb_step) { if (decode_sb(t, root_bl, c->intra_edge.root[root_bl])) return 1; if (t->bx & 16 || f->seq_hdr.sb128) t->a++; } f->bd_fn.backup_ipred_edge(t); return 0; } const int ss_ver = f->cur.p.p.layout == DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I420; const int ss_hor = f->cur.p.p.layout != DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I444; if (c->n_fc > 1 && f->frame_hdr.use_ref_frame_mvs) { for (int n = 0; n < 7; n++) dav1d_thread_picture_wait(&f->refp[n], 4 * (t->by + sb_step), PLANE_TYPE_BLOCK); av1_init_ref_mv_tile_row(f->libaom_cm, ts->tiling.col_start, ts->tiling.col_end, t->by, imin(t->by + sb_step, f->bh)); } memset(t->pal_sz_uv[1], 0, sizeof(*t->pal_sz_uv)); const int sb128y = t->by >> 5; for (t->bx = ts->tiling.col_start, t->a = f->a + col_sb128_start + tile_row * f->sb128w, t->lf_mask = f->lf.mask + sb128y * f->sb128w + col_sb128_start; t->bx < ts->tiling.col_end; t->bx += sb_step) { if (root_bl == BL_128X128) { t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr = t->lf_mask->cdef_idx; t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[0] = -1; t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[1] = -1; t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[2] = -1; t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[3] = -1; } else { t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr = &t->lf_mask->cdef_idx[((t->bx & 16) >> 4) + ((t->by & 16) >> 3)]; t->cur_sb_cdef_idx_ptr[0] = -1; } // Restoration filter for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) { if (f->frame_hdr.restoration.type[p] == RESTORATION_NONE) continue; const int by = t->by >> (ss_ver & !!p); const int bx = t->bx >> (ss_hor & !!p); const int bh = f->bh >> (ss_ver & !!p); const int bw = f->bw >> (ss_hor & !!p); const int unit_size_log2 = f->frame_hdr.restoration.unit_size[!!p]; // 4pel unit size const int b_unit_size = 1 << (unit_size_log2 - 2); const unsigned mask = b_unit_size - 1; if (by & mask || bx & mask) continue; const int half_unit = b_unit_size >> 1; // Round half up at frame boundaries, if there's more than one // restoration unit const int bottom_round = by && by + half_unit > bh; const int right_round = bx && bx + half_unit > bw; if (bottom_round || right_round) continue; const int unit_idx = ((t->by & 16) >> 3) + ((t->bx & 16) >> 4); Av1RestorationUnit *const lr = &t->lf_mask->lr[p][unit_idx]; const enum RestorationType frame_type = f->frame_hdr.restoration.type[p]; if (frame_type == RESTORATION_SWITCHABLE) { const int filter = msac_decode_symbol_adapt(&ts->msac, ts->cdf.m.restore_switchable, 3); lr->type = filter ? filter == 2 ? RESTORATION_SGRPROJ : RESTORATION_WIENER : RESTORATION_NONE; } else { const unsigned type = msac_decode_bool_adapt(&ts->msac, frame_type == RESTORATION_WIENER ? ts->cdf.m.restore_wiener : ts->cdf.m.restore_sgrproj); lr->type = type ? frame_type : RESTORATION_NONE; } if (lr->type == RESTORATION_WIENER) { lr->filter_v[0] = !p ? msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[0] + 5, 16, 1) - 5: 0; lr->filter_v[1] = msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[1] + 23, 32, 2) - 23; lr->filter_v[2] = msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v[2] + 17, 64, 3) - 17; lr->filter_h[0] = !p ? msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[0] + 5, 16, 1) - 5: 0; lr->filter_h[1] = msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[1] + 23, 32, 2) - 23; lr->filter_h[2] = msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h[2] + 