ref: 8c71f0f0d3789b796540fec33641125f187537dd
dir: /.gitlab-ci.yml/
stages: - style - build - test .debian-amd64-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - amd64 .debian-llvm-mingw-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - amd64 .debian-aarch64-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - aarch64 .debian-armv7-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - armv7 .debian-ppc64le-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - ppc64le .ubuntu-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - amd64 .android-common: image: stage: build tags: - docker - amd64 style-check: extends: .debian-amd64-common stage: style script: - git grep -I -n -P "\t|\r| $" -- . ':(exclude)*/compat/*' && echo "Trailing whitespace" && exit 1 - git grep -I -n -i -e 'david' --and --not -e 'copyright' -- . ':(exclude)' ':(exclude).gitlab-ci.yml' && echo "Misspelled dav1d" && exit 1 - git grep -I -l -z "" -- . ':(exclude)*/compat/*' | while IFS= read -r -d '' i; do if [ -n "$(tail -c 1 "$i")" ]; then echo "No newline at end of $i"; exit 1; fi; done - git remote rm upstream 2> /dev/null || true - git remote add upstream - git fetch -q upstream master - for i in $(git rev-list HEAD ^upstream/master); do echo "Checking commit message of $i"; msg="$(git log --format=%B -n 1 $i)"; if [ -n "$(echo "$msg" | awk "NR==2")" ]; then echo "Malformed commit message in $i, second line must be empty"; exit 1; fi; if echo "$msg" | head -1 | grep -q '\.$'; then echo "Malformed commit message in $i, trailing period in subject line"; exit 1; fi; done x86inc-check: extends: .debian-amd64-common stage: style script: - git remote rm x86inc 2> /dev/null || true - git remote add x86inc - git fetch -q x86inc master - git diff --exit-code x86inc/master:x86inc.asm src/ext/x86/x86inc.asm allow_failure: true build-debian: extends: .debian-amd64-common tags: - docker - avx2 - amd64 script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v artifacts: paths: - build/ expire_in: 1 day build-debian-static: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --default-library static --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v - nm -A -g src/libdav1d.a | grep " [ABCDGRST] " | (! grep -v " _*dav1d_") build-debian32: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror --cross-file package/crossfiles/i686-linux32.meson - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v artifacts: paths: - build/ expire_in: 1 day build-debian-examples: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror -Denable_examples=true - ninja -C build build-win32: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - wineserver -p && wine wineboot - meson build --buildtype release --werror --libdir lib --prefix "$(pwd)/build/dav1d_install" --cross-file package/crossfiles/i686-w64-mingw32.meson -Ddefault_library=both - ninja -C build - ninja -C build install - cd build && meson test -v - i686-w64-mingw32-nm -A -g src/libdav1d.a | grep " [ABCDGRST] " | (! grep -E -v " \.| _*dav1d_") artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - build/dav1d_install/ expire_in: 1 week build-win32-unaligned-stack: extends: .debian-llvm-mingw-common script: - wineserver -p && wine wineboot - meson build --buildtype release --werror --cross-file package/crossfiles/i686-w64-mingw32.meson -Dstack_alignment=4 - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-win64: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - wineserver -p && wine wineboot - meson build --buildtype release --werror --libdir lib --prefix "$(pwd)/build/dav1d_install" --cross-file package/crossfiles/x86_64-w64-mingw32.meson -Ddefault_library=both - ninja -C build - ninja -C build install - cd build && meson test -v - x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm -A -g src/libdav1d.a | grep " [ABCDGRST] " | (! grep -E -v " \.| _*dav1d_") artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - build/dav1d_install/ expire_in: 1 week build-win-arm32: extends: .debian-llvm-mingw-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror --libdir lib --prefix "$(pwd)/build/dav1d_install" --cross-file /opt/crossfiles/armv7-w64-mingw32.meson -Ddefault_library=both - ninja -C build - armv7-w64-mingw32-nm -A -g build/src/libdav1d.a | grep " [ABCDGRST] " | (! grep -E -v " \.| _*dav1d_") build-win-arm64: extends: .debian-llvm-mingw-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror --libdir lib --prefix "$(pwd)/build/dav1d_install" --cross-file /opt/crossfiles/aarch64-w64-mingw32.meson -Ddefault_library=both - ninja -C build - ninja -C build install - aarch64-w64-mingw32-nm -A -g build/src/libdav1d.a | grep " [ABCDGRST] " | (! grep -E -v " \.| _*dav1d_") artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - build/dav1d_install/ expire_in: 1 week .build-android-common: extends: .android-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror --libdir lib --prefix "$(pwd)/build/dav1d_install" --cross-file $CROSSFILE -Ddefault_library=both - ninja -C build - ninja -C build install build-android-armv7: extends: .build-android-common variables: CROSSFILE: package/crossfiles/arm-android.meson except: - tags build-android-aarch64: extends: .build-android-common variables: CROSSFILE: package/crossfiles/aarch64-android.meson except: - tags build-android-armv7-release: extends: build-android-armv7 except: only: refs: - tags@videolan/dav1d artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - build/dav1d_install/ expire_in: 1 week build-android-aarch64-release: extends: build-android-aarch64 except: only: refs: - tags@videolan/dav1d artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - build/dav1d_install/ expire_in: 1 week build-debian-aarch64: extends: .debian-aarch64-common script: - meson build --buildtype debugoptimized --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-debian-aarch64-clang-5: extends: .debian-aarch64-common variables: CC: clang-5.0 CFLAGS: '-integrated-as' script: - meson build --buildtype release - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-macos: stage: build tags: - macos script: - meson build --buildtype release -Ddefault_library=both --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-debian-werror: