shithub: aacdec

ref: 8e28afb1d0ccc92d47cb852401049b5bca9be9ba
dir: /plugins/QCDMp4/QCDMp4.c/

View raw version
** FAAD2 - Freeware Advanced Audio (AAC) Decoder including SBR decoding
** Copyright (C) 2003 M. Bakker, Ahead Software AG,
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
** Any non-GPL usage of this software or parts of this software is strictly
** forbidden.
** Commercial non-GPL licensing of this software is possible.
** For more info contact Ahead Software through [email protected].
** $Id: QCDMp4.c,v 1.4 2003/12/06 04:24:17 rjamorim Exp $

//#define DEBUG_OUTPUT

#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <faad.h>
#include <mp4.h>

#include "resource.h"
#include "QCDInputDLL.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "config.h"
//#include "aacinfo.h"
//#include "aac2mp4.h"
//const char *long_ext_list = "MP4\0MPEG-4 Files (*.MP4)\0M4A\0MPEG-4 Files (*.M4A)\0AAC\0AAC Files (*.AAC)\0";
//const char *short_ext_list = "MP4\0MPEG-4 Files (*.MP4)\0M4A\0MPEG-4 Files (*.M4A)\0";

static long priority_table[] = {
static int res_id_table[] = {
    /*IDC_16BITS_DITHERED*/ IDC_16BITS /* temp hack */
static int res_table[] = {
//static char info_fn[_MAX_PATH];
//// post this to the main window at end of file (after playback has stopped)
//#define WM_WA_AAC_EOF WM_USER+2

struct seek_list
    struct seek_list *next;
    __int64 offset;

typedef struct state
    /* general stuff */
    faacDecHandle hDecoder;
    int samplerate;
    unsigned char channels;
    double decode_pos_ms; // current decoding position, in milliseconds
    int paused; // are we paused?
    int seek_needed; // if != -1, it is the point that the decode thread should seek to, in ms.
    char filename[_MAX_PATH];
    int filetype; /* 0: MP4; 1: AAC */
    int last_frame;
    __int64 last_offset;

    /* MP4 stuff */
    MP4FileHandle mp4file;
    int mp4track;
    MP4SampleId numSamples;
    MP4SampleId sampleId;

    /* AAC stuff */
    FILE *aacfile;
    long m_aac_bytes_into_buffer;
    long m_aac_bytes_consumed;
    __int64 m_file_offset;
    unsigned char *m_aac_buffer;
    int m_at_eof;
    double cur_pos_sec;
    int m_header_type;
    struct seek_list *m_head;
    struct seek_list *m_tail;
    unsigned long m_length;

    /* for gapless decoding */
    unsigned int useAacLength;
    unsigned int framesize;
    unsigned int initial;
    unsigned long timescale;
} state;

static state mp4state;

//static In_Module module; // the output module (declared near the bottom of this file)
struct {
	HINSTANCE		hDllInstance;
	HWND			hMainWindow;
	QCDModInitIn	QCDCallbacks;
} module;
AudioInfo		ai;

static int killPlayThread;
static int PlayThreadAlive = 0; // 1=play thread still running
HANDLE play_thread_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // the handle to the decode thread

/* Function definitions */
void *decode_aac_frame(state *st, faacDecFrameInfo *frameInfo);
DWORD WINAPI MP4PlayThread(void *b); // the decode thread procedure
DWORD WINAPI AACPlayThread(void *b); // the decode thread procedure

//typedef struct tag
//    char *item;
//    char *value;
//} tag;
//typedef struct medialib_tags
//    struct tag *tags;
//    unsigned int count;
//} medialib_tags;
//int tag_add_field(medialib_tags *tags, const char *item, const char *value)
//    void *backup = (void *)tags->tags;
//    if (!item || (item && !*item) || !value) return 0;
//    tags->tags = (struct tag *)realloc(tags->tags, (tags->count+1) * sizeof(tag));
//    if (!tags->tags) {
//        if (backup) free(backup);
//        return 0;
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        int i_len = strlen(item);
//        int v_len = strlen(value);
//        tags->tags[tags->count].item = (char *)malloc(i_len+1);
//        tags->tags[tags->count].value = (char *)malloc(v_len+1);
//        if (!tags->tags[tags->count].item || !tags->tags[tags->count].value)
//        {
//            if (!tags->tags[tags->count].item) free (tags->tags[tags->count].item);
//            if (!tags->tags[tags->count].value) free (tags->tags[tags->count].value);
//            tags->tags[tags->count].item = NULL;
//            tags->tags[tags->count].value = NULL;
//            return 0;
//        }
//        memcpy(tags->tags[tags->count].item, item, i_len);
//        memcpy(tags->tags[tags->count].value, value, v_len);
//        tags->tags[tags->count].item[i_len] = '\0';
//        tags->tags[tags->count].value[v_len] = '\0';
//        tags->count++;
//        return 1;
//    }
//int tag_set_field(medialib_tags *tags, const char *item, const char *value)
//    unsigned int i;
//    if (!item || (item && !*item) || !value) return 0;
//    for (i = 0; i < tags->count; i++)
//    {
//        if (!stricmp(tags->tags[i].item, item))
//        {
//            void *backup = (void *)tags->tags[i].value;
//            int v_len = strlen(value);
//            tags->tags[i].value = (char *)realloc(tags->tags[i].value, v_len+1);
//            if (!tags->tags[i].value)
//            {
//                if (backup) free(backup);
//                return 0;
//            }
//            memcpy(tags->tags[i].value, value, v_len);
//            tags->tags[i].value[v_len] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    return tag_add_field(tags, item, value);
//int tag_delete(medialib_tags *tags)
//    unsigned int i;
//    for (i = 0; i < tags->count; i++)
//    {
//        if (tags->tags[i].item) free(tags->tags[i].item);
//        if (tags->tags[i].value) free(tags->tags[i].value);
//    }
//    if (tags->tags) free(tags->tags);
//    tags->tags = NULL;
//    tags->count = 0;
//int ReadMP4Tag(MP4FileHandle file, medialib_tags *tags)
//    unsigned __int32 valueSize;
//    unsigned __int8 *pValue;
//    char *pName;
//    unsigned int i = 0;
//    do {
//        pName = 0;
//        pValue = 0;
//        valueSize = 0;
//        MP4GetMetadataByIndex(file, i, (const char **)&pName, &pValue, &valueSize);
//        if (valueSize > 0)
//        {
//            char *val = (char *)malloc(valueSize+1);
//            if (!val) return 0;
//            memcpy(val, pValue, valueSize);
//            val[valueSize] = '\0';
//            if (pName[0] == '\xa9')
//            {
//                if (memcmp(pName, "�nam", 4) == 0)
//                {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "title", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�ART", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "artist", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�wrt", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "writer", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�alb", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "album", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�day", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "date", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�too", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "tool", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�cmt", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "comment", val);
//                } else if (memcmp(pName, "�gen", 4) == 0) {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "genre", val);
//                } else {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, pName, val);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "gnre", 4) == 0) {
//                char *t=0;
//                if (MP4GetMetadataGenre(file, &t))
//                {
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "genre", t);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "trkn", 4) == 0) {
//                unsigned __int16 trkn = 0, tot = 0;
//                char t[200];
//                if (MP4GetMetadataTrack(file, &trkn, &tot))
//                {
//                    if (tot > 0)
//                        wsprintf(t, "%d/%d", trkn, tot);
//                    else
//                        wsprintf(t, "%d", trkn);
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "tracknumber", t);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "disk", 4) == 0) {
//                unsigned __int16 disk = 0, tot = 0;
//                char t[200];
//                if (MP4GetMetadataDisk(file, &disk, &tot))
//                {
//                    if (tot > 0)
//                        wsprintf(t, "%d/%d", disk, tot);
//                    else
//                        wsprintf(t, "%d", disk);
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "disc", t);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "cpil", 4) == 0) {
//                unsigned __int8 cpil = 0;
//                char t[200];
//                if (MP4GetMetadataCompilation(file, &cpil))
//                {
//                    wsprintf(t, "%d", cpil);
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "compilation", t);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "tmpo", 4) == 0) {
//                unsigned __int16 tempo = 0;
//                char t[200];
//                if (MP4GetMetadataTempo(file, &tempo))
//                {
//                    wsprintf(t, "%d BPM", tempo);
//                    tag_add_field(tags, "tempo", t);
//                }
//            } else if (memcmp(pName, "NDFL", 4) == 0) {
//                /* Removed */
//            } else {
//                tag_add_field(tags, pName, val);
//            }
//            free(val);
//        }
//        i++;
//    } while (valueSize > 0);
//    return 1;
//int mp4_set_metadata(MP4FileHandle file, const char *item, const char *val)
//    if (!item || (item && !*item) || !val || (val && !*val)) return 0;
//    if (!stricmp(item, "track") || !stricmp(item, "tracknumber"))
//    {
//        unsigned __int16 trkn, tot;
//        int t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
//        sscanf(val, "%d/%d", &t1, &t2);
//        trkn = t1, tot = t2;
//        if (!trkn) return 1;
//        if (MP4SetMetadataTrack(file, trkn, tot)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "disc") || !stricmp(item, "disknumber"))
//    {
//        unsigned __int16 disk, tot;
//        int t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
//        sscanf(val, "%d/%d", &t1, &t2);
//        disk = t1, tot = t2;
//        if (!disk) return 1;
//        if (MP4SetMetadataDisk(file, disk, tot)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "compilation"))
//    {
//        unsigned __int8 cpil = atoi(val);
//        if (!cpil) return 1;
//        if (MP4SetMetadataCompilation(file, cpil)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "tempo"))
//    {
//        unsigned __int16 tempo = atoi(val);
//        if (!tempo) return 1;
//        if (MP4SetMetadataTempo(file, tempo)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "artist"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataArtist(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "writer"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataWriter(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "title"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataName(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "album"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataAlbum(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "date") || !stricmp(item, "year"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataYear(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "comment"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataComment(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "genre"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataGenre(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "tool"))
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataTool(file, val)) return 1;
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        if (MP4SetMetadataFreeForm(file, (char *)item, (u_int8_t *)val, (u_int32_t)strlen(val))) return 1;
//    }
//    return 0;
//int WriteMP4Tag(MP4FileHandle file, const medialib_tags *tags)
//    unsigned int i;
//    for (i = 0; i < tags->count; i++)
//    {
//        const char *item = tags->tags[i].item;
//        const char *value = tags->tags[i].value;
//        if (value && *value)
//        {
//            mp4_set_metadata(file, item, value);
//        }
//    }

