ref: 9c0929badaf004bf35a97d920fa654136bb56512
// WL_INTER.C #include "WL_DEF.H" #pragma hdrstop //========================================================================== /* ================== = = CLearSplitVWB = ================== */ void ClearSplitVWB (void) { memset (update,0,sizeof(update)); WindowX = 0; WindowY = 0; WindowW = 320; WindowH = 160; } //========================================================================== #ifdef SPEAR #ifndef SPEARDEMO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // End of Spear of Destiny // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void EndScreen (int palette, int screen) { CA_CacheScreen (screen); VW_UpdateScreen (); CA_CacheGrChunk (palette); VL_FadeIn(0,255,grsegs[palette],30); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (palette); IN_ClearKeysDown (); IN_Ack (); VW_FadeOut (); } void EndSpear(void) { EndScreen (END1PALETTE, ENDSCREEN11PIC); CA_CacheScreen (ENDSCREEN3PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); CA_CacheGrChunk (END3PALETTE); VL_FadeIn(0,255,grsegs[END3PALETTE],30); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (END3PALETTE); fontnumber = 0; fontcolor = 0xd0; WindowX = 0; WindowW = 320; PrintX = 0; PrintY = 180; US_CPrint (STR_ENDGAME1"\n"); US_CPrint (STR_ENDGAME2); VW_UpdateScreen (); IN_StartAck (); TimeCount = 0; while (!IN_CheckAck () && TimeCount < 700); PrintX = 0; PrintY = 180; VWB_Bar(0,180,320,20,0); US_CPrint (STR_ENDGAME3"\n"); US_CPrint (STR_ENDGAME4); VW_UpdateScreen (); IN_StartAck (); TimeCount = 0; while (!IN_CheckAck () && TimeCount < 700); VW_FadeOut (); EndScreen (END4PALETTE, ENDSCREEN4PIC); EndScreen (END5PALETTE, ENDSCREEN5PIC); EndScreen (END6PALETTE, ENDSCREEN6PIC); EndScreen (END7PALETTE, ENDSCREEN7PIC); EndScreen (END8PALETTE, ENDSCREEN8PIC); EndScreen (END9PALETTE, ENDSCREEN9PIC); EndScreen (END2PALETTE, ENDSCREEN12PIC); MainMenu[savegame].active = 0; } #endif #endif //========================================================================== /* ================== = = Victory = ================== */ void Victory (void) { #ifndef SPEARDEMO long sec; int i,min,kr,sr,tr,x; char tempstr[8]; #define RATIOX 6 #define RATIOY 14 #define TIMEX 14 #define TIMEY 8 #ifdef SPEAR StartCPMusic (XTHEEND_MUS); CA_CacheGrChunk(BJCOLLAPSE1PIC); CA_CacheGrChunk(BJCOLLAPSE2PIC); CA_CacheGrChunk(BJCOLLAPSE3PIC); CA_CacheGrChunk(BJCOLLAPSE4PIC); VWB_Bar(0,0,320,200,VIEWCOLOR); VWB_DrawPic (124,44,BJCOLLAPSE1PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_FadeIn (); VW_WaitVBL(2*70); VWB_DrawPic (124,44,BJCOLLAPSE2PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_WaitVBL(105); VWB_DrawPic (124,44,BJCOLLAPSE3PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_WaitVBL(105); VWB_DrawPic (124,44,BJCOLLAPSE4PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_WaitVBL(3*70); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(BJCOLLAPSE1PIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(BJCOLLAPSE2PIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(BJCOLLAPSE3PIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(BJCOLLAPSE4PIC); VL_FadeOut (0,255,0,17,17,5); #endif StartCPMusic (URAHERO_MUS); ClearSplitVWB (); CacheLump(LEVELEND_LUMP_START,LEVELEND_LUMP_END); CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT); #ifndef SPEAR CA_CacheGrChunk(C_TIMECODEPIC); #endif VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127); #ifdef JAPAN #ifndef JAPDEMO CA_CacheGrChunk(C_ENDRATIOSPIC); VWB_DrawPic(0,0,C_ENDRATIOSPIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(C_ENDRATIOSPIC); #endif #else Write(18,2,STR_YOUWIN); Write(TIMEX,TIMEY-2,STR_TOTALTIME); Write(12,RATIOY-2,"averages"); #ifdef SPANISH