ref: deaf39e47851897f32c747929aa82da7dd197116
dir: /wscript/
#! /usr/bin/python # # usage: # $ python waf --help # # example: # $ ./waf distclean configure build # # Note: aubio uses the waf build system, which relies on Python. Provided you # have Python installed, you do *not* need to install anything to build aubio. # For more info about waf, see . import sys APPNAME = 'aubio' from this_version import * VERSION = get_aubio_version() LIB_VERSION = get_libaubio_version() top = '.' out = 'build' def add_option_enable_disable(ctx, name, default = None, help_str = None, help_disable_str = None): if help_str == None: help_str = 'enable ' + name + ' support' if help_disable_str == None: help_disable_str = 'do not ' + help_str ctx.add_option('--enable-' + name, action = 'store_true', default = default, dest = 'enable_' + name.replace('-','_'), help = help_str) ctx.add_option('--disable-' + name, action = 'store_false', #default = default, dest = 'enable_' + name.replace('-','_'), help = help_disable_str ) def options(ctx): ctx.add_option('--build-type', action = 'store', default = "release", choices = ('debug', 'release'), dest = 'build_type', help = 'whether to compile with (--build-type=release) or without (--build-type=debug) '\ ' compiler opimizations [default: release]') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'fftw3f', default = False, help_str = 'compile with fftw3f instead of ooura (recommended)', help_disable_str = 'do not compile with fftw3f') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'fftw3', default = False, help_str = 'compile with fftw3 instead of ooura', help_disable_str = 'do not compile with fftw3') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'complex', default = False, help_str ='compile with C99 complex', help_disable_str = 'do not use C99 complex (default)' ) add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'jack', default = None, help_str = 'compile with jack (auto)', help_disable_str = 'disable jack support') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'sndfile', default = None, help_str = 'compile with sndfile (auto)', help_disable_str = 'disable sndfile') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'avcodec', default = None, help_str = 'compile with libavcodec (auto)', help_disable_str = 'disable libavcodec') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'samplerate', default = None, help_str = 'compile with samplerate (auto)', help_disable_str = 'disable samplerate') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'memcpy', default = True, help_str = 'use memcpy hacks (default)', help_disable_str = 'do not use memcpy hacks') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'double', default = False, help_str = 'compile in double precision mode', help_disable_str = 'compile in single precision mode (default)') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'fat', default = False, help_str = 'build fat binaries (darwin only)', help_disable_str = 'do not build fat binaries (default)') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'accelerate', default = None, help_str = 'use Accelerate framework (darwin only) (auto)', help_disable_str = 'do not use Accelerate framework') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'apple-audio', default = None, help_str = 'use CoreFoundation (darwin only) (auto)', help_disable_str = 'do not use CoreFoundation framework') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'atlas', default = False, help_str = 'use Atlas library (no)', help_disable_str = 'do not use Atlas library') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'wavread', default = True, help_str = 'compile with source_wavread (default)', help_disable_str = 'do not compile source_wavread') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'wavwrite', default = True, help_str = 'compile with source_wavwrite (default)', help_disable_str = 'do not compile