ref: 02ce1b0c415872da32c880c981ed3191f4233301
dir: /rateconv.c/
/********************************************************************** audio sample rate converter $Id: rateconv.c,v 1.5 2000/10/04 19:45:33 menno Exp $ Source file: rateconv.c Authors: NM Nikolaus Meine, Uni Hannover (c/o Heiko Purnhagen) HP Heiko Purnhagen, Uni Hannover <[email protected]> Changes: xx-jun-98 NM resamp.c 18-sep-98 HP converted into module 03-aug-99 NM now even faster ... 04-nov-99 NM/HP double ratio, htaps1 /= 2 11-nov-99 HP improved RateConvInit() debuglevel **********************************************************************/ /* * Sample-rate converter * * Realized in three steps: * * 1. Upsampling by factor two while doing appropriate lowpass-filtering. * This is done by using an FFT-based convolution algorithm with a multi-tap * Kaiser-windowed lowpass filter. * If the cotoff-frequency is less than 0.5, only lowpass-filtering without * the upsampling is done. * 2. Upsampling by factor 128 using a 15 tap Kaiser-windowed lowpass filter * (alpha=12.5) and conventional convolution algorithm. * Two values (the next neighbours) are computed for every sample needed. * 3. Linear interpolation between the two bounding values. * * Stereo and mono data is supported. * Up- and downsampling of any ratio is possible. * Input and output file format is Sun-audio. * * Written by N.Meine, 1998 * */ /* Multi channel data is interleaved: l0 r0 l1 r1 ... */ /* Total number of samples (over all channels) is used. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "aacenc.h" #include "rateconv.h" /* ---------- declarations ---------- */ #ifndef min #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef min #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* ---------- declarations (structures) ---------- */ #define real double /* float seems to be precise enough, but it */ /* doesn't run much faster than double */ typedef struct { real re,im; } complex; struct RCBufStruct /* buffer handle */ { int numChannel; /* number of channels */ long currentSampleIn; /* number of input samples */ long currentSampleOut; /* number of output samples */ real *wtab; complex *x; real *tp1; real *tp2; complex *ibuf; long nfn; long adv; long istart; long numode; long fm; double p1; double d1; long outSize; float *out; }; /* ---------- variables ---------- */ int RCdebugLevel = 0; /* debug level */ #define deftaps1 485 #define ov2exp 7 /* Oversampling exponent in the second step */ #define ov2fac (1<<ov2exp) /* Oversampling factor in the second step */ #define htaps2 7 /* Num. taps of the 2nd filter: 2*htaps2+1 */ #define alpha2 12.5 /* Kaiser-parameter for the second filter */ #define cutoff2 0.97 /* cutoff-frequency for the second filter */ #define cexp (CACHE1-(sizeof(real)==4 ? 