extends: .debian-aarch64-common variables: CC: clang-7 script: - meson build --buildtype debug --werror - ninja -C build build-debian-armv7: extends: .debian-armv7-common script: - linux32 meson build --buildtype debugoptimized --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-debian-armv7-clang-5: extends: .debian-armv7-common variables: CC: clang-5.0 CFLAGS: '-integrated-as' script: - linux32 meson build --buildtype release - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v build-ubuntu-snap: extends: .ubuntu-common script: - cd package/snap && snapcraft snap - | if [ "$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE" = "videolan" ]; then echo $SNAP_LOGIN | base64 --decode | snapcraft login --with - snapcraft push dav1d_*.snap --release edge snapcraft logout fi artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - package/snap/dav1d_*.snap expire_in: 1 week allow_failure: true build-debian-ppc64le: extends: .debian-ppc64le-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror - ninja -C build - cd build && meson test -v .test-common: stage: test cache: key: testdata.git-20190215 paths: - cache/dav1d-test-data.git/ before_script: - test -d cache || mkdir cache - test -d cache/dav1d-test-data.git && GIT_DIR=cache/dav1d-test-data.git git fetch --refmap=refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master origin master - test -d cache/dav1d-test-data.git || git clone --bare cache/dav1d-test-data.git - git clone cache/dav1d-test-data.git tests/dav1d-test-data dependencies: [] .test-asm-common: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common tags: - docker - amd64 - avx2 script: - meson configure build -Dtestdata_tests=true - cd build - exit_code=0 - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--cpumask 0" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--cpumask sse2" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--cpumask ssse3" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--cpumask sse41" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--cpumask avx2" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then exit $exit_code; fi test-debian: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] script: - meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false -Db_coverage=true - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v - ninja coverage-html - mv meson-logs/coveragereport ../coverage - ninja coverage-xml - grep -Eo 'line-rate="[^"]+"' meson-logs/coverage.xml | head -n 1 | grep -Eo '[0-9.]+' | awk '{ print "coverage:", $1 * 100 } ' coverage: '/^coverage: (\d+.\d+)$/' artifacts: expose_as: 'Coverage HTML report' paths: - coverage/ reports: cobertura: build/meson-logs/coverage.xml test-debian-asm: extends: - .test-asm-common needs: ["build-debian"] dependencies: ["build-debian"] test-debian32-asm: extends: - .test-asm-common needs: ["build-debian32"] dependencies: ["build-debian32"] test-debian-mt: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] dependencies: ["build-debian"] script: - meson configure build -Dtestdata_tests=true - cd build - exit_code=0 - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--tilethreads 1 --framethreads 2" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--tilethreads 2 --framethreads 1" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - time meson test -q --suite testdata-8 --suite testdata-10 --suite testdata-12 --test-args "--tilethreads 2 --framethreads 2" || exit_code=$((exit_code + $?)) - if [ $exit_code -ne 0 ]; then exit $exit_code; fi test-debian-unaligned-stack: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] tags: - docker - avx2 - amd64 script: - meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false -Dstack_alignment=16 - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v test-debian-asan: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] variables: ASAN_OPTIONS: 'detect_leaks=0' script: - meson build --buildtype debugoptimized -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false -Db_sanitize=address -Denable_asm=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v --setup=sanitizer test-debian-msan: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] variables: MSAN_OPTIONS: 'exitcode=1' CC: clang script: - meson build --buildtype debugoptimized -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false -Db_sanitize=memory -Db_lundef=false -Denable_asm=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v --setup=sanitizer test-debian-ubsan: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian"] variables: UBSAN_OPTIONS: 'print_stacktrace=1:halt_on_error=1' CC: clang script: - meson build --buildtype debugoptimized -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false -Db_sanitize=undefined -Db_lundef=false -Denable_asm=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v --setup=sanitizer test-win64: extends: - .debian-amd64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-win64"] tags: - docker - avx2 - amd64 script: - wineserver -p && wine wineboot - meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false --cross-file package/crossfiles/x86_64-w64-mingw32.meson - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v test-debian-aarch64: extends: - .debian-aarch64-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian-aarch64"] script: - meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v test-debian-ppc64le: extends: - .debian-ppc64le-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian-ppc64le"] script: - meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v test-debian-armv7-clang-5: extends: - .debian-armv7-common - .test-common needs: ["build-debian-armv7-clang-5"] variables: CC: clang-5.0 CFLAGS: '-integrated-as' script: - linux32 meson build --buildtype release -Dtestdata_tests=true -Dlogging=false - ninja -C build - cd build && time meson test -v .pages-common: extends: .debian-amd64-common script: - meson build --buildtype release --werror - ninja -C build doc/html - mv build/doc/html public artifacts: paths: - public build-pages: extends: .pages-common except: refs: - master pages: extends: .pages-common only: refs: - master changes: - include/dav1d/*