ref: 53c0208f4caf8701189484e6125821f69e249f94
dir: /solar.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <thread.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <mouse.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include <geometry.h> #include "libobj/obj.h" #include "libgraphics/graphics.h" #include "fns.h" enum { K↑, K↓, K←, K→, Krise, Kfall, KR↑, KR↓, KR←, KR→, KR↺, KR↻, Kzoomin, Kzoomout, Khud, Ke }; enum { Sfov, Scampos, Scambx, Scamby, Scambz, Sfps, Sframes, Se }; enum { Cmdwinht = 50, Cmdmargin = 10, Cmdpadding = 3, Cmdlookat = 0, Cmdgoto, }; typedef struct Planet Planet; typedef struct Camcfg Camcfg; typedef struct HReq HReq; typedef struct Cmdbut Cmdbut; typedef struct Cmdbox Cmdbox; struct Planet { int id; /* Horizons API ID */ char *name; double scale; Entity *body; Material *mtl; }; struct Camcfg { Point3 p, lookat, up; double fov, clipn, clipf; int ptype; }; struct HReq { int pfd[2]; int pid; /* planet id */ char *t0, *t1; /* start and end times */ }; struct Cmdbut { char *label; Rectangle r; void (*handler)(Cmdbut*); }; struct Cmdbox { Rectangle r; Cmdbut *cmds; ulong ncmds; }; Rune keys[Ke] = { [K↑] = Kup, [K↓] = Kdown, [K←] = Kleft, [K→] = Kright, [Krise] = Kpgup, [Kfall] = Kpgdown, [KR↑] = 'w', [KR↓] = 's', [KR←] = 'a', [KR→] = 'd', [KR↺] = 'q', [KR↻] = 'e', [Kzoomin] = 'z', [Kzoomout] = 'x', [Khud] = 'h', }; Planet planets[] = { { .id = 10, .name = "Sol", .scale = 100 }, { .id = 1, .name = "Mercury", .scale = 0.333333 }, { .id = 2, .name = "Venus", .scale = 0.8 }, { .id = 399, .name = "Earth", .scale = 1 }, { .id = 301, .name = "Luna", .scale = 0.25 }, { .id = 4, .name = "Mars", .scale = 0.5 }, { .id = 5, .name = "Jupiter", .scale = 11 }, { .id = 6, .name = "Saturn", .scale = 9 }, { .id = 7, .name = "Uranus", .scale = 4 }, { .id = 8, .name = "Neptune", .scale = 3.666666 }, { .id = 9, .name = "Pluto", .scale = 0.166666 }, }; char stats[Se][256]; char datefmt[] = "YYYY-MM-DD"; Rectangle viewr, cmdr; Cmdbox cmdbox; Image *screenb; Mousectl *mctl; Keyboardctl *kctl; Channel *drawc; int kdown; Tm date; char datestr[16]; Model *model; Scene *scene; double θ, ω = 0; Camera camera; Camcfg cameracfg = { 2,0,4,1, 0,0,0,1, 0,1,0,0, 80*DEG, 0.01, 1e12, PERSPECTIVE }; Point3 center = {0,0,0,1}; static int doprof; static int showhud; static int min(int a, int b) { return a < b? a: b; } static int max(int a, int b) { return a > b? a: b; } static void sailor(void *arg) { char buf[128], pidstr[8]; HReq *r; r = arg; close(r->pfd[0]); dup(r->pfd[1], 1); close(r->pfd[1]); getwd(buf, sizeof(buf)-1); snprint(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "/tools/horizonget"); snprint(pidstr, sizeof pidstr, "%d", r->pid); execl(buf, "horizonget", pidstr, r->t0, r->t1, nil); sysfatal("execl: %r"); } static char * getplanetstate(int id, Tm *t) { Biobuf *bin; char *line, *lastline, t0[16], t1[16]; HReq r; lastline = nil; = id; r.t0 = t0; r.t1 = t1; snprint(t1, sizeof t1, "%τ", tmfmt(t, datefmt)); t->mday--; snprint(t0, sizeof t0, "%τ", tmfmt(t, datefmt)); t->mday++; if(pipe(r.pfd) < 0) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); switch(fork()){ case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); case 0: sailor(&r); default: close(r.pfd[1]); bin = Bfdopen(r.pfd[0], OREAD); if(bin == nil) sysfatal("Bfdopen: %r"); while((line = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != nil){ line[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0; lastline = line; } if(lastline != nil) lastline = strdup(lastline); Bterm(bin); close(r.pfd[0]); } return lastline; } void updateplanets(void) { char *s, *p; int i; fprint(2, "loading planet states...