ref: 33bf50067e4e1e21542db9f0c540087181c738b0
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dnl Process this file with autoconf to porduce a configure script AC_INIT(src/aubio.h) . $srcdir/VERSION AUBIO_VERSION=${AUBIO_MAJOR_VERSION}.${AUBIO_MINOR_VERSION}.${AUBIO_PATCH_VERSION}${AUBIO_VERSION_STATUS} VERSION=${AUBIO_VERSION} PACKAGE=aubio AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(${PACKAGE}, ${VERSION}) AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr) dnl enable optimization CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -O2" dnl Check for debug AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --enable-debug[[=value]] compile with debug [[default=no]]], with_debug="yes", with_debug="no") if test "$with_debug" = "yes" then AC_DEFINE(DEBUG,1,[Define to enable debug]) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g" fi dnl AC_ARG_ENABLE(warnme, [ --enable-warnme[[=value]] compile with all -W [[default=yes]]], with_warnme="no", with_warnme="yes") if test "$with_warnme" = "yes" then ALL_CWARNINGS="-Wall -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-char-subscripts -Wno-unknown-pragmas" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $ALL_CWARNINGS" fi dnl Guess the host AC_CANONICAL_HOST dnl Check for programs AC_PROG_CC if test "$ac_cv_prog_cc" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([*** No C compiler found !]) fi AC_PROG_INSTALL dnl AC_PROG_SWIG dnl Check for libtool AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN dnl AC_DISABLE_STATIC AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_CONFIG_HEADERS(src/config.h) AC_CONFIG_FILES(aubio.pc) case "${host_os}" in mingw*) mingw32_support="yes" AC_CHECK_HEADER(windows.h) ;; darwin*) dnl on macosx, cosf went to -lmx LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lmx" AC_ISC_POSIX ;; *) AC_ISC_POSIX ;; esac dnl Check for libraries AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create) dnl Check for header files AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS([string.h stdlib.h stdio.h math.h errno.h stdarg.h unistd.h signal.h],,) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(complex.h,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Ouch! missing complex.h header])) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fftw3.h ,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Ouch! missing fftw3.h headeri])) dnl check for pkg-config AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG,pkg-config,no) dnl Check for required libraries PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFTWLIB, fftw3 >= 3.0.0, FFTW3_SUPPORT=1) if test "${FFTW3_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(FFTW3_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable fftw3 support]) fi PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SNDLIB, sndfile >= 1.0.4, SNDLIB_SUPPORT=1) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SAMPLERATE, samplerate >= 0.0.15, SAMPLERATE_SUPPORT=1) if test "${SNDLIB_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(SNDLIB_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable libsndfile support]) fi dnl Check for optional libraries AC_ARG_ENABLE(fftw3f, [ --enable-fftw3f[[=value]] compile with fftw3f [[default=no]]], with_fftw3f="yes", with_fftw3f="no") if test "$with_fftw3f" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFTWLIB, fftw3f >= 3.0.0, FFTW3F_SUPPORT=1) fi if test "${FFTW3F_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(FFTW3F_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable fftw3f support]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(jack, [ --enable-jack[[=value]] compile with jack [[default=no]]], with_jack="yes", with_jack="no") if test "$with_jack" = "yes" then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(JACK, jack >= 0.15.0, JACK_SUPPORT=1) if test "${JACK_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(JACK_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable jack support]) fi fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(alsa, [ --enable-alsa[[=value]] compile with alsa [[default=no]]], with_alsa="yes", with_alsa="no") if test "$with_alsa" = "yes" then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ALSA, alsa >= 0.0.9, ALSA_SUPPORT=1) if test "${ALSA_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(ALSA_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable alsa support]) fi fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(ladcca, [ --enable-ladcca[[=value]] compile with ladcca [[default=no]]], with_ladcca="yes", with_ladcca="no") if test "$with_ladcca" = "yes" then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LADCCA, ladcca-1.0 >= 0.4.0, LADCCA_SUPPORT=1) if test "${LADCCA_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE(LADCCA_SUPPORT,1,[Define to enable ladcca support]) fi fi AM_PATH_PYTHON(,,) AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile src/Makefile examples/Makefile sounds/Makefile doc/Makefile python/Makefile python/aubio/Makefile plugins/Makefile plugins/audacity/Makefile plugins/audacity/plug-ins/Makefile plugins/wavesurfer/Makefile swig/Makefile ]) echo echo "**************************************************************" echo "Summary:" if test "${FFTW3F_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "Fftw3: yes (fftw3f)" else if test "${FFTW3_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "Fftw3: yes" else echo "Fftw3f: no" fi fi if test "${SNDLIB_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "Libsndfile: yes" else echo "Libsndfile: no" fi if test "${SAMPLERATE_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "Libsamplerate: yes" else echo "Libsamplerate: no" fi if test "${JACK_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "JACK: yes" else echo "JACK: no" fi if test "${ALSA_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "ALSA midi: yes" else echo "ALSA midi: no" fi if test "${LADCCA_SUPPORT}" = "1"; then echo "Ladcca: yes" else echo "Ladcca: no" fi echo "**************************************************************" echo Configuration completed successfully. Type \'make\' to build ${PACKAGE}