void in_mp4_DebugOutput(char *message)
    char s[1024];

    sprintf(s, "in_mp4: %s: %s", mp4state.filename, message);

int file_length(FILE *f)
    long end = 0;
    long cur = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    end = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, cur, SEEK_SET);

    return end;

static void show_error(HWND hwnd, char *message, ...)
    if (m_show_errors)
        MessageBox(hwnd, message, "Error", MB_OK);

static void config_init()
    //char *p=INI_FILE;
    //while (*p) p++;
    //while (p >= INI_FILE && *p != '.') p--;
	module.QCDCallbacks.Service(opGetPluginSettingsFile, INI_FILE, MAX_PATH, 0);

void config_read()
    char priority[10];
    char resolution[10];
    char show_errors[10];
    char use_for_aac[10];
    char downmix[10];
    char vbr_display[10];


    strcpy(show_errors, "1");
    strcpy(priority, "3");
    strcpy(resolution, "0");
    strcpy(use_for_aac, "1");
    strcpy(downmix, "0");
    strcpy(vbr_display, "1");
    //strcpy(titleformat, "%7");


    m_priority = atoi(priority);
    m_resolution = atoi(resolution);
    m_show_errors = atoi(show_errors);
    m_use_for_aac = atoi(use_for_aac);
    m_downmix = atoi(downmix);
    m_vbr_display = atoi(vbr_display);

void config_write()
    char priority[10];
    char resolution[10];
    char show_errors[10];
    char use_for_aac[10];
    char downmix[10];
    char vbr_display[10];

    itoa(m_priority, priority, 10);
    itoa(m_resolution, resolution, 10);
    itoa(m_show_errors, show_errors, 10);
    itoa(m_use_for_aac, use_for_aac, 10);
    itoa(m_downmix, downmix, 10);
    itoa(m_vbr_display, vbr_display, 10);


int Initialize(QCDModInfo *ModInfo, int flags)
	ModInfo->moduleString = "MP4 Plug-in v" FAAD2_VERSION;

	module.hMainWindow = (HWND)module.QCDCallbacks.Service(opGetParentWnd, 0, 0, 0);

	// read config from config file

	ModInfo->moduleExtensions = !m_use_for_aac ? "MP4:M4A" : "MP4:M4A:AAC";

	// return TRUE for successful initialization
	return 1;


void ShutDown(int flags) 
	Stop(mp4state.filename, STOPFLAG_FORCESTOP);