17, 64, 3) - 17; memcpy(lr->sgr_weights, ts->lr_ref[p]->sgr_weights, sizeof(lr->sgr_weights)); ts->lr_ref[p] = lr; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-lr_wiener[pl=%d,v[%d,%d,%d],h[%d,%d,%d]]: r=%d\n", p, lr->filter_v[0], lr->filter_v[1], lr->filter_v[2], lr->filter_h[0], lr->filter_h[1], lr->filter_h[2], ts->msac.rng); } else if (lr->type == RESTORATION_SGRPROJ) { const unsigned idx = msac_decode_bools(&ts->msac, 4); lr->sgr_idx = idx; lr->sgr_weights[0] = sgr_params[idx][0] ? msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->sgr_weights[0] + 96, 128, 4) - 96 : 0; lr->sgr_weights[1] = sgr_params[idx][1] ? msac_decode_subexp(&ts->msac, ts->lr_ref[p]->sgr_weights[1] + 32, 128, 4) - 32 : iclip(128 - lr->sgr_weights[0], -32, 95); memcpy(lr->filter_v, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_v, sizeof(lr->filter_v)); memcpy(lr->filter_h, ts->lr_ref[p]->filter_h, sizeof(lr->filter_h)); ts->lr_ref[p] = lr; if (DEBUG_BLOCK_INFO) printf("Post-lr_sgrproj[pl=%d,idx=%d,w[%d,%d]]: r=%d\n", p, lr->sgr_idx, lr->sgr_weights[0], lr->sgr_weights[1], ts->msac.rng); } } if (decode_sb(t, root_bl, c->intra_edge.root[root_bl])) return 1; if (t->bx & 16 || f->seq_hdr.sb128) { t->a++; t->lf_mask++; } } // backup pre-loopfilter pixels for intra prediction of the next sbrow if (f->frame_thread.pass != 1) f->bd_fn.backup_ipred_edge(t); // backup t->a/l.tx_lpf_y/uv at tile boundaries to use them to "fix" // up the initial value in neighbour tiles when running the loopfilter int align_h = (f->bh + 31) & ~31; memcpy(&f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[0][align_h * tile_col + t->by], &t->l.tx_lpf_y[t->by & 16], sb_step); align_h >>= 1; memcpy(&f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[1][align_h * tile_col + (t->by >> 1)], &t->l.tx_lpf_uv[(t->by & 16) >> 1], sb_step >> 1); return 0; } int decode_frame(Dav1dFrameContext *const f) { const Dav1dContext *const c = f->c; if (f->n_tc > 1) { if (f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->sbh > f->tile_thread.titsati_sz) { f->tile_thread.task_idx_to_sby_and_tile_idx = malloc(sizeof(*f->tile_thread.task_idx_to_sby_and_tile_idx) * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->sbh); if (!f->tile_thread.task_idx_to_sby_and_tile_idx) return -ENOMEM; f->tile_thread.titsati_sz = f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->sbh; } if (f->tile_thread.titsati_init[0] != f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols || f->tile_thread.titsati_init[1] != f->sbh) { for (int tile_row = 0, tile_idx = 0; tile_row < f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; tile_row++) { for (int sby = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row]; sby < f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row + 1]; sby++) { for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; tile_col++, tile_idx++) { f->tile_thread.task_idx_to_sby_and_tile_idx[tile_idx][0] = sby; f->tile_thread.task_idx_to_sby_and_tile_idx[tile_idx][1] = tile_row * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols + tile_col; } } } f->tile_thread.titsati_init[0] = f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; f->tile_thread.titsati_init[1] = f->sbh; } } if (f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows > f->n_ts) { f->ts = realloc(f->ts, f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows * sizeof(*f->ts)); if (!f->ts) return -ENOMEM; for (int n = f->n_ts; n < f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; n++) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = &f->ts[n]; pthread_mutex_init(&ts->tile_thread.lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ts->tile_thread.cond, NULL); } if (c->n_fc > 1) { freep(&f->frame_thread.tile_start_off); f->frame_thread.tile_start_off = malloc(sizeof(*f->frame_thread.tile_start_off) * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows); } f->n_ts = f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; } if (c->n_fc > 1) { int tile_idx = 0; for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; tile_row++) { int row_off = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row] * f->sb_step * 4 * f->sb128w * 128; int b_diff = (f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row + 1] - f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row]) * f->sb_step * 4; for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; tile_col++) { f->frame_thread.tile_start_off[tile_idx++] = row_off + b_diff * f->frame_hdr.tiling.col_start_sb[tile_col] * f->sb_step * 4; } } } if (f->sb128w * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows > f->a_sz) { freep(&f->a); f->a = malloc(f->sb128w * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows * sizeof(*f->a)); if (!f->a) return -ENOMEM; f->a_sz = f->sb128w * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; } // update allocation of block contexts for above if (f->sb128w > f->lf.line_sz) { dav1d_freep_aligned(&f->lf.cdef_line); dav1d_freep_aligned(&f->lf.lr_lpf_line); // note that we allocate all pixel arrays as if we were dealing with // 10 bits/component data uint16_t *ptr = f->lf.cdef_line = dav1d_alloc_aligned(f->b4_stride * 4 * 12 * sizeof(uint16_t), 32); uint16_t *lr_ptr = f->lf.lr_lpf_line = dav1d_alloc_aligned(f->b4_stride * 4 * 3 * 12 * sizeof(uint16_t), 32); for (int pl = 0; pl <= 2; pl++) { f->lf.cdef_line_ptr[0][pl][0] = ptr + f->b4_stride * 4 * 0; f->lf.cdef_line_ptr[0][pl][1] = ptr + f->b4_stride * 4 * 1; f->lf.cdef_line_ptr[1][pl][0] = ptr + f->b4_stride * 4 * 2; f->lf.cdef_line_ptr[1][pl][1] = ptr + f->b4_stride * 4 * 3; ptr += f->b4_stride * 4 * 4; f->lf.lr_lpf_line_ptr[pl] = lr_ptr; lr_ptr += f->b4_stride * 4 * 12; } f->lf.line_sz = f->sb128w; } // update allocation for loopfilter masks if (f->sb128w * f->sb128h > f->lf.mask_sz) { freep(&f->lf.mask); freep(&f->lf.level); freep(&f->frame_thread.b); f->lf.mask = malloc(f->sb128w * f->sb128h * sizeof(*f->lf.mask)); f->lf.level = malloc(f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 32 * 32 * sizeof(*f->lf.level)); if (!f->lf.mask || !f->lf.level) return -ENOMEM; if (c->n_fc > 1) { freep(&f->frame_thread.b); freep(&f->frame_thread.cbi); dav1d_freep_aligned(&f->; dav1d_freep_aligned(&f->frame_thread.pal_idx); freep(&f->frame_thread.pal); f->frame_thread.b = malloc(sizeof(*f->frame_thread.b) * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 32 * 32); f->frame_thread.pal = malloc(sizeof(*f->frame_thread.pal) * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 16 * 16); f->frame_thread.pal_idx = dav1d_alloc_aligned(sizeof(*f->frame_thread.pal_idx) * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 128 * 128 * 2, 32); f->frame_thread.cbi = malloc(sizeof(*f->frame_thread.cbi) * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 32 * 32); f-> = dav1d_alloc_aligned(sizeof(int32_t) * 3 * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 128 * 128, 32); if (!f->frame_thread.b || !f->frame_thread.pal_idx || !f-> { return -ENOMEM; } memset(f->, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * 3 * f->sb128w * f->sb128h * 128 * 128); } f->lf.mask_sz = f->sb128w * f->sb128h; } if (f->frame_hdr.loopfilter.sharpness != f->lf.last_sharpness) { dav1d_calc_eih(&f->lf.lim_lut, f->frame_hdr.loopfilter.sharpness); f->lf.last_sharpness = f->frame_hdr.loopfilter.sharpness; } dav1d_calc_lf_values(f->lf.lvl, &f->frame_hdr, (int8_t[4]) { 0, 0, 0, 0 }); memset(f->lf.mask, 0, sizeof(*f->lf.mask) * f->sb128w * f->sb128h); if (f->sbh * f->sb128w * 128 > f->ipred_edge_sz) { dav1d_freep_aligned(&f->ipred_edge[0]); uint16_t *ptr = f->ipred_edge[0] = dav1d_alloc_aligned(f->sb128w * 128 * f->sbh * 3 * sizeof(uint16_t), 32); if (!f->ipred_edge[0]) return -ENOMEM; f->ipred_edge_sz = f->sbh * f->sb128w * 128; f->ipred_edge[1] = &ptr[f->ipred_edge_sz]; f->ipred_edge[2] = &ptr[f->ipred_edge_sz * 2]; } if (f->sb128h > f->lf.re_sz) { freep(&f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[0]); f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[0] = malloc((f->sb128h * 32 * 2) * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols); if (!f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[0]) return -ENOMEM; f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[1] = f->lf.tx_lpf_right_edge[0] + f->sb128h * 32 * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; f->lf.re_sz = f->sb128h; } // init ref mvs if ((f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) || f->frame_hdr.allow_intrabc) { f->mvs = f->mvs_ref->data; const int order_hint_n_bits = f->seq_hdr.order_hint * f->seq_hdr.order_hint_n_bits; av1_init_ref_mv_common(f->libaom_cm, f->bw >> 1, f->bh >> 1, f->b4_stride, f->seq_hdr.sb128, f->mvs, f->ref_mvs, f->cur.p.poc, f->refpoc, f->refrefpoc, f->frame_hdr.gmv, f->frame_hdr.hp, f->frame_hdr.force_integer_mv, f->frame_hdr.use_ref_frame_mvs, order_hint_n_bits); if (c->n_fc == 1 && f->frame_hdr.use_ref_frame_mvs) av1_init_ref_mv_tile_row(f->libaom_cm, 0, f->bw, 0, f->bh); } // setup dequant tables init_quant_tables(&f->seq_hdr, &f->frame_hdr, f->frame_hdr.quant.yac, f->dq); if (f->frame_hdr.quant.qm) for (int j = 0; j < N_RECT_TX_SIZES; j++) { f->qm[0][j][0] = av1_qm_tbl[f->frame_hdr.quant.qm_y][0][j]; f->qm[0][j][1] = av1_qm_tbl[f->frame_hdr.quant.qm_u][1][j]; f->qm[0][j][2] = av1_qm_tbl[f->frame_hdr.quant.qm_v][1][j]; } for (int i = f->frame_hdr.quant.qm; i < 2; i++) for (int tx = 0; tx < N_RECT_TX_SIZES; tx++) for (int pl = 0; pl < 3; pl++) f->qm[i][tx][pl] = av1_qm_tbl[15][!!pl][tx]; // setup jnt_comp weights if (f->frame_hdr.switchable_comp_refs) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const unsigned ref0poc = f->refp[i].p.poc; for (int j = i + 1; j < 7; j++) { const unsigned ref1poc = f->refp[j].p.poc; const unsigned d1 = imin(abs(get_poc_diff(f->seq_hdr.order_hint_n_bits, ref0poc, f->cur.p.poc)), 31); const unsigned d0 = imin(abs(get_poc_diff(f->seq_hdr.order_hint_n_bits, ref1poc, f->cur.p.poc)), 31); const int order = d0 <= d1; static const uint8_t quant_dist_weight[3][2] = { { 2, 3 }, { 2, 5 }, { 2, 7 } }; static const uint8_t quant_dist_lookup_table[4][2] = { { 9, 7 }, { 11, 5 }, { 12, 4 }, { 13, 3 } }; int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { const int c0 = quant_dist_weight[k][order]; const int c1 = quant_dist_weight[k][!order]; const int d0_c0 = d0 * c0; const int d1_c1 = d1 * c1; if ((d0 > d1 && d0_c0 < d1_c1) || (d0 <= d1 && d0_c0 > d1_c1)) break; } f->jnt_weights[i][j] = quant_dist_lookup_table[k][order]; } } } // init