ref: ddcaa37baf64e0fc44f8ebf051005a0b0a1fd29b
dir: /main.c/
char str[80],str2[20]; s16int tedlevelnum; int tedlevel; s16int dirangle[9] = {0,ANGLES/8,2*ANGLES/8,3*ANGLES/8,4*ANGLES/8, 5*ANGLES/8,6*ANGLES/8,7*ANGLES/8,ANGLES}; u16int screenofs; int startgame; s16int mouseadjustment; char configname[13]="CONFIG."; void ReadConfig(void) { s16int file; SDMode sd; SMMode sm; SDSMode sds; if ( (file = open(configname,O_BINARY | O_RDONLY)) != -1) { // // valid config file // read(file,Scores,sizeof(HighScore) * MaxScores); read(file,&sd,sizeof(sd)); read(file,&sm,sizeof(sm)); read(file,&sds,sizeof(sds)); read(file,&mouseenabled,sizeof(mouseenabled)); read(file,&joystickenabled,sizeof(joystickenabled)); read(file,&joypadenabled,sizeof(joypadenabled)); read(file,&joystickprogressive,sizeof(joystickprogressive)); read(file,&joystickport,sizeof(joystickport)); read(file,&dirscan,sizeof(dirscan)); read(file,&buttonscan,sizeof(buttonscan)); read(file,&buttonmouse,sizeof(buttonmouse)); read(file,&buttonjoy,sizeof(buttonjoy)); read(file,&vw.size,sizeof(vw.size)); read(file,&mouseadjustment,sizeof(mouseadjustment)); close(file); if (sd == sdm_AdLib && !AdLibPresent && !SoundBlasterPresent) { sd = sdm_PC; sd = smm_Off; } if ((sds == sds_SoundBlaster && !SoundBlasterPresent) || (sds == sds_SoundSource && !SoundSourcePresent)) sds = sds_Off; if (!MousePresent) mouseenabled = false; MainMenu[6].active=1; MainItems.curpos=0; } else { // // no config file, so select by hardware // if (SoundBlasterPresent || AdLibPresent) { sd = sdm_AdLib; sm = smm_AdLib; } else { sd = sdm_PC; sm = smm_Off; } if (SoundBlasterPresent) sds = sds_SoundBlaster; else if (SoundSourcePresent) sds = sds_SoundSource; else sds = sds_Off; if (MousePresent) mouseenabled = true; vw.size = 15; mouseadjustment=5; } SD_SetMusicMode (sm); SD_SetSoundMode (sd); SD_SetDigiDevice (sds); } void WriteConfig(void) { s16int file; file = open(configname,O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_WRONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE | S_IFREG); if (file != -1) { write(file,Scores,sizeof(HighScore) * MaxScores); write(file,&SoundMode,sizeof(SoundMode)); write(file,&MusicMode,sizeof(MusicMode)); write(file,&DigiMode,sizeof(DigiMode)); write(file,&mouseenabled,sizeof(mouseenabled)); write(file,&joystickenabled,sizeof(joystickenabled)); write(file,&joypadenabled,sizeof(joypadenabled)); write(file,&joystickprogressive,sizeof(joystickprogressive)); write(file,&joystickport,sizeof(joystickport)); write(file,&dirscan,sizeof(dirscan)); write(file,&buttonscan,sizeof(buttonscan)); write(file,&buttonmouse,sizeof(buttonmouse)); write(file,&buttonjoy,sizeof(buttonjoy)); write(file,&vw.size,sizeof(vw.size)); write(file,&mouseadjustment,sizeof(mouseadjustment)); close(file); } } void NewGame (s16int difficulty,s16int episode) { → initg, w/o difficulty, map } void DiskFlopAnim(s16int x,s16int y) { static char which=0; if (!x && !y) return; VWB_DrawPic(x,y,Pread1+which); VW_UpdateScreen(); which^=1; } s32int DoChecksum(u8int far *source,u16int size,s32int checksum) { u16int i; for (i=0;i<size-1;i++) checksum += source[i]^source[i+1]; return checksum; } int SaveTheGame(s16int file,s16int x,s16int y) { struct diskfree_t dfree; s32int avail,size,checksum; objtype *ob,nullobj; if (_dos_getdiskfree(0,&dfree)) Quit("Error in _dos_getdiskfree call"); avail = (s32int)dfree.avail_clusters * dfree.bytes_per_sector * dfree.sectors_per_cluster; size = 0; for (ob = player; ob ; ob=ob->next) size += sizeof(*ob); size += sizeof(nullobj); size += sizeof(gamestate) + sizeof(LRstruct)*8 + sizeof(tilemap) + sizeof(actorat) + sizeof(laststatobj) + sizeof(statobjlist) + sizeof(doorposition) + sizeof(pwallstate) + sizeof(pwallx) + sizeof(pwally) + sizeof(pwalldir) + sizeof(pwallpos); if (avail < size) { Message("There is not enough space\n" "on your disk to Save Game!"); return false; } checksum = 0; DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&gamestate,sizeof(gamestate)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&gamestate,sizeof(gamestate),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); #ifdef