ref: d62c32f0b49643115db1e823ed3cbf47ef1aa1d0
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dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script dnl Init autoconf AC_INIT(src/aubio.h) dnl Package name and version PACKAGE=aubio . $srcdir/VERSION AUBIO_VERSION=${AUBIO_MAJOR_VERSION}.${AUBIO_MINOR_VERSION}.${AUBIO_PATCH_VERSION}${AUBIO_VERSION_STATUS} VERSION=${AUBIO_VERSION} dnl Shared library version SHARED_VERSION_INFO=${LIBAUBIO_LT_CUR}:${LIBAUBIO_LT_REV}:${LIBAUBIO_LT_AGE} AC_SUBST(SHARED_VERSION_INFO) dnl Init automake AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(${PACKAGE}, ${VERSION}) dnl Enable silent rules, use with make V=0 dnl AM_SILENT_RULES dnl Maintainer mode AM_MAINTAINER_MODE dnl Guess the host AC_CANONICAL_HOST dnl Check for programs AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_CC_C_O dnl compiling with per-target flag if test "$ac_cv_prog_cc" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([*** No C compiler found !]) fi AC_PROG_INSTALL AUBIO_CFLAGS= AC_CHECK_LIB(m, floorf) AUBIO_LIBS="-lm" dnl Enable double precision (no) AC_ARG_ENABLE(double, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-double],[compile in double precision [[default=no]]]), with_double_precision="yes", with_double_precision="no") if test "$with_double_precision" = "yes" then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AUBIO_DOUBLE,1,[Define to enable double precision]) fi dnl Enable debugging (no) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug],[compile in debug mode [[default=no]]]), with_debug="yes", with_debug="no") if test "$with_debug" = "yes" then AC_DEFINE(DEBUG,1,[Define to enable debug]) AUBIO_CFLAGS="$AUBIO_CFLAGS -g" fi dnl Enable full warnings (yes) AC_ARG_ENABLE(warnings, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-warnings],[compile with all gcc warnings [[default=yes]]]), with_warnme="no", with_warnme="yes") if test "$with_warnme" = "yes" then dnl Check for -Wextra support to allow compilation on gcc <= 3.4 AC_CACHE_CHECK([for -Wextra option to $CC], ac_cv_cc_wextra, [old_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wextra" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([void foo (void) {}], ac_cv_cc_wextra=yes, ac_cv_cc_wextra=no) CFLAGS="$old_CFLAGS" ]) if test "$ac_cv_cc_wextra" = "yes" then AUBIO_CFLAGS="$AUBIO_CFLAGS -Wall -Wextra" else AUBIO_CFLAGS="$AUBIO_CFLAGS -Wall" fi fi dnl fail on compilation warnings AC_ARG_ENABLE(errorfail, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-errorfail],[fail on compilation warnings [[default=no]]]), AUBIO_CFLAGS="$AUBIO_CFLAGS -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter", with_errorfail="no") dnl add gcov/lcov profiling and coverage flags AC_ARG_ENABLE(lcov, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-lcov],[compile with gcov/lcov profiling flags [[default=no]]]), AUBIO_CFLAGS="$AUBIO_CFLAGS -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage", with_lcov="no") dnl Check for libtool AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN dnl AC_DISABLE_STATIC dnl allow cross compiling AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(src/config.h) AC_CONFIG_FILES(aubio.pc) AM_CONDITIONAL(MINGW, false) AM_CONDITIONAL(DARWIN, false) case "${host}" in *mingw* | *cygwin*) mingw32_support="yes" AC_CHECK_HEADER(windows.h) AM_CONDITIONAL(MINGW, true) LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -no-undefined" ;; *darwin* | *rhapsody* | *macosx*) AC_ISC_POSIX AM_CONDITIONAL(DARWIN, true) ;; *) AC_ISC_POSIX ;; esac dnl Check for required libraries AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create) dnl Check for header files AC_CHECK_HEADERS([string.h stdlib.h stdio.h math.h limits.h errno.h stdarg.h unistd.h signal.h],,) AC_ARG_ENABLE(complex, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-complex],[compile with complex.h [[default=auto]]]), [with_complex=$enableval], with_complex="no") if test "$with_complex" = "yes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(complex.h,,AC_MSG_WARN([Ouch! missing complex.h header])) fi dnl Check for __VAR_ARGS__ support AC_CACHE_CHECK(for C99 __VA_ARGS__ macro, ac_cv_varargs_macros, AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include <stdio.h> #define AUBIO_ERR(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) ], [ AUBIO_ERR("%s\n", "ERR"); ], ac_cv_varargs_macros=yes, ac_cv_varargs_macros=no) ) if test "$ac_cv_varargs_macros" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_C99_VARARGS_MACROS, 1, [Defined when c99 style varargs macros are supported]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(sndfile, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-sndfile],[compile