ref: f7d52d0cc2c017d4feb2ea916a6afa8426c97bdc
dir: /hub.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <keyboard.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" extern Channel *csc; int qtc; Score scs[] = { {"id software-'92", 10000, 1}, {"Adrian Carmack", 10000, 1}, {"John Carmack", 10000, 1}, {"Kevin Cloud", 10000, 1}, {"Tom Hall", 10000, 1}, {"John Romero", 10000, 1}, {"Jay Wilbur", 10000, 1}, }; char savs[10][32]; typedef struct Fade Fade; typedef struct Sp Sp; typedef struct Seq Seq; typedef struct Item Item; typedef struct Menu Menu; enum{ LMctl, LMnew, LMdifc, LMsnd, LMin, LMsav, LMmsg, Lload = 0, Lintro, Lftitle, Ltitle, Lcreds, Lscore, Lfpants, Lpants, Ldemo, Lpsych, Lgame, Lretry, Lmsg, Lcont1, Lcont2, Lgcont, Lfdie, Ldie, Ldie2, Lhigh, Lcam, Lspear, Linter, Linteri, Linterm, Linterw, Lintere, Lsinter, Lsdmend, Lcolp, Lcolp2, Lcolp3, Lwon, Lwon2, Lsdepi, Lpres, Lroll1, Lroll2, Lroll3, Lroll4, Lroll5, Lroll6, Lroll7, Ldecay, Lctl, Ltoctl, Lftoctl, Lmtoctl, Lcur, Lftonew, Lmtonew, Lnewgame, Lnctl, Ldenied, Ldifc1, Ldifc2, Ldifc3, Ldifc4, Ldifc5, Lfsnd, Lmsnd, Lsctl, Lsndtog, Lfin, Lmin, Lictl, Lintog, Lfsens, Lmsens, Lsectl, Lfsav, Lmsav, Lsvctl, Lflod, Lmlod, Lldctl, Lfvw, Lmvw, Lvwctl, Lfmscore, Lmscore, Lend, Lcurgame, Lquit, Lmexit, Lexit }; struct Sp{ int dt; void (*f)(void); }; struct Fade{ Col c; int dt; }; struct Seq{ void (*init)(void); Sp *s; Sp *e; Seq *q; Fade *f; }; static Seq *qsp, *qesc, ql[]; static Sp *qp; enum{ DMbg, DMoff, DMbrd, DMbrd2, DMend, DIreg = 0x17, DIsee = 0x4a, DIeps = 0x6b, DIrhi = 0x13, DIshi = 0x47, DIepi = 0xd0, }; static int mcol[DMend] = {[DMbg] 0x2d, 0}; #define SEL(c) ((c) - 4 + (((c) >> 1 ^ (c)) >> 5 & 1)) #define UNSEL(c) ((c) + 4 - (((c) >> 1 ^ (c)) >> 5 & 1)) struct Item{ char *s; int c; Seq *q; int a; }; static Item ictl[] = { {"New Game", SEL(DIreg), ql+Lftonew}, {"Sound", DIreg, ql+Lfsnd}, {"Control", DIreg, ql+Lfin}, {"Load Game", DIreg, ql+Lflod}, {"Save Game", DIreg, ql+Lfsav}, {"Change View", DIreg, ql+Lfvw}, {"View Scores", DIreg, ql+Lfmscore}, {"Back to Demo", DIreg, ql+Lftitle}, {"Quit", DIreg, ql+Lquit} }, inew[] = { {"Episode 1\nEscape from Wolfenstein", SEL(DIreg), ql+Ldifc1}, {nil}, {"Episode 2\nOperation: Eisenfaust", DIreg, ql+Ldifc1}, {nil}, {"Episode 3\nDie, Fuhrer, Die!", DIreg, ql+Ldifc1}, {nil}, {"Episode 4\nA Dark Secret", DIreg, ql+Ldifc1}, {nil}, {"Episode 5\nTrail of the Madman", DIreg, ql+Ldifc1}, {nil}, {"Episode 6\nConfrontation", DIreg, ql+Ldifc1}, {nil} }, idifc[] = { {"Can I play, Daddy?", DIreg, ql+Ldifc4}, {"Don't hurt me.", DIreg, ql+Ldifc4}, {"Bring 'em on!", SEL(DIreg), ql+Ldifc4}, {"I am Death incarnate!", DIreg, ql+Ldifc4} }, isnd[] = { {"None", SEL(DIreg), ql+Lsndtog}, {"PC Speaker"}, {"AdLib/Sound Blaster", DIreg, nil, 1}, {nil}, {nil}, {"None", DIreg, ql+Lsndtog}, {"Disney Sound Source"}, {"Sound Blaster", DIreg, nil, 1}, {nil}, {nil}, {"None", DIreg, ql+Lsndtog}, {"AdLib/Sound Blaster", DIreg, nil, 1} }, iin[] = { {"Mouse Enabled", SEL(DIreg), ql+Lintog, 1}, {"Autorun Enabled", DIreg, ql+Lintog}, {"Mouse Sensitivity", DIreg, ql+Lfsens} }, isv[] = { {"", SEL(DIreg), nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil}, {"", DIreg, nil} }, imsg[] = { {nil} }; struct Menu{ Item *p; Item *s; Item *e; int x; int y; int n; }; static Menu *mp, ml[] = { [LMctl] {ictl, ictl, ictl+nelem(ictl), 72}, [LMnew] {inew, inew, inew+nelem(inew), 8}, [LMdifc] {idifc+2, idifc, idifc+nelem(idifc), 48}, [LMsnd] {isnd, isnd, isnd+nelem(isnd), 48}, [LMin] {iin, iin, iin+nelem(iin), 24}, [LMsav] {isv, isv, isv+nelem(isv), 80}, [LMmsg] {imsg} }; static char *ends[] = { "Dost thou wish to\nleave with such hasty\nabandon?", "Chickening out...\nalready?", "Press N for more carnage.\nPress Y to be a weenie.", "So, you think you can\nquit this easily, huh?", "Press N to save the world.\nPress Y to abandon it in\nits hour of need.", "Press N if you are brave.\nPress Y to cower in shame.", "Heroes, press N.\nWimps, press Y.", "You are at an intersection.\nA sign says, 'Press Y to quit.'\n>", "For guns and glory, press N.