Fix MSVC 2017 warning
- Fixed pitch range handling of midi control
- Handle preset global zone
More accurate attack and decay of mod envelope
Fix byte order of read pitch wheel values
Added higher level channel based playback API for better MIDI support
Correctly filter zone regions by key/velocity ranges of parent preset region
Handle program changes in special 10th MIDI channel (percussion)
- New TinyMidiLoader library with new MIDI playback example
Correctly stop notes with note_off
Correctly stop notes with note_off
Handle note_on/off more like the MIDI standard suggests:
Added global output panning
Added tst_bank_* functons to play by instrument bank and preset number instead of preset index
Added tsf_get_presetindex to look up preset index by bank
- Fix certain presets for which the state of the lowpass filter was not stored across multiple voice render calls