ref: 89feeced1d027d84fdbaa7446806628b70182e46
dir: /fs.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <draw.h> #include <bio.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" Resource resources[Nresource]; typedef struct Table Table; typedef struct Objp Objp; typedef struct Picl Picl; typedef struct Tilel Tilel; struct Objp{ Obj *o; int team; int x; int y; }; struct Table{ char name[64]; void (*readfn)(char**, int, Table*); int ncol; int *nrow; int row; }; struct Picl{ int frm; int type; int teamcol; char *name; char iname[64]; int nr; Pic *p; Picl *l; }; struct Tilel{ int id; Tile *t; Tilel *l; }; static Tilel tilel0 = {.l = &tilel0}, *tilel = &tilel0; static Pic tilesetpic; static Picl pic0 = {.l = &pic0}, *pic = &pic0; static Objp *objp; static Attack *attack; static Obj *obj; static char *tileset; static int nattack, nobj, nresource, nobjp; static u32int bgcol = 0x00ffff; static int rot17idx[17] = { 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31 }; static void loadpic(char *name, Pic *pic, int alpha) { int fd, n, m, dx, dy; Image *i; uchar *b, *s; u32int v, *p; if((fd = open(name, OREAD)) < 0) sysfatal("loadpic: %r"); if((i = readimage(display, fd, 0)) == nil) sysfatal("readimage: %r"); close(fd); if(alpha && i->chan != ARGB32 || !alpha && i->chan != RGB24) sysfatal("loadpic %s: inappropriate image format", name); dx = Dx(i->r); dy = Dy(i->r); n = dx * dy; m = n * i->depth / 8; b = emalloc(m); unloadimage(i, i->r, b, m); p = emalloc(n * sizeof *p); pic->p = p; pic->w = dx; pic->h = dy; pic->dx = i->r.min.x; pic->dy = i->r.min.y; freeimage(i); s = b; while(n-- > 0){ v = s[2] << 16 | s[1] << 8 | s[0]; if(alpha) v |= s[3] << 24; else if(v != bgcol) v |= 0xff << 24; *p++ = v; s += i->depth / 8; } free(b); } static void loadobjpic(Pic *pic, Picl *pl, char *suff) { int n, i, j; char path[128]; u32int *p0; Pic pic0; for(i=0; i<pl->nr; i++){ snprint(path, sizeof path, "%s.%02d.%02d%s.bit", pl->name, pl->frm, rot17idx[i], suff); loadpic(path, &pic0, pl->type & PFalpha); if(!pl->teamcol){ memcpy(pic++, &pic0, sizeof *pic); continue; } if(pic0.h % Nteam != 0) sysfatal("loadobjpic: obj %s sprite sheet %d,%d: height not multiple of %d", pl->name, pic0.w, pic0.h, Nteam); pic0.h /= Nteam; n = pic0.w * pic0.h; /* nteam has been set by now, no point in retaining sprites * for additional teams */ for(j=0, p0=pic0.p; j<nteam; j++, p0+=n, pic++){ memcpy(pic, &pic0, sizeof *pic); pic->p = emalloc(n * sizeof *pic->p); memcpy(pic->p, p0, n * sizeof *pic->p); } free(pic0.p); } } static void loadtilepic(Pic *pic, Picl *pl) { int id, size; char path[128]; if(tilesetpic.p == nil){ snprint(path, sizeof path, "%s.bit", tileset); loadpic(path, &tilesetpic, 0); if(tilesetpic.h % tilesetpic.w != 0) sysfatal("loadtilepic: tiles not squares: tilepic %d,%d", tilesetpic.w, tilesetpic.h); } id = pl->frm; size = tilesetpic.w; if(size * id >= tilesetpic.h) sysfatal("loadtilepic: tile tile index %d out of bounds", id); pic->w = size; pic->h = size; size *= size; pic->p = emalloc(size * sizeof *pic->p); memcpy(pic->p, tilesetpic.p + size * id, size * sizeof *pic->p); } void initimg(void) { Pic *p; Picl *pl; for(pl=pic->l; pl!=pic; pl=pic->l){ p = pl->p; if(pl->type & PFtile) loadtilepic(p, pl); else if(pl->type & PFshadow) loadobjpic(p, pl, ".s"); else if(pl->type & PFglow) loadobjpic(p, pl, ".g"); else loadobjpic(p, pl, ""); pic->l = pl->l; free(pl); } free(tilesetpic.p); } static Pic * pushpic(char *name, int frm, int type, int nr, int hasteam) { int n; char iname[64]; Picl *pl; snprint(iname, sizeof iname, "%s%02d%02ux", name, frm, type); for(pl=pic->l; pl!=pic; pl=pl->l) if(strcmp(iname, pl->iname) == 0) break; if(pl == pic){ pl = emalloc(sizeof *pl); memcpy(pl->iname, iname, nelem(pl->iname)); pl->frm = frm; pl->type = type; pl->name = name; pl->nr = nr; pl->teamcol = hasteam; if(nr != 17 && nr != 1) sysfatal("pushpic %s: invalid number of rotations", iname); n = nr; /* nteam isn't guaranteed to be set correctly by now, so * just set to max */ if(hasteam) n *= Nteam; pl->p = emalloc(n * sizeof *pl->p); pl->l = pic->l; pic->l = pl; } return pl->p; } static Tile * pushtile(int id) { Tilel *tl; for(tl=tilel->l; tl!