Write(RATIOX+2, RATIOY, STR_RATKILL); Write(RATIOX+2, RATIOY+2, STR_RATSECRET); Write(RATIOX+2, RATIOY+4,STR_RATTREASURE); #else Write(RATIOX+8,RATIOY, STR_RATKILL); Write(RATIOX+4,RATIOY+2, STR_RATSECRET); Write(RATIOX, RATIOY+4,STR_RATTREASURE); #endif #endif #ifndef JAPDEMO VWB_DrawPic (8,4,L_BJWINSPIC); #endif #ifndef SPEAR for (kr = sr = tr = sec = i = 0;i < 8;i++) #else for (kr = sr = tr = sec = i = 0;i < 20;i++) #endif { sec += LevelRatios[i].time; kr += LevelRatios[i].kill; sr += LevelRatios[i].secret; tr += LevelRatios[i].treasure; } #ifndef SPEAR kr /= 8; sr /= 8; tr /= 8; #else kr /= 14; sr /= 14; tr /= 14; #endif min = sec/60; sec %= 60; if (min > 99) min = sec = 99; i = TIMEX*8+1; VWB_DrawPic(i,TIMEY*8,L_NUM0PIC+(min/10)); i += 2*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,TIMEY*8,L_NUM0PIC+(min%10)); i += 2*8; Write(i/8,TIMEY,":"); i += 1*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,TIMEY*8,L_NUM0PIC+(sec/10)); i += 2*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,TIMEY*8,L_NUM0PIC+(sec%10)); VW_UpdateScreen (); itoa(kr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOX+24-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,RATIOY,tempstr); itoa(sr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOX+24-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,RATIOY+2,tempstr); itoa(tr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOX+24-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,RATIOY+4,tempstr); #ifndef SPANISH #ifndef UPLOAD #ifndef SPEAR // // TOTAL TIME VERIFICATION CODE // if (gamestate.difficulty>=gd_medium) { VWB_DrawPic (30*8,TIMEY*8,C_TIMECODEPIC); fontnumber = 0; fontcolor = READHCOLOR; PrintX = 30*8-3; PrintY = TIMEY*8+8; PrintX+=4; tempstr[0] = (((min/10)^(min%10))^0xa)+'A'; tempstr[1] = (((sec/10)^(sec%10))^0xa)+'A'; tempstr[2] = (tempstr[0]^tempstr[1])+'A'; tempstr[3] = 0; US_Print(tempstr); } #endif #endif #endif fontnumber = 1; VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_FadeIn (); IN_Ack(); #ifndef SPEAR if (Keyboard[sc_P] && MS_CheckParm("goobers")) PicturePause(); #endif VW_FadeOut (); #ifndef SPEAR UNCACHEGRCHUNK(C_TIMECODEPIC); #endif UnCacheLump(LEVELEND_LUMP_START,LEVELEND_LUMP_END); #ifndef SPEAR EndText(); #else EndSpear(); #endif #endif // SPEARDEMO } //========================================================================== #ifndef JAPAN /* ================== = = PG13 = ================== */ void PG13 (void) { VW_FadeOut(); VWB_Bar(0,0,320,200,0x82); // background CA_CacheGrChunk (PG13PIC); VWB_DrawPic (216,110,PG13PIC); VW_UpdateScreen (); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (PG13PIC); VW_FadeIn(); IN_UserInput(TickBase*7); VW_FadeOut (); } #endif //========================================================================== void Write(int x,int y,char *string) { int alpha[]={L_NUM0PIC,L_NUM1PIC,L_NUM2PIC,L_NUM3PIC,L_NUM4PIC,L_NUM5PIC, L_NUM6PIC,L_NUM7PIC,L_NUM8PIC,L_NUM9PIC,L_COLONPIC,0,0,0,0,0,0,L_APIC,L_BPIC, L_CPIC,L_DPIC,L_EPIC,L_FPIC,L_GPIC,L_HPIC,L_IPIC,L_JPIC,L_KPIC, L_LPIC,L_MPIC,L_NPIC,L_OPIC,L_PPIC,L_QPIC,L_RPIC,L_SPIC,L_TPIC, L_UPIC,L_VPIC,L_WPIC,L_XPIC,L_YPIC,L_ZPIC}; int i,ox,nx,ny; char ch; ox=nx=x*8; ny=y*8; for (i=0;i<strlen(string);i++) if (string[i]=='\n') { nx=ox; ny+=16; } else { ch=string[i]; if (ch>='a') ch-=('a'-'A'); ch-='0'; switch(string[i]) { case '!': VWB_DrawPic(nx,ny,L_EXPOINTPIC); nx+=8; continue; case '\'': VWB_DrawPic(nx,ny,L_APOSTROPHEPIC); nx+=8; continue; case ' ': break; case 0x3a: // ':' VWB_DrawPic(nx,ny,L_COLONPIC); nx+=8; continue; case '%': VWB_DrawPic(nx,ny,L_PERCENTPIC); break; default: VWB_DrawPic(nx,ny,alpha[ch]); } nx+=16; } } // // Breathe Mr. BJ!!! // void BJ_Breathe(void) { static int which=0,max=10; int pics[2]={L_GUYPIC,L_GUY2PIC}; if (TimeCount>max) { which^=1; VWB_DrawPic(0,16,pics[which]); VW_UpdateScreen(); TimeCount=0; max=35; } } /* ================== = = LevelCompleted = = Entered with the screen faded out = Still in split screen mode with the status bar = = Exit with the screen faded out = ================== */ #ifndef SPEAR LRstruct LevelRatios[8]; #else LRstruct LevelRatios[20]; #endif void LevelCompleted (void) { #define VBLWAIT 30 #define PAR_AMOUNT 500 #define PERCENT100AMT 10000 typedef struct { float time; char timestr[6]; } times; int x,i,min,sec,ratio,kr,sr,tr; unsigned temp; char tempstr[10]; long bonus,timeleft=0; times parTimes[]= { #ifndef SPEAR // // Episode One Par Times // {1.5, "01:30"}, {2, "02:00"}, {2, "02:00"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {3, "03:00"}, {3, "03:00"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {0, "??:??"}, // Boss level {0, "??:??"}, // Secret level // // Episode Two Par Times // {1.5, "01:30"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {3, "03:00"}, {2, "02:00"}, {4, "04:00"}, {6, "06:00"}, {1, "01:00"}, {3, "03:00"}, {0, "??:??"}, {0, "??:??"}, // // Episode Three Par Times // {1.5, "01:30"}, {1.5, "01:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {2, "02:00"}, {6, "06:00"}, {0, "??:??"}, {0, "??:??"}, // // Episode Four Par Times // {2, "02:00"}, {2, "02:00"}, {1.5, "01:30"}, {1, "01:00"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {2, "02:00"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {0, "??:??"}, {0, "??:??"}, // // Episode Five Par Times // {2.5, "02:30"}, {1.5, "01:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {2.5, "02:30"}, {4, "04:00"}, {3, "03:00"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {0, "??:??"}, {0, "??:??"}, // // Episode Six Par Times // {6.5, "06:30"}, {4, "04:00"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {6, "06:00"}, {5, "05:00"}, {5.5, "05:30"}, {5.5, "05:30"}, {8.5, "08:30"}, {0, "??:??"}, {0, "??:??"} #else // // SPEAR OF DESTINY TIMES // {1.5, "01:30"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {2.75, "02:45"}, {3.5, "03:30"}, {0, "??:??"}, // Boss 1 {4.5, "04:30"}, {3.25, "03:15"}, {2.75, "02:45"}, {4.75, "04:45"}, {0, "??:??"}, // Boss 2 {6.5, "06:30"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {2.75, "02:45"}, {4.5, "04:30"}, {6, "06:00"}, {0, "??:??"}, // Boss 3 {6, "06:00"}, {0, "??:??"}, // Boss 4 {0, "??:??"}, // Secret level 1 {0, "??:??"}, // Secret level 2 #endif }; CacheLump(LEVELEND_LUMP_START,LEVELEND_LUMP_END); ClearSplitVWB (); // set up for double buffering in split screen VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127); StartCPMusic(ENDLEVEL_MUS); // // do the intermission // IN_ClearKeysDown(); IN_StartAck(); #ifdef JAPAN CA_CacheGrChunk(C_INTERMISSIONPIC); VWB_DrawPic(0,0,C_INTERMISSIONPIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK(C_INTERMISSIONPIC); #endif VWB_DrawPic(0,16,L_GUYPIC); #ifndef SPEAR if (mapon<8) #else if (mapon != 4 && mapon != 9 && mapon != 15 && mapon < 17) #endif { #ifndef JAPAN #ifdef SPANISH Write(14,2,"piso\ncompletado"); #else Write(14,2,"floor\ncompleted"); #endif Write(14,7,STR_BONUS" 0"); Write(16,10,STR_TIME); Write(16,12,STR_PAR); #ifdef SPANISH Write(11,14, STR_RAT2KILL); Write(11,16, STR_RAT2SECRET); Write(11,18,STR_RAT2TREASURE); #else Write(9,14, STR_RAT2KILL); Write(5,16, STR_RAT2SECRET); Write(1,18,STR_RAT2TREASURE); #endif Write(26,2,itoa(gamestate.mapon+1,tempstr,10)); #endif #ifdef SPANISH Write(30,12,parTimes[gamestate.episode*10+mapon].timestr); #else Write(26,12,parTimes[gamestate.episode*10+mapon].timestr); #endif // // PRINT TIME // sec=gamestate.TimeCount/70; if (sec > 99*60) // 99 minutes max sec = 99*60; if (gamestate.TimeCount<parTimes[gamestate.episode*10+mapon].time*4200) timeleft=(parTimes[gamestate.episode*10+mapon].time*4200)/70-sec; min=sec/60; sec%=60; #ifdef