\nFor work and worry, press Y.", "Heroes don't quit, but\ngo ahead and press Y\nif you aren't one.", "Press Y to quit,\nor press N to enjoy\nmore violent diversion.", "Depressing the Y key means\nyou must return to the\nhumdrum workday world.", "Hey, quit or play,\nY or N:\nit's your choice.", "Sure you don't want to\nwaste a few more\nproductive hours?", "I think you had better\nplay some more. Please\npress N...please?", "If you are tough, press N.\nIf not, press Y daintily.", "I'm thinkin' that\nyou might wanna press N\nto play more. You do it.", "Sure. Fine. Quit.\nSee if we care.\nGet it over with.\nPress Y." }; static char **quits; static Fade fblk = {{0, 0, 0}, 30}, ftra = {{0, 0, 0}, 10}, fctl = {{0xae, 0, 0}, 10}, focl = {{0, 0x44, 0x44}, 300}, ficl = {{0, 0x44, 0x44}, 30}, fecl = {{0, 0x44, 0x44}, 5}; static int irr[4], *irp; static int iri, iry, irb; static uchar **demd; static char *demf; static void reset(Seq *p) { qp = p->s; qtc = 0; if(p == qsp) return; toss(); if(qp->f != fadeout) pal = pals[C0]; qsp = p; if(p->init != nil) p->init(); if(p->f != nil) fadeop(&p->f->c, p->f->dt); } static void pblink(void) { if(mp->n == 0) txt(mp->x, mp->y, "_", 0); else put(mp->x, mp->y, fnt->w['_'], fnt->h, DIreg); out(); mp->n ^= 1; } static void blink(void) { put(mp->x, mp->y, 24, 16, mcol[DMbg]); pic(mp->x, mp->y, pict[Pcur1] + mp->n); out(); mp->n ^= 1; } static void iswp(Item *on, Item *off) { on->a = 1; on->q = nil; off->a = 0; off->q = ql+Lsndtog; } static void toggle(void) { Item *i; i = mp->s; switch(mp - ml){ case LMsnd: if(mp->p->a) return; switch(mp->p - i){ case 0: iswp(i, i+2); stopsfx(); sfxon = 0; break; case 2: iswp(i+2, i); sfxon++; sfx(Sshoot); break; case 5: iswp(i+5, i+7); pcmon = 0; break; case 7: iswp(i+7, i+5); pcmon++; break; case 10: iswp(i+10, i+11); stopmus(); muson = 0; sfx(Sshoot); break; case 11: iswp(i+11, i+10); muson++; mus(Mmenu); break; } break; case LMin: switch(mp->p - i){ tog: mp->p->a ^= 1; break; case 0: grabon ^= 1; goto tog; case 1: autorun ^= 1; goto tog; } break; } } static void inctl(void) { Item *i, *e; Menu *m; m = ml+LMctl; i = m->s; i[4].c = mcol[DMoff]; i[6].s = "View Scores"; i[6].q = ql+Lfmscore; i[6].c = DIreg; i[7].s = "Back to Demo"; i[7].q = ql+Lftitle; i[7].c = DIreg; m->p = m->s; m->p->c = SEL(DIreg); if(ver >= SDM) i[0].q = ql+Ldifc1; else for(i=ml[LMnew].s, e=ml[LMnew].e; i<e && i->q!=ql+Ldenied; i++) i->q = ql+Ldifc1; } static void ingctl(void) { Item *i, *e; i = ml[LMctl].s; i[4].c = DIreg; i[6].s = "End Game"; i[6].q = ql+Lend; i[7].s = "Back to Game"; i[7].q = ql+Lcont1; i[7].c = DIsee; if(i[0].q == ql+Ldifc1) i[0].q = ql+Lcurgame; else for(i=ml[LMnew].s, e=ml[LMnew].e; i<e && i->q!=ql+Ldenied; i++) i->q = ql+Lcurgame; } static void mbox(int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { box(x, y, dx, dy, mcol[DMbg], mcol[DMbrd2], mcol[DMoff]); } static void msg(char *s, int o) { int x, y, w, h, curw; char *nl; fnt = fnts+1; h = txth(s); w = txtw(s); nl = strrchr(s, '\n'); curw = txtw(nl != nil ? nl + 1 : s); w = w > curw + 10 ? w : curw + 10; x = Vw / 2 - w / 2; y = (step == gstep ? Vhud : Vh) / 2 - h / 2; box(x - 5, y - 5, w + 10, h + 10, DIreg, 0, DIrhi); txtnl(x, y, s, 0); if(o) out(); mp = ml+LMmsg; mp->n = 0; mp->x = x + curw; mp->y = y + h - fnt->h; } static void quit(void) { msg(quits[nrand(nelem(ends)/2)], 0); mp->p->q = ql+Lmexit; qesc = ql+Lctl; } static void curgame(void) { msg("You are currently in\na game. Continuing will\nerase old game. Ok?", 0); mp->p->q = ql+Ldifc1; qesc = ver < SDM ? ql+Lftoctl : ql+Lctl; } static void mend2(void) { view(); render(); gm.lives = 0; ql[Ldie].q = ql+Ldie2; } static void mend(void) { msg("Are you sure you want\nto end the game you\nare playing? (Y or N):", 0); mp->p->q = ql+Lfdie; qesc = ql+Lctl; } static void denied(void) { msg("Please select \"Read This!