source_wavwrite') add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'docs', default = None, help_str = 'build documentation (auto)', help_disable_str = 'do not build documentation') ctx.add_option('--with-target-platform', type='string', help='set target platform for cross-compilation', dest='target_platform') ctx.load('compiler_c') ctx.load('waf_unit_test') ctx.load('gnu_dirs') def configure(ctx): from waflib import Options ctx.load('compiler_c') ctx.load('waf_unit_test') ctx.load('gnu_dirs') target_platform = sys.platform if ctx.options.target_platform: target_platform = ctx.options.target_platform if target_platform=='emscripten': # need to force spaces between flag -o and path # inspired from : # (#1885) # (OSX /emscripten 1.37.9) ctx.env.CC_TGT_F = ['-c', '-o', ''] ctx.env.CCLNK_TGT_F = ['-o', ''] # check for common headers ctx.check(header_name='stdlib.h') ctx.check(header_name='stdio.h') ctx.check(header_name='math.h') ctx.check(header_name='string.h') ctx.check(header_name='limits.h') ctx.check(header_name='stdarg.h') ctx.check(header_name='getopt.h', mandatory = False) ctx.check(header_name='unistd.h', mandatory = False) ctx.env['DEST_OS'] = target_platform if ctx.options.build_type == "debug": ctx.define('DEBUG', 1) else: ctx.define('NDEBUG', 1) if ctx.env.CC_NAME != 'msvc': if ctx.options.build_type == "debug": # no optimization in debug mode ctx.env.prepend_value('CFLAGS', ['-O0']) else: if target_platform == 'emscripten': # -Oz for small js file generation ctx.env.prepend_value('CFLAGS', ['-Oz']) else: # default to -O2 in release mode ctx.env.prepend_value('CFLAGS', ['-O2']) # enable debug symbols and configure warnings ctx.env.prepend_value('CFLAGS', ['-g', '-Wall', '-Wextra']) else: # enable debug symbols ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['/Z7', '/FS'] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['/DEBUG', '/INCREMENTAL:NO'] # configure warnings ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['/W4', '/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS'] # set optimization level and runtime libs if (ctx.options.build_type == "release"): ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['/Ox'] ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['/MD'] else: assert(ctx.options.build_type == "debug") ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['/MDd'] ctx.check_cc(lib='m', uselib_store='M', mandatory=False) if target_platform not in ['win32', 'win64']: ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['-fPIC'] else: ctx.define('HAVE_WIN_HACKS', 1) ctx.env['cshlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.dll' if target_platform == 'darwin' and ctx.options.enable_fat: ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['-arch', 'i386', '-arch', 'x86_64'] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-arch', 'i386', '-arch', 'x86_64'] MINSDKVER="10.4" ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-mmacosx-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += [ '-mmacosx-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] if target_platform in [ 'darwin', 'ios', 'iosimulator']: if (ctx.options.enable_apple_audio != False): ctx.env.FRAMEWORK += ['CoreFoundation', 'AudioToolbox'] ctx.define('HAVE_SOURCE_APPLE_AUDIO', 1) ctx.define('HAVE_SINK_APPLE_AUDIO', 1) ctx.msg('Checking for AudioToolbox.framework', 'yes') else: ctx.msg('Checking for AudioToolbox.framework', 'no (disabled)', color = 'YELLOW') if (ctx.options.enable_accelerate != False): ctx.define('HAVE_ACCELERATE', 1) ctx.env.FRAMEWORK += ['Accelerate'] ctx.msg('Checking for Accelerate framework', 'yes') else: ctx.msg('Checking for Accelerate framework', 'no (disabled)', color = 'YELLOW') if target_platform in [ 'ios', 'iosimulator' ]: MINSDKVER="6.1" ctx.env.CFLAGS += ['-std=c99'] if (ctx.options.enable_apple_audio != False): ctx.define('HAVE_AUDIO_UNIT', 1) #ctx.env.FRAMEWORK += ['CoreFoundation', 'AudioToolbox'] if target_platform == 'ios': DEVROOT = "/Applications/" DEVROOT += "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer" SDKROOT = "%(DEVROOT)s/SDKs/iPhoneOS.sdk" % locals() ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-fembed-bitcode' ] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'arm64' ] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'armv7' ] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'armv7s' ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'arm64' ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-arch', 'armv7'] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-arch', 'armv7s'] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-miphoneos-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += [ '-miphoneos-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] else: DEVROOT = "/Applications/" DEVROOT += "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer" SDKROOT = "%(DEVROOT)s/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk" % locals() ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'i386' ] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-arch', 'x86_64' ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-arch', 'i386'] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-arch', 'x86_64'] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-mios-simulator-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += [ '-mios-simulator-version-min=' + MINSDKVER ] ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-isysroot' , SDKROOT] ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += [ '-isysroot' , SDKROOT] if target_platform == 'emscripten': import os.path ctx.env.CFLAGS += [ '-I' + os.path.join(os.environ['EMSCRIPTEN'], 'system', 'include') ] if ctx.options.build_type == "debug": ctx.env.cshlib_PATTERN = '%s.js' ctx.env.LINKFLAGS_cshlib += ['-s','ASSERTIONS=1'] else: ctx.env.LINKFLAGS += ['-Oz'] ctx.env.cshlib_PATTERN = '%s.min.js' ctx.env.cprogram_PATTERN = "%s.js" if (ctx.options.enable_atlas != True): ctx.options.enable_atlas = False # check support for C99 __VA_ARGS__ macros check_c99_varargs = ''' #include <stdio.h> #define AUBIO_ERR(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) ''' if ctx.check_cc(fragment = check_c99_varargs, type='cstlib', msg = 'Checking for C99 __VA_ARGS__ macro', mandatory = False): ctx.define('HAVE_C99_VARARGS_MACROS', 1) # show a message about enable_double status if (ctx.options.enable_double == True): ctx.msg('Checking for size of smpl_t', 'double') ctx.msg('Checking for size of lsmp_t', 'long double') else: ctx.msg('Checking for size of smpl_t', 'float') ctx.msg('Checking for size of lsmp_t', 'double') # optionally use complex.h if (ctx.options.enable_complex == True): ctx.check(header_name='complex.h') else: ctx.msg('Checking if complex.h is enabled', 'no') # check for fftw3 if (ctx.options.enable_fftw3 != False or ctx.options.enable_fftw3f != False): # one of fftwf or fftw3f if (ctx.options.enable_fftw3f != False): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'fftw3f', args = '--cflags --libs fftw3f >= 3.0.0', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_fftw3f) if (ctx.options.enable_double == True): ctx.msg('Warning', 'fftw3f enabled, but compiling in double precision!') else: # fftw3f disabled, take most sensible one according to # enable_double if (ctx.options.enable_double == True): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'fftw3', args = '--cflags --libs fftw3 >= 3.0.0.', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_fftw3) else: ctx.check_cfg(package = 'fftw3f', args = '--cflags --libs fftw3f >= 3.0.0', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_fftw3) ctx.define('HAVE_FFTW3', 1) # fftw not enabled, use vDSP or ooura if 'HAVE_FFTW3F' in ctx.env.define_key: ctx.msg('Checking for FFT implementation', 'fftw3f') elif 'HAVE_FFTW3' in ctx.env.define_key: ctx.msg('Checking for FFT implementation', 'fftw3') elif 'HAVE_ACCELERATE' in ctx.env.define_key: ctx.msg('Checking for FFT implementation', 