SPANISH i=30*8; #else i=26*8; #endif VWB_DrawPic(i,10*8,L_NUM0PIC+(min/10)); i+=2*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,10*8,L_NUM0PIC+(min%10)); i+=2*8; Write(i/8,10,":"); i+=1*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,10*8,L_NUM0PIC+(sec/10)); i+=2*8; VWB_DrawPic(i,10*8,L_NUM0PIC+(sec%10)); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_FadeIn (); // // FIGURE RATIOS OUT BEFOREHAND // kr = sr = tr = 0; if (gamestate.killtotal) kr=(gamestate.killcount*100)/gamestate.killtotal; if (gamestate.secrettotal) sr=(gamestate.secretcount*100)/gamestate.secrettotal; if (gamestate.treasuretotal) tr=(gamestate.treasurecount*100)/gamestate.treasuretotal; // // PRINT TIME BONUS // bonus=timeleft*PAR_AMOUNT; if (bonus) { for (i=0;i<=timeleft;i++) { ltoa((long)i*PAR_AMOUNT,tempstr,10); x=36-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,7,tempstr); if (!(i%(PAR_AMOUNT/10))) SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS1SND); VW_UpdateScreen(); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); if (IN_CheckAck()) goto done; } VW_UpdateScreen(); SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS2SND); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); } #ifdef SPANISH #define RATIOXX 33 #else #define RATIOXX 37 #endif // // KILL RATIO // ratio=kr; for (i=0;i<=ratio;i++) { itoa(i,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,14,tempstr); if (!(i%10)) SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS1SND); VW_UpdateScreen (); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); if (IN_CheckAck()) goto done; } if (ratio==100) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); bonus+=PERCENT100AMT; ltoa(bonus,tempstr,10); x=(RATIOXX-1)-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,7,tempstr); VW_UpdateScreen(); SD_PlaySound(PERCENT100SND); } else if (!ratio) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); SD_PlaySound(NOBONUSSND); } else SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS2SND); VW_UpdateScreen(); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); // // SECRET RATIO // ratio=sr; for (i=0;i<=ratio;i++) { itoa(i,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,16,tempstr); if (!(i%10)) SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS1SND); VW_UpdateScreen (); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); BJ_Breathe(); if (IN_CheckAck()) goto done; } if (ratio==100) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); bonus+=PERCENT100AMT; ltoa(bonus,tempstr,10); x=(RATIOXX-1)-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,7,tempstr); VW_UpdateScreen(); SD_PlaySound(PERCENT100SND); } else if (!ratio) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); SD_PlaySound(NOBONUSSND); } else SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS2SND); VW_UpdateScreen(); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); // // TREASURE RATIO // ratio=tr; for (i=0;i<=ratio;i++) { itoa(i,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,18,tempstr); if (!(i%10)) SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS1SND); VW_UpdateScreen (); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); if (IN_CheckAck()) goto done; } if (ratio==100) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); bonus+=PERCENT100AMT; ltoa(bonus,tempstr,10); x=(RATIOXX-1)-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,7,tempstr); VW_UpdateScreen(); SD_PlaySound(PERCENT100SND); } else if (!ratio) { VW_WaitVBL(VBLWAIT); SD_StopSound(); SD_PlaySound(NOBONUSSND); } else SD_PlaySound(ENDBONUS2SND); VW_UpdateScreen(); while(SD_SoundPlaying()) BJ_Breathe(); // // JUMP STRAIGHT HERE IF KEY PRESSED // done: itoa(kr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,14,tempstr); itoa(sr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,16,tempstr); itoa(tr,tempstr,10); x=RATIOXX-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,18,tempstr); bonus=(long)timeleft*PAR_AMOUNT+ (PERCENT100AMT*(kr==100))+ (PERCENT100AMT*(sr==100))+ (PERCENT100AMT*(tr==100)); GivePoints(bonus); ltoa(bonus,tempstr,10); x=36-strlen(tempstr)*2; Write(x,7,tempstr); // // SAVE RATIO INFORMATION FOR ENDGAME // LevelRatios[mapon].kill=kr; LevelRatios[mapon].secret=sr; LevelRatios[mapon].treasure=tr; LevelRatios[mapon].time=min*60+sec; } else { #ifdef SPEAR #ifndef SPEARDEMO switch(mapon) { case 4: Write(14,4," trans\n" " grosse\n" STR_DEFEATED); break; case 9: Write(14,4,"barnacle\n" "wilhelm\n" STR_DEFEATED); break; case 15: Write(14,4,"ubermutant\n" STR_DEFEATED); break; case 17: Write(14,4," death\n" " knight\n" STR_DEFEATED); break; case 18: Write(13,4,"secret tunnel\n" " area\n" " completed!"); break; case 19: Write(13,4,"secret castle\n" " area\n" " completed!"); break; } #endif #else Write(14,4,"secret floor\n completed!"); #endif Write(10,16,"15000 bonus!"); VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn(); GivePoints(15000); } DrawScore(); VW_UpdateScreen(); TimeCount=0; IN_StartAck(); while(!IN_CheckAck()) BJ_Breathe(); // // done // #ifdef SPEARDEMO if (gamestate.mapon == 1) { SD_PlaySound (BONUS1UPSND); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT+1); Message ("This concludes your demo\n" "of Spear of Destiny! Now,\n" "go to your local software\n" "store and buy it!"); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT+1); IN_ClearKeysDown(); IN_Ack(); } #endif #ifdef JAPDEMO if (gamestate.mapon == 3) { SD_PlaySound (BONUS1UPSND); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT+1); Message ("This concludes your demo\n" "of Wolfenstein 3-D! Now,\n" "go to your local software\n" "store and buy it!"); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT+1); IN_ClearKeysDown(); IN_Ack(); } #endif #ifndef SPEAR if (Keyboard[sc_P] && MS_CheckParm("goobers")) PicturePause(); #endif VW_FadeOut (); temp = bufferofs; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { bufferofs = screenloc[i]; DrawPlayBorder (); } bufferofs = temp; UnCacheLump(LEVELEND_LUMP_START,LEVELEND_LUMP_END); } //========================================================================== /* ================= = = PreloadGraphics = = Fill the cache up = ================= */ boolean PreloadUpdate(unsigned current, unsigned total) { unsigned w = WindowW - 10; VWB_Bar(WindowX + 5,WindowY + WindowH - 3,w,2,BLACK); w = ((long)w * current) / total; if (w) { VWB_Bar(WindowX + 5,WindowY + WindowH - 3,w,2,0x37); //SECONDCOLOR); VWB_Bar(WindowX + 5,WindowY + WindowH - 3,w-1,1,0x32); } VW_UpdateScreen(); // if (LastScan == sc_Escape) // { // IN_ClearKeysDown(); // return(true); // } // else return(false); } void PreloadGraphics(void) { DrawLevel (); ClearSplitVWB (); // set up for double buffering in split screen VWB_Bar (0,0,320,200-STATUSLINES,127); LatchDrawPic (20-14,80-3*8,GETPSYCHEDPIC); WindowX = 160-14*8; WindowY = 80-3*8; WindowW = 28*8; WindowH = 48; VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn (); PM_Preload (PreloadUpdate); IN_UserInput (70); VW_FadeOut (); DrawPlayBorder (); VW_UpdateScreen (); } //========================================================================== /* ================== = = DrawHighScores = ================== */ void DrawHighScores(void) { char buffer[16],*str,buffer1[5]; byte temp,temp1,temp2,temp3; word i,j, w,h, x,y; HighScore *s; MM_SortMem (); #ifndef SPEAR // CA_CacheGrChunk (C_CODEPIC); CA_CacheGrChunk (HIGHSCORESPIC); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT); CA_CacheGrChunk (C_LEVELPIC); CA_CacheGrChunk (C_SCOREPIC); CA_CacheGrChunk (C_NAMEPIC); ClearMScreen(); DrawStripes(10); VWB_DrawPic(48,0,HIGHSCORESPIC); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (HIGHSCORESPIC); VWB_DrawPic(4*8,68,C_NAMEPIC); VWB_DrawPic(20*8,68,C_LEVELPIC); VWB_DrawPic(28*8,68,C_SCOREPIC); #ifndef UPLOAD // VWB_DrawPic(35*8,68,C_CODEPIC); #endif fontnumber=0; #else CacheLump (BACKDROP_LUMP_START,BACKDROP_LUMP_END); ClearMScreen(); DrawStripes(10); UnCacheLump (BACKDROP_LUMP_START,BACKDROP_LUMP_END); CacheLump (HIGHSCORES_LUMP_START,HIGHSCORES_LUMP_END); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT+1); VWB_DrawPic (0,0,HIGHSCORESPIC); fontnumber = 1; #endif #ifndef SPEAR SETFONTCOLOR(15,0x29); #else SETFONTCOLOR(HIGHLIGHT,0x29); #endif for (i = 0,s = Scores;i < MaxScores;i++,s++) { PrintY = 76 + (16 * i); // // name // #ifndef SPEAR PrintX = 4*8; #else PrintX = 16; #endif US_Print(s->name); // // level // ultoa(s->completed,buffer,10); #ifndef SPEAR for (str = buffer;*str;str++) *str = *str + (129 - '0'); // Used fixed-width numbers (129...) USL_MeasureString(buffer,&w,&h); PrintX = (22 * 8)-w; #else USL_MeasureString(buffer,&w,&h); PrintX = 194 - w; #endif #ifndef UPLOAD #ifndef SPEAR PrintX -= 6; itoa(s->episode+1,buffer1,10); US_Print("E"); US_Print(buffer1); US_Print("/L"); #endif #endif #ifdef SPEAR if (s->completed == 21) VWB_DrawPic (PrintX+8,PrintY-1,C_WONSPEARPIC); else #endif US_Print(buffer); // // score // ultoa(s->score,buffer,10); #ifndef SPEAR for (str = buffer;*str;str++) *str = *str + (129 - '0'); // Used fixed-width numbers (129...) USL_MeasureString(buffer,&w,&h); PrintX = (34 * 8) - 8 - w; #else USL_MeasureString(buffer,&w,&h); PrintX = 292 - w; #endif US_Print(buffer); #if 0 #ifndef UPLOAD #ifndef SPEAR // // verification # // if (!i) { temp=(((s->score >> 28)& 0xf)^ ((s->score >> 24)& 0xf))+'A'; temp1=(((s->score >> 20)& 0xf)^ ((s->score >> 16)& 0xf))+'A'; temp2=(((s->score >> 12)& 0xf)^ ((s->score >> 8)& 0xf))+'A'; temp3=(((s->score >> 4)& 0xf)^ ((s->score >> 0)& 0xf))+'A'; SETFONTCOLOR(0x49,0x29); PrintX = 35*8; buffer[0]=temp; buffer[1]=temp1; buffer[2]=temp2; buffer[3]=temp3; buffer[4]=0; US_Print(buffer); SETFONTCOLOR(15,0x29); } #endif #endif #endif } VW_UpdateScreen (); #ifdef SPEAR UnCacheLump (HIGHSCORES_LUMP_START,HIGHSCORES_LUMP_END); fontnumber = 0; #endif } //=========================================================================== /* ======================= = = CheckHighScore = ======================= */ void CheckHighScore (long score,word other) { word i,j; int n; HighScore myscore; strcpy(,""); myscore.score = score; myscore.episode = gamestate.episode; myscore.completed = other; for (i = 0,n = -1;i < MaxScores;i++) { if ( (myscore.score > Scores[i].score) || ( (myscore.score == Scores[i].score) && (myscore.completed > Scores[i].completed) ) ) { for (j = MaxScores;--j > i;) Scores[j] = Scores[j - 1]; Scores[i] = myscore; n = i; break; } } #ifdef SPEAR StartCPMusic (XAWARD_MUS); #else StartCPMusic (ROSTER_MUS); #endif DrawHighScores (); VW_FadeIn (); if (n != -1) { // // got a high score // PrintY = 76 + (16 * n); #ifndef SPEAR PrintX = 4*8; backcolor = BORDCOLOR; fontcolor = 15; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,Scores[n].name,nil,true,MaxHighName,100); #else PrintX = 16; fontnumber = 1; VWB_Bar (PrintX-2,PrintY-2,145,15,0x9c); VW_UpdateScreen (); backcolor = 0x9c; fontcolor = 15; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,Scores[n].name,nil,true,MaxHighName,130); #endif } else { IN_ClearKeysDown (); IN_UserInput(500); } } #ifndef UPLOAD #ifndef SPEAR #ifndef JAPAN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NON-SHAREWARE NOTICE // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void NonShareware(void) { VW_FadeOut(); ClearMScreen(); DrawStripes(10); CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT+1); fontnumber = 1; SETFONTCOLOR(READHCOLOR,BKGDCOLOR); PrintX=110; PrintY=15; #ifdef SPANISH US_Print("Atencion"); #else US_Print("Attention"); #endif SETFONTCOLOR(HIGHLIGHT,BKGDCOLOR); WindowX=PrintX=40; PrintY=60; #ifdef SPANISH US_Print("Este juego NO es gratis y\n"); US_Print("NO es Shareware; favor de\n"); US_Print("no distribuirlo.