with sndfile [[default=auto]]]), [with_sndfile=$enableval], with_sndfile="yes") if test "$with_sndfile" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SNDFILE, sndfile >= 1.0.4, HAVE_SNDFILE=1, HAVE_SNDFILE=0) if test "${HAVE_SNDFILE}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SNDFILE,1,[Define to enable libsndfile support]) fi fi dnl Enable samplerate support (auto) AC_ARG_ENABLE(samplerate, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-samplerate],[compile with samplerate [[default=auto]]]), [with_samplerate=$enableval], with_samplerate="yes") if test "$with_samplerate" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SAMPLERATE, samplerate >= 0.0.15, HAVE_SAMPLERATE=1, HAVE_SAMPLERATE=0) if test "${HAVE_SAMPLERATE}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SAMPLERATE,1,[Define to enable libsamplerate support]) fi fi dnl Check for fftw3 (required) dnl if we compile in double precsion, default to fftw3, else fftw3f AC_ARG_ENABLE(fftw3, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fftw3],[compile with fftw3 [[default=auto]]]), [with_fftw3=$enableval], with_fftw3="yes") if test "$with_double_precision" = "yes"; then default_fftw3f="no" else default_fftw3f=$with_fftw3 fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(fftw3f, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fftw3f],[compile with fftw3f [[default=auto]]]), [with_fftw3f=$enableval], [with_fftw3f=$default_fftw3f]) # check if we have fftw3f if test "$with_fftw3f" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFTWLIB, fftw3f >= 3.0.0, HAVE_FFTW3F=1, HAVE_FFTW3F=0) else # check if we have fftw3 if test "$with_fftw3" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFTWLIB, fftw3 >= 3.0.0, HAVE_FFTW3=1, HAVE_FFTW3=0) fi fi if test "${HAVE_FFTW3}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FFTW3,1,[Define to enable fftw3 support]) fi if test "${HAVE_FFTW3F}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FFTW3,1,[Define to enable fftw3 support]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FFTW3F,1,[Define to enable fftw3f support]) fi dnl Enable jack support (auto) AC_ARG_ENABLE(jack, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-jack],[compile with jack [[default=auto]]]), [with_jack=$enableval], with_jack="yes") if test "$with_jack" = "yes" then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(JACK, jack >= 0.15.0, HAVE_JACK=1, HAVE_JACK=0) if test "${HAVE_JACK}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JACK,1,[Define to enable jack support]) fi fi dnl Enable lash support AC_ARG_ENABLE(lash, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-lash],[compile with lash [[default=auto]]]), [with_lash=$enableval], with_lash="yes") if test "$with_lash" = "yes" then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LASH, lash-1.0 >= 0.5.0, HAVE_LASH=1, HAVE_LASH=0) if test "${HAVE_LASH}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LASH,1,[Define to enable lash support]) fi fi dnl Enable unit tests AC_ARG_ENABLE(testprogs, AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-testprogs],[compile test programs [[default=no]]]), [with_testprogs=$enableval], with_testprogs="no") AM_CONDITIONAL(COMPILE_TESTS,test "${with_testprogs}" != "no") AC_SUBST(AUBIO_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(AUBIO_LIBS) dnl Check for swig and python dnl should check for swig version and python headers AC_PATH_PROG(SWIG,swig,no) AM_CONDITIONAL(SWIGFOUND, test "${SWIG}" != "no") AM_PATH_PYTHON AM_CONDITIONAL(PYTHONFOUND, test "${PYTHON}" != "no") dnl Check for docbook-to-man AC_PATH_PROG(DOCBOOK_TO_MAN,docbook-to-man,no) AM_CONDITIONAL(DOCBOOKFOUND, test "${DOCBOOK_TO_MAN}" != "no") dnl Create Makefiles AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile src/Makefile examples/Makefile tests/Makefile tests/src/Makefile sounds/Makefile swig/Makefile python/Makefile python/aubio/Makefile doc/Makefile ]) dnl Print summary echo echo "**************************************************************" echo "Summary:" if test "${HAVE_FFTW3F}" = "1"; then echo "FFT: using fftw3f" else if test "${HAVE_FFTW3}" = "1"; then echo "Fft: using fftw3" else echo "Fft: using ooura" fi fi if test "${HAVE_SNDFILE}" = "1"; then echo "Libsndfile: yes" else echo "Libsndfile: no" fi if test "${HAVE_SAMPLERATE}" = "1"; then echo "Libsamplerate: yes" else echo "Libsamplerate: no" fi if test "${HAVE_JACK}" = "1"; then echo "JACK: yes" else echo "JACK: no" fi if test "${HAVE_LASH}" = "1"; then echo "Lash: yes" else echo "Lash: no" fi echo "**************************************************************" echo Configuration completed successfully. Type \'make\' to build ${PACKAGE}