ref: 3b2f4d3df58368ce53243dd992612b9fcb7f0d1a
dir: /map.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" enum{ Nobj = 150, Ndoor = 64, Nstc = 400, Narea = 37 }; Tile tiles[Mapa]; Obj *objs, *ofree, *oplr; Door doors[Ndoor], *doore, pusher; Static stcs[Nstc], *stce; uchar plrarea[Narea], conarea[Narea*Narea]; int wspr[] = {SPknife, SPpistol, SPmg, SPgatling}; static int stctype[] = { Rnil, Rblock, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rblock, Ralpo, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rblock, Rblock, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rnil, Rblock, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rkey1, Rkey2, Rblock, Rnil, Rfood, Rstim, Rclip1, Rmg, Rchaingun, Rcross, Rchalice, Rbible, Rcrown, R1up, Rgibs, Rblock, Rblock, Rblock, Rgibs, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rnil, Rnil, Rnil, Rblock, Rblock, Rnil, Rclip2, Rammobox, Rblock, Rspear, Rclip2 }; static Obj opool[Nobj]; static void spawnstc(Tile *tl, int n) { if(n >= nelem(stctype)) sysfatal("invalid static object type %d", n); if(n > 48 && ver < SDM){ fprint(2, "spawnstc: ignoring sod only static obj %d\n", n); return; } stce->f = 0; switch(stctype[n]){ case Rnil: case Rclip2: break; case Rblock: tl->o = nil; tl->to = 1; /* wet floor */ case Rcross: case Rchalice: case Rbible: case Rcrown: case R1up: if(!gm.load) gm.ntreasure++; /* wet floor */ default: stce->f = OFbonus; stce->item = stctype[n]; break; } stce->tl = tl; stce->spr = sprs + (stctype[n] == Rclip2 ? 28 : 2+n); if(++stce == stcs+Nstc) sysfatal("static object overflow"); } static void rconair(int id) { uchar *p, *a; a = conarea + id * Narea; p = plrarea; while(p < plrarea+nelem(plrarea)){ if(*a && !*p){ (*p)++; rconair(p-plrarea); } a++, p++; } } static void conair(void) { memset(plrarea, 0, sizeof plrarea); plrarea[oplr->areaid]++; rconair(oplr->areaid); } static void dropening(Door *d) { int δ, a1, a2, x, y; δ = d->dopen; if(δ == 0){ a1 = d->tl[d->isvert ? +1 : -Mapdxy].p0 - MTfloor; a2 = d->tl[d->isvert ? -1 : +Mapdxy].p0 - MTfloor; conarea[a1*Narea + a2]++; conarea[a2*Narea + a1]++; conair(); if(plrarea[a1]){ x = ((d->tl-tiles) % Mapdxy << Dtlshift) + (1<<Dtlshift-1); y = ((d->tl-tiles) / Mapdxy << Dtlshift) + (1<<Dtlshift-1); sfxatt(Sopendoor, 1, x, y); } } δ += Δtc << 10; if(δ >= 0xffff){ δ = 0xffff; d->tc = 0; d->φ = DRopen; d->tl->o = nil; d->tl->to = 0; } d->dopen = δ; } static void drclosing(Door *d) { int δ, a1, a2; if(d->tl->to != (d-doors | 0x80) || d->tl == oplr->tl){ dropen(d); return; } δ = d->dopen - (Δtc << 10); if(δ <= 0){ δ = 0; d->φ = DRshut; a1 = d->tl[d->isvert ? +1 : -Mapdxy].p0 - MTfloor; a2 = d->tl[d->isvert ? -1 : +Mapdxy].p0 - MTfloor; conarea[a1*Narea + a2]--; conarea[a2*Narea + a1]--; conair(); } d->dopen = δ; } static void drclose(Door *d) { int tx, ty; Tile *tl; Obj *o1, *o2; tl = d->tl; if(tl->o != nil || tl->to != 0 || tl == oplr->tl) return; tx = (tl-tiles) % Mapdxy; ty = (tl-tiles) / Mapdxy; if(d->isvert){ o1 = tl[-1].o; o2 = tl[+1].o; if(oplr->ty == ty && (oplr->x + Dmin >> Dtlshift == tx || oplr->x - Dmin >> Dtlshift == tx) || o1 != nil && o1->x + Dmin >> Dtlshift == tx || o2 != nil && o2->x - Dmin >> Dtlshift == tx) return; }else{ o1 = tl[-Mapdxy].o; o2 = tl[+Mapdxy].o; if(oplr->tx == tx && (oplr->y + Dmin >> Dtlshift == ty || oplr->y - Dmin >> Dtlshift == ty) || o1 != nil && o1->y + Dmin >> Dtlshift == ty || o2 != nil && o2->y - Dmin >> Dtlshift == ty) return; } if(plrarea[tl->p0 - MTfloor]){ tx = (tx << Dtlshift) + (1<<Dtlshift-1); ty = (ty << Dtlshift) + (1<<Dtlshift-1); sfxatt(Sclosedoor, 1, tx, ty); } d->φ = DRclosing; tl->to = d-doors | 0x80; } static void drwait(Door *d) { d->tc += Δtc; if(d->tc >= 300) drclose(d); } static void udoors(void) { Door *d; if(gm.won) return; for(d=doors; d<doore; d++) switch(d->φ){ case DRopen: drwait(d); break; case DRopening: dropening(d); break; case DRclosing: drclosing(d); break; } } static void spawndr(Tile *tl, int isvert, int lock) { int n; Door *d; d = doore; n = d - doors; if(d >= doors + nelem(doors)) sysfatal("spawndr: door overflow"); d->tl = tl; d->isvert = isvert; d->lock = lock; d->φ = DRshut; d->dopen = 0; tl->o = nil; tl->to = n | 0x80; tl->tl = n | 0x80; if(isvert){ tl->p0 = tl[-1].p0; tl[-Mapdxy].tl |= 0x40; tl[+Mapdxy].tl |= 0x40; }else{ tl->p0 = tl[-Mapdxy].p0; tl[-1].tl |= 0x40; tl[+1].tl |= 0x40; } doore++; } static void upush(void) { int n; Tile *tl; if(pusher.φ == 0) return; n = pusher.φ >> 7; pusher.φ += Δtc; pusher.dopen = pusher.φ >> 1 & 63; if(pusher.φ >> 7 == n) return; tl =; n = tl->tl & 63; tl->tl = 0; tl->o = nil; tl->to = 0; tl->p0 = oplr->areaid + MTfloor; if(pusher.φ > 256){ pusher.φ = 0; return; } switch(pusher.isvert){ case θN: -= Mapdxy; tl -= Mapdxy * 2; break; case θE:; tl += 2; break; case θS: += Mapdxy; tl += Mapdxy * 2; break; case θW:; tl -= 2; break; } if(tl->o != nil || tl->to != 0){ pusher.φ = 0; return; } tl->to = n; tl->tl = n;>tl = n | 0xc0; } static void oswap(Obj *o, Obj *r, int z) { o->p->n = o->n; o->n->p = o->p; if(z) memset(o, 0, sizeof *o); o->n = r; o->p = r->p; r->p->n = o; r->p = o; } static void odel(Obj *o) { if(o == oplr) sysfatal("odel: player deletion"); oswap(o, ofree, 1); } static void oinit(int all) { Obj *o, *p; memset(opool, 0, sizeof opool); objs = opool; ofree = opool+1; oplr = opool+2; objs->n = objs->p = oplr; oplr->n = oplr->p = objs; p = ofree; o = oplr + 1; while(o < opool + nelem(opool)){ o->p = p; p->n = o; p = o; o++; } ofree->p = p; p->n = ofree; if(all){ memset(plrarea, 0, sizeof plrarea); memset(conarea, 0, sizeof conarea); memset(doors, 0, sizeof doors); memset(stcs, 0, sizeof stcs); doore = doors; stce = stcs; } } static void up(Obj *o, Obj **n) { if(o->s->up != nil){ o->s->up(o); *n = o->n; if(o->s == nil){ odel(o); return; } } if(o->f & OFnevermark || o->f & OFnomark && o->tl->o != nil) return; o->tl->o = o; o->tl->to = 0; } static void uobj(Obj *o, Obj **n) { if(!o->on && !plrarea[o->areaid]) return; if((o->f & (OFnomark | OFnevermark)) == 0) o->tl->o = nil; if(o->tc == 0){ up(o, n); return; } o->tc -= Δtc; while(o->tc <= 0){ if(o->s->act != nil){ o->s->act(o); if(o->s == nil){ *n = o->n; odel(o); return; } } o->s = o->s->n; *n = o->n; if(o->s == nil){ odel(o); return; } if(o->s->dt == 0){ o->tc = 0; break; } o->tc += o->s->dt; } up(o, n); } static u16int unmark(Tile *tl) { u16int n; tl->tl = 0; n = tl->p0; if(tl - 1 < tiles || tl - Mapdxy < tiles || tl + 1 > tiles+nelem(tiles) || tl + Mapdxy > tiles+nelem(tiles)) sysfatal("unmark: tile out of range"); if(tl[1].p0 >= MTfloor) n = tl[1].p0; if(tl[-Mapdxy].p0 >= MTfloor) n = tl[-Mapdxy].p0; if(tl[Mapdxy].p0 >= MTfloor) n = tl[Mapdxy].p0; if(tl[-1].p0 >= MTfloor) n = tl[-1].p0; return n; } static void spawnplr(Tile *tl, int dir) { oplr->s = stt+GSplr; oplr->type = Oplr; oplr->on++; oplr->tl = tl; oplr->tx = (tl-tiles) % Mapdxy; oplr->ty = (tl-tiles) / Mapdxy; osetglobal(oplr); oplr->areaid = tl->p0 - MTfloor; oplr->θ = (450 - dir * 90) % 360; oplr->f |= OFnevermark; plrarea[oplr->areaid]++; } static void spawnghost(Tile *tl, State *s) { Obj *o; if(ver >= SDM) return; o = ospawn(tl, s); o->type = Oghost; o->v = 1500; o->θ = θE; o->f |= OFambush; if(!gm.load) gm.nkills++; } static void spawnboss(Tile *tl, int type) { int hp, θ; State *s; Obj *o; /* bug: pcmon checks cut demo playback short before cam can be called * if they were recorded with pcmon=0 */ θ = θnil; s = nil; hp = 0; switch(type){ wlonly: if(ver >= SDM){ fprint(2, "spawnboss: non-wl6 obj type %d\n", type); return; } break; sdonly: if(ver < SDM){ fprint(2, "spawnboss: non-sod obj type %d\n", type); return; } break; case Ohans: s = stt+GShans; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 850 + gm.difc * 100 : 1200; θ = θS; goto wlonly; case Oschb: stt[GSschbdie2].dt = pcmon ? 140 : 5; s = stt+GSschb; hp = gm.difc<GDeasy ? 850 : gm.difc<GDmed ? 950 : gm.difc<GDhard ? 1550 : 2400; θ = θS; goto wlonly; case Ogretel: s = stt+GSgretel; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 850 + gm.difc * 100 : 1200; θ = θN; goto wlonly; case Ootto: stt[GSottodie2].dt = pcmon ? 140 : 5; s = stt+GSotto; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 850 + gm.difc * 100 : 1200; θ = θN; goto wlonly; case Ofett: stt[GSfettdie2].dt = pcmon ? 140 : 5; s = stt+GSfett; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 850 + gm.difc * 100 : 1200; θ = θS; goto wlonly; case Ofake: stt[GShitlerdie2].dt = pcmon ? 140 : 5; s = stt+GSfake; hp = 200 + 100 * gm.difc; θ = θN; goto wlonly; case Omech: stt[GShitlerdie2].dt = pcmon ? 140 : 5; s = stt+GSmech; hp = gm.difc<GDeasy ? 800 : gm.difc<GDmed ? 950 : gm.difc<GDhard ? 1050 : 1200; θ = θS; goto wlonly; case Otrans: if(pcmon) stt[GStransdie2].dt = 105; s = stt+GStrans; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 850 + gm.difc * 100 : 1200; goto sdonly; case Owilh: if(pcmon) stt[GSwilhdie2].dt = 70; s = stt+GSwilh; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 950 + gm.difc * 100 : 1300; goto sdonly; case Ouber: if(pcmon) stt[GSuberdie2].dt = 70; s = stt+GSuber; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 1050 + gm.difc * 100 : 1400; goto sdonly; case Oknight: if(pcmon) stt[GSknightdie2].dt = 105; s = stt+GSknight; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 1250 + 100 * gm.difc : 1600; goto sdonly; case Ospectre: s = stt+GSspectrewait1; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 5 * (1 + gm.difc) : 25; goto sdonly; case Oangel: if(pcmon) stt[GSangeldie2].dt = 105; s = stt+GSangel; hp = gm.difc<GDhard ? 1450 + 100 * gm.difc : 2000; goto sdonly; } o = ospawn(tl, s); o->type = type; o->hp = hp; o->θ = θ; o->f |= OFshootable | OFambush; if(!gm.load) gm.nkills++; } static void spawndeadgd(Tile *tl) { Obj *o; o = ospawn(tl, stt+GSgddie4); o->type = Oinert; } static void spawnguy(Tile *tl, int type, int dir, int patrol) { int hp; Obj *o; State *s; s = nil; hp = 0; switch(type){ case Ogd: s = stt + (patrol ? GSgdwalk1 : GSgd); hp = 25; break; case Oofc: s = stt + (patrol ? GSofcwalk1 : GSofc); hp = 50; break; case Omut: s = stt + (patrol ? GSmutwalk1 : GSmut); hp = gm.difc > GDmed ? 65 : gm.difc > GDbaby ? 55 : 45; break; case Oss: s = stt + (patrol ? GSsswalk1 : GSss); hp = 100; break; case Odog: /* bug: unhandled case causing object pool corruption */ if(!patrol) sysfatal("spawnguy: unhandled spawn type"); s = stt + GSdogwalk1; hp = 1; break; } o = ospawn(tl, s); if(patrol){ tl->o = nil; tl->to = 0; switch(dir){ case 0: tl++; o->tx++; break; case 1: tl -= Mapdxy; o->ty--; break; case 2: tl--; o->tx--; break; case 3: tl += Mapdxy; o->ty++; break; } tl->to = 0; tl->o = o; o->tl = tl; } o->type = type; o->f |= OFshootable; o->hp = hp; o->v = type == Odog ? 