\n\n"); #else US_Print("This game is NOT shareware.\n"); US_Print("Please do not distribute it.\n"); US_Print("Thanks.\n\n"); #endif US_Print(" Id Software\n"); VW_UpdateScreen (); VW_FadeIn(); IN_Ack(); } #endif #endif #endif #ifdef SPEAR #ifndef SPEARDEMO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // COPY PROTECTION FOR FormGen // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char far CopyProFailedStrs[][100] = { STR_COPY1, STR_COPY2, STR_COPY3, STR_COPY4, STR_COPY5, STR_COPY6, STR_COPY7, STR_COPY8, STR_COPY9, "", STR_COPY10, STR_COPY11, STR_COPY12, "", STR_COPY13, "", STR_COPY14, "" }, far BackDoorStrs[5][16] = { "a spoon?", "bite me!", "joshua", "pelt", #ifdef BETA "beta" #else "snoops" #endif }, far GoodBoyStrs[10][40] = { " the CORRECT ANSWER!", "", "Consider yourself bitten, sir.", "", "Greetings Professor Falken, would you", "like to play Spear of Destiny?", "Do you have any gold spray paint?", "", #ifdef BETA "Beta testing approved.", #else "I wish I had a 21\" monitor...", #endif "" }, far bossstrs[4][24] = { "DEATH KNIGHT", "BARNACLE WILHELM", "UBERMUTANTUBER MUTANT", "TRANS GROSSE" }, far WordStr[5][20] = { "New Game", "Sound...F4", "Control...F6", "Change View...F5", "Quit...F10"}, far WordCorrect[5][2] = {"3","4","4","5","5"}, far MemberStr[10][40] = { STR_COPY15, "", STR_COPY16, "", STR_COPY17, STR_COPY18, STR_COPY19, STR_COPY20, STR_COPY21, STR_COPY22}, far MemberCorrect[5][24] = { "adrian carmack", "john carmackjohn romero", "tom hall", "jay wilbur", "kevin cloud"}, far DosMessages[9][80] = { STR_NOPE1, STR_NOPE2, STR_NOPE3, STR_NOPE4, STR_NOPE5, STR_NOPE6, STR_NOPE7, STR_NOPE8, STR_NOPE9}, far MiscTitle[4][20] = { "BLOOD TEST", "STRAIGHT-LACED", "QUITE SHAPELY", "I AM WHAT I AMMO" }, far MiscStr[12][40] = { STR_MISC1, STR_MISC2, "", STR_MISC3, STR_MISC4, "", STR_MISC5, STR_MISC6, "", STR_MISC7, STR_MISC8, STR_MISC9 }, far MiscCorrect[4][5] = {"ss","8",STR_STAR,"45"}; int BackDoor(char *s) { int i; strlwr(s); for (i=0;i<5;i++) if (!_fstrcmp(s,BackDoorStrs[i])) { SETFONTCOLOR(14,15); fontnumber = 0; PrintY = 175; VWB_DrawPic (0,20*8,COPYPROTBOXPIC); US_CPrint(GoodBoyStrs[i*2]); US_CPrint(GoodBoyStrs[i*2+1]); VW_UpdateScreen(); return 1; } return 0; } void CopyProtection(void) { #define TYPEBOX_Y 177 #define TYPEBOX_BKGD 0x9c #define PRINTCOLOR HIGHLIGHT int i,match,whichboss,bossnum,try,whichline,enemypicked[4]={0,0,0,0}, bosses[4] = { BOSSPIC1PIC,BOSSPIC2PIC,BOSSPIC3PIC,BOSSPIC4PIC }, whichone,whichpicked[4]={0,0,0,0},quiztype,whichmem, memberpicked[5]={0,0,0,0,0},wordpicked[5]={0,0,0,0,0},whichword; char inputbuffer[20], message[80]; enum { debriefing, checkmanual, staffquiz, miscquiz, totaltypes }; try = 0; VW_FadeOut(); CA_CacheGrChunk(C_BACKDROPPIC); CacheLump(COPYPROT_LUMP_START,COPYPROT_LUMP_END); CA_CacheGrChunk(STARTFONT+1); CA_LoadAllSounds(); StartCPMusic(COPYPRO_MUS); US_InitRndT(true); while (try<3) { fontnumber = 1; SETFONTCOLOR(PRINTCOLOR-2,15); VWB_DrawPic (0,0,C_BACKDROPPIC); VWB_DrawPic (0,0,COPYPROTTOPPIC); VWB_DrawPic (0,20*8,COPYPROTBOXPIC); WindowX = WindowY = 0; WindowW = 320; WindowH = 200; PrintY = 65; quiztype = US_RndT()%totaltypes; switch(quiztype) { // // BOSSES QUIZ // case debriefing: PrintX = 0; US_Print(STR_DEBRIEF); SETFONTCOLOR(PRINTCOLOR,15); while (enemypicked[whichboss = US_RndT()&3]); enemypicked[whichboss] = 1; bossnum = bosses[whichboss]; VWB_DrawPic(128,60,bossnum); fontnumber = 0; PrintY = 130; US_CPrint(STR_ENEMY1"\n"); US_CPrint(STR_ENEMY2"\n\n"); VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn(); PrintX = 100; fontcolor = 15; backcolor = TYPEBOX_BKGD; inputbuffer[0] = 0; PrintY = TYPEBOX_Y; fontnumber = 1; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,inputbuffer,nil,true,20,100); match = 0; for (i=0;i<_fstrlen(bossstrs[whichboss]);i++) if (!