.appveyor.yml: upgrade pip first, always use python -m pip
examples/parse_args.h: hide jack options if not available, improve error message (closes: #182)
Merge branch 'ancorcruz-master'
python/demos/demo_pitch_sinusoid.py: use // to yield an integer
Merge branch 'ffmpeg-4.0', thanks to @jcowgill (closes: #173)
.travis.yml: remove xcode8.2 builds, group osx, add alias pip=pip2
doc/develop.rst: fix title markup
Merge branch 'patch-1' into WIZARDISHUNGRY-patch-1
src/io/source_wavread.c: add some input validation (closes: #158)
fixed spelling error
src/onset/onset.c: add dummy default parameters for wphase (closes #150)
doc/statuslinks.rst: change last version to 0.4.6
README.md: change last version to 0.4.6
VERSION: bump to 0.4.7~alpha
ChangeLog: update to 0.4.6
scripts/build_mingw: switch to latest ffmpeg release build 3.3.3
Merge branch 'winsymdef' (closes #126, closes waf-project/waf#2053)
scripts/build_mingw: use def file created at build time
.appveyor.yml: remove def output, do not try to build python-aubio against libaubio
scripts/get_waf.sh: do not add syms
waf_gensyms.py: move to own file
.appveyor.yml: print def file to check its content
src/wscript_build: on windows, use 'link /dump /symbols' to generate list of symbols
src/wscript_build: add task to create def file on windows, inspired by waf/extras/syms (see #126 and waf-project/waf#2053)
wscript: do not ship circlei.yml
src/cvec.c: fix indentation
wscript: intelipp checks disabled by default
wscript: shorten long lines
src/*.c, wscript: remove trailing spaces
src/spectral/fft.{c,h}: revert changes to fft.h, use ippsAtan2
examples/utils.c: also remove aubio_init here
src/musicutils.h: remove aubio_init()
tests/: undo changes, removing calls to aubio_init
src/aubio_priv.h: fix for double precision mode
src/spectral/fft.c: remove unrequired scaling, fixing python unit tests
src/wscript_build: link against ipp if defined
src/spectral/fft.c: define ipp aliases for single/double precision
src/aubio_priv.h: define ipp aliases for single/double precision, use them in cvec and fvec
src/spectral/fft.c: remove trailing space
src/aubio_priv.h: include ipp headers from here
fixed missing aubio_vDSP_vclr define
Merge branch 'intel_ipp_pull' of https://github.com/emuell/aubio into emuell-intel_ipp_pull
Merge branch 'emuell-yin_confidence'
Merge branch 'yin_confidence' of https://github.com/emuell/aubio into emuell-yin_confidence
Merge branch 'PR/simplify_emscripten'
scripts/build_emscripten: clean up
.appveyor.yml: use msvc 14.0 (VS 2015)
tests/src/io: improve comments
wscript: try compiling with msvc 10
.appveyor.yml: no more .bat file
.appveyor.yml: define PYTHONDIR, not PYTHON
.appveyor.yml: try another workaround for appveyor
.appveyor.yml: try escaping arguments
.appveyor.yml: set python.exe explicitely
.appveyor.yml: try using get_waf.sh
scripts/get_waf.sh: build waf from source tarball, add emscripten and syms (see #126)
python/ext/py-cvec.c: setters to return a negative value on error (closes #17)
wscript: remove trailing spaces
Merge branch 'master' into PR/simplify_emscripten
scripts/get_waf.sh: waf 2.0.1
.travis.yml: also upload to codecov.io
Makefile: build python against libaubio to get all coverage
.travis.yml: only upload lcov for now
.travis.yml: also install lcov on osx
Makefile: always generate coverage.info
Makefile: set PYTHONPATH=./lib/python for coverage
.travis.yml: add lcov and coveralls-lcov
Makefile: add coverage target
Merge branch 'master' into coveralls
python/tests/test_aubio_cmd.py: avoid unused variable
.coveragerc: measure branch coverage
.travis.yml: remap from installed package to local source
.travis.yml: run coverage only second time, do not clean, coveralls only when tests are run
Merge branch 'master' into coveralls
python/tests/test_aubio_cmd.py: fix for python << 3
Merge branch 'master' into coveralls
aubio.pc.in: remove trailing space
src/spectral/mfcc.c: fix typo
python/tests/test_aubio_*.py: add basic tests
Merge branch 'master' into coveralls
src/io/source_avcodec.c: improve error message, prevent un-opened bracket
python/lib/aubio/cmd.py: add silence and time format
python/lib/aubio/cut.py: use AubioArgumentParser
python/lib/aubio/cmd.py: add basic cut command
python/lib/aubio/cut.py: remove unused variable
python/lib/aubio/cmd.py: use custom parser class
python/lib/aubio/cut.py: clean-up, split in functions
Makefile: run test once, verbose is default
.travis.yml: custom NOSE2 command
Makefile: add NOSE2= to redefine nose2 command
python/tests/test_filterbank_mel.py: ignore UserWarnings
python/tests/test_filterbank*.py: clean-up, improve get_coeff tests
.travis.yml: add coveralls
.coveragerc: add basic ignore patterns