\"\nfrom the Options menu to\n" "find out how to order this\nepisode from Apogee.", 1); stopsfx(); sfx(Snoway); } static void sdmend(void) { sfx(S1up); msg("This concludes your demo\nof Spear of Destiny! Now,\n" "go to your local software\nstore and buy it!", 1); } static void setdifc(void) { int m, d; m = ver < SDM ? (ml[LMnew].p - ml[LMnew].s) * 5 : 0; d = ml[LMdifc].p - ml[LMdifc].s; ginit(nil, m, d); ingctl(); palfill(&fctl.c); } static void difc(void) { Menu *m; Item *i, *e; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); if(ver < SDM){ txt(70, 68, "How tough are you?", DIshi); qesc = ql+Lftonew; }else{ pic(70, 68, pict[Pdiffc]); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; } mbox(45, 90, 225, 67); m = ml+LMdifc; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do{ txt(74, 100 + 13 * (i - m->s), i->s, i->c); }while(++i < e); pic(235, 107, pict[Pbaby] + m->p - m->s); m->n = 0; m->y = 98 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); } static void newgame(void) { int n; Item *i, *e; Menu *m; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); mbox(6, 19, 308, 162); txtcen(2, "Which episode to play?", DIshi); for(n=0; n<6; n++) pic(40, 23 + n * 26, pict[Pep1] + n); m = ml+LMnew; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do{ txtnl(98, 23 + 13 * (i - m->s), i->s, i->c); i += 2; }while(i < e); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; m->n = 0; m->y = 21 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); } static void snd(void) { Item *i, *e; Menu *m; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); mbox(40, 17, 250, 45); mbox(40, 82, 250, 45); mbox(40, 147, 250, 32); pic(96, 0, pict[Psfx]); pic(96, 65, pict[Ppcm]); pic(96, 130, pict[Pmus]); m = ml+LMsnd; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do{ if(i->s == nil) continue; txt(100, 20 + 13 * (i - m->s), i->s, i->c); pic(72, 22 + 13 * (i - m->s), pict[i->a ? Psel : Punsel]); }while(++i < e); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; m->n = 0; m->y = 18 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); } static void sens(void) { int n; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); mbox(10, 80, 300, 30); txtcen(82, "Adjust Mouse Sensitivity", DIsee); txt(14, 95, "Slow", DIreg); txt(269, 95, "Fast", DIreg); put(60, 97, 200, 10, DIreg); outbox(60, 97, 200, 10, 0x0, DIrhi); n = 60 + 20 * iri; put(n + 1, 98, 19, 9, DIshi); outbox(n, 97, 20, 10, 0x0, DIsee); qesc = ql+Lfin; } static void in(void) { Menu *m; Item *i, *e; mclear(); stripe(10); pic(80, 0, pict[Pctl]); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); mbox(16, 65, 284, 45); m = ml+LMin; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do{ txt(80, 70 + 13 * (i - m->s), i->s, i->c); if(i < e - 1) pic(56, 73 + 13 * (i - m->s), pict[i->a ? Psel : Punsel]); }while(++i < e); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; m->n = 0; m->y = 68 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); iri = msense; } static void savitem(int i, int c) { outbox(109, 55 + i * 13, 136, 11, c, c); fnt = fnts; txt(111, 56 + i * 13, savs[i][0] == 0 ? " - empty -" : savs[i], c); fnt = fnts+1; } static void sav(void) { Menu *m; Item *i, *e; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); mbox(75, 50, 175, 140); stripe(10); pic(56, 0, pict[qsp->q == ql+Lsvctl ? Psave : Pload]); m = ml+LMsav; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do savitem(i - m->s, i->c); while(++i < e); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; m->n = 0; m->y = 53 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); } static void mvw(void) { int dx, dy; dx = vw.dx; dy = vw.dy; vw.dx = iri * 16; vw.dy = iri * 8; viewbox(); vw.dx = dx; vw.dy = dy; put(0, Vhud, Vw, 40, 0x7f); txtcen(161, "Use arrows to size", DIrhi); txtcen(161 + fnt->h, "ENTER to accept", DIrhi); txtcen(161 + 2 * fnt->h, "ESC to cancel", DIrhi); qesc = ql+Lftoctl; } static void ctl(void) { Menu *m; Item *i, *e; mclear(); pic(112, 184, pict[Pmouselback]); stripe(10); pic(80, 0, pict[Popt]); mbox(68, 52, 178, 123); fnt = fnts+1; m = ml+LMctl; mp = m; i = m->s; e = m->e; do txt(100, 55 + 13 * (i - m->s), i->s, i->c); while(++i < e); qesc = ql+Lquit; m->n = 0; m->y = 53 + 13 * (m->p - m->s); if(qsp == ql+Ltoctl) stopsfx(); mus(Mmenu); grab(0); iri = vwsize; } static void cursfx(void) { sfx(Sdrawgun2); } static void slcur(int dir) { iri += dir; switch(qsp - ql){ case Lsectl: if(iri < 0) iri = 0; else if(iri > 9) iri = 9; break; case Lvwctl: if(iri < 4) iri = 4; else if(iri > 19) iri = 19; break; } qsp->init(); out(); } static void slider(void) { Rune r; if(nbrecv(csc, &r) <= 0) return; switch(r){ case Kleft: case Kdown: slcur(-1); break; case Kright: case Kup: slcur(1); break; case Kesc: sfx(Sesc); reset(qesc); break; case '\n': case ' ': switch(qsp - ql){ case Lsectl: msense = iri; break; case Lvwctl: vwsize = iri; msg("Thinking...", 1); setvw(); break; } sfx(Sshoot); reset(qesc); break; } } static void movcur(Item *p, int dir) { Item *i; p->c = UNSEL(p->c); i = p; do{ i += dir; if(i < mp->s) i = mp->e - 1; else if(i == mp->e) i = mp->s; }while(i->c == mcol[DMoff] || i->c == 0); i->c = SEL(i->c); mp->p = i; mp->n = 0; if(i != p + dir){ cursfx(); reset(qsp); if(qsp->init != nil) qsp->init(); return; } put(mp->x, mp->y, 24, 16, mcol[DMbg]); mp->y += dir * 6; blink(); sfx(Sdrawgun1); ql[Lcur].q = qsp; reset(ql+Lcur); } static void cwalk(void) { static char s[UTFmax*2], *sp = s; Rune r; Seq *q; Item *i; if(nbrecv(csc, &r) <= 0) return; i = mp->p; switch(r){ case Kup: movcur(i, -1); break; case Kdown: movcur(i, 1); break; case Kesc: sfx(Sesc); reset(qesc); break; case '\n': case ' ': q = i->q; if(q == nil) break; if(q != ql+Lquit && q != ql+Lftitle) sfx(Sshoot); reset(q); break; default: if(ver < SOD) break; sp += runetochar(sp, &r); if(strncmp(s, "id", sp-s) == 0){ if(sp - s == 2){ reset(ql+Lfpants); sp = s; } }else sp = s; } } static void ask(void) { Rune r; if(nbrecv(csc, &r) <= 0) return; if(r == 'y'){ sfx(Sshoot); reset(mp->p->q); }else if(r == 'n' || r == Kesc){ sfx(Sesc); reset(qesc); } } static void skip(void) { if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0) reset(ql+Ldecay); } static void swait(void) { if(lastsfx() >= 0) qtc = 0; else sfxlck = 0; } static void nbwait(void) { if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0) qtc = qp->dt; } static void bwait(void) { qtc = nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0 ? qp->dt : 0; } static void pants(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Pid1]); pic(0, 80, pict[Pid2]); palpic(exts[Eid]); mus(Mnazjazz); } static void roll(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Pend1]+iri); palpic(exts[Eend1+iri]); iri++; if(iri == 9) iri = 1; } static void pres3(void) { put(0, 180, Vw, 20, 0); txtcen(180, "With the spear gone, the Allies will finally", DIepi); /* bug: typo "by able to" */ txtcen(180 + fnt->h, "be able to destroy Hitler...", DIepi); out(); iri = 3; } static void pres2(void) { txtcen(180, "We owe you a great debt, Mr. Blazkowicz.", DIepi); txtcen(180 + fnt->h, "You have served your country well.", DIepi); out(); } static void pres1(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Pend1]+2); palpic(exts[Eend1+2]); fnt = fnts; } static void sdepi(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Pend1]); palpic(exts[Eend1]); } static void won(void) { int n; char a[10]; put(0, 0, Vw, Vhud, 0x7f); pic(8, 4, pict[Pwin]); pictxt(144, 16, "YOU WIN!"); pictxt(112, 48, "TOTAL TIME"); if(gm.eptm > 99 * 60) gm.eptm = 99 * 60 + 99; sprint(a, "%02d:%02d", gm.eptm / 60, gm.eptm % 60); pictxt(113, 64, a); pictxt(96, 96, "AVERAGES"); n = ver < SDM ? 8 : 14; sprint(a, "KILL %3d%%", (gm.epk / n)); pictxt(112, 112, a); sprint(a, "SECRET %3d%%", (gm.eps / n)); pictxt(80, 128, a); sprint(a, "TREASURE %3d%%", (gm.ept / n)); pictxt(48, 144, a); if(ver == WL6 && gm.difc >= GDmed){ pic(240, 64, pict[Ptc]); fnt = fnts; n = gm.eptm / 60; a[0] = 'A' + (n / 10 ^ n % 10 ^ 0xa); n = gm.eptm % 60; a[1] = 'A' + (n / 10 ^ n % 10 ^ 0xa); a[2] = 'A' + (a[0] ^ a[1]); a[3] = 0; txt(241, 72, a, DIshi); } fnt = fnts+1; mus(ver < SDM ? Mwon : Msdwon); grab(0); } static void colp(void) { pic(124, 44, pict[Pcollapse] + iri++); out(); } static void incolp(void) { iri = 1; fill(0x7f); pic(124, 44, pict[Pcollapse]); mus(Mend); } static void breathe(void) { static int n, t; if(++t > 35){ t = 0; n ^= 1; pic(0, 16, pict[n ? Pguy2 : Pguy]); out(); } } static void sinterw(void) { breathe(); if(nbrecv(csc, nil) <= 0) qtc = 0; } static void siscore(void) { givep(15000); gm.oldpt =; } static void sinter(void) { put(0, 0, Vw, Vhud, 0x7f); pic(0, 16, pict[Pguy]); if(ver < SDM) pictxt(112, 32, "SECRET FLOOR\n COMPLETED!"); else{ switch({ case 4: pictxt(112, 32, " TRANS\n GROSSE\nDEFEATED!"); break; case 9: pictxt(112, 32, "BARNACLE\nWILHELM\nDEFEATED!"); break; case 15: pictxt(112, 32, "UBERMUTANT\nDEFEATED!"); break; case 17: pictxt(112, 32, " DEATH\n KNIGHT\nDEFEATED!"); break; case 18: pictxt(104, 