///* Convert UNICODE to UTF-8
//   Return number of bytes written */
//int unicodeToUtf8 ( const WCHAR* lpWideCharStr, char* lpMultiByteStr, int cwcChars )
//    const unsigned short*   pwc = (unsigned short *)lpWideCharStr;
//    unsigned char*          pmb = (unsigned char  *)lpMultiByteStr;
//    const unsigned short*   pwce;
//    size_t  cBytes = 0;
//    if ( cwcChars >= 0 ) {
//        pwce = pwc + cwcChars;
//    } else {
//        pwce = (unsigned short *)((size_t)-1);
//    }
//    while ( pwc < pwce ) {
//        unsigned short  wc = *pwc++;
//        if ( wc < 0x00000080 ) {
//            *pmb++ = (char)wc;
//            cBytes++;
//        } else
//        if ( wc < 0x00000800 ) {
//            *pmb++ = (char)(0xC0 | ((wc >>  6) & 0x1F));
//            cBytes++;
//            *pmb++ = (char)(0x80 |  (wc        & 0x3F));
//            cBytes++;
//        } else
//        if ( wc < 0x00010000 ) {
//            *pmb++ = (char)(0xE0 | ((wc >> 12) & 0x0F));
//            cBytes++;
//            *pmb++ = (char)(0x80 | ((wc >>  6) & 0x3F));
//            cBytes++;
//            *pmb++ = (char)(0x80 |  (wc        & 0x3F));
//            cBytes++;
//        }
//        if ( wc == L'\0' )
//            return cBytes;
//    }
//    return cBytes;
///* Convert UTF-8 coded string to UNICODE
//   Return number of characters converted */
//int utf8ToUnicode ( const char* lpMultiByteStr, WCHAR* lpWideCharStr, int cmbChars )
//    const unsigned char*    pmb = (unsigned char  *)lpMultiByteStr;
//    unsigned short*         pwc = (unsigned short *)lpWideCharStr;
//    const unsigned char*    pmbe;
//    size_t  cwChars = 0;
//    if ( cmbChars >= 0 ) {
//        pmbe = pmb + cmbChars;
//    } else {
//        pmbe = (unsigned char *)((size_t)-1);
//    }
//    while ( pmb < pmbe ) {
//        char            mb = *pmb++;
//        unsigned int    cc = 0;
//        unsigned int    wc;
//        while ( (cc < 7) && (mb & (1 << (7 - cc)))) {
//            cc++;
//        }
//        if ( cc == 1 || cc > 6 )                    // illegal character combination for UTF-8
//            continue;
//        if ( cc == 0 ) {
//            wc = mb;
//        } else {
//            wc = (mb & ((1 << (7 - cc)) - 1)) << ((cc - 1) * 6);
//            while ( --cc > 0 ) {
//                if ( pmb == pmbe )                  // reached end of the buffer
//                    return cwChars;
//                mb = *pmb++;
//                if ( ((mb >> 6) & 0x03) != 2 )      // not part of multibyte character
//                    return cwChars;
//                wc |= (mb & 0x3F) << ((cc - 1) * 6);
//            }
//        }
//        if ( wc & 0xFFFF0000 )
//            wc = L'?';
//        *pwc++ = wc;
//        cwChars++;
//        if ( wc == L'\0' )
//            return cwChars;
//    }
//    return cwChars;
///* convert Windows ANSI to UTF-8 */
//int ConvertANSIToUTF8 ( const char* ansi, char* utf8 )
//    WCHAR*  wszValue;          // Unicode value
//    size_t  ansi_len;
//    size_t  len;
//    *utf8 = '\0';
//    if ( ansi == NULL )
//        return 0;
//    ansi_len = strlen ( ansi );
//    if ( (wszValue = (WCHAR *)malloc ( (ansi_len + 1) * 2 )) == NULL )
//        return 0;
//    /* Convert ANSI value to Unicode */
//    if ( (len = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP, 0, ansi, ansi_len + 1, wszValue, (ansi_len + 1) * 2 )) == 0 ) {
//        free ( wszValue );
//        return 0;
//    }
//    /* Convert Unicode value to UTF-8 */
//    if ( (len = unicodeToUtf8 ( wszValue, utf8, -1 )) == 0 ) {
//        free ( wszValue );
//        return 0;
//    }
//    free ( wszValue );
//    return len-1;
///* convert UTF-8 to Windows ANSI */
//int ConvertUTF8ToANSI ( const char* utf8, char* ansi )
//    WCHAR*  wszValue;          // Unicode value
//    size_t  utf8_len;
//    size_t  len;
//    *ansi = '\0';
//    if ( utf8 == NULL )
//        return 0;
//    utf8_len = strlen ( utf8 );
//    if ( (wszValue = (WCHAR *)malloc ( (utf8_len + 1) * 2 )) == NULL )
//        return 0;
//    /* Convert UTF-8 value to Unicode */
//    if ( (len = utf8ToUnicode ( utf8, wszValue, utf8_len + 1 )) == 0 ) {
//        free ( wszValue );
//        return 0;
//    }
//    /* Convert Unicode value to ANSI */
//    if ( (len = WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, wszValue, -1, ansi, (utf8_len + 1) * 2, NULL, NULL )) == 0 ) {
//        free ( wszValue );
//        return 0;
//    }
//    free ( wszValue );
//    return len-1;
//BOOL uSetDlgItemText(HWND hwnd, int id, const char *str)
//    char *temp;
//    size_t len;
//    int r;
//    if (!str) return FALSE;
//    if (!*str) return TRUE;
//    len = strlen(str);
//    temp = malloc(len+1);
//    if (!temp) return FALSE;
//    r = ConvertUTF8ToANSI(str, temp);
//    if (r > 0)
//        SetDlgItemText(hwnd, id, temp);
//    free(temp);
//    return r>0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
//UINT uGetDlgItemText(HWND hwnd, int id, char *str, int max)
//    char *temp, *utf8;
//    int len;
//    HWND w;
//    if (!str || !max) return 0;
//    *str = '\0';
//    w = GetDlgItem(hwnd, id);
//    len = GetWindowTextLength(w);
//    temp = malloc(len+1);
//    if (!temp) return 0;
//    utf8 = malloc((len+1)*4);
//    if (!utf8)
//    {
//        free(temp);
//        return 0;
//    }
//    len = GetWindowText(w, temp, len+1);
//    if (len > 0)
//    {
//        len = ConvertANSIToUTF8(temp, utf8);
//        if (len > max-1)
//        {
//            len = max-1;
//            utf8[max] = '\0';
//        }
//        memcpy(str, utf8, len+1);
//    }
//    free(temp);
//    free(utf8);
//    return len;
//BOOL CALLBACK mp4_info_dialog_proc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message,
//                                   WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//    char *file_info;
//    MP4FileHandle file;
//    char *pVal, dummy1[1024], dummy3;
//    short dummy, dummy2;
//    char temp[1024];
//    struct medialib_tags tags;
//    tags.count = 0;
//    tags.tags = NULL;
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("mp4_info_dialog_proc");
//    switch (message) {
//    case WM_INITDIALOG:
//        EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT), FALSE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT), SW_HIDE);
//        EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT1), FALSE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT1), SW_HIDE);
//        EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT2), FALSE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_CONVERT2), SW_HIDE);
//        file = MP4Read(info_fn, 0);
//        if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
//            return FALSE;
//        file_info = MP4Info(file, MP4_INVALID_TRACK_ID);
//        SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_INFOTEXT, file_info);
//        free(file_info);
//        /* get Metadata */
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataName(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METANAME, pVal);
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataArtist(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METAARTIST, pVal);
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataWriter(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METAWRITER, pVal);
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataComment(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METACOMMENTS, pVal);
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataAlbum(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METAALBUM, pVal);
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataGenre(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METAGENRE, pVal);
//        dummy = 0;
//        MP4GetMetadataTempo(file, &dummy);
//        if (dummy)
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", dummy);
//            SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METATEMPO, dummy1);
//        }
//        dummy = 0; dummy2 = 0;
//        MP4GetMetadataTrack(file, &dummy, &dummy2);
//        if (dummy)
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", dummy);
//            SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METATRACK1, dummy1);
//        }
//        if (dummy2)
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", dummy2);
//            SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METATRACK2, dummy1);
//        }
//        dummy = 0; dummy2 = 0;
//        MP4GetMetadataDisk(file, &dummy, &dummy2);
//        if (dummy)
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", dummy);
//            SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METADISK1, dummy1);
//        }
//        if (dummy2)
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", dummy2);
//            SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METADISK2, dummy1);
//        }
//        pVal = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataYear(file, &pVal))
//            uSetDlgItemText(hwndDlg,IDC_METAYEAR, pVal);
//        dummy3 = 0;
//        MP4GetMetadataCompilation(file, &dummy3);
//        if (dummy3)
//            SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_METACOMPILATION), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
//        /* ! Metadata */
//        MP4Close(file);
//        return TRUE;
//    case WM_COMMAND:
//        switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
//        case IDCANCEL:
//            EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
//            return TRUE;
//        case IDOK:
//            /* save Metadata changes */
//            tag_delete(&tags);
//            file = MP4Read(info_fn, 0);
//            if (file != MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
//            {
//                ReadMP4Tag(file, &tags);
//                MP4Close(file);
//                file = MP4Modify(info_fn, 0, 0);
//                if (file != MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
//                {
//                    MP4MetadataDelete(file);
//                    MP4Close(file);
//                }
//            }
//            file = MP4Modify(info_fn, 0, 0);
//            if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE)
//            {
//                tag_delete(&tags);
//                EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
//                return FALSE;
//            }
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METANAME, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "title", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METAWRITER, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "writer", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METAARTIST, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "artist", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METAALBUM, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "album", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METACOMMENTS, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "comment", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METAGENRE, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "genre", dummy1);
//            uGetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METAYEAR, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "year", dummy1);
//            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METATRACK1, dummy1, 1024);
//            dummy = atoi(dummy1);
//            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METATRACK2, dummy1, 1024);
//            dummy2 = atoi(dummy1);
//            wsprintf(temp, "%d/%d", dummy, dummy2);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "track", temp);
//            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METADISK1, dummy1, 1024);
//            dummy = atoi(dummy1);
//            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METADISK2, dummy1, 1024);
//            dummy2 = atoi(dummy1);
//            wsprintf(temp, "%d/%d", dummy, dummy2);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "disc", temp);
//            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_METATEMPO, dummy1, 1024);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "tempo", dummy1);
//            dummy3 = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_METACOMPILATION), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
//            tag_set_field(&tags, "compilation", (dummy3 ? "1" : "0"));
//            WriteMP4Tag(file, &tags);
//            MP4Close(file);
//            MP4Optimize(info_fn, NULL, 0);
//            /* ! */
//            EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
//            return TRUE;
//        }
//    }
//    return FALSE;
///* returns the name of the object type */
//char *get_ot_string(int ot)
//    switch (ot)
//    {
//    case 0:
//        return "Main";
//    case 1:
//        return "LC";
//    case 2:
//        return "SSR";
//    case 3:
//        return "LTP";
//    }
//    return NULL;
//BOOL CALLBACK aac_info_dialog_proc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message,
//                                   WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
//    faadAACInfo aacInfo;
//    char *info_text, *header_string;
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("aac_info_dialog_proc");
//    switch (message) {
//    case WM_INITDIALOG:
//        EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_USERDATA), FALSE) ;
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_USERDATA), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC1), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC2), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC3), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC4), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC5), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC6), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC7), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC8), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC9), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC10), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC11), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_STATIC12), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METANAME), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METAARTIST), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METAWRITER), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METACOMMENTS), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METAALBUM), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METAGENRE), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METATEMPO), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METATRACK1), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METATRACK2), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METADISK1), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METADISK2), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METAYEAR), SW_HIDE);
//        ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_METACOMPILATION), SW_HIDE);
//        info_text = malloc(1024*sizeof(char));
//        get_AAC_format(info_fn, &aacInfo);
//        switch (aacInfo.headertype)
//        {
//        case 0: /* RAW */
//            header_string = " RAW";
//            break;
//        case 1: /* ADIF */
//            header_string = " ADIF";
//            break;
//        case 2: /* ADTS */
//            header_string = " ADTS";
//            break;
//        }
//        sprintf(info_text, "%s AAC %s%s, %d sec, %d kbps, %d Hz",
//            (aacInfo.version==2)?"MPEG-2":"MPEG-4", get_ot_string(aacInfo.object_type),
//            header_string,
//            (int)((float)aacInfo.length/1000.0), (int)((float)aacInfo.bitrate/1000.0+0.5),
//            aacInfo.sampling_rate);
//        SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_INFOTEXT, info_text);
//        free(info_text);
//        return TRUE;
//    case WM_COMMAND:
//        switch (LOWORD(wParam))
//        {
//        case IDC_CONVERT:
//            {
//                char mp4FileName[256];
//                char *extension;
//                OPENFILENAME ofn;
//                lstrcpy(mp4FileName, info_fn);
//                extension = strrchr(mp4FileName, '.');
//                lstrcpy(extension, ".mp4");
//                memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME));
//                ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
//                ofn.hwndOwner = hwndDlg;
//                ofn.hInstance = module.hDllInstance;
//                ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 31;
//                ofn.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)mp4FileName;
//                ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH;
//                ofn.lpstrFilter = "MP4 Files (*.mp4)\0*.mp4\0";
//                ofn.lpstrDefExt = "mp4";
//                ofn.lpstrTitle = "Select Output File";
//                if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn))
//                {
//                    if (covert_aac_to_mp4(info_fn, mp4FileName))
//                    {
//                        MessageBox(hwndDlg, "An error occured while converting AAC to MP4!", "An error occured!", MB_OK);
//                        return FALSE;
//                    }
//                }
//                return TRUE;
//            }
//        case IDCANCEL:
//        case IDOK:
//            EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
//            return TRUE;
//        }
//    }
//    return FALSE;
//int infoDlg(char *fn, HWND hwndParent)
//    if(!stricmp(fn + strlen(fn) - 3,"AAC"))
//    {
//        lstrcpy(info_fn, fn);
//        DialogBox(module.hDllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INFO),
//            hwndParent, aac_info_dialog_proc);
//    } else {
//        lstrcpy(info_fn, fn);
//        DialogBox(module.hDllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_INFO),
//            hwndParent, mp4_info_dialog_proc);
//    }
//    return 0;
///* Get the title from the file */
//void ConstructTitle(MP4FileHandle file, char *filename, char *title, char *format)
//    char temp[4096];
//    int some_info = 0;
//    char *in = format;
//    char *out = temp;//title;
//    char *bound = out + sizeof(temp) - 256; //out + (MAX_PATH - 10 - 1);
//    char *pVal, dummy1[1024];
//    short dummy, dummy2;
//    while (*in && out < bound)
//    {
//        switch (*in)
//        {
//        case '%':
//            ++in;
//            break;
//        default:
//            *out++ = *in++;
//            continue;
//        }
//        /* handle % escape sequence */
//        switch (*in++)
//        {
//        case '0':
//            dummy = 0; dummy2 = 0;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataTrack(file, &dummy, &dummy2))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%d", (int)dummy);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '1':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataArtist(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '2':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataName(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '3':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataAlbum(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '4':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataYear(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '5':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataComment(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '6':
//            pVal = NULL;
//            if (MP4GetMetadataGenre(file, &pVal))
//            {
//                out += wsprintf(out, "%s", pVal);
//                some_info = 1;
//            }
//            break;
//        case '7':
//            {
//                const char *p=strrchr(filename,'\\');
//                if (!p) p=filename; else p++;
//                out += ConvertANSIToUTF8(p, out);
//                some_info = 1;
//                break;
//            }
//        default:
//            break;
//        }
//    }
//    *out = '\0';
//    if (!some_info)
//    {
//        char *p=filename+lstrlen(filename);
//        while (*p != '\\' && p >= filename) p--;
//        lstrcpy(title,++p);
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        int len = ConvertUTF8ToANSI(temp, dummy1);
//        if (len > (MAX_PATH - 10 - 1)) len = (MAX_PATH - 10 - 1);
//        memcpy(title, dummy1, len);
//        title[len] = '\0';
//    }

