ref: ad8538d9827f94c0fa7c0811b9db0c214be0fbd4
dir: /wingui/WindowUtil.cpp/
// WindowUtil.cpp: implementation of the CWindowUtil class. // Author: Torsten Landmann // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "faac_wingui.h" #include "WindowUtil.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CWindowUtil::CWindowUtil() { } CWindowUtil::~CWindowUtil() { } void CWindowUtil::DeleteAllListCtrlItems(CListCtrl *poListCtrl) { poListCtrl->DeleteAllItems(); } long CWindowUtil::AddListCtrlItem(CListCtrl *poListCtrl, const char *lpszText, long lParam) { if (poListCtrl==0) return -1; LV_ITEM sctItem; sctItem.mask=LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; sctItem.iItem=0; sctItem.lParam=lParam; sctItem.iSubItem=0; sctItem.pszText=(char*)lpszText; // hope we can trust the caller return poListCtrl->InsertItem(&sctItem); } void CWindowUtil::SetListCtrlItem(CListCtrl *poListCtrl, long lItemId, int iSubItemId, const char *lpszText) { if (poListCtrl==0) return; LV_ITEM sctItem; sctItem.mask=LVIF_TEXT; sctItem.iItem=lItemId; sctItem.iSubItem=iSubItemId; sctItem.pszText=(char*)lpszText; // hope we can trust the caller poListCtrl->SetItem(&sctItem); } void CWindowUtil::AddListCtrlColumn( CListCtrl *poListCtrl, int iColumnCount, const char *lpszText, double dWidth) { ASSERT(poListCtrl!=0); // valid parameter? if (poListCtrl==0) return; CRect cRect; int iWidthBuf; // determine dimensions of report list poListCtrl->GetWindowRect(cRect); // calculate width of new column iWidthBuf=dWidth>1 ? ((int) (dWidth)) : ((int) (dWidth*cRect.Width())); // create new column poListCtrl->InsertColumn(iColumnCount, lpszText, LVCFMT_LEFT, iWidthBuf, iColumnCount); } TItemList<long> CWindowUtil::GetAllSelectedListCtrlItemLParams(CListCtrl *poListCtrl, bool bDisableNoSelectionErrorMsg) { // buffer a pointer to the list control object CListCtrl* pListCtrl=poListCtrl; ASSERT(pListCtrl!=0); // valid list parameter? if (pListCtrl==0) return TItemList<long>(); // create the return item TItemList<long> oSelectedLParams; // get a list control read pointer POSITION hPos=pListCtrl->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition(); if (hPos==0) { // user did not select an item if (!bDisableNoSelectionErrorMsg) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_NoListItemSelected); } } else { // loop through all selected items and get their // referring lParams int nCurItem; long lCurItemData; while (hPos!=0) { // fetch the next element nCurItem=pListCtrl->GetNextSelectedItem(hPos); // find out the item data of the current element; lCurItemData=pListCtrl->GetItemData(nCurItem); // give our element to the list oSelectedLParams.AddNewElem(lCurItemData); } } return oSelectedLParams; } int CWindowUtil::GetListCtrlItemIdByLParam(CListCtrl *poListCtrl, long lParam, int iStartAt) { // find out the list control item that corresponds with the // given lParam LVFINDINFOA sctFindInfo; sctFindInfo.flags=LVFI_PARAM; sctFindInfo.lParam=lParam; return poListCtrl->FindItem(&sctFindInfo, iStartAt); } void CWindowUtil::ForceNumericContent(CEdit *poEdit, bool bAllowNegative) { ASSERT(poEdit!=0); if (poEdit==0) return; CString oOldString; poEdit->GetWindowText(oOldString); CString oNewString(oOldString); oNewString.TrimLeft(); bool bIsNegative=false; if (bAllowNegative) { if (oNewString.GetAt(0)=='-') { bIsNegative=true; oNewString.Delete(0); } } FilterString(oNewString, "0123456789"); if (bIsNegative) { oNewString=CString("-")+oNewString; } if (oNewString.GetLength()<oOldString.GetLength()) { DWORD dwCurSel=poEdit->GetSel(); // have altered the text poEdit->SetWindowText(oNewString); poEdit->SetSel(dwCurSel); } } void CWindowUtil::FilterString(CString &oString, const CString &oAcceptedChars) { long lCurPos=0; while (lCurPos<oString.GetLength()) { if (oAcceptedChars.Find(oString.GetAt(lCurPos))!=-1) { // character is ok lCurPos++; } else { // character is not ok oString.Delete(lCurPos); } } } CString CWindowUtil::GetTimeDescription(long lMilliseconds, bool bIncludeMillis) { long lSeconds=lMilliseconds/1000; lMilliseconds=lMilliseconds%1000; long lMinutes=lSeconds/60; lSeconds=lSeconds%60; long lHours=lMinutes/60; lMinutes=lMinutes%60; long lDays=lHours/24; lHours=lHours%24; CString oToReturn; if (lDays>0) { oToReturn.Format("%dd:%02d:%02d:%02d", lDays, lHours, lMinutes, lSeconds); } else { oToReturn.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", lHours, lMinutes, lSeconds); } if (bIncludeMillis) { CString oMillis; oMillis.Format(":%03d", lMilliseconds); oToReturn+=oMillis; } return oToReturn; }