ref: eeda874d7c96703668d8ea9da2a4d22299ae4e5f
dir: /camera.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <geometry.h> #include "libobj/obj.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "internal.h" /* * references: * - */ static Point3 skyboxvs(Shaderparams *sp) { Point3 p; addvattr(sp->v, "dir", VAPoint, &sp->v->p); /* only rotate along with the camera */ p = sp->v->p; p.w = 0; p = world2vcs(sp->su->camera, p); p.w = 1; p = vcs2clip(sp->su->camera, p); /* force the cube to always be on the far plane */ p.z = -p.w; return p; } static Color skyboxfs(Shaderparams *sp) { Vertexattr *va; Color c; va = getvattr(sp->v, "dir"); c = samplecubemap(sp->su->camera->scene->skybox, va->p, neartexsampler); return c; } static Model * mkskyboxmodel(void) { static Point3 axes[3] = {{0,1,0,0}, {1,0,0,0}, {0,0,1,0}}; static Point3 center = {0,0,0,1}; Model *m; Primitive t[2]; Point3 p, v1, v2; int i, j, k; m = newmodel(); memset(t, 0, sizeof t); t[0].type = t[1].type = PTriangle; p = Vec3(-0.5,-0.5,0.5); v1 = Vec3(1,0,0); v2 = Vec3(0,1,0); t[0].v[0].p = addpt3(center, p); t[0].v[1].p = addpt3(center, addpt3(p, v1)); t[0].v[2].p = addpt3(center, addpt3(p, addpt3(v1, v2))); t[1].v[0] = t[0].v[0]; t[1].v[1] = t[0].v[2]; t[1].v[2].p = addpt3(center, addpt3(p, v2)); for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){ for(j = 0; j < 2; j++) for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) if(i > 0) t[j].v[k].p = qrotate(t[j].v[k].p, axes[i%3], PI/2); m->addprim(m, t[0]); m->addprim(m, t[1]); } return m; } static void updatestats(Camera *c, uvlong v) { c->stats.v = v; c->stats.n++; c->stats.acc += v; c->stats.avg = c->stats.acc/c->stats.n; c->stats.min = v < c->stats.min || c->stats.n == 1? v: c->stats.min; c->stats.max = v > c->stats.max || c->stats.n == 1? v: c->stats.max; c->stats.nframes++; } static void verifycfg(Camera *c) { assert(c->view != nil); if(c->projtype == PERSPECTIVE) assert(c->fov > 0 && c->fov < 360*DEG); assert(c->clip.n > 0 && c->clip.n < c->clip.f); } Camera * Cam(Rectangle vr, Renderer *r, Projection p, double fov, double n, double f) { Camera *c; c = newcamera(); c->view = mkviewport(vr); if(c->view == nil){ werrstr("mkviewport: %r"); return nil; } c->rctl = r; configcamera(c, p, fov, n, f); return c; } Camera * newcamera(void) { Camera *c; c = emalloc(sizeof *c); memset(c, 0, sizeof *c); c->rendopts = RODepth; return c; } void delcamera(Camera *c) { if(c == nil) return; rmviewport(c->view); free(c); } void reloadcamera(Camera *c) { double a; double l, r, b, t; verifycfg(c); switch(c->projtype){ case ORTHOGRAPHIC: r = Dx(c->view->r)/2; t = Dy(c->view->r)/2; l = -r; b = -t; orthographic(c->proj, l, r, b, t, c->clip.n, c->clip.f); break; case PERSPECTIVE: a = (double)Dx(c->view->r)/Dy(c->view->r); perspective(c->proj, c->fov, a, c->clip.n, c->clip.f); break; default: sysfatal("unknown projection type"); } } void configcamera(Camera *c, Projection p, double fov, double n, double f) { c->projtype = p; c->fov = fov; c->clip.n = n; c->clip.f = f; reloadcamera(c); } void placecamera(Camera *c, Scene *s, Point3 p, Point3 focus, Point3 up) { c->scene = s; c->p = p; c->bz = focus.w == 0? focus: normvec3(subpt3(c->p, focus)); c->bx = normvec3(crossvec3(up, c->bz)); c->by = crossvec3(c->bz, c->bx); } void movecamera(Camera *c, Point3 p) { c->p = p.w == 0? addpt3(c->p, p): p; } void rotatecamera(Camera *c, Point3 axis, double θ) { c->bx = qrotate(c->bx, axis, θ); c->by = qrotate(c->by, axis, θ); c->bz = qrotate(c->bz, axis, θ); } void aimcamera(Camera *c, Point3 focus) { c->bz = focus.w == 0? focus: normvec3(subpt3(c->p, focus)); c->bx = normvec3(crossvec3(c->by, c->bz)); c->by = crossvec3(c->bz, c->bx); } static void printtimings(Renderjob *job) { int i; if(!job->rctl->doprof) return; fprint(2, "R %llud %llud\nE %llud %llud\n", job->times.R.t0, job->times.R.t1, job->times.E.t0, job->times.E.t1); for(i = 0; i < job->rctl->nprocs/2; i++) fprint(2, "T%d %llud %llud\n", i, job->times.Tn[i].t0, job->times.Tn[i].t1); for(i = 0; i < job->rctl->nprocs/2; i++) fprint(2, "r%d %llud %llud\n", i, job->times.Rn[i].t0, job->times.Rn[i].t1); fprint(2, "\n"); } void shootcamera(Camera *c, Shadertab *s) { static Scene *skyboxscene; static Shadertab skyboxshader = { nil, skyboxvs, skyboxfs }; Model *mdl; Framebufctl *fbctl; Renderjob *job; uvlong t0, t1; assert(c->view != nil && c->rctl != nil && c->scene != nil && s != nil); fbctl = c->view->fbctl; job = emalloc(sizeof *job); memset(job, 0, sizeof *job); job->rctl = c->rctl; job->fb = fbctl->getbb(fbctl); job->camera = emalloc(sizeof *c); *job->camera = *c; job->scene = dupscene(c->scene); /* take a snapshot */ job->shaders = s; job->donec = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0); fbctl->reset(fbctl); t0 = nanosec(); sendp(c->rctl->jobq, job); recvp(job->donec); delscene(job->scene); /* destroy the snapshot */ /* * if the scene has a skybox, do another render pass, * filling in the pixels left untouched. */ if(c->scene->skybox != nil){ if(skyboxscene == nil){ skyboxscene = newscene("skybox"); mdl = mkskyboxmodel(); skyboxscene->addent(skyboxscene, newentity("skybox", mdl)); } job->camera->cullmode = CullNone; job->camera->fov = 90*DEG; reloadcamera(job->camera); job->scene = dupscene(skyboxscene); job->shaders = &skyboxshader; sendp(c->rctl->jobq, job); recvp(job->donec); delscene(job->scene); } t1 = nanosec(); fbctl->swap(fbctl); updatestats(c, t1-t0); printtimings(job); free(job->times.Tn); free(job->times.Rn); chanfree(job->donec); free(job->camera); free(job); }