'vDSP') else: ctx.msg('Checking for FFT implementation', 'ooura') # check for libsndfile if (ctx.options.enable_sndfile != False): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'sndfile', args = '--cflags --libs sndfile >= 1.0.4', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_sndfile) # check for libsamplerate if (ctx.options.enable_double): if (ctx.options.enable_samplerate): ctx.fatal("Could not compile aubio in double precision mode with libsamplerate") else: ctx.options.enable_samplerate = False ctx.msg('Checking if using samplerate', 'no (disabled in double precision mode)', color = 'YELLOW') if (ctx.options.enable_samplerate != False): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'samplerate', args = '--cflags --libs samplerate >= 0.0.15', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_samplerate) # check for jack if (ctx.options.enable_jack != False): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'jack', args = '--cflags --libs', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_jack) # check for libav if (ctx.options.enable_avcodec != False): ctx.check_cfg(package = 'libavcodec', args = '--cflags --libs libavcodec >= 54.35.0', uselib_store = 'AVCODEC', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_avcodec) ctx.check_cfg(package = 'libavformat', args = '--cflags --libs libavformat >= 52.3.0', uselib_store = 'AVFORMAT', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_avcodec) ctx.check_cfg(package = 'libavutil', args = '--cflags --libs libavutil >= 52.3.0', uselib_store = 'AVUTIL', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_avcodec) ctx.check_cfg(package = 'libswresample', args = '--cflags --libs libswresample >= 1.2.0', uselib_store = 'SWRESAMPLE', mandatory = False) if 'HAVE_SWRESAMPLE' not in ctx.env: ctx.check_cfg(package = 'libavresample', args = '--cflags --libs libavresample >= 1.0.1', uselib_store = 'AVRESAMPLE', mandatory = False) msg_check = 'Checking for all libav libraries' if 'HAVE_AVCODEC' not in ctx.env: ctx.msg(msg_check, 'not found (missing avcodec)', color = 'YELLOW') elif 'HAVE_AVFORMAT' not in ctx.env: ctx.msg(msg_check, 'not found (missing avformat)', color = 'YELLOW') elif 'HAVE_AVUTIL' not in ctx.env: ctx.msg(msg_check, 'not found (missing avutil)', color = 'YELLOW') elif 'HAVE_SWRESAMPLE' not in ctx.env and 'HAVE_AVRESAMPLE' not in ctx.env: resample_missing = 'not found (avresample or swresample required)' ctx.msg(msg_check, resample_missing, color = 'YELLOW') else: ctx.msg(msg_check, 'yes') if 'HAVE_SWRESAMPLE' in ctx.env: ctx.define('HAVE_SWRESAMPLE', 1) elif 'HAVE_AVRESAMPLE' in ctx.env: ctx.define('HAVE_AVRESAMPLE', 1) ctx.define('HAVE_LIBAV', 1) if (ctx.options.enable_wavread != False): ctx.define('HAVE_WAVREAD', 1) ctx.msg('Checking if using source_wavread', ctx.options.enable_wavread and 'yes' or 'no') if (ctx.options.enable_wavwrite!= False): ctx.define('HAVE_WAVWRITE', 1) ctx.msg('Checking if using sink_wavwrite', ctx.options.enable_wavwrite and 'yes' or 'no') # use ATLAS if (ctx.options.enable_atlas != False): ctx.check(header_name = 'atlas/cblas.h', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_atlas) #ctx.check(lib = 'lapack', uselib_store = 'LAPACK', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_atlas) ctx.check(lib = 'cblas', uselib_store = 'BLAS', mandatory = ctx.options.enable_atlas) # use memcpy hacks if (ctx.options.enable_memcpy == True): ctx.define('HAVE_MEMCPY_HACKS', 1) # write configuration header ctx.write_config_header('src/config.h') # the following defines will be passed as arguments to the compiler # instead of being written to src/config.h ctx.define('HAVE_CONFIG_H', 1) # add some defines used in examples ctx.define('AUBIO_PREFIX', ctx.env['PREFIX']) ctx.define('PACKAGE', APPNAME) # double precision mode if (ctx.options.enable_double == True): ctx.define('HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE', 1) if (ctx.options.enable_docs != False): # check if txt2man