ref: 63f943c97e2b086dd680ec73ae97e2bffe777eb1
dir: /cooledit/faac.c/
#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> // for FILE * #include "filters.h" //CoolEdit #include "resource.h" #include "faac.h" static faacEncHandle hEncoder; faacEncConfiguration faacEncCfg; typedef struct output_tag // any special vars associated with output file { FILE *fFile; long lSize; long lSamprate; WORD wBitsPerSample; WORD wChannels; DWORD dwDataOffset; BOOL bWrittenHeader; char szNAME[256]; faacEncHandle hEncoder; unsigned char *bitbuf; DWORD maxBytesOutput; long samplesInput; BOOL bStopEnc; } MYOUTPUT; __declspec(dllexport) DWORD FAR PASCAL FilterGetOptions(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInst, long lSamprate, WORD wChannels, WORD wBitsPerSample, DWORD dwOptions) // return 0 if no options box { long nDialogReturn=0L; FARPROC lpfnDIALOGMsgProc; lpfnDIALOGMsgProc=GetProcAddress(hInst,(LPCSTR)MAKELONG(20,0)); nDialogReturn=(long)DialogBoxParam((HINSTANCE)hInst,(LPCSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_COMPRESSION), (HWND)hWnd, (DLGPROC)lpfnDIALOGMsgProc,nDialogReturn); return nDialogReturn; } __declspec(dllexport) DWORD FAR PASCAL FilterWriteFirstSpecialData(HANDLE hInput, SPECIALDATA * psp) { return 0L; } __declspec(dllexport) DWORD FAR PASCAL FilterWriteNextSpecialData(HANDLE hInput, SPECIALDATA * psp) { return 0; // only has 1 special data! Otherwise we would use psp->hSpecialData // as either a counter to know which item to retrieve next, or as a // structure with other state information in it. } __declspec(dllexport) DWORD FAR PASCAL FilterWriteSpecialData(HANDLE hOutput, LPCSTR szListType, LPCSTR szType, char * pData,DWORD dwSize) { return 0; } __declspec(dllexport) void FAR PASCAL CloseFilterOutput(HANDLE hOutput) { if(hOutput) { MYOUTPUT *mo; mo=(MYOUTPUT *)GlobalLock(hOutput); if(mo->fFile) { fclose(mo->fFile); mo->fFile=0; } faacEncClose(mo->hEncoder); if(mo->bitbuf) { free(mo->bitbuf); mo->bitbuf=0; } GlobalUnlock(hOutput); GlobalFree(hOutput); } } __declspec(dllexport) HANDLE FAR PASCAL OpenFilterOutput(LPSTR lpstrFilename,long lSamprate,WORD wBitsPerSample,WORD wChannels,long lSize, long far *lpChunkSize, DWORD dwOptions) { HANDLE hOutput; long samplesInput; int bytesEncoded; //faacEncHandle hEncoder; FILE *outfile=0; short *pcmbuf=0; unsigned char *bitbuf=0; DWORD maxBytesOutput=0; /* open the aac output file */ outfile=fopen(lpstrFilename, "wb"); if(!outfile) { MessageBox(0, lpstrFilename, "Can't create file", MB_OK); return 0; } /* open the encoder library */ hEncoder=faacEncOpen(lSamprate, wChannels, &samplesInput, &maxBytesOutput); if(!hEncoder) { MessageBox(0, "Can't init library", "Error", MB_OK); return 0; } if(!(pcmbuf=(short*)malloc(samplesInput*sizeof(short)))) { MessageBox(0, "PCM buffer", "Memory allocation error", MB_OK); return 0; } if(!(bitbuf=(unsigned char*)malloc(maxBytesOutput*sizeof(unsigned char)))) { MessageBox(0, "Output buffer", "Memory allocation error", MB_OK); return 0; } bytesEncoded=faacEncEncode(hEncoder, 0, 0, bitbuf, maxBytesOutput); // initializes the flushing process if(bytesEncoded>0) fwrite(bitbuf, 1, bytesEncoded, outfile); *lpChunkSize=samplesInput*2; hOutput=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_SHARE,sizeof(MYOUTPUT)); if(hOutput) { MYOUTPUT *mo; mo=(MYOUTPUT *)GlobalLock(hOutput); mo->fFile=outfile; mo->lSize=lSize; mo->lSamprate=lSamprate; mo->wBitsPerSample=wBitsPerSample; mo->wChannels=wChannels; mo->dwDataOffset=0; // ?? mo->bWrittenHeader=0; strcpy(mo->szNAME,lpstrFilename); mo->hEncoder=hEncoder; mo->bitbuf=bitbuf; mo->maxBytesOutput=maxBytesOutput; mo->samplesInput=samplesInput; mo->bStopEnc=0; GlobalUnlock(hOutput); } else MessageBox(0, "hOutput=NULL", "FAAC Error", MB_OK); if(dwOptions==2) { faacEncConfigurationPtr myFormat; myFormat=faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration(hEncoder); myFormat->mpegVersion=faacEncCfg.mpegVersion; myFormat->aacObjectType=faacEncCfg.aacObjectType; myFormat->allowMidside=faacEncCfg.allowMidside; myFormat->useLfe=faacEncCfg.useLfe; myFormat->useTns=faacEncCfg.useTns; myFormat->bandWidth=faacEncCfg.bandWidth; myFormat->bitRate=faacEncCfg.bitRate; if(!faacEncSetConfiguration(hEncoder, myFormat)) { MessageBox(0, "Unsupported parameters\n", "FAAC error", MB_OK); return 0; } } return hOutput; } __declspec(dllexport) DWORD FAR PASCAL WriteFilterOutput(HANDLE hOutput, unsigned char far *buf, long lBytes) { int bytesWritten; int bytesEncoded; unsigned char *bitbuf; if(hOutput) { MYOUTPUT far *mo; mo=(MYOUTPUT far *)GlobalLock(hOutput); if(!mo->bStopEnc) { bitbuf=mo->bitbuf; // call the actual encoding routine bytesEncoded=faacEncEncode(mo->hEncoder, (short *)buf, mo->samplesInput, bitbuf, mo->maxBytesOutput); if(!bytesEncoded) // end of flushing process mo->bStopEnc=1; } if(!bytesEncoded) // end of flushing process { GlobalUnlock(hOutput); return 0; } else if(bytesEncoded<0) { MessageBox(0, "faacEncEncode() failed", "Error", MB_OK); GlobalUnlock(hOutput); return 0; } // write bitstream to aac file bytesWritten=fwrite(bitbuf, 1, bytesEncoded, mo->fFile); GlobalUnlock(hOutput); } if(bytesWritten!=bytesEncoded) { MessageBox(0, "bytesWritten and bytesEncoded are different", "Output error", MB_OK); return 0; } return bytesWritten; }