shithub: wl3d

ref: 8d4cb55cd3fc025418963128ee7f030f3cc13a5c

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;|      H_LDIV.ASM -- long division routine                          |
;|                                                                   |
;|      C/C++ Run Time Library        Version 4.0                    |
;|                                                                   |
;|      Copyright (c) 1987, 1991 by Borland International Inc.       |
;|      All Rights Reserved.                                         |
.model medium
.386C   ;JAB - we use 386 instructions

_TEXT   segment public byte 'CODE'
	assume  cs:_TEXT
	public  LDIV@
	public  F_LDIV@
	public  N_LDIV@
	public  LUDIV@
	public  F_LUDIV@
		public  N_LUDIV@
	public  LMOD@
	public  F_LMOD@
		public  N_LMOD@
	public  LUMOD@
	public  F_LUMOD@
		public  N_LUMOD@

		pop     cx                      ;fix up far return
		push    cs
		push    cx
	xor     cx,cx                   ; signed divide
	jmp     short common

;       JAB
;       If we're using a 386 or better, the two instructions above get patched
;               to be NOP's (4 of them). So, instead of using the looping code,
;               we use the 386's long divide instruction.
;       The stack after setting up the stack frame:
;               12[bp]: divisor (high word)
;               10[bp]: divisor (low word)
;                8[bp]: dividend (high word)
;                6[bp]: dividend (low word)
;                4[bp]: return CS
;                2[bp]: return IP
;                0[bp]: previous BP

	push bp
	mov     bp,sp   ;Save BP, and set it equal to stack

	mov     eax,[DWORD PTR bp+6]
	idiv [DWORD PTR bp+10]
	mov     edx,eax
	shr     edx,16

	pop     bp              ;Restore BP
	retf    8       ;Return to original caller


		pop     cx                      ;fix up far return
		push    cs
		push    cx
	mov     cx,1                    ; unsigned divide
	jmp     short common

		pop     cx                      ;fix up far return
		push    cs
		push    cx
	mov     cx,2                    ; signed remainder
	jmp     short   common

		pop     cx                      ;fix up far return
		push    cs
		push    cx
	mov     cx,3                    ; unsigned remainder

;       di now contains a two bit control value.  The low order
;       bit (test mask of 1) is on if the operation is unsigned,
;       signed otherwise.  The next bit (test mask of 2) is on if
;       the operation returns the remainder, quotient otherwise.
	push    bp
	push    si
	push    di
	mov     bp,sp                   ; set up frame
	mov     di,cx
;       dividend is pushed last, therefore the first in the args
;       divisor next.
	mov     ax,10[bp]               ; get the first low word
	mov     dx,12[bp]               ; get the first high word
	mov     bx,14[bp]               ; get the second low word
	mov     cx,16[bp]               ; get the second high word

	or      cx,cx
	jnz     slow@ldiv               ; both high words are zero

	or      dx,dx
	jz      quick@ldiv

	or      bx,bx
	jz      quick@ldiv              ; if cx:bx == 0 force a zero divide
					; we don't expect this to actually
					; work


	test    di,1                    ; signed divide?
	jnz     positive                ; no: skip
;               Signed division should be done.  Convert negative
;               values to positive and do an unsigned division.
;               Store the sign value in the next higher bit of
;               di (test mask of 4).  Thus when we are done, testing
;               that bit will determine the sign of the result.
	or      dx,dx                   ; test sign of dividend
	jns     onepos
	neg     dx
	neg     ax
	sbb     dx,0                    ; negate dividend
	or      di,0Ch
	or      cx,cx                   ; test sign of divisor
	jns     positive
	neg     cx
	neg     bx
	sbb     cx,0                    ; negate divisor
	xor     di,4
	mov     bp,cx
	mov     cx,32                   ; shift counter
	push    di                      ; save the flags
;       Now the stack looks something like this:
;               16[bp]: divisor (high word)
;               14[bp]: divisor (low word)
;               12[bp]: dividend (high word)
;               10[bp]: dividend (low word)
;                8[bp]: return CS
;                6[bp]: return IP
;                4[bp]: previous BP
;                2[bp]: previous SI
;                 [bp]: previous DI
;               -2[bp]: control bits
;                       01 - Unsigned divide
;                       02 - Remainder wanted
;                       04 - Negative quotient
;                       08 - Negative remainder
	xor     di,di                   ; fake a 64 bit dividend
	xor     si,si                   ;
	shl     ax,1                    ; shift dividend left one bit
	rcl     dx,1
	rcl     si,1
	rcl     di,1
	cmp     di,bp                   ; dividend larger?
	jb      nosub
	ja      subtract
	cmp     si,bx                   ; maybe
	jb      nosub
	sub     si,bx
	sbb     di,bp                   ; subtract the divisor
	inc     ax                      ; build quotient
	loop    xloop
;       When done with the loop the four register value look like:
;       |     di     |     si     |     dx     |     ax     |
;       |        remainder        |         quotient        |
	pop     bx                      ; get control bits
	test    bx,2                    ; remainder?
	jz      usequo
	mov     ax,si
	mov     dx,di                   ; use remainder
	shr     bx,1                    ; shift in the remainder sign bit
	test    bx,4                    ; needs negative
	jz      finish
	neg     dx
	neg     ax
	sbb     dx,0                    ; negate
	pop     di
	pop     si
	pop     bp
	retf    8

	div     bx                      ; unsigned divide
					; DX = remainder AX = quotient
	test    di,2                    ; want remainder?
	jz      quick@quo
		xchg    ax,dx


	xor     dx,dx
		jmp     short finish

_TEXT   ends