splitting up tasks in many files
update to last bench-onset, bench-pitch
switch to mcomb in aubiopitch~
web: use multiple pitch methods
taskpitch: limit frequency range and delay, update gettruth
remove useless multiple plot and title to plot_spec
remove old plot_pitch, plot_onset and getonsets, cutfile, getpitch
update taskpitch, use oplots instead of gnuplot
[src,swig] added cvec methods to sample
updated aubiocut to new tasks, added option to print and plot only functions
added support for dcthres and verbose, moved task.step to tasks.params.step, updated plot functions
added support for dcthreshold
fix draw_sound, remove hardcoded params for draw_pitch
add mintol to taskonset, fix taskpitch.eval
add params to pass to bench, remove debug messages, rewrite gnuplot_create
added bench-window, bench-delay, benchonset
workaround to avoid crashing on silence cut
add support for delay to task onset, invert silence output, remove unused import
add Makefile for bench-pitch
add Makefile for bench-onset
merge some benchonset code into node
move bench-onset in bench dir
start using results structure, move onset specific out of node
change rocloc to return list and abs list of differences
remove gettruth from onset, add rocloc evaluation mode
added onset_rocloc simultaneous comparison and diffs
fixed results/data fan out, update onset template
tag of [email protected]/aubio--mainline--0.2.0--patch-52
added puredata aubiopitch~
move aubiopitch to new tasks, comment out old task versions
add taskbeat, make taskparams an object subclass, fix bug on localmin
new act_on_files, avoids using find too much; add some error checking
add auto_learn2 method, which converges
adds peakpick_pimrt_getval and beattracking functions
adds peakpick_pimrt_getval and beattracking functions
add _getval method to explicitely get the peak picked value
move to new nodes and tasks
added tasks fot onset, silence and cut
extend bench, make it less error prone
factorise code for both peakpick versions
add class task, rewrite of bench-pitch
rename class task to bench, move pretty_print into it
complete rewrite of bench onset, no more command line call
clarify list functions, add task class
correct default bufsize, fix function level import
add help and doc to EXTRA_DIST
add list_snd_files and downsample audio, temporary fix for filename check in plot functions
Add rules to build html manpages
rewrite of the puredata external
added aubioquiet in examples
move numarray import inside function
remove obsolete function and factorise gnuplot init
do not sys.exit, add keywords to act_on_data
added aubio_tss_set_thres function
add crude damage limits, make world executable
make default mode be a list, make world executable
added peak picker configuration example
normalized woodblock sound
added and updated manpages
added -fPIC to python module
added {set,get}_threshold{,fn} to peakpick
fix default pitch, must now be a list
add plotting of truth file for pitch
fix resample for 64bit (thanks to Lachlan Davison)
wrapper functions to add pitchm_bin output
added bintomidi, freqtobin, miditofreq
tag of [email protected]/aubio--mainline--0.2.0beta1--patch-30
bumped version number to 0.2.0
added midi and hertz output modes
fcomb doesn't output anything correct above 5000Hz
added FFTWLIB_CFLAGS to examples/Makefile.am, added host_os to configure.ac