\n"); for(i = 1; i < nelem(planets); i++){ s = getplanetstate(planets[i].id, &date); if(s == nil){ fprint(2, "couldn't load planet: %s", planets[i].name); continue; } p = strchr(s, '='); planets[i].body->p.x = strtod(++p, nil); p = strchr(p, '='); planets[i].body->p.y = strtod(++p, nil); p = strchr(p, '='); planets[i].body->p.z = strtod(++p, nil); planets[i].body->p.w = 1; planets[i].body->p = divpt3(planets[i].body->p, 1e5); free(s); fprint(2, "%s ready\n", planets[i].name); } } static Planet * getplanet(Entity *e) { int i; for(i = 0; i < nelem(planets); i++) if(e == planets[i].body) return &planets[i]; return nil; } Point3 identvshader(VSparams *sp) { Planet *p; Point3 pos; p = getplanet(sp->su->entity); assert(p != nil); Matrix3 S = { p->scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, p->scale, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, }; pos = xform3(sp->v->p, S); sp->v->mtl = p->mtl; sp->v->c = p->mtl->diffuse; return world2clip(&camera, model2world(sp->su->entity, pos)); } Color identshader(FSparams *sp) { Color tc, c; if(sp->v.mtl != nil && sp->v.mtl->diffusemap != nil && sp->v.uv.w != 0) tc = texture(sp->v.mtl->diffusemap, sp->v.uv, neartexsampler); else if(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex != nil && sp->v.uv.w != 0) tc = texture(sp->su->entity->mdl->tex, sp->v.uv, neartexsampler); else tc = Pt3(1,1,1,1); c.a = 1; c.b = fclamp(sp->v.c.b*tc.b, 0, 1); c.g = fclamp(sp->v.c.g*tc.g, 0, 1); c.r = fclamp(sp->v.c.r*tc.r, 0, 1); return c; } Shadertab shader = { "ident", identvshader, identshader }; void zoomin(void) { camera.fov = fclamp(camera.fov - 1*DEG, 1*DEG, 180*DEG); reloadcamera(&camera); } void zoomout(void) { camera.fov = fclamp(camera.fov + 1*DEG, 1*DEG, 180*DEG); reloadcamera(&camera); } void drawstats(void) { int i; snprint(stats[Sfov], sizeof(stats[Sfov]), "FOV %g°", camera.fov/DEG); snprint(stats[Scampos], sizeof(stats[Scampos]), "%V", camera.p); snprint(stats[Scambx], sizeof(stats[Scambx]), "bx %V", camera.bx); snprint(stats[Scamby], sizeof(stats[Scamby]), "by %V",; snprint(stats[Scambz], sizeof(stats[Scambz]), "bz %V",; snprint(stats[Sfps], sizeof(stats[Sfps]), "FPS %.0f/%.0f/%.0f/%.0f", !camera.stats.max? 0: 1e9/camera.stats.max, !camera.stats.avg? 0: 1e9/camera.stats.avg, !camera.stats.min? 0: 1e9/camera.stats.min, !camera.stats.v? 0: 1e9/camera.stats.v); snprint(stats[Sframes], sizeof(stats[Sframes]), "frame %llud", camera.stats.nframes); for(i = 0; i < Se; i++) stringbg(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(10,10 + i*font->height)), display->black, ZP, font, stats[i], display->white, ZP); } void redraw(void) { int i; lockdisplay(display); camera.vp->draw(camera.vp, screenb); draw(screen, rectaddpt(viewr, screen->r.min), display->black, nil, ZP); draw(screen, rectaddpt(viewr, screen->r.min), screenb, nil, ZP); draw(screen, rectaddpt(cmdbox.r, screen->r.min), display->white, nil, ZP); for(i = 0; i < cmdbox.ncmds; i++){ border(screen, rectaddpt(cmdbox.cmds[i].r, screen->r.min), 1, display->black, ZP); string(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, addpt(cmdbox.cmds[i].r.min, Pt(Cmdpadding,Cmdpadding))), display->black, ZP, font, cmdbox.cmds[i].label); } if(showhud) drawstats(); flushimage(display, 1); unlockdisplay(display); } void drawproc(void *) { uvlong t0, Δt; threadsetname("drawproc"); t0 = nsec(); for(;;){ shootcamera(&camera, &shader); if(doprof) fprint(2, "R %llud %llud\nE %llud %llud\nT %llud %llud\nr %llud %llud\n\n", camera.times.R[camera.times.cur-1].t0, camera.times.R[camera.times.cur-1].t1, camera.times.E[camera.times.cur-1].t0, camera.times.E[camera.times.cur-1].t1, camera.times.Tn[camera.times.cur-1].t0, camera.times.Tn[camera.times.cur-1].t1, camera.times.Rn[camera.times.cur-1].t0, camera.times.Rn[camera.times.cur-1].t1); Δt = nsec() - t0; if(Δt > HZ2MS(60)*1000000ULL){ nbsend(drawc, nil); t0 += Δt; } } } static char * genplanetmenu(int idx) { if(idx < nelem(planets)) return planets[idx].name; return nil; } void lookat_cmd(Cmdbut *) { static Menu menu = { .gen = genplanetmenu }; Planet *p; int idx; idx = menuhit(1, mctl, &menu, _screen); if(idx < 0) return; p = &planets[idx]; placecamera(&camera, camera.p, p->body->p, cameracfg.up); nbsend(drawc, nil); } void goto_cmd(Cmdbut *) { static Menu menu = { .gen = genplanetmenu }; Planet *p; int idx; idx = menuhit(1, mctl, &menu, _screen); if(idx < 0) return; p = &planets[idx]; placecamera(&camera, addpt3(p->body->p, Vec3(0,0,10)), p->body->p, cameracfg.up); nbsend(drawc, nil); } void date_cmd(Cmdbut *) { Tm t; char buf[16]; memmove(buf, datestr, sizeof buf); if(enter("new date", buf, sizeof buf, mctl, kctl, nil) <= 0) return; if(tmparse(&t, datefmt, buf, nil, nil) == nil) return; date = t; snprint(datestr, sizeof datestr, "%τ", tmfmt(&date, datefmt)); updateplanets(); } Cmdbut cmds[] = { { .label = "look at", .handler = lookat_cmd }, { .label = "go to", .handler = goto_cmd }, { .label = datestr, .handler = date_cmd }, }; void lmb(void) { Cmdbut *cmd; int i; cmd = nil; for(i = 0; i < cmdbox.ncmds; i++) if(ptinrect(subpt(mctl->xy, screen->r.min), cmdbox.cmds[i].r)) cmd = &cmdbox.cmds[i]; if(cmd == nil) return; cmd->handler(cmd); } void mmb(void) { enum { QUIT, }; static char *items[] = { [QUIT] "quit", nil, }; static Menu menu = { .item = items }; switch(menuhit(2, mctl, &menu, _screen)){ case QUIT: threadexitsall(nil); } nbsend(drawc, nil); } void mouse(void) { static Mouse om; if((om.buttons ^ mctl->buttons) == 0) return; if((mctl->buttons & 1) != 0) lmb(); if((mctl->buttons & 2) != 0) mmb(); if((mctl->buttons & 8) != 0) zoomin(); if((mctl->buttons & 16) != 0) zoomout(); om = mctl->Mouse; } void kbdproc(void *) { Rune r, *a; char buf[128], *s; int fd, n; threadsetname("kbdproc"); if((fd = open("/dev/kbd", OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("kbdproc: %r"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); for(;;){ if(buf[0] != 0){ n = strlen(buf)+1; memmove(buf, buf+n, sizeof(buf)-n); } if(buf[0] == 0){ if((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) <= 0) break; buf[n-1] = 0; buf[n] = 0; } if(buf[0] == 'c'){ chartorune(&r, buf+1); if(r == Kdel){ close(fd); threadexitsall(nil); }else nbsend(kctl->c, &r); } if(buf[0] != 'k' && buf[0] != 'K') continue; s = buf+1; kdown = 0; while(*s){ s += chartorune(&r, s); for(a = keys; a < keys+Ke; a++) if(r == *a){ kdown |= 1 << a-keys; break; } } } } void keyproc(void *c) { threadsetname("keyproc"); for(;;){ nbsend(c, nil); sleep(HZ2MS(100)); /* key poll rate */ } } void handlekeys(void) { static int okdown; if(kdown & 1<<K↑) placecamera(&camera, subpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<K↓) placecamera(&camera, addpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<K←) placecamera(&camera, subpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(camera.bx, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<K→) placecamera(&camera, addpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(camera.bx, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<Krise) placecamera(&camera, addpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<Kfall) placecamera(&camera, subpt3(camera.p, mulpt3(, 0.1)),,; if(kdown & 1<<KR↑) aimcamera(&camera, qrotate(, camera.bx, 1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<KR↓) aimcamera(&camera, qrotate(, camera.bx, -1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<KR←) aimcamera(&camera, qrotate(,, 