BOOL CALLBACK config_dialog_proc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT message,
                                 WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
    int i;

    switch (message) {
        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRIORITY), TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, MAKELONG(1,5));
        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRIORITY), TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, m_priority);
        SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, res_id_table[m_resolution]), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
        if (m_show_errors)
            SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ERROR), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
        if (m_use_for_aac)
            SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_USEFORAAC), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
        if (m_downmix)
            SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DOWNMIX), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
        if (m_vbr_display)
            SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_VBR), BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0);
        SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TITLEFORMAT, titleformat);
        return TRUE;

    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
        case IDCANCEL:
            EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
            return TRUE;
        case IDOK:
            m_show_errors = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_ERROR), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
            m_use_for_aac = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_USEFORAAC), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
            m_downmix = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DOWNMIX), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
            m_vbr_display = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_VBR), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0);
            GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_TITLEFORMAT, titleformat, MAX_PATH);

            m_priority = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRIORITY), TBM_GETPOS, 0, 0);
            for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                if (SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, res_id_table[i]), BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0))
                    m_resolution = i;

            /* save config */

            //if (!m_use_for_aac)
            //    module.FileExtensions = short_ext_list;
            //} else {
            //    module.FileExtensions = long_ext_list;

            EndDialog(hwndDlg, wParam);
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

void Configure(int flags)
    DialogBox(module.hDllInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG),
		module.hMainWindow, config_dialog_proc);


void About(int flags)
        " MPEG-4 General Audio player " FAAD2_VERSION " compiled on " __DATE__ ".\n"
        "Visit the website for more info.\n"
		"Ported to QCD by Shao Hao.\n"
        "Copyright 2002-2003",


int fill_buffer(state *st)
    int bread;

    if (st->m_aac_bytes_consumed > 0)
        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer)
            memmove((void*)st->m_aac_buffer, (void*)(st->m_aac_buffer + st->m_aac_bytes_consumed),
                st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer*sizeof(unsigned char));

        if (!st->m_at_eof)
            bread = fread((void*)(st->m_aac_buffer + st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer),
                1, st->m_aac_bytes_consumed, st->aacfile);

            if (bread != st->m_aac_bytes_consumed)
                st->m_at_eof = 1;

            st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer += bread;

        st->m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;

        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer > 3)
            if (memcmp(st->m_aac_buffer, "TAG", 3) == 0)
                st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = 0;
        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer > 11)
            if (memcmp(st->m_aac_buffer, "LYRICSBEGIN", 11) == 0)
                st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = 0;
        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer > 8)
            if (memcmp(st->m_aac_buffer, "APETAGEX", 8) == 0)
                st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = 0;

    return 1;

void advance_buffer(state *st, int bytes)
    st->m_file_offset += bytes;
    st->m_aac_bytes_consumed = bytes;
    st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer -= bytes;

int adts_parse(state *st, __int64 *bitrate, double *length)
    static int sample_rates[] = {96000,88200,64000,48000,44100,32000,24000,22050,16000,12000,11025,8000};
    int frames, frame_length;
    int t_framelength = 0;
    int samplerate;
    double frames_per_sec, bytes_per_frame;

    /* Read all frames to ensure correct time and bitrate */
    for (frames = 0; /* */; frames++)

        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer > 7)
            /* check syncword */
            if (!((st->m_aac_buffer[0] == 0xFF)&&((st->m_aac_buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0)))

            st->m_tail->offset = st->m_file_offset;
            st->m_tail->next = (struct seek_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct seek_list));
            st->m_tail = st->m_tail->next;
            st->m_tail->next = NULL;

            if (frames == 0)
                samplerate = sample_rates[(st->m_aac_buffer[2]&0x3c)>>2];

            frame_length = ((((unsigned int)st->m_aac_buffer[3] & 0x3)) << 11)
                | (((unsigned int)st->m_aac_buffer[4]) << 3) | (st->m_aac_buffer[5] >> 5);

            t_framelength += frame_length;

            if (frame_length > st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer)

            advance_buffer(st, frame_length);
        } else {

    frames_per_sec = (double)samplerate/1024.0;
    if (frames != 0)
        bytes_per_frame = (double)t_framelength/(double)(frames*1000);
        bytes_per_frame = 0;
    *bitrate = (__int64)(8. * bytes_per_frame * frames_per_sec + 0.5);
    if (frames_per_sec != 0)
        *length = (double)frames/frames_per_sec;
        *length = 1;

    return 1;

int skip_id3v2_tag()
    unsigned char buf[10];
    int bread, tagsize = 0;

    bread = fread(buf, 1, 10, mp4state.aacfile);
    if (bread != 10) return -1;

    if (!memcmp(buf, "ID3", 3))
        /* high bit is not used */
        tagsize = (buf[6] << 21) | (buf[7] << 14) | (buf[8] << 7) | (buf[9] << 0);

        tagsize += 10;
        fseek(mp4state.aacfile, tagsize, SEEK_SET);
    } else {
        fseek(mp4state.aacfile, 0, SEEK_SET);

    return tagsize;

int GetMediaSupported(const char* medianame, MediaInfo *mediaInfo) 
    int tagsize = 0, init;

	if (!medianame || !*medianame)
		return 0;

    if (!stricmp(medianame + strlen(medianame) - 3,"MP4") || !stricmp(medianame + strlen(medianame) - 3,"M4A"))
		if (mediaInfo)
			mediaInfo->mediaType = DIGITAL_FILE_MEDIA;
			mediaInfo->op_canSeek = 1;
		return 1;
	else if (m_use_for_aac && !stricmp(medianame + strlen(medianame) - 3,"AAC"))
		if (mediaInfo)
			mediaInfo->mediaType = DIGITAL_FILE_MEDIA;
			mediaInfo->op_canSeek = 1;

			memset(&mp4state, 0, sizeof(state));
			lstrcpy(mp4state.filename, medianame);

			if (!(mp4state.aacfile = fopen(mp4state.filename, "rb")))
				// error
				return 0;

			tagsize = skip_id3v2_tag();
			if (tagsize<0) return 0;

			if (!(mp4state.m_aac_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(768*6)))
				show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Memory allocation error.");
				return 0;

			for (init=0; init<2; init++)
				memset(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, 0, 768*6);
				fread(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, mp4state.aacfile);

				if (init==0)
					fseek(mp4state.aacfile, tagsize, SEEK_SET);

			if (memcmp(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, "ADIF", 4) == 0)
				mediaInfo->op_canSeek = (double)file_length(mp4state.aacfile) == -1 ? 0 : 1;


		return 1;

	return 0;


int Play(const char* medianame, int playfrom, int playto, int flags)
    //int maxlatency;
    int thread_id;
    int avg_bitrate, br, sr;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    int buffer_size;
    faacDecConfigurationPtr config;


	if (stricmp(mp4state.filename, medianame) != 0)
		Stop(mp4state.filename, STOPFLAG_PLAYDONE);

	if (mp4state.paused)
		// Update the player controls to reflect the new unpaused state

