ref: 63f943c97e2b086dd680ec73ae97e2bffe777eb1
dir: /wingui/FolderDialog.cpp/
// FolderDialog.cpp: implementation of the CFolderDialog class. // Author: Torsten Landmann // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "FolderDialog.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CFolderDialog::CFolderDialog(CWnd *poParent, const CString &oDlgCaption, unsigned int iFlags): m_oDlgCaption(oDlgCaption) { m_sctBrowseParams.hwndOwner=*poParent; m_sctBrowseParams.pidlRoot=NULL; // no special root directory (this entry is NOT the directory that is shown first) m_sctBrowseParams.pszDisplayName=0; m_sctBrowseParams.lpszTitle=0; m_sctBrowseParams.ulFlags=iFlags; m_sctBrowseParams.lpfn=NULL; // no callback m_sctBrowseParams.lParam=0; } CFolderDialog::~CFolderDialog() { } int CFolderDialog::DoModal() { m_sctBrowseParams.pszDisplayName=m_oFolderName.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH); m_sctBrowseParams.lpszTitle=m_oDlgCaption; // better do that here LPITEMIDLIST lpSelectedItems; if ((lpSelectedItems=SHBrowseForFolder(&m_sctBrowseParams))!=NULL) { // OK pressed m_oFolderName.ReleaseBuffer(); // unfortunately m_oFolderName only contains the name of the // directory selected and not its complete path; thus we have // some work left to do... // complicated but more flexible version of finding out the path; /*// find out the complete selected path; for this we'll need // the desktop interface (SHBrowseForFolder() returns the directory // position relatively to the desktop folder) IShellFolder *pifcFile; SHGetDesktopFolder(&pifcFile); // now ask the desktop interface for the relative position of the // folder returned // -- this parameter makes this version more flexible-+ STRRET sctRet; // | // V pifcFile->GetDisplayNameOf(lpSelectedItems, SHGDN_NORMAL, &sctRet); // fetch the path that the user has selected switch (sctRet.uType) { case STRRET_CSTR: { m_oFolderPath=sctRet.cStr; break; } case STRRET_WSTR: { m_oFolderPath=sctRet.pOleStr; break; } default: case STRRET_OFFSET: { ASSERT(false); // unkown or unhandleble return type AfxMessageBox(IDS_InvalidReturnType); break; } }*/ // conventional way of finding out the complete folder path BOOL bSuccess=SHGetPathFromIDList(lpSelectedItems, m_oFolderPath.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH)); m_oFolderPath.ReleaseBuffer(); // free buffer that was returned by SHBrowseForFolder() IMalloc *pifcMalloc; SHGetMalloc(&pifcMalloc); pifcMalloc->Free(lpSelectedItems); if (!bSuccess) { // error finding out the complete path m_bError=true; return IDCANCEL; } return IDOK; } else { // cancel pressed m_oFolderName.ReleaseBuffer(); m_bError=false; return IDCANCEL; } }