1500 : 512; o->θ = dir * 90; if(!gm.load) gm.nkills++; if(patrol){ o->Δr = Dtlglobal; o->on++; }else if(tl->p0 == MTambush){ tl->p0 = unmark(tl); o->f |= OFambush; o->areaid = tl->p0 - MTfloor; } } static void spawn(Tile *tl) { int n, difc; n = tl->p1; difc = GDeasy; switch(n){ case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: spawnplr(tl, n-19); break; case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 63: case 64: case 65: case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: case 71: case 72: case 73: case 74: spawnstc(tl, n-23); break; case 98: if(!gm.load) gm.nsecret++; break; case 180: case 181: case 182: case 183: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 144: case 145: case 146: case 147: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 108: case 109: case 110: case 111: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Ogd, n-108, 0); break; case 184: case 185: case 186: case 187: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 148: case 149: case 150: case 151: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 112: case 113: case 114: case 115: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Ogd, n-112, 1); break; case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 152: case 153: case 154: case 155: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 116: case 117: case 118: case 119: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Oofc, n-116, 0); break; case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 156: case 157: case 158: case 159: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 120: case 121: case 122: case 123: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Oofc, n-120, 1); break; case 198: case 199: case 200: case 201: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 162: case 163: case 164: case 165: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 126: case 127: case 128: case 129: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Oss, n-126, 0); break; case 202: case 203: case 204: case 205: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 166: case 167: case 168: case 169: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 130: case 131: case 132: case 133: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Oss, n-130, 1); break; case 206: case 207: case 208: case 209: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 170: case 171: case 172: case 173: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 134: case 135: case 136: case 137: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Odog, n-134, 0); break; case 210: case 211: case 212: case 213: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 174: case 175: case 176: case 177: difc++; n-=36; /* wet floor */ case 138: case 139: case 140: case 141: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Odog, n-138, 1); break; case 252: case 253: case 254: case 255: difc++; n-=18; /* wet floor */ case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: difc++; n-=18; /* wet floor */ case 216: case 217: case 218: case 219: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Omut, n-216, 0); break; case 256: case 257: case 258: case 259: difc++; n-=18; /* wet floor */ case 238: case 239: case 240: case 241: difc++; n-=18; /* wet floor */ case 