		Pause(medianame, 0);

		if (playfrom >= 0)
			mp4state.seek_needed = playfrom;
	else if (PlayThreadAlive) // is playing
		mp4state.seek_needed = playfrom;
		return 1;
    memset(&mp4state, 0, sizeof(state));

    lstrcpy(mp4state.filename, medianame);

    if (!(mp4state.mp4file = MP4Read(mp4state.filename, 0)))
        mp4state.filetype = 1;
    } else {
        mp4state.filetype = 0;

    if (mp4state.filetype)
        int tagsize = 0, tmp = 0, init;
        int bread = 0;
        double length = 0.;
        __int64 bitrate = 128;

        //module.is_seekable = 1;

        if (!(mp4state.aacfile = fopen(mp4state.filename, "rb")))
            // error
            return -1;

        tagsize = skip_id3v2_tag();
        if (tagsize<0) return 0;

        if (!(mp4state.m_aac_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(768*6)))
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Memory allocation error.");
            return -1;

        for (init=0; init<2; init++)
            mp4state.hDecoder = faacDecOpen();
            if (!mp4state.hDecoder)
                show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Unable to open decoder library.");
                return -1;

            config = faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(mp4state.hDecoder);
            config->outputFormat = m_resolution + 1;
            config->downMatrix = m_downmix;
            faacDecSetConfiguration(mp4state.hDecoder, config);

            memset(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, 0, 768*6);
            bread = fread(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, mp4state.aacfile);
            mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = bread;
            mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;
            mp4state.m_file_offset = 0;
            mp4state.m_at_eof = (bread != 768*6) ? 1 : 0;

            if (init==0)
                faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo;


                if ((mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = faacDecInit(mp4state.hDecoder,
                    mp4state.m_aac_buffer, mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer,
                    &mp4state.samplerate, &mp4state.channels)) < 0)
                    show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Can't initialize decoder library.");
                    return -1;
                advance_buffer(&mp4state, mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed);

                do {
                    memset(&frameInfo, 0, sizeof(faacDecFrameInfo));
                    faacDecDecode(mp4state.hDecoder, &frameInfo, mp4state.m_aac_buffer, mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer);
                } while (!frameInfo.samples && !frameInfo.error);

                if (frameInfo.error)
                    show_error(module.hMainWindow, faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error));
                    return -1;

                mp4state.channels = frameInfo.channels;
                mp4state.samplerate = frameInfo.samplerate;
                mp4state.framesize = (frameInfo.channels != 0) ? frameInfo.samples/frameInfo.channels : 0;
                sbr = frameInfo.sbr;
                profile = frameInfo.object_type;
                header_type = frameInfo.header_type;

                fseek(mp4state.aacfile, tagsize, SEEK_SET);

        mp4state.m_head = (struct seek_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct seek_list));
        mp4state.m_tail = mp4state.m_head;
        mp4state.m_tail->next = NULL;

        mp4state.m_header_type = 0;
        if ((mp4state.m_aac_buffer[0] == 0xFF) && ((mp4state.m_aac_buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0))
            if (1) //(can_seek)
                adts_parse(&mp4state, &bitrate, &length);
                fseek(mp4state.aacfile, tagsize, SEEK_SET);

                bread = fread(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, mp4state.aacfile);
                if (bread != 768*6)
                    mp4state.m_at_eof = 1;
                    mp4state.m_at_eof = 0;
                mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = bread;
                mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;

                mp4state.m_header_type = 1;
        } else if (memcmp(mp4state.m_aac_buffer, "ADIF", 4) == 0) {
            int skip_size = (mp4state.m_aac_buffer[4] & 0x80) ? 9 : 0;
            bitrate = ((unsigned int)(mp4state.m_aac_buffer[4 + skip_size] & 0x0F)<<19) |
                ((unsigned int)mp4state.m_aac_buffer[5 + skip_size]<<11) |
                ((unsigned int)mp4state.m_aac_buffer[6 + skip_size]<<3) |
                ((unsigned int)mp4state.m_aac_buffer[7 + skip_size] & 0xE0);

            length = (double)file_length(mp4state.aacfile);
            if (length == -1)
                //module.is_seekable = 0;
                length = 0;
            } else {
                length = ((double)length*8.)/((double)bitrate) + 0.5;

            mp4state.m_header_type = 2;
        } else {
            length = (double)file_length(mp4state.aacfile);
            length = ((double)length*8.)/((double)bitrate*1000.) + 0.5;

            //module.is_seekable = 1;

        mp4state.m_length = (int)(length*1000.);

        if ((mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = faacDecInit(mp4state.hDecoder,
            mp4state.m_aac_buffer, mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer,
            &mp4state.samplerate, &mp4state.channels)) < 0)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Can't initialize decoder library.");
            return -1;
        advance_buffer(&mp4state, mp4state.m_aac_bytes_consumed);

        if (mp4state.m_header_type == 2)
            avg_bitrate = bitrate;
            avg_bitrate = bitrate*1000;
    } else {
        mp4state.hDecoder = faacDecOpen();
        if (!mp4state.hDecoder)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Unable to open decoder library.");
            return -1;

        config = faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(mp4state.hDecoder);
        config->outputFormat = m_resolution + 1;
        config->downMatrix = m_downmix;
        faacDecSetConfiguration(mp4state.hDecoder, config);

        mp4state.mp4file = MP4Read(mp4state.filename, 0);
        if (!mp4state.mp4file)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Unable to open file.");
            return -1;

        if ((mp4state.mp4track = GetAACTrack(mp4state.mp4file)) < 0)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Unsupported Audio track type.");
            return -1;

        buffer = NULL;
        buffer_size = 0;
        MP4GetTrackESConfiguration(mp4state.mp4file, mp4state.mp4track,
            &buffer, &buffer_size);
        if (!buffer)
            return -1;

        if(faacDecInit2(mp4state.hDecoder, buffer, buffer_size,
            &mp4state.samplerate, &mp4state.channels) < 0)
            /* If some error initializing occured, skip the file */
            if (buffer) free (buffer);
            return -1;

        /* for gapless decoding */
            mp4AudioSpecificConfig mp4ASC;

            mp4state.timescale = MP4GetTrackTimeScale(mp4state.mp4file, mp4state.mp4track);
            mp4state.framesize = 1024;
            mp4state.useAacLength = 0;

            if (buffer)
                if (AudioSpecificConfig(buffer, buffer_size, &mp4ASC) >= 0)
                    if (mp4ASC.frameLengthFlag == 1) mp4state.framesize = 960;
                    if (mp4ASC.sbr_present_flag == 1) mp4state.framesize *= 2;


        avg_bitrate = MP4GetTrackIntegerProperty(mp4state.mp4file, mp4state.mp4track,

        mp4state.numSamples = MP4GetTrackNumberOfSamples(mp4state.mp4file, mp4state.mp4track);
        mp4state.sampleId = 1;

        //module.is_seekable = 1;

    if (mp4state.channels == 0)
        show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Number of channels not supported for playback.");
        if (mp4state.filetype)
        return -1;

    if (m_downmix && (mp4state.channels == 5 || mp4state.channels == 6))
        mp4state.channels = 2;

	wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
	wf.cbSize = 0;
	wf.nChannels = mp4state.channels;
	wf.wBitsPerSample = res_table[m_resolution];
	wf.nSamplesPerSec = mp4state.samplerate;
	wf.nBlockAlign = wf.nChannels * wf.wBitsPerSample / 8;
	wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nSamplesPerSec * wf.nBlockAlign;
	if (!module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputOpen(mp4state.filename, &wf)) // error opening device
        if (mp4state.filetype)
        return -1;

    mp4state.paused        =  0;
    mp4state.decode_pos_ms =  0;
    mp4state.seek_needed   = -1;

    //// initialize vis stuff
    //module.SAVSAInit(maxlatency, mp4state.samplerate);
    //module.VSASetInfo((int)mp4state.channels, mp4state.samplerate);

    br = (int)floor(((float)avg_bitrate + 500.0)/1000.0 + 0.5);
    sr = (int)floor((float)mp4state.samplerate/1000.0 + 0.5);
	ai.struct_size = sizeof(AudioInfo);
	ai.frequency = sr*1000;
	ai.bitrate = br*1000;
	ai.mode = (mp4state.channels == 2) ? 0 : 3;
	ai.layer = 0;
	ai.level = 0;
	strcpy(ai.text, mp4state.filetype ? "AAC" : "MP4");
	module.QCDCallbacks.Service(opSetAudioInfo, &ai, sizeof(AudioInfo), 0);