32, "SECRET TUNNEL\n AREA\n COMPLETED!"); break; case 19: pictxt(104, 32, "SECRET CASTLE\n AREA\n COMPLETED!"); break; } } if( == 17){ /* solely for crmskp */ = GMup; = 19; } pictxt(80, 128, "15000 BONUS!"); mus(Minter); } static void interw(void) { breathe(); if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0) reset(ver == SDM && == 1 ? ql+Lsdmend : ql+Lintere); } static void intere(void) { givep(irb); gm.oldpt =; qsp->q = ql+Linterw; } static void interskip(void) { int n; char a[10]; irb = irr[0] * 500; irb += 10000 * ((irr[1] == 100) + (irr[2] == 100) + (irr[3] == 100)); n = sprint(a, "%d", irb); pictxt((36 - n * 2) * 8, 56, a); n = sprint(a, "%d", irr[1]); pictxt((37 - n * 2) * 8, 112, a); n = sprint(a, "%d", irr[2]); pictxt((37 - n * 2) * 8, 128, a); n = sprint(a, "%d", irr[3]); pictxt((37 - n * 2) * 8, 144, a); intere(); } static void interb(void) { if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0) interskip(); else if(lastsfx() >= 0){ breathe(); qtc = 0; } } static void interm(void) { int n; char a[10]; if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0){ interskip(); return; } if(*irp == 100){ stopsfx(); irb += 10000; n = sprint(a, "%d", irb); pictxt((36 - n * 2) * 8, 56, a); out(); sfx(S100); }else if(*irp == 0) sfx(Snobonus); else sfx(Sendb2); iri = 0; qsp->q = ql+Linteri; qsp->q->q = ql+Linteri; switch(++irp - irr){ case 1: iry = 112; break; case 2: iry = 128; break; case 3: iry = 144; break; case 4: intere(); break; } } static void interi(void) { int n; char a[10]; if(nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0){ interskip(); return; } n = sprint(a, "%d", iri); pictxt((37 - n * 2) * 8, iry, a); sfx(Sendb1); out(); iri += 10; if(iri == *irp + 10){ ql[Linterm].s[0].dt = *irp == 100 || *irp == 0 ? 30 : 0; qsp->q = ql+Linterm; }else if(iri >= *irp) iri = *irp; } static void interp(void) { int m; char a[10]; m = sprint(a, "%d", iri * 500); pictxt((18 - m) * 16, 56, a); sfx(Sendb1); out(); iri += 50; if(iri == *irp + 50){ sfx(Sendb2); iri = 0; irb += iri * 500; iry = 112; irp++; qsp->s[0].f = interi; }else if(iri >= *irp) iri = *irp; } static void inter(void) { static int wlpar[] = { 90, 120, 120, 210, 180, 180, 150, 150, 0, 0, 90, 210, 180, 120, 240, 360, 60, 180, 0, 0, 90, 90, 150, 150, 210, 150, 120, 360, 0, 0, 120, 120, 90, 60, 270, 210, 120, 270, 0, 0, 150, 90, 150, 150, 240, 180, 270, 210, 0, 0, 390, 240, 270, 360, 300, 330, 330, 510, 0, 0 }, sdpar[] = { 90, 210, 165, 210, 0, 270, 195, 165, 285, 0, 390, 270, 165, 270, 360, 0, 360, 0, 0, 0 }; int s, p; char a[10]; put(0, 0, Vw, Vhud, 0x7f); pic(0, 16, pict[Pguy]); pictxt(112, 16, "FLOOR\nCOMPLETED"); sprint(a, "%d", ver<SDM ? % 10 + 1 : + 1); pictxt(208, 16, a); pictxt(112, 56, "BONUS 0"); pictxt(128, 80, "TIME"); pictxt(128, 96, " PAR"); p = ver < SDM ? wlpar[] : sdpar[]; sprint(a, "%02d:%2d", p / 60, p % 60); pictxt(208, 96, a); pictxt(72, 112, "KILL RATIO %"); pictxt(40, 128, "SECRET RATIO %"); pictxt(8, 144, "TREASURE RATIO %"); s = / Tb; if(s > 99 * 60) s = 99 * 60; sprint(a, "%02d:%02d", s / 60, s % 60); pictxt(208, 80, a); gm.eptm += s; memset(irr, 0, sizeof irr); s = p - s; irr[0] = s > 0 ? s : 0; if(gm.ktot) irr[1] = * 100 / gm.ktot; if(gm.stot) irr[2] = gm.sp * 100 / gm.stot; if(gm.ttot) irr[3] = * 100 / gm.ttot; gm.epk += irr[1]; gm.eps += irr[2]; gm.ept += irr[3]; irp = irr; iri = 0; irb = 0; if(irr[0] == 0){ ql[Linteri].s[0].f = interi; iry = 112; irp++; }else ql[Linteri].s[0].f = interp; ql[Linteri].q = ql+Linteri; mus(Minter); } static void gcont(void) { kb = 0; mΔx = mΔy = 0; mb = 0; if(!gm.demo){ kbon++; grab(1); } step = gstep; } static void camtxt2(void) { camwarp(); qtc = 32; render(); fizzop(-1, 1); put(0, 0, Vw, Vhud, 0x7f); viewbox(); } static void camtxt(void) { pictxt(0, 56, "LET\'S SEE THAT AGAIN!"); out(); } static void cont(void) { view(); render(); mapmus(); } static void ingam(void) { greset(); view(); } static void psych2(void) { int n; n = (qtc - 1) * 16 + 6; if(n > 214 || nbrecv(csc, nil) > 0){ n = 214; qp = qsp->e - 1; qtc = 0; } put(53, 101, n, 2, 0x37); put(53, 101, n-1, 1, 0x32); out(); } static void psych(void) { ingam(); mapmus(); put(0, 0, Vw, Vhud, 0x7f); pic(48, 56, pict[Ppsyched]); } static void