loopfilter pointers f->lf.mask_ptr = f->lf.mask; f->lf.p[0] = f->[0]; f->lf.p[1] = f->[1]; f->lf.p[2] = f->[2]; f->lf.tile_row = 1; cdf_thread_wait(&f->in_cdf); // parse individual tiles per tile group int update_set = 0, tile_idx = 0; const unsigned tile_col_mask = (1 << f->frame_hdr.tiling.log2_cols) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < f->n_tile_data; i++) { const uint8_t *data = f->tile[i]; size_t size = f->tile[i]; const int last_tile_row_plus1 = 1 + (f->tile[i].end >> f->frame_hdr.tiling.log2_cols); const int last_tile_col_plus1 = 1 + (f->tile[i].end & tile_col_mask); const int empty_tile_cols = imax(0, last_tile_col_plus1 - f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols); const int empty_tile_rows = imax(0, last_tile_row_plus1 - f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows); const int empty_tiles = (empty_tile_rows << f->frame_hdr.tiling.log2_cols) + empty_tile_cols; for (int j = f->tile[i].start; j <= f->tile[i].end - empty_tiles; j++) { const int tile_row = j >> f->frame_hdr.tiling.log2_cols; const int tile_col = j & tile_col_mask; if (tile_col >= f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols) continue; if (tile_row >= f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows) continue; size_t tile_sz; if (j == f->tile[i].end - empty_tiles) { tile_sz = size; } else { tile_sz = 0; for (int k = 0; k < f->frame_hdr.tiling.n_bytes; k++) tile_sz |= *data++ << (k * 8); tile_sz++; size -= f->frame_hdr.tiling.n_bytes; if (tile_sz > size) goto error; } setup_tile(&f->ts[tile_row * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols + tile_col], f, data, tile_sz, tile_row, tile_col, c->n_fc > 1 ? f->frame_thread.tile_start_off[tile_idx++] : 0); if (j == f->frame_hdr.tiling.update && f->frame_hdr.refresh_context) update_set = 1; data += tile_sz; size -= tile_sz; } } cdf_thread_unref(&f->in_cdf); // 2-pass decoding: // - enabled for frame-threading, so that one frame can do symbol parsing // as another (or multiple) are doing reconstruction. One advantage here // is that although reconstruction is limited by reference availability, // symbol parsing is not. Therefore, symbol parsing can effectively use // row and col tile threading, but reconstruction only col tile threading; // - pass 0 means no 2-pass; // - pass 1 means symbol parsing only; // - pass 2 means reconstruction and loop filtering. const int uses_2pass = c->n_fc > 1 && f->frame_hdr.refresh_context; for (f->frame_thread.pass = uses_2pass; f->frame_thread.pass <= 2 * uses_2pass; f->frame_thread.pass++) { const enum PlaneType progress_plane_type = f->frame_thread.pass == 0 ? PLANE_TYPE_ALL : f->frame_thread.pass == 1 ? PLANE_TYPE_BLOCK : PLANE_TYPE_Y; for (int n = 0; n < f->sb128w * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; n++) reset_context(&f->a[n], !(f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1), f->frame_thread.pass); if (f->n_tc == 1) { Dav1dTileContext *const t = f->tc; // no tile threading - we explicitly interleave tile/sbrow decoding // and post-filtering, so that the full process runs in-line, so // that frame threading is still possible for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; tile_row++) { for (int sby = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row]; sby < f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row + 1]; sby++) { t->by = sby << (4 + f->seq_hdr.sb128); for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; tile_col++) { t->ts = &f->ts[tile_row * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows + tile_col]; int res; if ((res = decode_tile_sbrow(t))) return res; } // loopfilter + cdef + restoration if (f->frame_thread.pass != 1) f->bd_fn.filter_sbrow(f, sby); dav1d_thread_picture_signal(&f->cur, (sby + 1) * f->sb_step * 4, progress_plane_type); } } } else { // signal available tasks to worker threads int num_tasks; const uint64_t all_mask = ~0ULL >> (64 - f->n_tc); pthread_mutex_lock(&f->tile_thread.lock); while (f->tile_thread.available != all_mask) pthread_cond_wait(&f->tile_thread.icond, &f->tile_thread.lock); assert(!f->tile_thread.tasks_left); if (f->frame_thread.pass == 1 || f->n_tc >= f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols) { // we can (or in fact, if >, we need to) do full tile decoding. // loopfilter happens below num_tasks = f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols * f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; } else { // we need to interleave sbrow decoding for all tile cols in a // tile row, since otherwise subsequent threads will be blocked // waiting for the post-filter to complete num_tasks = f->sbh * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; } f->tile_thread.num_tasks = f->tile_thread.tasks_left = num_tasks; pthread_cond_broadcast(&f->tile_thread.cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->tile_thread.lock); // loopfilter + cdef + restoration for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows; tile_row++) { for (int sby = f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row]; sby < f->frame_hdr.tiling.row_start_sb[tile_row + 1]; sby++) { for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; tile_col++) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = &f->ts[tile_row * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols + tile_col]; if (atomic_load(&ts->progress) <= sby) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ts->tile_thread.lock); while (atomic_load(&ts->progress) <= sby) pthread_cond_wait(&ts->tile_thread.cond, &ts->tile_thread.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ts->tile_thread.lock); } } // loopfilter + cdef + restoration if (f->frame_thread.pass != 1) f->bd_fn.filter_sbrow(f, sby); dav1d_thread_picture_signal(&f->cur, (sby + 1) * f->sb_step * 4, progress_plane_type); } } } if (f->frame_thread.pass <= 1 && f->frame_hdr.refresh_context) { // cdf update if (update_set) av1_update_tile_cdf(&f->frame_hdr, f->out_cdf.cdf, &f->ts[f->frame_hdr.tiling.update].cdf); cdf_thread_signal(&f->out_cdf); cdf_thread_unref(&f->out_cdf); } if (f->frame_thread.pass == 1) { assert(c->n_fc > 1); for (int tile_idx = 0; tile_idx < f->frame_hdr.tiling.rows * f->frame_hdr.tiling.cols; tile_idx++) { Dav1dTileState *const ts = &f->ts[tile_idx]; const int tile_start_off = f->frame_thread.tile_start_off[tile_idx]; ts->frame_thread.pal_idx = &f->frame_thread.pal_idx[tile_start_off * 2]; ts-> = &((int32_t *) f->[tile_start_off * 3]; if (f->n_tc > 0) atomic_init(&ts->progress, 0); } } } dav1d_thread_picture_signal(&f->cur, UINT_MAX, PLANE_TYPE_ALL); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (f->refp[i][0]) dav1d_thread_picture_unref(&f->refp[i]); if (f->ref_mvs_ref[i]) dav1d_ref_dec(f->ref_mvs_ref[i]); } dav1d_thread_picture_unref(&f->cur); if (f->cur_segmap_ref) dav1d_ref_dec(f->cur_segmap_ref); if (f->prev_segmap_ref) dav1d_ref_dec(f->prev_segmap_ref); if (f->mvs_ref) dav1d_ref_dec(f->mvs_ref); for (int i = 0; i < f->n_tile_data; i++) dav1d_data_unref(&f->tile[i].data); return 0; error: for (int i = 0; i < f->n_tile_data; i++) dav1d_data_unref(&f->tile[i].data); return -EINVAL; } int submit_frame(Dav1dContext *const c) { Dav1dFrameContext *f; int res; // wait for c->out_delayed[next] and move into c->out if visible Dav1dThreadPicture *out_delayed; if (c->n_fc > 1) { const unsigned next = c->; if (c-> == c->n_fc) c-> = 0; f = &c->fc[next]; pthread_mutex_lock(&f->; while (f->n_tile_data > 0) pthread_cond_wait(&f->, &f->; out_delayed = &c->frame_thread.out_delayed[next]; if (out_delayed->[0]) { if (out_delayed->visible && !out_delayed->flushed) dav1d_picture_ref(&c->out, &out_delayed->p); dav1d_thread_picture_unref(out_delayed); } } else { f = c->fc; } f->seq_hdr = c->seq_hdr; f->frame_hdr = c->frame_hdr; const int bd_idx = (f->seq_hdr.bpc - 8) >> 1; f->dsp = &c->dsp[bd_idx]; if (!f->dsp->ipred.intra_pred[TX_4X4][DC_PRED]) { Dav1dDSPContext *const dsp = &c->dsp[bd_idx]; switch (f->seq_hdr.bpc) { #define assign_bitdepth_case(bd) \ case bd: \ dav1d_cdef_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->cdef); \ dav1d_intra_pred_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->ipred); \ dav1d_itx_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->itx); \ dav1d_loop_filter_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->lf); \ dav1d_loop_restoration_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->lr); \ dav1d_mc_dsp_init_##bd##bpc(&dsp->mc); \ break #if CONFIG_8BPC assign_bitdepth_case(8); #endif #if CONFIG_10BPC assign_bitdepth_case(10); #endif #undef assign_bitdepth_case default: fprintf(stderr, "Compiled without support for %d-bit decoding\n", f->seq_hdr.bpc); return -ENOPROTOOPT; } } #define assign_bitdepth_case(bd) \ f->bd_fn.recon_b_inter = recon_b_inter_##bd##bpc; \ f->bd_fn.recon_b_intra = recon_b_intra_##bd##bpc; \ f->bd_fn.filter_sbrow = filter_sbrow_##bd##bpc; \ f->bd_fn.backup_ipred_edge = backup_ipred_edge_##bd##bpc; \ f->bd_fn.read_coef_blocks = read_coef_blocks_##bd##bpc if (f->seq_hdr.bpc <= 8) { #if CONFIG_8BPC assign_bitdepth_case(8); #endif } else { #if CONFIG_10BPC assign_bitdepth_case(16); #endif } #undef assign_bitdepth_case if (f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const int refidx = f->frame_hdr.refidx[i]; dav1d_thread_picture_ref(&f->refp[i], &c->refs[refidx].p); } // setup entropy if (f->frame_hdr.primary_ref_frame == PRIMARY_REF_NONE) { av1_init_states(&f->in_cdf, f->frame_hdr.quant.yac); } else { const int pri_ref = f->frame_hdr.refidx[f->frame_hdr.primary_ref_frame]; cdf_thread_ref(&f->in_cdf, &c->cdf[pri_ref]); } if (f->frame_hdr.refresh_context) { cdf_thread_alloc(&f->out_cdf, c->n_fc > 1 ? &f-> : NULL); memcpy(f->out_cdf.cdf, f->in_cdf.cdf, sizeof(*f->in_cdf.cdf)); } // FIXME qsort so tiles are in order (for frame threading) memcpy(f->tile, c->tile, c->n_tile_data * sizeof(*f->tile)); f->n_tile_data = c->n_tile_data; c->n_tile_data = 0; // allocate frame if ((res = dav1d_thread_picture_alloc(&f->cur, f->frame_hdr.width, f->frame_hdr.height, f->seq_hdr.layout, f->seq_hdr.bpc, c->n_fc > 1 ? &f-> : NULL, f->frame_hdr.show_frame)) < 0) { return res; } f->cur.p.poc = f->frame_hdr.frame_offset; f->cur.p.p.pri = f->seq_hdr.pri; f->cur.p.p.trc = f->seq_hdr.trc; f->cur.p.p.mtrx = f->seq_hdr.mtrx; f->cur.p.p.chr = f->seq_hdr.chr; f->cur.p.p.fullrange = f->seq_hdr.color_range; // move f->cur into output queue if (c->n_fc == 1) { if (f->frame_hdr.show_frame) dav1d_picture_ref(&c->out, &f->cur.p); } else { dav1d_thread_picture_ref(out_delayed, &f->cur); } f->bw = ((f->frame_hdr.width + 7) >> 3) << 1; f->bh = ((f->frame_hdr.height + 7) >> 3) << 1; f->sb128w = (f->bw + 31) >> 5; f->sb128h = (f->bh + 31) >> 5; f->sb_shift = 4 + f->seq_hdr.sb128; f->sb_step = 16 << f->seq_hdr.sb128; f->sbh = (f->bh + f->sb_step - 1) >> f->sb_shift; f->b4_stride = (f->bw + 31) & ~31; // ref_mvs if ((f->frame_hdr.frame_type & 1) || f->frame_hdr.allow_intrabc) { f->mvs_ref = dav1d_ref_create(f->sb128h * 32 * f->b4_stride * sizeof(*f->mvs)); f->mvs = f->mvs_ref->data; if (f->frame_hdr.use_ref_frame_mvs) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const int refidx = f->frame_hdr.refidx[i]; f->refpoc[i] = f->refp[i].p.poc; if (c->refs[refidx].refmvs != NULL && f->refp[i].p.p.w == f->cur.p.p.w && f->refp[i].p.p.h == f->cur.p.p.h) { f->ref_mvs_ref[i] = c->refs[refidx].refmvs; dav1d_ref_inc(f->ref_mvs_ref[i]); f->ref_mvs[i] = c->refs[refidx].refmvs->data; } else { f->ref_mvs[i] = NULL; f->ref_mvs_ref[i] = NULL; } memcpy(f->refrefpoc[i], c->refs[refidx].refpoc, sizeof(*f->refrefpoc)); } } else { memset(f->ref_mvs_ref, 0, sizeof(f->ref_mvs_ref)); } } else { f->mvs_ref = NULL; memset(f->ref_mvs_ref, 0, sizeof(f->ref_mvs_ref)); } // segmap if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.enabled) { if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.temporal) { const int pri_ref = f->frame_hdr.primary_ref_frame; assert(pri_ref != PRIMARY_REF_NONE); const int ref_w = (f->refp[pri_ref].p.p.w + 3) >> 2; const int ref_h = (f->refp[pri_ref].p.p.h + 3) >> 2; if (ref_w == f->bw && ref_h == f->bh) { f->prev_segmap_ref = c->refs[f->frame_hdr.refidx[pri_ref]].segmap; dav1d_ref_inc(f->prev_segmap_ref); f->prev_segmap = f->prev_segmap_ref->data; } else { f->prev_segmap_ref = NULL; f->prev_segmap = NULL; } } else { f->prev_segmap_ref = NULL; f->prev_segmap = NULL; } if (f->frame_hdr.segmentation.update_map) { f->cur_segmap_ref = dav1d_ref_create(f->b4_stride * 32 * f->sb128h); f->cur_segmap = f->cur_segmap_ref->data; } else { f->cur_segmap_ref = f->prev_segmap_ref; dav1d_ref_inc(f->cur_segmap_ref); f->cur_segmap = f->prev_segmap_ref->data; } } else { f->cur_segmap = NULL; f->cur_segmap_ref = NULL; f->prev_segmap_ref = NULL; } // update references etc. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (f->frame_hdr.refresh_frame_flags & (1 << i)) { if (c->refs[i][0]) dav1d_thread_picture_unref(&c->refs[i].p); dav1d_thread_picture_ref(&c->refs[i].p, &f->cur); if (c->cdf[i].cdf) cdf_thread_unref(&c->cdf[i]); if (f->frame_hdr.refresh_context) { cdf_thread_ref(&c->cdf[i], &f->out_cdf); } else { cdf_thread_ref(&c->cdf[i], &f->in_cdf); } c->refs[i].lf_mode_ref_deltas = f->frame_hdr.loopfilter.mode_ref_deltas; c->refs[i].seg_data = f->frame_hdr.segmentation.seg_data; memcpy(c->refs[i].gmv, f->frame_hdr.gmv, sizeof(c->refs[i].gmv)); c->refs[i].film_grain = f->; if (c->refs[i].segmap) dav1d_ref_dec(c->refs[i].segmap); c->refs[i].segmap = f->cur_segmap_ref; if (f->cur_segmap_ref) dav1d_ref_inc(f->cur_segmap_ref); if (c->refs[i].refmvs) dav1d_ref_dec(c->refs[i].refmvs); if (f->frame_hdr.allow_intrabc) { c->refs[i].refmvs = NULL; } else { c->refs[i].refmvs = f->mvs_ref; if (f->mvs_ref) dav1d_ref_inc(f->mvs_ref); } memcpy(c->refs[i].refpoc, f->refpoc, sizeof(f->refpoc)); } } if (c->n_fc == 1) { if ((res = decode_frame(f)) < 0) return res; } else { pthread_cond_signal(&f->; pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->; } return 0; }