    //module.outMod->SetVolume(-666); // set the output plug-ins default volume

    killPlayThread = 0;

    if (mp4state.filetype)
        if ((play_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)AACPlayThread,
            (void *)&killPlayThread, 0, &thread_id)) == NULL)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Cannot create playback thread");
            return -1;
    } else {
        if ((play_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)MP4PlayThread,
            (void *)&killPlayThread, 0, &thread_id)) == NULL)
            show_error(module.hMainWindow, "Cannot create playback thread");
            return -1;

    SetThreadAffinityMask(play_thread_handle, 1);

    SetThreadPriority(play_thread_handle, priority_table[m_priority]);

    return 1;


int Pause(const char* medianame, int flags)

    mp4state.paused = flags;

	if (module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputPause(flags))
		return 1;

	mp4state.paused = !flags;
	return 0;

//void unpause()
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("unpause");
//    mp4state.paused = 0;
//    module.outMod->Pause(0);
//int ispaused()
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("ispaused");
//    return mp4state.paused;


void SetVolume(int levelleft, int levelright, int flags)

	module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputSetVol(levelleft, levelright, flags);

//void setpan(int pan)
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("setpan");
//    module.outMod->SetPan(pan);


int Stop(const char* medianame, int flags)
    struct seek_list *target = mp4state.m_head;


	if (medianame && *medianame && stricmp(mp4state.filename, medianame) == 0)
    killPlayThread = 1;

    if (play_thread_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        if (WaitForSingleObject(play_thread_handle, INFINITE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
        play_thread_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    if (mp4state.m_aac_buffer)

    while (target)
        struct seek_list *tmp = target;
        target = target->next;
        if (tmp) free(tmp);
    if (mp4state.filetype)

	mp4state.filename[0] = '\0';
	mp4state.paused = 0;

	return 1;

int getsonglength(const char *fn)
    long msDuration = 0;

    if(!stricmp(fn + strlen(fn) - 3,"MP4") || !stricmp(fn + strlen(fn) - 3,"M4A"))
        int track;
        MP4Duration length;
        MP4FileHandle file;

        file = MP4Read(fn, 0);
        if (!file)
            return 0;

        if ((track = GetAACTrack(file)) < 0)
            return -1;

        length = MP4GetTrackDuration(file, track);

        msDuration = MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(file, track,
            length, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE);


        return msDuration;
    } else {
        int tagsize = 0;
        int bread = 0;
        double length = 0.;
        __int64 bitrate = 128;
        struct seek_list *target;
        state len_state;

        memset(&len_state, 0, sizeof(state));

        if (!(len_state.aacfile = fopen(fn, "rb")))
            // error
            return 0;

        len_state.m_at_eof = 0;

        if (!(len_state.m_aac_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(768*6)))
            //console::error("Memory allocation error.", "foo_mp4");
            return 0;
        memset(len_state.m_aac_buffer, 0, 768*6);

        bread = fread(len_state.m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, len_state.aacfile);
        len_state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = bread;
        len_state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;
        len_state.m_file_offset = 0;

        if (bread != 768*6)
            len_state.m_at_eof = 1;

        if (!memcmp(len_state.m_aac_buffer, "ID3", 3))
            /* high bit is not used */
            tagsize = (len_state.m_aac_buffer[6] << 21) | (len_state.m_aac_buffer[7] << 14) |
                (len_state.m_aac_buffer[8] <<  7) | (len_state.m_aac_buffer[9] <<  0);

            tagsize += 10;
            advance_buffer(&len_state, tagsize);

        len_state.m_head = (struct seek_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct seek_list));
        len_state.m_tail = len_state.m_head;
        len_state.m_tail->next = NULL;

        len_state.m_header_type = 0;
        if ((len_state.m_aac_buffer[0] == 0xFF) && ((len_state.m_aac_buffer[1] & 0xF6) == 0xF0))
            if (1) //(m_reader->can_seek())
                adts_parse(&len_state, &bitrate, &length);
                fseek(len_state.aacfile, tagsize, SEEK_SET);

                bread = fread(len_state.m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, len_state.aacfile);
                if (bread != 768*6)
                    len_state.m_at_eof = 1;
                    len_state.m_at_eof = 0;
                len_state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = bread;
                len_state.m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;

                len_state.m_header_type = 1;
        } else if (memcmp(len_state.m_aac_buffer, "ADIF", 4) == 0) {
            int skip_size = (len_state.m_aac_buffer[4] & 0x80) ? 9 : 0;
            bitrate = ((unsigned int)(len_state.m_aac_buffer[4 + skip_size] & 0x0F)<<19) |
                ((unsigned int)len_state.m_aac_buffer[5 + skip_size]<<11) |
                ((unsigned int)len_state.m_aac_buffer[6 + skip_size]<<3) |
                ((unsigned int)len_state.m_aac_buffer[7 + skip_size] & 0xE0);

            length = (double)file_length(len_state.aacfile);
            if (length == -1)
                length = 0;
                length = ((double)length*8.)/((double)bitrate) + 0.5;

            len_state.m_header_type = 2;
        } else {
            length = (double)file_length(len_state.aacfile);
            length = ((double)length*8.)/((double)bitrate*1000.) + 0.5;

            len_state.m_header_type = 0;

        if (len_state.m_aac_buffer)

        target = len_state.m_head;
        while (target)
            struct seek_list *tmp = target;
            target = target->next;
            if (tmp) free(tmp);


        return (int)(length*1000.);

//int getlength()
//    if (!mp4state.filetype)
//    {
//        int track;
//        long msDuration;
//        MP4Duration length;
//        if ((track = GetAACTrack(mp4state.mp4file)) < 0)
//        {
//            return -1;
//        }
//        length = MP4GetTrackDuration(mp4state.mp4file, track);
//        msDuration = MP4ConvertFromTrackDuration(mp4state.mp4file, track,
//            length, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE);
//        return msDuration;
//    } else {
//        return mp4state.m_length;
//    }
//    return 0;


int GetCurrentPosition(const char* medianame, long *track, long *offset)
	return module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputGetCurrentPosition((UINT*)offset, 0);

//void setoutputtime(int time_in_ms)
//    in_mp4_DebugOutput("setoutputtime");
//    mp4state.seek_needed = time_in_ms;


int GetTrackExtents(const char* medianame, TrackExtents *ext, int flags)
	int len;
	FILE *fh;

	len = getsonglength((char *)medianame);
	fh = fopen(medianame, "rb");
	if (len <= 0 || !fh)
		return 0;

	ext->track = 1;
	ext->start = 0;
	ext->end = len;
	ext->bytesize = file_length(fh);
	ext->unitpersec = 1000;

	return 1;

//void eq_set(int on, char data[10], int preamp)

static void remap_channels(unsigned char *data, unsigned int samples, unsigned int bps)
    unsigned int i;

    switch (bps)
    case 8:
            unsigned char r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6;
            for (i = 0; i < samples; i += 6)
                r1 = data[i];
                r2 = data[i+1];
                r3 = data[i+2];
                r4 = data[i+3];
                r5 = data[i+4];
                r6 = data[i+5];
                data[i] = r2;
                data[i+1] = r3;
                data[i+2] = r1;
                data[i+3] = r6;
                data[i+4] = r4;
                data[i+5] = r5;

    case 16:
            unsigned short r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6;
            unsigned short *sample_buffer = (unsigned short *)data;
            for (i = 0; i < samples; i += 6)
                r1 = sample_buffer[i];
                r2 = sample_buffer[i+1];
                r3 = sample_buffer[i+2];
                r4 = sample_buffer[i+3];
                r5 = sample_buffer[i+4];
                r6 = sample_buffer[i+5];
                sample_buffer[i] = r2;
                sample_buffer[i+1] = r3;
                sample_buffer[i+2] = r1;
                sample_buffer[i+3] = r6;
                sample_buffer[i+4] = r4;
                sample_buffer[i+5] = r5;

    case 24:
    case 32:
            unsigned int r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6;
            unsigned int *sample_buffer = (unsigned int *)data;
            for (i = 0; i < samples; i += 6)
                r1 = sample_buffer[i];
                r2 = sample_buffer[i+1];
                r3 = sample_buffer[i+2];
                r4 = sample_buffer[i+3];
                r5 = sample_buffer[i+4];
                r6 = sample_buffer[i+5];
                sample_buffer[i] = r2;
                sample_buffer[i+1] = r3;
                sample_buffer[i+2] = r1;
                sample_buffer[i+3] = r6;
                sample_buffer[i+4] = r4;
                sample_buffer[i+5] = r5;

DWORD WINAPI MP4PlayThread(void *b)
    int done = 0, updatepos = 0;
    int l;
    int seq_frames = 0;
    int seq_bytes = 0;

    void *sample_buffer;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    int buffer_size;
    faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo;

    WriteDataStruct wd;