is installed, optional try: ctx.find_program('txt2man', var='TXT2MAN') except ctx.errors.ConfigurationError: ctx.to_log('txt2man was not found (ignoring)') # check if doxygen is installed, optional try: ctx.find_program('doxygen', var='DOXYGEN') except ctx.errors.ConfigurationError: ctx.to_log('doxygen was not found (ignoring)') # check if sphinx-build is installed, optional try: ctx.find_program('sphinx-build', var='SPHINX') except ctx.errors.ConfigurationError: ctx.to_log('sphinx-build was not found (ignoring)') def build(bld): bld.env['VERSION'] = VERSION bld.env['LIB_VERSION'] = LIB_VERSION # main source bld.recurse('src') # add sub directories if bld.env['DEST_OS'] not in ['ios', 'iosimulator', 'android']: bld.recurse('examples') bld.recurse('tests') # pkg-config template bld( source = '' ) # documentation txt2man(bld) doxygen(bld) sphinx(bld) def txt2man(bld): # build manpages from txt files using txt2man if bld.env['TXT2MAN']: from waflib import TaskGen if 'MANDIR' not in bld.env: bld.env['MANDIR'] = bld.env['DATAROOTDIR'] + '/man' bld.env.VERSION = VERSION rule_str = '${TXT2MAN} -t `basename ${TGT} | cut -f 1 -d . | tr a-z A-Z`' rule_str += ' -r ${PACKAGE}\\ ${VERSION} -P ${PACKAGE}' rule_str += ' -v ${PACKAGE}\\ User\\\'s\\ manual' rule_str += ' -s 1 ${SRC} > ${TGT}' TaskGen.declare_chain( name = 'txt2man', rule = rule_str, ext_in = '.txt', ext_out = '.1', reentrant = False, install_path = '${MANDIR}/man1', ) bld( source = bld.path.ant_glob('doc/*.txt') ) def doxygen(bld): # build documentation from source files using doxygen if bld.env['DOXYGEN']: bld.env.VERSION = VERSION rule = '( cat ${SRC} && echo PROJECT_NUMBER=${VERSION}; )' rule += ' | doxygen - > /dev/null' bld( name = 'doxygen', rule = rule, source = 'doc/web.cfg', target = '../doc/web/html/index.html', cwd = 'doc') bld.install_files( '${DATAROOTDIR}' + '/doc/libaubio-doc', bld.path.ant_glob('doc/web/html/**'), cwd = bld.path.find_dir ('doc/web'), relative_trick = True) def sphinx(bld): # build documentation from source files using sphinx-build # note: build in ../doc/_build/html, otherwise waf wont install unsigned files if bld.env['SPHINX']: bld.env.VERSION = VERSION bld( name = 'sphinx', rule = '${SPHINX} -b html -D release=${VERSION} -D version=${VERSION} -a -q `dirname ${SRC}` `dirname ${TGT}`', source = 'doc/', target = '../doc/_build/html/index.html') bld.install_files( '${DATAROOTDIR}' + '/doc/libaubio-doc/sphinx', bld.path.ant_glob('doc/_build/html/**'), cwd = bld.path.find_dir('doc/_build/html'), relative_trick = True) # register the previous rules as build rules from waflib.Build import BuildContext class build_txt2man(BuildContext): cmd = 'txt2man' fun = 'txt2man' class build_manpages(BuildContext): cmd = 'manpages' fun = 'txt2man' class build_sphinx(BuildContext): cmd = 'sphinx' fun = 'sphinx' class build_doxygen(BuildContext): cmd = 'doxygen' fun = 'doxygen' def shutdown(bld): from waflib import Logs if bld.options.target_platform in ['ios', 'iosimulator']: msg ='building for %s, contact the author for a commercial license' % bld.options.target_platform Logs.pprint('RED', msg) msg =' Paul Brossier <[email protected]>' Logs.pprint('RED', msg) def dist(ctx): ctx.excl = ' **/.waf* **/*~ **/*.pyc **/*.swp **/*.swo **/*.swn **/.lock-w* **/.git*' ctx.excl += ' **/build/*' ctx.excl += ' doc/_build' ctx.excl += ' python/demos_*' ctx.excl += ' **/python/gen **/python/build **/python/dist' ctx.excl += ' **/python/ext/config.h' ctx.excl += ' **/python/lib/aubio/' ctx.excl += ' **.egg-info' ctx.excl += ' **/**.zip **/**.tar.bz2' ctx.excl += ' **.tar.bz2' ctx.excl += ' **/doc/full/* **/doc/web/*' ctx.excl += ' **/doc/full.cfg' ctx.excl += ' **/python/*.db' ctx.excl += ' **/python.old/*' ctx.excl += ' **/python/*/*.old' ctx.excl += ' **/python/tests/sounds' ctx.excl += ' **/**.asc' ctx.excl += ' **/dist*' ctx.excl += ' **/.DS_Store' ctx.excl += ' **/.travis.yml' ctx.excl += ' **/.landscape.yml' ctx.excl += ' **/.appveyor.yml'