_fstrnicmp(inputbuffer,bossstrs[whichboss]+i,strlen(inputbuffer)) && strlen(inputbuffer)>3) match = 1; match += BackDoor(inputbuffer); break; // // MANUAL CHECK // case checkmanual: while (wordpicked[whichword = US_RndT()%5]); wordpicked[whichword] = 1; US_CPrint(STR_CHECKMAN); SETFONTCOLOR(PRINTCOLOR,15); PrintY += 25; US_CPrint(STR_MAN1); US_CPrint(STR_MAN2); _fstrcpy(message,STR_MAN3" \""); _fstrcat(message,WordStr[whichword]); _fstrcat(message,"\" "STR_MAN4); US_CPrint(message); VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn(); PrintX = 146; fontcolor = 15; backcolor = TYPEBOX_BKGD; inputbuffer[0] = 0; PrintY = TYPEBOX_Y; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,inputbuffer,nil,true,6,100); strlwr(inputbuffer); match = 1-(_fstrcmp(inputbuffer,WordCorrect[whichword])!=0); match += BackDoor(inputbuffer); break; // // STAFF QUIZ // case staffquiz: while (memberpicked[whichmem = US_RndT()%5]); memberpicked[whichmem] = 1; US_CPrint(STR_ID1); SETFONTCOLOR(PRINTCOLOR,15); PrintY += 25; US_CPrint(MemberStr[whichmem*2]); US_CPrint(MemberStr[whichmem*2+1]); VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn(); PrintX = 100; fontcolor = 15; backcolor = TYPEBOX_BKGD; inputbuffer[0] = 0; PrintY = TYPEBOX_Y; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,inputbuffer,nil,true,20,120); strlwr(inputbuffer); match = 0; for (i=0;i<_fstrlen(MemberCorrect[whichmem]);i++) if (!_fstrnicmp(inputbuffer,MemberCorrect[whichmem]+i,strlen(inputbuffer)) && strlen(inputbuffer)>2) match = 1; match += BackDoor(inputbuffer); break; // // MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS // case miscquiz: while (whichpicked[whichone = US_RndT()&3]); whichpicked[whichone] = 1; US_CPrint(MiscTitle[whichone]); SETFONTCOLOR(PRINTCOLOR,15); PrintY += 25; US_CPrint(MiscStr[whichone*3]); US_CPrint(MiscStr[whichone*3+1]); US_CPrint(MiscStr[whichone*3+2]); VW_UpdateScreen(); VW_FadeIn(); PrintX = 146; fontcolor = 15; backcolor = TYPEBOX_BKGD; inputbuffer[0] = 0; PrintY = TYPEBOX_Y; US_LineInput(PrintX,PrintY,inputbuffer,nil,true,6,100); strlwr(inputbuffer); match = 1-(_fstrcmp(inputbuffer,MiscCorrect[whichone])!=0); match += BackDoor(inputbuffer); break; } // // IF NO MATCH, WE'VE GOT A (MINOR) PROBLEM! // if (!match) { whichline = 2*(US_RndT()%9); SETFONTCOLOR(14,15); fontnumber = 0; PrintY = 175; VWB_DrawPic (0,20*8,COPYPROTBOXPIC); US_CPrint(CopyProFailedStrs[whichline]); US_CPrint(CopyProFailedStrs[whichline+1]); VW_UpdateScreen(); SD_PlaySound(NOWAYSND); IN_UserInput(TickBase*3); VW_FadeOut(); try++; } else { int start; SD_PlaySound(BONUS1UPSND); SD_WaitSoundDone(); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT+1); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (C_BACKDROPPIC); UnCacheLump (COPYPROT_LUMP_START,COPYPROT_LUMP_END); switch(SoundMode) { case sdm_Off: return; case sdm_PC: start = STARTPCSOUNDS; break; case sdm_AdLib: start = STARTADLIBSOUNDS; } for (i=0;i<NUMSOUNDS;i++,start++) MM_FreePtr ((memptr *)&audiosegs[start]); return; } } ClearMemory(); ShutdownId(); _fstrcpy(message,DosMessages[US_RndT()%9]); _AX = 3; geninterrupt(0x10); printf("%s\n",message); exit(1); } #endif // SPEARDEMO #endif // SPEAR //===========================================================================