ref: a806c098ae69c06691066449ae09fb129b19576a
dir: /drw.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" extern QLock drawlock; int scale = 1; static Point p0, pan; static int fbsz, fbh, fbw, fbws; static u32int *fb, *fbvis; static Image *fbi; static Rectangle selr; static Point panmax; static Mobj *selected[Nselect]; static Vector vis; enum{ DLgndshad, DLgnd, DLgndglow, DLairshad, DLair, DLairglow, DLend, }; typedef struct Drawlist Drawlist; struct Drawlist{ Vector mobj; Vector pics; int noalpha; }; static Drawlist drawlist[DLend] = { [DLgnd] {.noalpha 1}, [DLair] {.noalpha 1}, }; void dopan(Point p) { pan.x -= p.x; pan.y -= p.y; if(pan.x < 0) pan.x = 0; else if(pan.x > panmax.x) pan.x = panmax.x; if(pan.y < 0) pan.y = 0; else if(pan.y > panmax.y) pan.y = panmax.y; } static Mobj * vismobj(Point p) { int i; Mobj **mp; if((i = fbvis[p.y * fbw + p.x]) < 0) return nil; mp = vis.p; assert(i < vis.n); return mp[i]; } void doselect(Point p) { if(!ptinrect(p, selr)) return; p = divpt(subpt(p, selr.min), scale); selected[0] = vismobj(p); } void doaction(Point p, int clearcmds) { Mobj *mo, *tgt; mo = selected[0]; if(mo == nil || mo->o->f & Fimmutable || !ptinrect(p, selr)) return; p = subpt(p, selr.min); tgt = vismobj(divpt(p, scale)); p = divpt(addpt(p, pan), scale); p = divpt(p, Nodesz); if(p.x + mo->o->w > mapwidth || p.y + mo->o->h > mapheight){ dprint("doaction: %M target %P beyond map edge\n", mo, p); return; } if(tgt == mo || eqpt(mo->Point, p)){ dprint("doaction: %M targeting moself\n", mo); return; } if(clearcmds) sendstop(mo); if(tgt != nil){ if((tgt->o->f & Fresource) && (mo->o->f & Fgather)) sendgather(mo, tgt); else sendmovenear(mo, tgt); }else sendmove(mo, p); } static void drawhud(void) { int i; char s[256], *s´; Point p; Mobj *mo; Team *t; p = p0; draw(screen, Rpt(p, screen->r.max), display->black, nil, ZP); mo = selected[0]; if(mo == nil) return; if(mo->o->f & Fresource) snprint(s, sizeof s, "%s %d", mo->o->name, mo->amount); else snprint(s, sizeof s, "%s %d/%d", mo->o->name, mo->hp, mo->o->hp); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, s); p.y += font->height; if((mo->o->f & Fresource) == 0){ snprint(s, sizeof s, "%s", mo->state < OSend ? statename[mo->state] : ""); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, s); } p.y += font->height; t = teams + mo->team; if(t == teams) return; s´ = seprint(s, s+sizeof s, "team %d: ", mo->team); for(i=0; i<nelem(t->r); i++) s´ = seprint(s´, s+sizeof s, "[%s] %d ", resources[i].name, t->r[i]); string(screen, p, display->white, ZP, font, s); } static void clearvis(void) { clearvec(&vis); } static int addvis(Mobj *mo) { pushvec(&vis, &mo); return vis.n - 1; } static int boundpic(Rectangle *rp, Point o, u32int **q) { int w; Rectangle r; r = *rp; r.min = addpt(r.min, o); r.min.x -= pan.x / scale; r.min.y -= pan.y / scale; if(r.min.x + r.max.x < 0 || r.min.x >= fbw || r.min.y + r.max.y < 0 || r.min.y >= fbh) return -1; w = r.max.x; if(r.min.x < 0){ if(q != nil) *q -= r.min.x; r.max.x += r.min.x; r.min.x = 0; } if(r.min.x + r.max.x > fbw) r.max.x -= r.min.x + r.max.x - fbw; if(r.min.y < 0){ if(q != nil) *q -= w * r.min.y; r.max.y += r.min.y; r.min.y = 0; } if(r.min.y + r.max.y > fbh) r.max.y -= r.min.y + r.max.y - fbh; r.min.x *= scale; r.max.x *= scale; *rp = r; return 0; } static void drawpic(Point o, Pic *pic, int ivis) { int n, Δp, Δsp, Δq; u32int v, *p, *e, *sp, *q; Rectangle r; if(pic->p == nil) sysfatal("drawpic: empty pic"); q = pic->p; r = Rect(pic->Δ.x, pic->Δ.y, pic->w, pic->h); if(boundpic(&r, o, &q) < 0) return; Δq = pic->w - r.max.x / scale; p = fb + r.min.y * fbws + r.min.x; Δp = fbws - r.max.x; sp = fbvis + r.min.y * fbw + r.min.x / scale; Δsp = fbw - r.max.x / scale; while(r.max.y-- > 0){ e = p + r.max.x; while(p < e){ v = *q++; if(v & 0xff << 24){ for(n=0; n<scale; n++) *p++ = v; }else p += scale; *sp++ = ivis; } q += Δq; p += Δp; sp += Δsp; } } static void drawpicalpha(Point o, Pic *pic) { int n, Δp, Δq; u8int k, a, b; u32int f, A, B, *p, *e, *q; Rectangle r; if(pic->p == nil) sysfatal("drawpicalpha: empty pic"); q = pic->p; r = Rect(pic->Δ.x, pic->Δ.y, pic->w, pic->h); if(boundpic(&r, o, &q) < 0) return; Δq = pic->w - r.max.x / scale; p = fb + r.min.y * fbws + r.min.x; Δp = fbws - r.max.x; while(r.max.y-- > 0){ e = p + r.max.x; while(p < e){ A = *q++; k = A >> 24; B = *p; for(n=0; n<24; n+=8){ a = A >> n; b = B >> n; f = k * (a - b); f = (f + 1 + (f >> 8)) >> 8; B = B & ~(0xff << n) | (f + b & 0xff) << n; } for(n=0; n<scale; n++) *p++ = B; } q += Δq; p += Δp; } } void compose(Point o, u32int c) { int n, Δp; u32int v, *p, *e; Rectangle r; r = Rpt(ZP, Pt(Nodesz, Nodesz)); if(boundpic(&r, o, nil) < 0) return; p = fb + r.min.y * fbws + r.min.x; Δp = fbws - r.max.x; while(r.max.y-- > 0){ e = p + r.max.x; while(p < e){ v = *p; v = (v & 0xff0000) + (c & 0xff0000) >> 1 & 0xff0000 | (v & 0xff00) + (c & 0xff00) >> 1 & 0xff00 | (v & 0xff) + (c & 0xff) >> 1 & 0xff; for(n=0; n<scale; n++) *p++ = v; } p += Δp; } } static Pic * frm(Mobj *mo, int type) { static int rot17[Nrot] = { 0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8, 9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16 }; int n, θ, frm; Pics *pp; Pic *p; n = mo->state; if(n == OSskymaybe || n == OSwait) n = OSidle; if(n < 0 || n > OSend){ dprint("frm: %M invalid animation frame %d\n", mo, n); return nil; } pp = &mo->o->pics[n][type]; if(pp->pic == nil) return nil; frm = pp->freeze ? mo->freezefrm : tc % pp->nf; θ = mo->θ * 32.0 / 256; switch(pp->nr){ case 17: θ = rot17[θ]; break; default: θ = 0; break; } p = pp->pic[frm]; if(pp->teamcol) p += nteam * θ + mo->team - 1; else p += θ; return p; } static void clearlists(void) { Drawlist *dl; for(dl=drawlist; dl<drawlist+DLend; dl++){ clearvec(&dl->mobj); clearvec(&dl->pics); } } static void addpic(Drawlist *dl, Mobj *mo, int type) { Pic *p; if((p = frm(mo, type)) == nil) return; pushvec(&dl->mobj, &mo); pushvec(&dl->pics, &p); } static void addmobjs(Tile *t) { int air; Mobj *mo; Mobjl *ml; for(ml=t->ml.l; ml!