ref: 87353475fadde878f0a3b3defdda8841722bba0f
dir: /ger/zukommen.t/
zukommen .Bp zukommen to befit sb .B jdm. zukommen: to become [ie. befit] sb.; to belong to, to be assigned to (significance/meaning) .B auf etw./jdn. zukommen: to approach/to come up to sth/sb; (idiom) to be in store for sth .B jdm. etw. zukommen lassen: to send sth sb's way, to give sb sth, to let sb have sth → die Dinge auf sich zukommen lassen: to take things as they come → Sie ahnte nicht, was noch alles auf sie zukommen sollte: she had no idea what she was in for