SPEAR CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*20); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*20,checksum); #else CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*8); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*8,checksum); #endif DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)tilemap,sizeof(tilemap)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)tilemap,sizeof(tilemap),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)actorat,sizeof(actorat)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)actorat,sizeof(actorat),checksum); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)conarea,sizeof(conarea)); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)plrarea,sizeof(plrarea)); for (ob = player ; ob ; ob=ob->next) { DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)ob,sizeof(*ob)); } = ac_badobject; // end of file marker DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&nullobj,sizeof(nullobj)); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&laststatobj,sizeof(laststatobj)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&laststatobj,sizeof(laststatobj),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)statobjlist,sizeof(statobjlist)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)statobjlist,sizeof(statobjlist),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)doorposition,sizeof(doorposition)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)doorposition,sizeof(doorposition),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)doorobjlist,sizeof(doorobjlist)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)doorobjlist,sizeof(doorobjlist),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&pwallstate,sizeof(pwallstate)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallstate,sizeof(pwallstate),checksum); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&pwallx,sizeof(pwallx)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallx,sizeof(pwallx),checksum); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&pwally,sizeof(pwally)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwally,sizeof(pwally),checksum); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&pwalldir,sizeof(pwalldir)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwalldir,sizeof(pwalldir),checksum); CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&pwallpos,sizeof(pwallpos)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallpos,sizeof(pwallpos),checksum); // // WRITE OUT CHECKSUM // CA_FarWrite (file,(void far *)&checksum,sizeof(checksum)); return(true); } int LoadTheGame(s16int file,s16int x,s16int y) { s32int checksum,oldchecksum; objtype *ob,nullobj; checksum = 0; DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&gamestate,sizeof(gamestate)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&gamestate,sizeof(gamestate),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); #ifdef SPEAR CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*20); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*20,checksum); #else CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*8); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&LevelRatios[0],sizeof(LRstruct)*8,checksum); #endif DiskFlopAnim(x,y); initmap (); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)tilemap,sizeof(tilemap)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)tilemap,sizeof(tilemap),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)actorat,sizeof(actorat)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)actorat,sizeof(actorat),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)conarea,sizeof(conarea)); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)plrarea,sizeof(plrarea)); oinit (); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)player,sizeof(*player)); while (1) { DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&nullobj,sizeof(nullobj)); if ( == ac_badobject) break; onew (); // don't copy over the links