    PlayThreadAlive = 1;
    mp4state.last_frame = 0;
    mp4state.initial = 1;

    while (!*((int *)b))
        /* seeking */
        if (mp4state.seek_needed != -1)
            MP4Duration duration;

			module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputFlush((unsigned int)mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
            duration = MP4ConvertToTrackDuration(mp4state.mp4file,
                mp4state.mp4track, mp4state.seek_needed, MP4_MSECS_TIME_SCALE);
            mp4state.sampleId = MP4GetSampleIdFromTime(mp4state.mp4file,
                mp4state.mp4track, duration, 0);

            mp4state.decode_pos_ms = mp4state.seek_needed;
            mp4state.seek_needed = -1;
			updatepos = 1;

        if (done)
			if (module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputDrain(0) && !(mp4state.seek_needed >= 0))
                PlayThreadAlive = 0;
			else if (mp4state.seek_needed >= 0)
				done = 0;
        } else/* if (module.outMod->CanWrite() >= (2048*mp4state.channels*sizeof(short)))*/ {

            if (mp4state.last_frame)
                done = 1;
            } else {
                int rc;

                /* for gapless decoding */
                char *buf;
                MP4Duration dur;
                unsigned int sample_count;
                unsigned int delay = 0;

                /* get acces unit from MP4 file */
                buffer = NULL;
                buffer_size = 0;

                rc = MP4ReadSample(mp4state.mp4file, mp4state.mp4track,
                    mp4state.sampleId++, &buffer, &buffer_size,
                    NULL, &dur, NULL, NULL);
                if (mp4state.sampleId-1 == 1) dur = 0;
                if (rc == 0 || buffer == NULL)
                    mp4state.last_frame = 1;
                    sample_buffer = NULL;
                    frameInfo.samples = 0;
                } else {
                    sample_buffer = faacDecDecode(mp4state.hDecoder, &frameInfo,
                        buffer, buffer_size);
                if (frameInfo.error > 0)
                    show_error(module.hMainWindow, faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error));
                    mp4state.last_frame = 1;
                if (mp4state.sampleId > mp4state.numSamples)
                    mp4state.last_frame = 1;

                if (buffer) free(buffer);

                if (mp4state.useAacLength || (mp4state.timescale != mp4state.samplerate)) {
                    sample_count = frameInfo.samples;
                } else {
                    sample_count = (unsigned int)(dur * frameInfo.channels);

                    if (!mp4state.useAacLength && !mp4state.initial && (mp4state.sampleId < mp4state.numSamples/2) && (dur*frameInfo.channels != frameInfo.samples))
                        //fprintf(stderr, "MP4 seems to have incorrect frame duration, using values from AAC data.\n");
                        mp4state.useAacLength = 1;
                        sample_count = frameInfo.samples;

                if (mp4state.initial && (sample_count < mp4state.framesize*mp4state.channels) && (frameInfo.samples > sample_count))
                    delay = frameInfo.samples - sample_count;

                if (!killPlayThread && (sample_count > 0))
                    buf = (char *)sample_buffer;
                    mp4state.initial = 0;

                    switch (res_table[m_resolution])
                    case 8:
                        buf += delay;
                    case 16:
                        buf += delay * 2;
                    case 24:
                    case 32:
                        buf += delay * 4;
                    case 64:
                        buf += delay * 8;

                    if (frameInfo.channels == 6 && frameInfo.num_lfe_channels)
                        remap_channels(buf, sample_count, res_table[m_resolution]);

                    if (res_table[m_resolution] == 24)
                        /* convert libfaad output (3 bytes packed in 4) */
                        char *temp_buffer = convert3in4to3in3(buf, sample_count);
                        memcpy((void*)buf, (void*)temp_buffer, sample_count*3);

                    //module.SAAddPCMData(buf, (int)mp4state.channels, res_table[m_resolution],
                    //    mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
                    //module.VSAAddPCMData(buf, (int)mp4state.channels, res_table[m_resolution],
                    //    mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
                    mp4state.decode_pos_ms += (double)sample_count * 1000.0 /
                        ((double)frameInfo.samplerate * (double)frameInfo.channels);

                    l = sample_count * res_table[m_resolution] / 8;

					if (updatepos)
						module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.PositionUpdate((unsigned int)mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
						updatepos = 0;

					wd.bytelen = l; = (short*)buf;
					wd.markerend = 0;
					wd.markerstart = (UINT)mp4state.decode_pos_ms;
					wd.bps = res_table[m_resolution];
					wd.nch = frameInfo.channels;
					wd.numsamples = sample_count/frameInfo.channels;
					wd.srate = frameInfo.samplerate;

					if (!module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputWrite(&wd))
						done = 1;

                    //if (module.dsp_isactive())
                    //    void *dsp_buffer = malloc(l*2);
                    //    memcpy(dsp_buffer, buf, l);

                    //    l = module.dsp_dosamples((short*)dsp_buffer,
                    //        sample_count/frameInfo.channels,
                    //        res_table[m_resolution],
                    //        frameInfo.channels,
                    //        frameInfo.samplerate) *
                    //        (frameInfo.channels*(res_table[m_resolution]/8));

                    //    module.outMod->Write(dsp_buffer, l);
                    //    if (dsp_buffer) free(dsp_buffer);
                    //} else {
                    //    module.outMod->Write(buf, l);

                    /* VBR bitrate display */
                    if (m_vbr_display)
                        seq_bytes += frameInfo.bytesconsumed;
                        if (seq_frames == (int)(floor((float)frameInfo.samplerate/(float)(sample_count/frameInfo.channels) + 0.5)))
							ai.bitrate = (int)floor(((float)seq_bytes*8.)/1000. + 0.5) * 1000;
							ai.frequency = (int)floor(frameInfo.samplerate/1000. + 0.5) * 1000;
							ai.mode = (mp4state.channels == 2) ? 0 : 3;
							module.QCDCallbacks.Service(opSetAudioInfo, &ai, sizeof(AudioInfo), 0);

                            seq_frames = 0;
                            seq_bytes = 0;

		// catch pause
		while (mp4state.paused && !killPlayThread)

    PlayThreadAlive = 0;

    return 0;

void *decode_aac_frame(state *st, faacDecFrameInfo *frameInfo)
    void *sample_buffer = NULL;


        if (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer != 0)
            sample_buffer = faacDecDecode(st->hDecoder, frameInfo,
                st->m_aac_buffer, st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer);

            if (st->m_header_type != 1)
                if (st->last_offset < st->m_file_offset)
                    st->m_tail->offset = st->m_file_offset;
                    st->m_tail->next = (struct seek_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct seek_list));
                    st->m_tail = st->m_tail->next;
                    st->m_tail->next = NULL;
                    st->last_offset = st->m_file_offset;

            advance_buffer(st, frameInfo->bytesconsumed);
        } else {

    } while (!frameInfo->samples && !frameInfo->error);

    return sample_buffer;

int aac_seek(state *st, double seconds)
    int i, frames;
    int bread;
    struct seek_list *target = st->m_head;

    if (1 /*can_seek*/ && ((st->m_header_type == 1) || (seconds < st->cur_pos_sec)))
        frames = (int)(seconds*((double)st->samplerate/(double)st->framesize) + 0.5);

        for (i = 0; i < frames; i++)
            if (target->next)
                target = target->next;
                return 0;
        if (target->offset == 0 && frames > 0)
            return 0;
        fseek(st->aacfile, target->offset, SEEK_SET);
        st->m_file_offset = target->offset;

        bread = fread(st->m_aac_buffer, 1, 768*6, st->aacfile);
        if (bread != 768*6)
            st->m_at_eof = 1;
            st->m_at_eof = 0;
        st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer = bread;
        st->m_aac_bytes_consumed = 0;
        st->m_file_offset += bread;

        faacDecPostSeekReset(st->hDecoder, -1);

        return 1;
    } else {
        if (seconds > st->cur_pos_sec)
            faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo;

            frames = (int)((seconds - st->cur_pos_sec)*((double)st->samplerate/(double)st->framesize));

            if (frames > 0)
                for (i = 0; i < frames; i++)
                    memset(&frameInfo, 0, sizeof(faacDecFrameInfo));
                    decode_aac_frame(st, &frameInfo);

                    if (frameInfo.error || (st->m_aac_bytes_into_buffer == 0))
                        if (frameInfo.error)
                            if (faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error) != NULL)
                                show_error(module.hMainWindow, faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error));
                        return 0;

            faacDecPostSeekReset(st->hDecoder, -1);
        return 1;

DWORD WINAPI AACPlayThread(void *b)
    int done = 0, updatepos = 0;
    int l;
    int seq_frames = 0;
    int seq_bytes = 0;

	WriteDataStruct wd;