indem(void) { ginit(*demd++, -1, 0); if(demd >= epis) demd = dems; view(); } static void fixedw(char *s) { char c; while(c = *s, c != 0) *s++ = c - '0' + 129; } static void score(void) { int x, y; char a[16], b[16]; Score *s; mclear(); stripe(10); pic(48, 0, pict[Pscores]); pic(32, 68, pict[Pname]); pic(160, 68, pict[Plvl]); pic(224, 68, pict[Phigh]); fnt = fnts; for(s=scs, y=76; s<scs+nelem(scs); s++, y+=16){ txt(32, y, s->name, 0xf); sprint(a, "%d", s->lvl); fixedw(a); x = 176 - txtw(a); if(ver == WL6){ sprint(b, "E%d/L", s->ep + 1); x += txt(x - 6, y, b, 0xf) - 6; } txt(x, y, a, 0xf); sprint(a, "%d", s->n); fixedw(a); txt(264 - txtw(a), y, a, 0xf); } if(qsp != ql+Lscore) mus(Mroster); } static void sdscore(void) { int y; char a[16]; Score *s; mclear(); pic(0, 0, pict[Pscores]); fnt = fnts+1; for(s=scs, y=76; s<scs+nelem(scs); s++, y+=16){ txt(16, y, s->name, DIrhi); if(s->lvl == 21) pic(176, y-1, pict[Pspear]); else{ sprint(a, "%d", s->lvl); txt(194 - txtw(a), y, a, 0xf); } sprint(a, "%d", s->n); txt(292 - txtw(a), y, a, 0xf); } if(qsp != ql+Lscore) mus(Maward); } static void high(void) { if(ver < SDM) score(); else sdscore(); inctl(); grab(0); } static void creds(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Pcreds]); } static void title(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Ptitle1]); mus(Mintro); } static void sdtitle(void) { pic(0, 0, pict[Ptitle1]); pic(0, 80, pict[Ptitle2]); palpic(exts[Etitpal]); mus(Mtower); } static void intro(void) { fill(0x82); pic(216, 110, pict[Ppg13]); } static void exit(void) { threadexitsall(nil); } static Sp loadq[] = {{30, fadeout}}, introq[] = {{30, fadein}, {7*Tb, skip}, {30, fadeout}}, titleq[] = {{30, fadein}, {15*Tb, skip}, {30, fadeout}}, loopq[] = {{30, fadein}, {10*Tb, skip}, {30, fadeout}}, scoreq[] = {{30, fadein}, {10*Tb, skip}, {30, fadeout}}, pantsq[] = {{30, fadein}, {1, bwait}, {30, fadeout}}, psychq[] = {{30, fadein}, {14, psych2}, {70, nbwait}, {30, fadeout}}, gamq[] = {{30, fadein}, {1, game}, {41, fizz}, {1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, gamsq[] = {{1, game}, {41, fizz}, {1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, contq[] = {{30, fadein}, {1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, msgq[] = {{1, bwait}, {1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, gcontq[] = {{1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, dieq[] = {{1, dieturn}, {144, fizz}, {100, nbwait}, {1, swait}}, fdieq[] = {{0, ctl}, {1, blink}, {30, fadeout}, {1, mend2}, {30, fadein}}, camq[] = {{100, nil}, {144, fizz}, {0, camtxt}, {300, nbwait}, {0, camtxt2}, {41, fizz}, {1, gcont}, {100, nil}, {0, stopmus}, {30, fadeout}}, spq[] = {{1, swait}, {0, mapmus}, {1, gcont}, {30, fadeout}}, interq[] = {{1, swait}, {30, fadein}}, interiq[] = {{0, nil}, {1, interb}}, intermq[] = {{0, nil}, {1, interm}, {1, interb}}, interwq[] = {{1, interw}}, intereq[] = {{0, nextmap}, {30, fadeout}}, sinterq[] = {{1, swait}, {30, fadein}, {0, siscore}, {1, sinterw}, {0, nextmap}, {30, fadeout}}, sdmq[] = {{1, bwait}, {30, fadeout}}, colpq[] = {{300, fadeout}}, colp2q[] = {{30, fadein}, {2*Tb, nil}, {0, colp}, {105, nil}, {0, colp}, {105, nil}, {0, colp}, {3*Tb, nil}}, colp3q[] = {{5, fadeout}}, wonq[] = {{1, swait}, {30, fadein}, {1, bwait}}, won2q[] = {{0, nil}, {30, fadeout}}, sdeq[] = {{30, fadein}, {1, bwait}, {30, fadeout}}, presq[] = {{30, fadein}, {0, pres2}, {10*Tb, nbwait}, {0, pres3}, {10*Tb, nbwait}, {30, fadeout}}, highq[] = {{30, fadein}, {1, bwait}, {30, fadeout}}, escq[] = {{10, fadeout}}, toctlq[] = {{10, fadein}}, ctlq[] = {{0, blink}, {70, cwalk}, {0, blink}, {8, cwalk}}, slq[] = {{1, slider}}, curq[] = {{8, nil}, {0, cursfx}}, togq[] = {{1, toggle}}, mscoreq[] = {{10, fadein}, {1, bwait}, {10, fadeout}}, quitq[] = {{0, pblink}, {10, ask}}, ackq[] = {{1, bwait}}, exitq[] = {{1, exit}}; static Seq