ref: 24ab866538a0dd2aabd7423eaa484216c353544c
dir: /CoreAAC/INSTALL/
CoreAAC build instructions ========================== Requirements : -------------- Visual C++ 6 (or later but there is no project file up to date) DX SDK9 (probably compile with DX SDK8 also) faad2 module in the FAAC CVS ( How to compile the filter : --------------------------- First you need to compile the DirectShow BaseClasses available in the SDK ($DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses). Make sure you have the path to the include files and to the library in your Visual C++ options (they must be at the top of the list). - Include : $DXSDK\Include $DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses\ - Library : $DXSDK\Lib $DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Debug $DXSDK\Samples\C++\DirectShow\BaseClasses\Release The faad2 directory must be at the same level as the CoreAAC directory. Now you can open the project workspace CoreAAC.dsw and compile the filter. Registering the filter : ------------------------ The filter is automatically registered with the project file provided. If you want to register/unregister the filter manually you can use the following commands : To register : regsvr32 To unregister : regsvr32 /u Also some .bat files are provided : register_release.bat unregister_release.bat register_debug.bat unregister_debug.bat Installer --------- To create the installer you need to install NSIS ( Just right click on the file CoreAAC.nsi and select "Compile NSI". The file Redist\CoreAAC.exe should be created.