=&t->ml; ml=ml->l){ mo = ml->mo; air = mo->o->f & Fair; addpic(drawlist + (air ? DLairshad : DLgndshad), mo, PTshadow); addpic(drawlist + (air ? DLair : DLgnd), mo, PTbase); if(mo->state == OSmove) addpic(drawlist + (air ? DLairglow : DLgndglow), mo, PTglow); } } static void drawmobjs(void) { int n; Mobj *mo, **mp; Pic **pp; Drawlist *dl; for(dl=drawlist; dl<drawlist+DLend; dl++) for(mp=dl->mobj.p, pp=dl->pics.p, n=0; n<dl->mobj.n; n++, mp++, pp++){ mo = *mp; if(dl->noalpha) drawpic(Pt(mo->sub.x >> Pixelshift, mo->sub.y >> Pixelshift), *pp, addvis(mo)); else drawpicalpha(Pt(mo->sub.x >> Pixelshift, mo->sub.y >> Pixelshift), *pp); } } static void mapdrawrect(Rectangle *rp) { Rectangle r; r.min = divpt(pan, scale); r.min = divpt(r.min, Tilesz); r.max.x = r.min.x + (pan.x / scale % Tilesz != 0); r.max.x += fbw / Tilesz + (fbw % Tilesz != 0); if(r.max.x > tilemapwidth) r.max.x = tilemapwidth; r.max.y = r.min.y + (pan.y / scale % Tilesz != 0); r.max.y += fbh / Tilesz + (fbh % Tilesz != 0); if(r.max.y > tilemapheight) r.max.y = tilemapheight; /* enlarge window to capture units overlapping multiple tiles; * seems like the easiest way to take this into account */ r.min.x = max(r.min.x - 4, 0); r.min.y = max(r.min.y - 4, 0); *rp = r; } static void flushdrw(void) { uchar *p; Rectangle r, r2; r = selr; p = (uchar *)fb; if(scale == 1){ loadimage(fbi, fbi->r, p, fbsz); draw(screen, r, fbi, nil, ZP); }else{ r2 = r; while(r.min.y < r2.max.y){ r.max.y = r.min.y + scale; p += loadimage(fbi, fbi->r, p, fbsz / fbh); draw(screen, r, fbi, nil, ZP); r.min.y = r.max.y; } } flushimage(display, 1); } static void redraw(void) { Point p; Rectangle r; Tile *t; clearvis(); clearlists(); mapdrawrect(&r); t = tilemap + p.y * tilemapwidth + r.min.x; for(p.y=r.min.y; p.y<r.max.y; p.y++){ for(p.x=r.min.x; p.x<r.max.x; p.x++, t++){ drawpic(mulpt(p, Tilesz), t->t->p, -1); addmobjs(t); } t += tilemapwidth - (r.max.x - r.min.x); } drawmobjs(); if(debugmap) drawnodemap(r, selected[0]); drawhud(); } void updatedrw(void) { qlock(&drawlock); redraw(); qunlock(&drawlock); flushdrw(); } void resetdrw(void) { fbws = min(mapwidth * Nodesz * scale, Dx(screen->r)); fbh = min(mapheight * Nodesz * scale, Dy(screen->r)); selr = Rpt(screen->r.min, addpt(screen->r.min, Pt(fbws, fbh))); p0 = Pt(screen->r.min.x + 8, screen->r.max.y - 3 * font->height); p0.y -= (p0.y - screen->r.min.y) % scale; panmax.x = max(Nodesz * mapwidth * scale - Dx(screen->r), 0); panmax.y = max(Nodesz * mapheight * scale - Dy(screen->r), 0); if(p0.y < selr.max.y){ panmax.y += selr.max.y - p0.y; fbh -= selr.max.y - p0.y; selr.max.y = p0.y; } fbw = fbws / scale; fbh /= scale; fbsz = fbws * fbh * sizeof *fb; free(fb); free(fbvis); freeimage(fbi); fb = emalloc(fbsz); fbvis = emalloc(fbw * fbh * sizeof *fb); if((fbi = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,fbws,scale==1 ? fbh : 1), XRGB32, scale>1, 0)) == nil) sysfatal("allocimage: %r"); draw(screen, screen->r, display->black, nil, ZP); } void initdrw(void) { Drawlist *dl; if(initdraw(nil, nil, "path") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r"); newvec(&vis, 32, sizeof(Mobj*)); for(dl=drawlist; dl<drawlist+DLend; dl++){ newvec(&dl->mobj, 32, sizeof(Mobj*)); newvec(&dl->pics, 32, sizeof(Pic*)); } }