ql[] = { [Lload] {nil, loadq, loadq+nelem(loadq), ql+Lintro, &fblk}, [Lintro] {intro, introq, introq+nelem(introq), ql+Ltitle, &fblk}, [Lftitle] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Ltitle, &ftra}, [Ltitle] {title, titleq, titleq+nelem(titleq), ql+Lcreds, &fblk}, [Lcreds] {creds, loopq, loopq+nelem(loopq), ql+Lscore, &fblk}, [Lscore] {score, loopq, loopq+nelem(loopq), ql+Ldemo, &fblk}, [Lfpants] {nil, loadq, loadq+nelem(loadq), ql+Lpants, &fblk}, [Lpants] {pants, pantsq, pantsq+nelem(pantsq), ql+Ltoctl, &fblk}, [Ldemo] {indem, gamq, gamq+nelem(gamq), nil, &fblk}, [Lpsych] {psych, psychq, psychq+nelem(psychq), ql+Lgame, &fblk}, [Lgame] {view, gamq, gamq+nelem(gamq), nil, &fblk}, [Lretry] {ingam, gamsq, gamsq+nelem(gamsq), nil}, [Lmsg] {nil, msgq, msgq+nelem(msgq), nil, &fblk}, [Lcont1] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lcont2, &ftra}, [Lcont2] {cont, contq, contq+nelem(contq), nil, &fblk}, [Lgcont] {cont, gcontq, gcontq+nelem(gcontq), nil, &fblk}, [Lfdie] {nil, fdieq, fdieq+nelem(fdieq), ql+Ldie, &fblk}, [Ldie] {die, dieq, dieq+nelem(dieq), nil}, [Ldie2] {nil, loadq, loadq+nelem(loadq), ql+Lhigh, &fblk}, [Lhigh] {high, highq, highq+nelem(highq), ql+Ltitle, &fblk}, [Lcam] {nil, camq, camq+nelem(camq), nil, &fblk}, [Lspear] {spshunt, spq, spq+nelem(spq), nil, &fblk}, [Linter] {inter, interq, interq+nelem(interq), ql+Linteri, &fblk}, [Linteri] {nil, interiq, interiq+nelem(interiq), nil}, [Linterm] {nil, intermq, intermq+nelem(intermq), ql+Linteri}, [Linterw] {nil, interwq, interwq+nelem(interwq), ql+Linterw}, [Lintere] {nil, intereq, intereq+nelem(intereq), ql+Lpsych, &fblk}, [Lsinter] {sinter, sinterq, sinterq+nelem(sinterq), ql+Lpsych, &fblk}, [Lsdmend] {sdmend, sdmq, sdmq+nelem(sdmq), ql+Lhigh, &fblk}, [Lcolp] {nil, colpq, colpq+nelem(colpq), ql+Lcolp2, &focl}, [Lcolp2] {incolp, colp2q, colp2q+nelem(colp2q), ql+Lcolp3, &ficl}, [Lcolp3] {nil, colp3q, colp3q+nelem(colp3q), ql+Lwon, &fecl}, [Lwon] {won, wonq, wonq+nelem(wonq), ql+Lwon2, &fblk}, [Lwon2] {nil, won2q, won2q+nelem(won2q), ql+Lhigh, &fblk}, [Lsdepi] {sdepi, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lpres, &fblk}, [Lpres] {pres1, presq, presq+nelem(presq), ql+Lroll1, &fblk}, [Lroll1] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll2, &fblk}, [Lroll2] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll3, &fblk}, [Lroll3] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll4, &fblk}, [Lroll4] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll5, &fblk}, [Lroll5] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll6, &fblk}, [Lroll6] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lroll7, &fblk}, [Lroll7] {roll, sdeq, sdeq+nelem(sdeq), ql+Lhigh, &fblk}, [Ldecay] {nil, loadq, loadq+nelem(loadq), ql+Ltoctl}, [Ltoctl] {ctl, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lctl, &ftra}, [Lftoctl] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmtoctl, &fctl}, [Lmtoctl] {ctl, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lctl, &fctl}, [Lctl] {ctl, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lctl}, [Lcur] {nil, curq, curq+nelem(curq), ql+Lctl}, [Lftonew] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmtonew, &fctl}, [Lmtonew] {newgame, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lnctl, &fctl}, [Lnewgame] {newgame, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lnctl, &fctl}, [Lnctl] {newgame, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lnctl}, [Ldenied] {denied, ackq, ackq+nelem(ackq), ql+Lnctl}, [Ldifc1] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Ldifc2, &fctl}, [Ldifc2] {difc, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Ldifc3, &fctl}, [Ldifc3] {difc, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Ldifc3}, [Ldifc4] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Ldifc5, &fctl}, [Ldifc5] {setdifc, loadq, loadq+nelem(loadq), ql+Lpsych, &fblk}, [Lfsnd] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmsnd, &fctl}, [Lmsnd] {snd, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lsctl, &fctl}, [Lsctl] {snd, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lsctl}, [Lsndtog] {nil, togq, togq+nelem(togq), ql+Lsctl}, [Lfin] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmin, &fctl}, [Lmin] {in, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lictl, &fctl}, [Lictl] {in, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lictl}, [Lintog] {nil, togq, togq+nelem(togq), ql+Lictl}, [Lfsav] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmsav, &fctl}, [Lmsav] {sav, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lsvctl, &