220: case 221: case 222: case 223: if(difc <= gm.difc) spawnguy(tl, Omut, n-220, 1); break; case 224: case 225: case 226: case 227: spawnghost(tl, stt+GSgh1chase1+n-224); break; case 106: spawnboss(tl, Ospectre); break; case 107: spawnboss(tl, Oangel); break; case 124: spawndeadgd(tl); break; case 125: spawnboss(tl, Otrans); break; case 142: spawnboss(tl, Ouber); break; case 143: spawnboss(tl, Owilh); break; case 160: spawnboss(tl, Ofake); break; case 161: spawnboss(tl, Oknight); break; case 178: spawnboss(tl, Omech); break; case 179: spawnboss(tl, Ofett); break; case 196: spawnboss(tl, Oschb); break; case 197: spawnboss(tl, Ogretel); break; case 214: spawnboss(tl, Ohans); break; case 215: spawnboss(tl, Ootto); break; } } void drop(Tile *tl, int n) { Static *s; int *sti; for(sti=stctype; sti<stctype+nelem(stctype); sti++) if(*sti == n) break; if(sti >= stctype+nelem(stctype)) sysfatal("drop: unknown item type"); for(s=stcs; s<stcs+nelem(stcs); s++) if(s->tl == nil){ if(s == stce) stce++; break; } if(s >= stcs+nelem(stcs)) return; s->tl = tl; s->spr = sprs + (n == Rclip2 ? 28 : 2+(sti-stctype)); s->f = OFbonus; s->item = n; } void dropen(Door *d) { if(d->φ == DRopen) d->tc = 0; else d->φ = DRopening; } void druse(Door *d) { if(d->lock > DRunlk && d->lock < DRup && ~gm.keys & 1<<d->lock-DRlock1){ sfx(Snoway); return; } switch(d->φ){ case DRshut: case DRclosing: dropen(d); break; case DRopen: case DRopening: drclose(d); break; } } void osetglobal(Obj *o) { if(o->tx > Mapdxy || o->ty > Mapdxy) sysfatal("object %d,%d out of bounds", o->tx, o->ty); o->x = (o->tx << Dtlshift) + Dtlglobal / 2; o->y = (o->ty << Dtlshift) + Dtlglobal / 2; } void ostate(Obj *o, State *s) { o->s = s; o->tc = s->dt; } Obj * onew(void) { Obj *o; if(ofree->p == ofree) sysfatal("onew: object list overflow"); o = ofree->p; oswap(o, objs, 0); return o; } Obj * ospawn(Tile *tl, State *s) { Obj *o; o = onew(); tl->o = o; tl->to = 0; o->tl = tl; o->s = s; o->tx = (tl-tiles) % Mapdxy; o->ty = (tl-tiles) / Mapdxy; osetglobal(o); o->areaid = tl->p0 - MTfloor; o->tc = s->dt != 0 ? rnd() % s->dt : 0; return o; } void uworld(void) { Obj *o, *n; udoors(); upush(); for(o=oplr; o!=objs; o=n){ n = o->n; uobj(o, &n); } } void mapmus(void) { static char wlmus[] = { 3, 11, 9, 12, 3, 11, 9, 12, 2, 0, 8, 18, 17, 4, 8, 18, 4, 17, 2, 1, 6, 20, 22, 21, 6, 20, 22, 21, 19, 26, 3, 11, 9, 12, 3, 11, 9, 12, 2, 0, 8, 18, 17, 4, 8, 18, 4, 17, 2, 1, 6, 20, 22, 21, 6, 20, 22, 21, 19, 15 }, sdmus[] = { 4, 0, 2, 22, 15, 1, 5, 9, 10, 15, 8, 3, 12, 11, 13, 15, 21, 15, 18, 0, 17 }; mus(ver < SDM ? wlmus[] : sdmus[]); } void initmap(void) { u16int *p0, *p1, *s; Tile *tl; oinit(1); memset(tiles, 0, sizeof tiles); p0 = s = readmap(; p1 = p0 + Mapa; for(tl=tiles; tl<tiles+nelem(tiles); tl++){ tl->p0 = *p0++; tl->p1 = *p1++; if(tl->p0 < MTfloor){ tl->tl = tl->p0; tl->to = tl->p0; } } free(s); for(tl=tiles; tl<tiles+nelem(tiles); tl++) if(tl->p0 > 89 && tl->p0 < 102) spawndr(tl, ~tl->p0 & 1, (tl->p0 - 90) / 2); for(tl=tiles; tl<tiles+nelem(tiles); tl++) spawn(tl); for(tl=tiles; tl<tiles+nelem(tiles); tl++) if(tl->p0 == MTambush){ if(tl->to == MTambush) tl->to = 0; tl->p0 = unmark(tl); } } void sodmap(void) { int *w; State *s; stctype[15] = Rblock; stctype[40] = Rnil; stctype[44] = Rblock; stctype[48] = Rblock; for(s=stt+GSgd; s<stt+GShans; s++) s->spr += 4; for(s=stt+GSmissile; s<stt+GSrocket; s++) s->spr -= SPmissile1 - SPofcfire3 - 1; for(w=wspr; w<wspr+nelem(wspr); w++) *w += SPangeldead - SPbjjump4; }