shithub: aubio

ref: b1bfc618c4508bcce604cf3b588bb6cb8725eeb3
dir: /src/mathutils.h/

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	 Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Brossier

	 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
	 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
	 (at your option) any later version.

	 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	 GNU General Public License for more details.

	 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
	 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


/** @file
 *  various math functions
 *  \todo multichannel (each function should return -or set- an array sized to
 *  the number of channel in the input vector)
 *  \todo appropriate switches depending on types.h content


#define PI 				(M_PI)
#define TWO_PI 		(PI*2.)

/* aliases to math.h functions */
#define EXP				expf
#define COS				cosf
#define SIN				sinf
#define ABS				fabsf
#define POW				powf
#define SQRT			sqrtf
#define LOG10			log10f
#define LOG			  logf
#define FLOOR			floorf
#define TRUNC			truncf

/* aliases to complex.h functions */
#if defined(WIN32)
/* mingw32 does not know about c*f functions */
#define EXPC			cexp
/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
#define CEXPC			cexp
/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
#define ARGC			carg
/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
#define ABSC			cabs
/** sample = REAL(complex) */
#define REAL			creal
/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
#define IMAG			cimag
/** sample = EXPC(complex) */
#define EXPC			cexpf
/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
#define CEXPC			cexp
/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
#define ARGC			cargf
/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
#define ABSC			cabsf
/** sample = REAL(complex) */
#define REAL			crealf
/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
#define IMAG			cimagf

/* handy shortcuts */
#define DB2LIN(g) (POW(10.0f,(g)*0.05f))
#define LIN2DB(v) (20.0f*LOG10(v))
#define SQR(_a) 	(_a*_a)

#define ELEM_SWAP(a,b) { register smpl_t t=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=t; }

/** Window types 
 * inspired from 
 *  - dafx :
 *  - freqtweak :
 *  - extace :

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef enum {
} aubio_window_type;

/** create window */
void aubio_window(smpl_t *w, uint_t size, aubio_window_type wintype);

/** principal argument
 * mod(phase+PI,-TWO_PI)+PI 
smpl_t aubio_unwrap2pi (smpl_t phase);

/** calculates the mean of a vector
 * \bug mono 
smpl_t vec_mean(fvec_t *s);
/** returns the max of a vector
 * \bug mono 
smpl_t vec_max(fvec_t *s);
/** returns the min of a vector
 * \bug mono 
smpl_t vec_min(fvec_t *s);
/** returns the index of the min of a vector
 * \bug mono 
uint_t vec_min_elem(fvec_t *s);
/** returns the index of the max of a vector
 * \bug mono 
uint_t vec_max_elem(fvec_t *s);
/** implement 'fftshift' like function
 * a[0]...,a[n/2],a[n/2+1],...a[n]
 * becomes
 * a[n/2+1],...a[n],a[0]...,a[n/2]
void vec_shift(fvec_t *s);
/** returns sum */
smpl_t vec_sum(fvec_t *s);
/** returns energy 
 * \bug mono 
smpl_t vec_local_energy(fvec_t * f);
/** returns High Frequency Energy Content
 * \bug mono */
smpl_t vec_local_hfc(fvec_t * f);
/** return alpha norm.
 * alpha=2 means normalise variance. 
 * alpha=1 means normalise abs value. 
 * as alpha goes large, tends to normalisation 
 * by max value.
 * \bug should not use POW :(
smpl_t vec_alpha_norm(fvec_t * DF, smpl_t alpha);
/*  dc(min) removal */
void vec_dc_removal(fvec_t * mag);
/**  alpha normalisation */
void vec_alpha_normalise(fvec_t * mag, uint_t alpha);

void vec_add(fvec_t * mag, smpl_t threshold);

void vec_adapt_thres(fvec_t * vec, fvec_t * tmp, 
    uint_t win_post, uint_t win_pre);
/**  adaptative thresholding 
 * y=fn_thresh(fn,x,post,pre)
 * compute adaptive threshold at each time 
 *    fn : a function name or pointer, eg 'median'
 *    x:   signal vector
 *    post: window length, causal part
 *    pre: window length, anti-causal part
 * Returns:
 *    y:   signal the same length as x
 * Formerly median_thresh, used compute median over a 
 * window of post+pre+1 samples, but now works with any
 * function that takes a vector or matrix and returns a
 * 'representative' value for each column, eg
 *    medians=fn_thresh(median,x,8,8)  
 *    minima=fn_thresh(min,x,8,8)  
 * see SPARMS for explanation of post and pre
smpl_t vec_moving_thres(fvec_t * vec, fvec_t * tmp, 
    uint_t win_post, uint_t win_pre, uint_t win_pos);

/** returns the median of the vector 
 *  This Quickselect routine is based on the algorithm described in
 *  "Numerical recipes in C", Second Edition,
 *  Cambridge University Press, 1992, Section 8.5, ISBN 0-521-43108-5
 *  This code by Nicolas Devillard - 1998. Public domain,
 *  available at
smpl_t vec_median(fvec_t * input);

/** finds exact maximum position by quadratic interpolation*/
smpl_t vec_quadint(fvec_t * x,uint_t pos);

/** finds exact minimum position by quadratic interpolation*/
smpl_t vec_quadint_min(fvec_t * x,uint_t pos, uint_t span);

/** Quadratic interpolation using Lagrange polynomial.
 * inspired from ``Comparison of interpolation algorithms in real-time sound
 * processing'', Vladimir Arnost, 
 * estimate = s0 + (pf/2.)*((pf-3.)*s0-2.*(pf-2.)*s1+(pf-1.)*s2);
 *    where 
 *    \param s0,s1,s2 are 3 known points on the curve,
 *    \param pf is the floating point index [0;2]
smpl_t aubio_quadfrac(smpl_t s0, smpl_t s1, smpl_t s2, smpl_t pf);

/** returns 1 if X1 is a peak and positive */
uint_t vec_peakpick(fvec_t * input, uint_t pos);

smpl_t aubio_bintomidi(smpl_t bin, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
smpl_t aubio_miditobin(smpl_t midi, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
smpl_t aubio_bintofreq(smpl_t bin, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
smpl_t aubio_freqtobin(smpl_t freq, smpl_t samplerate, smpl_t fftsize);
smpl_t aubio_freqtomidi(smpl_t freq);
smpl_t aubio_miditofreq(smpl_t midi);

uint_t aubio_silence_detection(fvec_t * ibuf, smpl_t threshold);
smpl_t aubio_level_detection(fvec_t * ibuf, smpl_t threshold);
 * calculate normalised autocorrelation function
void aubio_autocorr(fvec_t * input, fvec_t * output);
 * clean up cached memory at the end of program
 * use this function at the end of programs to purge all
 * cached memory. so far this function is only used to clean
 * fftw cache.
void aubio_cleanup(void);

#ifdef __cplusplus