3 : 4 )) #define cache (1<<cexp) #define pi 3.1415926535897932 #define zpi 6.2831853071795965 /* ---------- local functions ---------- */ void mkeiwutab(real *st,long fn) { register int i,k; register double phi; for (k=fn; k; k>>=1) { phi = zpi/((double) k); for (i=0; i<k; i++) st[i]=(real) sin(phi*((double) i)); st+=k; } } void r4fftstep(register real *x0,register long n,register real *t) { register long n4 = n/4; register real *x1 = x0+2*n4; register real *x2 = x1+2*n4; register real *x3 = x2+2*n4; register real *y; register real wr,wi,ar,ai,br,bi,cr,ci,dr,di,hr,hi; register long i; if ( n>16 ) { y=t+6*n4; r4fftstep(x0,n4,y); r4fftstep(x1,n4,y); r4fftstep(x2,n4,y); r4fftstep(x3,n4,y); } else { if ( n==8 ) { for (y=x0; y<x0+16; y+=4) { ar=y[0]; ai=y[1]; br=y[2]; bi=y[3]; y[0]=ar+br; y[1]=ai+bi; y[2]=ar-br; y[3]=ai-bi; } } else { for (y=x0; y<x0+32; y+=8) { ar=y[0]; ai=y[1]; br=y[2]; bi=y[3]; cr=y[4]; ci=y[5]; dr=y[6]; di=y[7]; hr=ar+cr; wr=ar-cr; hi=ai+ci; wi=ai-ci; ar=br+dr; cr=br-dr; ai=bi+di; ci=bi-di; y[0]=hr+ar; y[1]=hi+ai; y[2]=wr+ci; y[3]=wi-cr; y[4]=hr-ar; y[5]=hi-ai; y[6]=wr-ci; y[7]=wi+cr; } } } y=t+n4; for (i=0; i<n4; i++) { ar=x0[0]; ai=x0[1]; wr=y[ i]; wi=t[ i]; hr=x1[0]; hi=x1[1]; br=wr*hr+wi*hi; bi=wr*hi-wi*hr; wr=y[2*i]; wi=t[2*i]; hr=x2[0]; hi=x2[1]; cr=wr*hr+wi*hi; ci=wr*hi-wi*hr; wr=y[3*i]; wi=t[3*i]; hr=x3[0]; hi=x3[1]; dr=wr*hr+wi*hi; di=wr*hi-wi*hr; hr=ar+cr; wr=ar-cr; hi=ai+ci; wi=ai-ci; ar=br+dr; cr=br-dr; ai=bi+di; ci=bi-di; x0[0]=hr+ar; x0[1]=hi+ai; x1[0]=wr+ci; x1[1]=wi-cr; x2[0]=hr-ar; x2[1]=hi-ai; x3[0]=wr-ci; x3[1]=wi+cr; x0+=2; x1+=2; x2+=2; x3+=2; } } void r4ifftstep(register real *x0,register long n,register real *t) { register long n4 = n/4; register real *x1 = x0+2*n4; register real *x2 = x1+2*n4; register real *x3 = x2+2*n4; register real *y; register real wr,wi,ar,ai,br,bi,cr,ci,dr,di,hr,hi; register long i; if ( n>16 ) { y=t+6*n4; r4ifftstep(x0,n4,y); r4ifftstep(x1,n4,y); r4ifftstep(x2,n4,y); r4ifftstep(x3,n4,y); } else { if ( n==8 ) { for (y=x0; y<x0+16; y+=4) { ar=y[0]; ai=y[1]; br=y[2]; bi=y[3]; y[0]=ar+br; y[1]=ai+bi; y[2]=ar-br; y[3]=ai-bi; } } else { for (y=x0; y<x0+32; y+=8) { ar=y[0]; ai=y[1]; br=y[2]; bi=y[3]; cr=y[4]; ci=y[5]; dr=y[6]; di=y[7]; hr=ar+cr; wr=ar-cr; hi=ai+ci; wi=ai-ci; ar=br+dr; cr=br-dr; ai=bi+di; ci=bi-di; y[0]=hr+ar; y[1]=hi+ai; y[2]=wr-ci; y[3]=wi+cr; y[4]=hr-ar; y[5]=hi-ai; y[6]=wr+ci; y[7]=wi-cr; } } } y=t+n4; for (i=0; i<n4; i++) { ar=x0[0]; ai=x0[1]; wr=y[ i]; wi=t[ i]; hr=x1[0]; hi=x1[1]; br=wr*hr-wi*hi; bi=wr*hi+wi*hr; wr=y[2*i]; wi=t[2*i]; hr=x2[0]; hi=x2[1]; cr=wr*hr-wi*hi; ci=wr*hi+wi*hr; wr=y[3*i]; wi=t[3*i]; hr=x3[0]; hi=x3[1]; dr=wr*hr-wi*hi; di=wr*hi+wi*hr; hr=ar+cr; wr=ar-cr; hi=ai+ci; wi=ai-ci; ar=br+dr; cr=br-dr; ai=bi+di; ci=bi-di; x0[0]=hr+ar; x0[1]=hi+ai; x1[0]=wr-ci; x1[1]=wi+cr; x2[0]=hr-ar; x2[1]=hi-ai; x3[0]=wr+ci; x3[1]=wi-cr; x0+=2; x1+=2; x2+=2; x3+=2; } } void perm4(real *x,long p) { register real a,b,c,d; register long i,j,k,l; l=1<<(p-1); for (i=j=0; i<(2<<p); i+=2) { if ( j>i ) { a=x[i]; b=x[i+1]; c=x[j]; d=x[j+1]; x[j]=a; x[j+1]=b; x[i]=c; x[i+1]=d; } j+=l; for (k=l<<2; j&k; k>>=2) j=(j^=k)+(k>>4); } } void perm42(real *x,long p) { register real *y,*z; register long i,n; n=1<<p; perm4(x ,p-1); perm4(x+n,p-1); y=x+2*n; z=x+n; for (i=0; i<n; i+=2) { y[2*i ]=x[i ]; y[2*i+1]=x[i+1]; y[2*i+2]=z[i ]; y[2*i+3]=z[i+1]; x[i ]=y[i ]; x[i+1]=y[i+1]; } for (; i<2*n; i+=2) { x[i ]=y[i ]; x[i+1]=y[i+1]; } } void r4fft(real *t,real *x,long p) { register long n = 1<<p; if ( p&1 ) perm42(x,p); else perm4(x,p); r4fftstep(x,n,t); } void r4ifft(real *t,real *x,long p) { register long n = 1<<p; if ( p&1 ) perm42(x,p); else perm4(x,p); r4ifftstep(x,n,t); } double bessel(double x) { register double p,s,ds,k; x*=0.5; k=0.0; p=s=1.0; do { k+=1.0; p*=x/k; ds=p*p; s+=ds; } while ( ds>1.0e-17*s ); return s; } void mktp1(complex *y,double fg,double a,long fn,long htaps1) { register long i; register double f,g,x,px; y[0].re=fg; y[0].im=0.0; f=1.0/bessel(a); g=1.0/(htaps1+0.5); g*=g; for (i=1; i<=htaps1; i++) { x=(double) i; px=pi*x; y[i].re=(real) f*bessel(a*sqrt(1.0-g*x*x))*sin(fg*px)/px; y[i].im=(real) 0.0; y[fn-i]=y[i]; } for (; i<fn-htaps1; i++) y[i].re=y[i].im=0.0; } void mktp2(real *y,double fg,double a) { register long i; register double f,g,x,px; y[0]=fg; f=1.0/bessel(a); g=1.0/(((double) ((htaps2+1)*ov2fac))-0.5); g*=g; for (i=1; i<(htaps2+1)*ov2fac; i++) { x=(double) i; px=(pi/ov2fac)*x; y[i]=(real) f*bessel(a*sqrt(1.0-g*x*x))*sin(fg*px)/px; } for (; i<(htaps2+2)*ov2fac; i++) y[i]=0.0; } void ctp2_m(real *x,double p,real *k,float **out) { register long n,i,j; register double h,l,r; register real *ka,*kb; register real *xa,*xb; h=ov2fac*p; i=(long) h; h-=(double) i; j=i&(ov2fac-1); i>>=ov2exp; l=r=0.0; ka=k+j; kb=k+ov2fac-j; i<<=1; xa=x+i; xb=x+i+2; n=htaps2+1; do { l+=xa[0]*ka[ 0] + xb[0]*kb[ 0]; r+=xa[0]*ka[ 1] + xb[0]*kb[-1]; ka+=ov2fac; kb+=ov2fac; xa-=2; xb+=2; } while (--n); *(*out)++ = (float) (l+h*(r-l)); } void ctp2_s(complex *x,double p,real *k,float **out) { register long n,i,j; register double h,l0,l1,r0,r1; register real *ka,*kb; register complex *xa,*xb; h=ov2fac*p; i=(long) h; h-=(double) i; j=i&(ov2fac-1); i>>=ov2exp; l0=l1=r0=r1=0.0; ka=k+j; kb=k+ov2fac-j; xa=x+i; xb=x+i+1; n=htaps2+1; do { l0+=xa[0].re*ka[ 0] + xb[0].re*kb[ 0]; l1+=xa[0].im*ka[ 0] + xb[0].im*kb[ 0]; r0+=xa[0].re*ka[ 1] + xb[0].re*kb[-1]; r1+=xa[0].im*ka[ 1] + xb[0].im*kb[-1]; ka+=ov2fac; kb+=ov2fac; xa--; xb++; } while (--n); *(*out)++ = (float) (l0+h*(r0-l0)); *(*out)++ = (float) (l1+h*(r1-l1)); } void ctp1_1(complex *x,real *tp1,real *wtab,long fm) { register long i,fn2; fn2=1<<(fm-1); r4fft(wtab,(real *) x,fm); for (i=0; i<fn2; i++) { x[i+fn2].re*=tp1[fn2-i]; x[i+fn2].im*=tp1[fn2-i]; x[i ].re*=tp1[i ]; x[i ].im*=tp1[i ]; } r4ifft(wtab,(real *) x,fm); } void ctp1_2(complex *x,real *tp1,real *wtab,long fm) { register long i,fn2; fn2=1<<(fm-1); r4fft(wtab+(1<<fm),(real *) x,fm-1); for (i=0; i<fn2; i++) { x[i+fn2].re=x[i].re*tp1[fn2-i]; x[i+fn2].im=x[i].im*tp1[fn2-i]; x[i].re*=tp1[i]; x[i].im*=tp1[i]; } r4ifft(wtab,(real *) x,fm); } /* ---------- functions ---------- */ /* RateConvInit() */ /* Init audio sample rate conversion. */ RCBuf *RateConvInit ( int debugLevel, /* in: debug level */ /* 0=off 1=basic 2=full */ double ratio, /* in: outputRate / inputRate */ int numChannel, /* in: number of channels */ int htaps1, /* in: num taps */ /* -1 = auto */ float a1, /* in: alpha for Kaiser window */ /* -1 = auto */ float fc, /* in: 6dB cutoff freq / input bandwidth */ /* -1 = auto */ float fd, /* in: 100dB cutoff freq / input bandwidth */ /* -1 = auto */ int *numSampleIn) /* out: num input