    PlayThreadAlive = 1;
    mp4state.last_frame = 0;

    while (!*((int *)b))
        /* seeking */
        if (mp4state.seek_needed != -1)
            double ms;

            ms = mp4state.seek_needed/1000;
            if (aac_seek(&mp4state, ms)!=0)
                module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputFlush((unsigned int)mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
                mp4state.cur_pos_sec = ms;
                mp4state.decode_pos_ms = mp4state.seek_needed;
            mp4state.seek_needed = -1;
			updatepos = 1;

        if (done)
			if (module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputDrain(0) && !(mp4state.seek_needed >= 0))
                PlayThreadAlive = 0;
			else if (mp4state.seek_needed >= 0)
				done = 0;
        } else/* if (module.outMod->CanWrite() >= (2048*mp4state.channels*sizeof(short)))*/ {
            faacDecFrameInfo frameInfo;
            void *sample_buffer;

            memset(&frameInfo, 0, sizeof(faacDecFrameInfo));

            sample_buffer = decode_aac_frame(&mp4state, &frameInfo);

            if (frameInfo.error || (mp4state.m_aac_bytes_into_buffer == 0))
                if (frameInfo.error)
                    if (faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error) != NULL)
                        show_error(module.hMainWindow, faacDecGetErrorMessage(frameInfo.error));
                done = 1;

            if (!killPlayThread && (frameInfo.samples > 0))
                if (frameInfo.channels == 6 && frameInfo.num_lfe_channels)
                    remap_channels(sample_buffer, frameInfo.samples, res_table[m_resolution]);

                if (res_table[m_resolution] == 24)
                    /* convert libfaad output (3 bytes packed in 4 bytes) */
                    char *temp_buffer = convert3in4to3in3(sample_buffer, frameInfo.samples);
                    memcpy((void*)sample_buffer, (void*)temp_buffer, frameInfo.samples*3);

                //module.SAAddPCMData(sample_buffer, (int)mp4state.channels, res_table[m_resolution],
                //    mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
                //module.VSAAddPCMData(sample_buffer, (int)mp4state.channels, res_table[m_resolution],
                //    mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
                mp4state.decode_pos_ms += (double)frameInfo.samples * 1000.0 /
                    ((double)frameInfo.samplerate* (double)frameInfo.channels);

                l = frameInfo.samples * res_table[m_resolution] / 8;

				if (updatepos)
					module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.PositionUpdate((unsigned int)mp4state.decode_pos_ms);
					updatepos = 0;

				wd.bytelen = l; = (short*)sample_buffer;
				wd.markerend = 0;
				wd.markerstart = (UINT)mp4state.decode_pos_ms;
				wd.bps = res_table[m_resolution];
				wd.nch = frameInfo.channels;
				wd.numsamples = frameInfo.samples/frameInfo.channels;
				wd.srate = frameInfo.samplerate;

				if (!module.QCDCallbacks.toPlayer.OutputWrite(&wd))
					done = 1;

                //if (module.dsp_isactive())
                //    void *dsp_buffer = malloc(l*2);
                //    memcpy(dsp_buffer, sample_buffer, l);

                //    l = module.dsp_dosamples((short*)dsp_buffer,
                //        frameInfo.samples/frameInfo.channels,
                //        res_table[m_resolution],
                //        frameInfo.channels,
                //        frameInfo.samplerate) *
                //        (frameInfo.channels*(res_table[m_resolution]/8));

                //    module.outMod->Write(dsp_buffer, l);
                //    if (dsp_buffer) free(dsp_buffer);
                //} else {
                //    module.outMod->Write(sample_buffer, l);

                /* VBR bitrate display */
                if (m_vbr_display)
                    seq_bytes += frameInfo.bytesconsumed;
                    if (seq_frames == (int)(floor((float)frameInfo.samplerate/(float)(frameInfo.samples/frameInfo.channels) + 0.5)))
						ai.bitrate = (int)floor(((float)seq_bytes*8.)/1000. + 0.5) * 1000;
						ai.frequency = (int)floor(frameInfo.samplerate/1000. + 0.5) * 1000;
						ai.mode = (mp4state.channels == 2) ? 0 : 3;
						module.QCDCallbacks.Service(opSetAudioInfo, &ai, sizeof(AudioInfo), 0);

                        seq_frames = 0;
                        seq_bytes = 0;

            if (frameInfo.channels > 0 && mp4state.samplerate > 0)
                mp4state.cur_pos_sec += ((double)(frameInfo.samples/frameInfo.channels))/(double)mp4state.samplerate;

		// catch pause
		while (mp4state.paused && !killPlayThread)

    PlayThreadAlive = 0;

    return 0;


int WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID pRes)
	if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
		module.hDllInstance = hInst;
	return 1;


	module.QCDCallbacks.size						= sizeof(QCDModInitIn);
	module.QCDCallbacks.version						= PLUGIN_API_VERSION;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.Initialize			= Initialize;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.ShutDown			= ShutDown;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.GetTrackExtents	= GetTrackExtents;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.GetMediaSupported	= GetMediaSupported;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.Play				= Play;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.Pause				= Pause;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.Stop				= Stop;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.About				= About;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.Configure			= Configure;	
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.SetEQ				= NULL;
	module.QCDCallbacks.toModule.SetVolume			= SetVolume;

	return &module.QCDCallbacks;

///* new Media Library interface */
//int mp4_get_metadata(MP4FileHandle file, const char *item, char *dest, int dlen)
//    char *pVal = NULL, dummy1[4096];
//    short dummy = 0, dummy2 = 0;
//    if (dlen < 1) return 0;
//    if (!stricmp(item, "track") || !stricmp(item, "tracknumber"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataTrack(file, &dummy, &dummy2))
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", (int)dummy);
//            strncpy(dest, dummy1, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "disc") || !stricmp(item, "disknumber"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataDisk(file, &dummy, &dummy2))
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", (int)dummy);
//            strncpy(dest, dummy1, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "compilation"))
//    {
//        u_int8_t cpil = 0;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataCompilation(file, &cpil))
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", (int)cpil);
//            strncpy(dest, dummy1, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "tempo"))
//    {
//        u_int16_t tempo = 0;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataTempo(file, &tempo))
//        {
//            wsprintf(dummy1, "%d", (int)tempo);
//            strncpy(dest, dummy1, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "artist"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataArtist(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "writer"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataWriter(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "title"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataName(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "album"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataAlbum(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "date") || !stricmp(item, "year"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataYear(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "comment"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataComment(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "genre"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataGenre(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else if (!stricmp(item, "tool"))
//    {
//        if (MP4GetMetadataTool(file, &pVal))
//        {
//            strncpy(dest, pVal, dlen-1);
//            dest[dlen-1] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        u_int32_t valueSize = 0;
//        u_int8_t *pValue = NULL;
//        if (MP4GetMetadataFreeForm(file, (char *)item, &pValue, &valueSize))
//        {
//            unsigned int len = (valueSize < (unsigned int)(dlen-1)) ? valueSize : (unsigned int)(dlen-1);
//            memcpy(dest, pValue, len);
//            dest[len] = '\0';
//            return 1;
//        }
//    }
//    return 0;
//__declspec(dllexport) int winampGetExtendedFileInfo(const char *fn, const char *data, char *dest, int destlen)
//    if (!fn || (fn && !*fn) || !destlen) return 0;
//    dest[0] = '\0';
//    if (!stricmp(data, "length"))
//    {
//        char temp[32];
//        int len = getsonglength(fn);
//        itoa(len, temp, 10);
//        strncpy(dest, temp, destlen-1);
//        dest[destlen-1] = '\0';
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        char temp[2048], temp2[2048];
//        MP4FileHandle file = MP4Read(fn, 0);
//        if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) return 0;
//        if (mp4_get_metadata(file, data, temp, sizeof(temp)))
//        {
//            int len = ConvertUTF8ToANSI(temp, temp2);
//            if (len > destlen-1) len = destlen-1;
//            memcpy(dest, temp2, len);
//            dest[len] = '\0';
//        }
//        MP4Close(file);
//    }
//    return 1;
//static struct medialib_tags mltags = {0, 0};
//static BOOL medialib_init = FALSE;
//static char medialib_lastfn[2048] = "";
//__declspec(dllexport) int winampSetExtendedFileInfo(const char *fn, const char *data, char *val)
//    int len, ret = 0;
//    char *temp;
//    if (!medialib_init || (medialib_init && stricmp(fn, medialib_lastfn))) {
//        MP4FileHandle file;
//        strcpy(medialib_lastfn, fn);
//        if (medialib_init) tag_delete(&mltags);
//        file = MP4Read(fn, 0);
//        if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) return 0;
//        ReadMP4Tag(file, &mltags);
//        MP4Close(file);
//        medialib_init = TRUE;
//    }
//    len = strlen(val);
//    temp = (char *)malloc((len+1)*4);
//    if (!temp) return 0;
//    if (ConvertANSIToUTF8(val, temp))
//    {
//        ret = 1;
//        tag_set_field(&mltags, data, temp);
//    }
//    free(temp);
//    return ret;
//__declspec(dllexport) int winampWriteExtendedFileInfo()
//    if (medialib_init)
//    {
//        MP4FileHandle file = MP4Modify(medialib_lastfn, 0, 0);
//        if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) return 0;
//        MP4MetadataDelete(file);
//        MP4Close(file);
//        file = MP4Modify(medialib_lastfn, 0, 0);
//        if (file == MP4_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE) return 0;
//        WriteMP4Tag(file, &mltags);
//        MP4Close(file);
//        return 1;
//    }
//    else
//    {
//        return 0;
//    }