fctl}, [Lsvctl] {sav, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lsvctl}, [Lflod] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmlod, &fctl}, [Lmlod] {sav, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lldctl, &fctl}, [Lldctl] {sav, ctlq, ctlq+nelem(ctlq), ql+Lldctl}, [Lfsens] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmsens, &fctl}, [Lmsens] {sens, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lsectl, &fctl}, [Lsectl] {sens, slq, slq+nelem(slq), ql+Lsectl}, [Lfvw] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmvw, &fctl}, [Lmvw] {mvw, toctlq, toctlq+nelem(toctlq), ql+Lvwctl, &fctl}, [Lvwctl] {mvw, slq, slq+nelem(slq), ql+Lvwctl}, [Lfmscore] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lmscore, &fctl}, [Lmscore] {score, mscoreq, mscoreq+nelem(mscoreq), ql+Lmtoctl, &fctl}, [Lend] {mend, quitq, quitq+nelem(quitq), ql+Lend}, [Lcurgame] {curgame, quitq, quitq+nelem(quitq), ql+Lcurgame}, [Lquit] {quit, quitq, quitq+nelem(quitq), ql+Lquit}, [Lmexit] {nil, escq, escq+nelem(escq), ql+Lexit, &fctl}, [Lexit] {nil, exitq, exitq+nelem(exitq)} }; static void initseqs(void) { Item *i; mclear = wlmclear; stripe = wlstripe; quits = ends; if(ver == WL1){ for(i=ml[LMnew].s+2; i<ml[LMnew].e; i+=2){ i->c = DIeps; i->q = ql+Ldenied; } } if(ver >= SDM){ mclear = sdmclear; stripe = sdstripe; ql[Ltitle].init = sdtitle; ql[Lscore].init = sdscore; ql[Lmscore].init = sdscore; ql[Lwon].f = &ficl; ql[Lwon2].q = ql+Lsdepi; fctl.c = (Col){0, 0, 0xce}; mcol[DMbg] = 0x9d; quits += nelem(ends)/2; } mcol[DMoff] = mcol[DMbg] ^ 6; mcol[DMbrd] = mcol[DMbg] ^ 4; mcol[DMbrd2] = mcol[DMbg] ^ 14; ml[LMsnd].s[1].c = mcol[DMoff]; ml[LMsnd].s[6].c = mcol[DMoff]; } static void cfg(void) { muson = sfxon = pcmon = 1; grabon++; autorun = 0; msense = 5; vwsize = 15; /* fs.c: load config file and read values */ if(msense < 0) msense = 0; else if(msense > 9) msense = 9; if(vwsize < 4) vwsize = 4; else if(vwsize > 19) vwsize = 19; setvw(); } static void sqend(void) { if(!gm.demo && !gm.record) return; qsp->q = gm.end == EDkey ? ql+Ltoctl : ql+Ltitle; if(demf != nil){ free(demf); demf = nil; demd = dems; if(demexit) qsp->q = ql+Lexit; } gm.demo = gm.record = 0; } static void edfizz(void) { fizzop(-1, 1); put((Vw - vw.dx) / 2, (Vhud - vw.dy) / 2, vw.dx, vw.dy, qsp == ql+Lretry ? 4 : 0); out(); } static void edcam(void) { gm.won++; out(); fizzop(0x7f, 0); reset(ql+Lcam); qsp->q = ql+Lwon; } static void eddie(void) { u32int *p; p = pal; reset(ql+Ldie); pal = p; if(gm.lives >= 0) qsp->q = ql+Lretry; else qsp->q = ql+Ldie2; } static void edup(void) { gm.keys = 0; hudk(); if(ver < SDM && % 10 == 9 || ver >= SDM && ( == 4 || == 9 || == 15 || >= 17)){ = GMret; qsp->q = ql+Lsinter; }else if(gm.end == EDsetec){ = GMsetec; qsp->q = ql+Linter; }else{ = GMup; qsp->q = ql+Linter; } } static void edspear(void) { reset(ql+Lspear); qp->dt = pcmon ? 150 : 1; qp->f = pcmon ? nil : swait; } static void edwon(void) { stopmus(); qsp->q = ql+Lwon; if(ver == SOD) reset(ql+Lcolp); } void gend(void) { kbon = 0; switch(gm.end){ case EDfizz: edfizz(); break; case EDcam: edcam(); break; case EDcam2: scalspr(SPcam, vw.dx / 2, vw.dy + 1); sqend(); break; case EDdem: sqend(); break; case EDkey: qsp->q = ql+Ltoctl; sqend(); break; case EDdie: eddie(); break; case EDup: /* wet floor */ case EDsetec: edup(); sqend(); break; case EDspear: edspear(); break; case EDwon: edwon(); sqend(); break; case EDmsg:; } gm.end = 0; pal = pals[Cfad]; qtc = 0; step = qstep; } int quickkey(Rune r) { switch(r){ case KF|1: case KF|2: case KF|3: case KF|4: case KF|5: case KF|6: case KF|7: case KF|8: case KF|9: default: return 0; case KF|10: reset(ql+Lquit); qesc = ql+Lgcont; break; } gm.end = EDmsg; grab(0); return 1; } void qstep(void) { Sp *p; rep: p = qp; qtc += Δtc; if(p->f != nil) p->f(); if(p != qp) return; if(qtc >= p->dt){ if(++qp == qsp->e){ reset(qsp->q); return; } qtc = 0; } if(p->dt == 0) goto rep; } void init(char *f, int m, int d) { cfg(); initseqs(); inctl(); demd = dems; reset(ql+Lload); if(m != -1){ if(d > GDhard) d = GDhard; qsp->q = ql+Lpsych; ginit(nil, m, d); ingctl(); return; } if(f != nil){ demf = demof(f); demd = (uchar **)&demf; qsp->q = ql+Ldemo; } mus(ver<SDM ? Mintro : Mtower); }