samples / frame */ /* returns: */ /* buffer (handle) */ /* or NULL if error */ { real *wtab; complex *x; real *tp1; real *tp2; complex *ibuf; long nfn; long adv; long istart; long numode; long fm; double p1; double d1; double sf2; double trw2; long fn; long fn2; long i; double h; double a; RCBuf *buf; RCdebugLevel = debugLevel; if (RCdebugLevel) printf("RateConvInit: debugLevel=%d ratio=%f numChannel=%d\n" "htaps1=%d a1=%f fc=%f fd=%f\n", RCdebugLevel,ratio,numChannel,htaps1,a1,fc,fd); buf=(RCBuf*)malloc(sizeof(RCBuf)); // if (!(buf=(RCBuf*)malloc(sizeof(RCBuf)))) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConvInit: Can not allocate memory"); buf->currentSampleIn = 0; buf->currentSampleOut = 0; buf->numChannel = numChannel; if (htaps1<0) htaps1 = deftaps1; htaps1 /= 2; /* NM 991104 */ if (a1<0) a1 = 10.0; numode = 0; for (fm=2; (1<<fm)<8*htaps1; fm+=2); fn=1<<fm; fn2=fn/2; wtab=(real *) malloc((4*fn + fn2+1 + (htaps2+2)*ov2fac)*sizeof(real)); // if (!(wtab= // (real *) malloc((4*fn + fn2+1 + (htaps2+2)*ov2fac)*sizeof(real)))) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConvInit: Can not allocate memory"); x=((complex *) wtab)+fn; tp1=(real *) (x+fn); tp2=tp1+fn2+1; mkeiwutab(wtab,fn); mktp1(x,0.5,a1,fn,htaps1); r4fft(wtab,(real *) x,fm); h=x[0].re*x[0].re*1.0e-10; for (i=fn/2; x[i].re*x[i].re<h; i--); trw2=((double) (i-(fn2/2)))/((double) (fn2/2)); sf2 = ratio; if ( sf2<0.0 ) sf2=1.0; d1=1.0/sf2; p1=htaps1+htaps2+2; /* delay compensation */ if ( fc<0.0 ) { if ( fd<0.0 ) { fc=(float)(1.0/d1-trw2); if ( fc<0.5-0.5*trw2 ) { numode=1; fc=(float)(2.0/d1-trw2); } if ( fc>1.0-trw2 ) fc=(float)(1.0-trw2); } else { fc=(float)(fd-trw2); if ( fd<=0.5 ) { numode=1; fc=(float)(2.0*fd-trw2); } } } else { if ( fc<0.5-trw2 ) { numode=1; fc+=fc; } } if ( fc>2.0 ) fc=2.0; if ( fc<=0.0 ) { // CommonWarning("RateConvInit: cutoff frequency to low: %f %f %f\n", // fc,fd,trw2); free(wtab); free(buf); return NULL; } nfn=fn; adv=fn-2*(htaps1+htaps2+2); istart=htaps1+htaps2+2; if ( !numode ) { nfn>>=1; adv>>=1; d1+=d1; } mktp1(x,0.5*fc,a1,fn,htaps1); r4fft(wtab,(real *) x,fm); a=1.0/((double) (((1+numode)*fn2))); for (i=0; i<=fn2 ; i++) tp1[i]=a*x[i].re; mktp2(tp2,cutoff2,alpha2); *numSampleIn = (int) 2*adv; buf->outSize = (long)((2*adv+4)*ratio+4); buf->out=(float*)malloc(buf->outSize*sizeof(float)); // if (!(buf->out=(float*)malloc(buf->outSize*sizeof(float)))) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConvInit: Can not allocate memory"); ibuf = (complex *) malloc((nfn-adv)*sizeof(complex)); // if (!(ibuf = (complex *) malloc((nfn-adv)*sizeof(complex)))) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConvInit: Can not allocate memory"); if ( buf->numChannel==1 ) { /* ibuf[?].im not used ... */ for (i=0; i<(nfn-adv)/2; i++) ibuf[i].re=0.0; for ( ; i<(nfn-adv) ; i++) ibuf[i].re=0.0; /* ibuf[i].re=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; */ } else { for (i=0; i< (nfn-adv); i++) ((real *) ibuf)[i]=0.0; for ( ; i<2*(nfn-adv); i++) ((real *) ibuf)[i]=0.0; /* ((real *) ibuf)[i]=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; */ } if (RCdebugLevel) printf("RateConvInit: inSize=%ld outSize=%ld\n" " output/input ratio : %8.2f\n" " cutoff frequency : %10.4f\n" " Kaiser parameter : %10.4f\n" " filter 1 taps : %5li\n" " filter 1 transition: %10.4f\n" " FFT length : %5li\n" " oversampling factor: %5li\n", 2*adv,buf->outSize, sf2,fc/(1+numode),a1,(long)2*htaps1+1,0.5*trw2, fn,ov2fac*(2-numode)); buf->wtab = wtab; buf->x= x; buf->tp1 = tp1; buf->tp2 = tp2; buf->ibuf = ibuf; buf->nfn = nfn; buf->adv = adv; buf->istart = istart; buf->numode = numode; buf->fm = fm; buf->p1 = p1; buf->d1 = d1; return buf; } /* RateConv() */ /* Convert sample rate for one frame of audio data. */ long RateConv ( RCBuf *buf, /* in: buffer (handle) */ short *dataIn, /* in: input data[] */ long numSampleIn, /* in: number of input samples */ float **dataOut) /* out: output data[] */ /* returns: */ /* numSampleOut */ { real *wtab = buf->wtab; complex *x = buf->x; real *tp1 = buf->tp1; real *tp2 = buf->tp2; complex *ibuf = buf->ibuf; long nfn = buf->nfn; long adv = buf->adv; long istart = buf->istart; long numode = buf->numode; long fm = buf->fm; double p1 = buf->p1; double d1 = buf->d1; long i; double p,h; long idxIn,numOut; float *out; if (RCdebugLevel) printf("RateConv: numSampleIn=%ld\n",numSampleIn); // if (numSampleIn != 2*adv) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConv: wrong numSampleIn"); idxIn = 0; out = buf->out; if ( buf->numChannel==1 ) { /* ibuf[?].im not used ... */ for (i=0 ; i<nfn-adv; i++) x[i].re=ibuf[i].re; for ( ; i< adv; i++) x[i].re=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; for ( ; i< nfn; i++) x[i].re=x[i-adv].im=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; for (i=nfn-adv; i< adv; i++) x[i].im=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; for ( ; i< nfn; i++) x[i].im=ibuf[i-adv].re=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; if ( numode ) ctp1_1(x,tp1,wtab,fm); else ctp1_2(x,tp1,wtab,fm); i=adv; h=(double) ((2*i)>>numode); for (p=p1; p<h; p+=d1) ctp2_m(&(x[istart].re),p,tp2,&out); p1=p-h; i=adv; h=(double) ((2*i)>>numode); for (p=p1; p<h; p+=d1) ctp2_m(&(x[istart].im),p,tp2,&out); p1=p-h; } else { for (i=0; i<nfn-adv; i++) x[i]=ibuf[i]; for (; i<adv; i++) { x[i].re=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; x[i].im=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; } for (; i<nfn; i++) { x[i].re=ibuf[i-adv].re=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; x[i].im=ibuf[i-adv].im=(real) dataIn[idxIn++]; } if ( numode ) ctp1_1(x,tp1,wtab,fm); else ctp1_2(x,tp1,wtab,fm); i=2*adv; h=(double) (i>>numode); for (p=p1; p<h; p+=d1) ctp2_s(x+istart,p,tp2,&out); p1=p-h; } buf->p1 = p1; *dataOut = buf->out; numOut = out - buf->out; // if (numOut > buf->outSize) // CommonExit(-1,"RateConv: output buffer size troubles"); buf->currentSampleIn += 2*adv; buf->currentSampleOut += numOut; return numOut; } /* RateConvFree() */ /* Free RateConv buffers. */ void RateConvFree ( RCBuf *buf) /* in: buffer (handle) */ { if (RCdebugLevel) printf("RateConvFree: sampleIn=%ld sampleOut=%ld\n", buf->currentSampleIn,buf->currentSampleOut); free(buf->out); free(buf->wtab); free(buf->ibuf); free(buf); } /* end of rateconv.c */