1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<KR→) aimcamera(&camera, qrotate(,, -1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<KR↺) placecamera(&camera, camera.p,, qrotate(,, 1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<KR↻) placecamera(&camera, camera.p,, qrotate(,, -1*DEG)); if(kdown & 1<<Kzoomin) zoomin(); if(kdown & 1<<Kzoomout) zoomout(); if((okdown & 1<<Khud) == 0 && (kdown & 1<<Khud) != 0) showhud ^= 1; okdown = kdown; } void resize(void) { lockdisplay(display); if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) fprint(2, "can't reattach to window\n"); unlockdisplay(display); nbsend(drawc, nil); } static void confproc(void) { char buf[64]; int fd; snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "/proc/%d/ctl", getpid()); fd = open(buf, OWRITE); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("open: %r"); if(doprof) fprint(fd, "profile\n"); close(fd); } void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void threadmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { Viewport *v; Renderer *rctl; Channel *keyc; Entity *subject; OBJ *obj; Point lblsiz; int i, j; tmfmtinstall(); GEOMfmtinstall(); ARGBEGIN{ case 'p': doprof++; break; default: usage(); }ARGEND; if(argc != 0) usage(); confproc(); if((obj = objparse("mdl/planet.obj")) == nil) sysfatal("objparse: %r"); model = newmodel(); loadobjmodel(model, obj); objfree(obj); scene = newscene(nil); for(i = 0; i < nelem(planets); i++){ subject = newentity(model); scene->addent(scene, subject); planets[i].body = subject; for(j = 0; j < model->nmaterials; j++) if(strcmp(planets[i].name, model->materials[j].name) == 0) planets[i].mtl = &model->materials[j]; if(i == 0){ subject->p = Pt3(0,0,0,1); continue; } } tmnow(&date, nil); snprint(datestr, sizeof datestr, "%τ", tmfmt(&date, datefmt)); updateplanets(); if(memimageinit() != 0) sysfatal("memimageinit: %r"); if((rctl = initgraphics()) == nil) sysfatal("initgraphics: %r"); if(initdraw(nil, nil, "solar") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); if((mctl = initmouse(nil, screen)) == nil) sysfatal("initmouse: %r"); viewr = rectsubpt(Rpt(screen->r.min, subpt(screen->r.max, Pt(0,Cmdwinht))), screen->r.min); cmdbox.r = Rect(viewr.min.x, viewr.max.y, Dx(viewr), Dy(screen->r)); cmdbox.cmds = cmds; cmdbox.ncmds = nelem(cmds); for(i = 0; i < nelem(cmds); i++){ lblsiz = stringsize(font, cmds[i].label); cmds[i].r = Rect(0,0,Cmdpadding+lblsiz.x+Cmdpadding,Cmdpadding+lblsiz.y+Cmdpadding); if(i == 0) cmds[i].r = rectaddpt(cmds[i].r, addpt(cmdbox.r.min, Pt(Cmdmargin,Cmdmargin))); else cmds[i].r = rectaddpt(cmds[i].r, Pt(cmds[i-1].r.max.x+Cmdmargin,cmds[i-1].r.min.y)); } screenb = eallocimage(display, viewr, RGBA32, 0, DNofill); v = mkviewport(screenb->r); placecamera(&camera, cameracfg.p, cameracfg.lookat, cameracfg.up); configcamera(&camera, v, cameracfg.fov, cameracfg.clipn, cameracfg.clipf, cameracfg.ptype); camera.s = scene; camera.rctl = rctl; kctl = emalloc(sizeof *kctl); kctl->c = chancreate(sizeof(Rune), 16); keyc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1); drawc = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 1); display->locking = 1; unlockdisplay(display); proccreate(kbdproc, nil, mainstacksize); proccreate(keyproc, keyc, mainstacksize); proccreate(drawproc, nil, mainstacksize); for(;;){ enum {MOUSE, RESIZE, KEY, DRAW}; Alt a[] = { {mctl->c, &mctl->Mouse, CHANRCV}, {mctl->resizec, nil, CHANRCV}, {keyc, nil, CHANRCV}, {drawc, nil, CHANRCV}, {nil, nil, CHANEND} }; switch(alt(a)){ case MOUSE: mouse(); break; case RESIZE: resize(); break; case KEY: handlekeys(); break; case DRAW: redraw(); break; } } }