memcpy (new,&nullobj,sizeof(nullobj)-4); } DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&laststatobj,sizeof(laststatobj)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&laststatobj,sizeof(laststatobj),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)statobjlist,sizeof(statobjlist)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)statobjlist,sizeof(statobjlist),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)doorposition,sizeof(doorposition)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)doorposition,sizeof(doorposition),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)doorobjlist,sizeof(doorobjlist)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)doorobjlist,sizeof(doorobjlist),checksum); DiskFlopAnim(x,y); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&pwallstate,sizeof(pwallstate)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallstate,sizeof(pwallstate),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&pwallx,sizeof(pwallx)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallx,sizeof(pwallx),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&pwally,sizeof(pwally)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwally,sizeof(pwally),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&pwalldir,sizeof(pwalldir)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwalldir,sizeof(pwalldir),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&pwallpos,sizeof(pwallpos)); checksum = DoChecksum((u8int far *)&pwallpos,sizeof(pwallpos),checksum); CA_FarRead (file,(void far *)&oldchecksum,sizeof(oldchecksum)); if (oldchecksum != checksum) { Message("Your Save Game file is,\n" "shall we say, \"corrupted\".\n" "But I'll let you go on and\n" "play anyway...."); IN_ClearKeysDown(); IN_Ack(); gm.score = 0; gm.lives = 1; gm.w = gm.bestw = gm.lastw = WPpistol; gm.ammo = 8; } return true; } void SetupWalls (void) /* map tile values to scaled pics */ { s16int i; for (i=1;i<MAXWALLTILES;i++) { horizwall[i]=(i-1)*2; vertwall[i]=(i-1)*2+1; } } #define PORTTILESHIGH 13 // non displayed port of this size void InitGame (void) { s16int i,x,y; u16int *blockstart; mapon = -1; for (i=0;i<MAPSIZE;i++) { farmapylookup[i] = i*64; } for (i=0;i<PORTTILESHIGH;i++) uwidthtable[i] = UPDATEWIDE*i; blockstart = &blockstarts[0]; for (y=0;y<UPDATEHIGH;y++) for (x=0;x<UPDATEWIDE;x++) *blockstart++ = SCREENWIDTH*16*y+x*TILEWIDTH; updateptr = &update[0]; bufferofs = 0; displayofs = 0; ReadConfig (); IntroScreen (); LoadLatchMem (); SetupWalls (); NewViewSize (vw.size); InitRedShifts (); displayofs = PAGE1START; bufferofs = PAGE2START; } int SetViewSize (u16int width, u16int height) { → setvw() } void ShowViewSize (s16int width) { s16int oldwidth,oldheight; oldwidth = vw.dx; oldheight = vw.dy; vw.dx = width*16; vw.dy = width*16*HEIGHTRATIO; DrawPlayBorder (); vw.dy = oldheight; vw.dx = oldwidth; } void NewViewSize (s16int width) { vw.size = width; SetViewSize (width*16,width*16*HEIGHTRATIO); } void DemoLoop (void) { static s16int LastDemo; s16int i,level; s32int nsize; uchar *nullblock; // // check for launch from ted // /* → if warping to map [tedlevel] */ if (tedlevel) { NoWait = true; NewGame(1,0); /* → set difficulty level 1-4 if parameter passed as * gamestate.difficulty */ #ifndef SPEAR gamestate.episode = tedlevelnum/10; gamestate.mapon = tedlevelnum%10; #else gamestate.episode = 0; gamestate.mapon = tedlevelnum; #endif GameLoop(); Quit (NULL); } StartCPMusic(INTROSONG); // pg13 while (1) { p = dems; while (!NoWait) { /* title loop */ PlayDemo(p++); if(p >= epis) p = dems; if (gm.φ == ex_abort) break; StartCPMusic(INTROSONG); } VW_FadeOut (); if (Keyboard[sc_Tab] && debug) RecordDemo (); else US_ControlPanel (0); if (startgame || gm.load) { GameLoop (); VW_FadeOut(); StartCPMusic(INTROSONG); } } } void main (void) { if (wl6) { NewEmenu[2].active = NewEmenu[4].active = NewEmenu[6].active = NewEmenu[8].active = NewEmenu[10].active = EpisodeSelect[1] = EpisodeSelect[2] = EpisodeSelect[3] = EpisodeSelect[4] = EpisodeSelect[5] = 1; } InitGame (); DemoLoop(); }