=tilel; tl=tl->l) if(tl->id == id) break; if(tl == tilel){ tl = emalloc(sizeof *tl); tl->id = id; tl->t = emalloc(sizeof *tl->t); tl->t->p = pushpic("/tile/", id - 1, PFtile, 1, 0); tl->l = tilel->l; tilel->l = tl; } return tl->t; } static void vunpack(char **fld, char *fmt, va_list a) { int n; double d; char *s; Attack *atk; Resource *r; Obj *o; for(;;){ switch(*fmt++){ default: sysfatal("unknown format %c", fmt[-1]); case 0: return; case 'd': if((n = strtol(*fld++, nil, 0)) < 0) sysfatal("vunpack: illegal positive integer %d", n); *va_arg(a, int*) = n; break; case 'f': if((d = strtod(*fld++, nil)) < 0.0) sysfatal("vunpack: illegal positive double %f", d); *va_arg(a, double*) = d; break; case 'a': s = *fld++; if(*s == 0){ *va_arg(a, Attack**) = nil; break; } for(atk=attack; atk<attack+nattack; atk++) if(strcmp(s, atk->name) == 0) break; if(atk == attack + nattack) sysfatal("vunpack: no such attack %s", s); *va_arg(a, Attack**) = atk; break; case 'r': s = *fld++; if(*s == 0){ *va_arg(a, Resource**) = nil; break; } for(r=resources; r<resources+nelem(resources); r++) if(strcmp(s, r->name) == 0) break; if(r == resources + nelem(resources)) sysfatal("vunpack: no such resource %s", s); *va_arg(a, Resource**) = r; break; case 'o': s = *fld++; if(*s == 0) sysfatal("vunpack: empty obj"); for(o=obj; o<obj+nobj; o++) if(o->name != nil && strcmp(s, o->name) == 0) break; if(o == obj + nobj) sysfatal("vunpack: no such obj %s", s); *va_arg(a, Obj**) = o; break; case 't': s = *fld++; if(*s == 0) sysfatal("vunpack: empty tile"); if((n = strtol(s, nil, 0)) <= 0) sysfatal("vunpack: illegal tile index %d", n); *va_arg(a, Tile**) = pushtile(n); break; } } } static void unpack(char **fld, char *fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); vunpack(fld, fmt, a); va_end(a); } static void readspawn(char **fld, int n, Table *) { Obj *o, **os, **oe; unpack(fld++, "o", &o); if(o->spawn != nil) sysfatal("readspawn: spawn already assigned for obj %s", *fld); o->spawn = emalloc(--n * sizeof *o->spawn); o->nspawn = n; for(os=o->spawn, oe=os+n; os<oe; os++) unpack(fld++, "o", os); } static void readtileset(char **fld, int, Table *) { if(tileset != nil) sysfatal("readtileset %s: already defined as %s", *fld, tileset); tileset = estrdup(*fld); } static void readmap(char **fld, int n, Table *tab) { int x; Map *m; if(tab->row == 0){ tab->ncol = n; mapwidth = n; map = emalloc(mapheight * n * sizeof *map); } m = map + tab->row * mapwidth; for(x=0; x<n; x++, m++) unpack(fld++, "t", &m->t); } static void readmapobj(char **fld, int, Table *tab) { Objp *op; if(objp == nil) objp = emalloc(nobjp * sizeof *objp); op = objp + tab->row; unpack(fld, "oddd", &op->o, &op->team, &op->x, &op->y); if(op->team > nelem(teams)) op->team = 0; if(op->team > nteam) nteam = op->team; } static void readresource(char **fld, int, Table *tab) { Resource *r; r = resources + tab->row; if(r >= resources + nelem(resources)) sysfatal("readresource: out of bounds reference"); r->name = estrdup(*fld++); unpack(fld, "d", &r->init); } static void readattack(char **fld, int, Table *tab) { Attack *a; if(attack == nil) attack = emalloc(nattack * sizeof *attack); a = attack + tab->row; a->name = estrdup(*fld++); unpack(fld, "ddd", &a->dmg, &a->range, &a->cool); } static void readobj(char **fld, int, Table *tab) { Obj *o; if(obj == nil) obj = emalloc(nobj * sizeof *obj); o = obj + tab->row; o->name = estrdup(*fld++); unpack(fld, "ddddddddddaaffff", &o->f, &o->w, &o->h, &o->hp, &o->def, &o->vis, o->cost, o->cost+1, o->cost+2, &o->time, o->atk, o->atk+1, &o->speed, &o->accel, &o->halt, &o->turn); o->accel /= 256.0; o->halt /= 256.0; /* halting distance in path node units */ o->halt /= Nodewidth; if(o->w < 1 || o->h < 1) sysfatal("readobj: %s invalid dimensions %d,%d", o->name, o->w, o->h); } static void readspr(char **fld, int n, Table *) { int type, frm, nr; Obj *o; Pics *ps; Pic ***ppp, **p, **pe; if(n < 4) sysfatal("readspr %s: %d fields < 4 mandatory columns", o->name, n); unpack(fld, "odd", &o, &type, &nr); fld += 3; n -= 3; ps = nil; switch(type & 0xf){ case PFidle: ps = o->pics[OSidle]; break; case PFmove: ps = o->pics[OSmove]; break; default: sysfatal("readspr %s: invalid type %#02ux", o->name, type & 0x7e); } if(type & PFshadow) ps += PTshadow; else if(type & PFglow) ps += PTglow; else ps += PTbase; ppp = &ps->pic; if(*ppp != nil) sysfatal("readspr %s: pic type %#ux already allocated", o->name, type); if(ps->nf != 0 && ps->nf != n || ps->nr != 0 && ps->nr != nr) sysfatal("readspr %s: spriteset phase error", o->name); ps->teamcol = (type & (PFshadow|PFtile|PFglow)) == 0; ps->nf = n; ps->nr = nr; p = emalloc(n * sizeof *ppp); *ppp = p; for(pe=p+n; p<pe; p++){ unpack(fld++, "d", &frm); *p = pushpic(o->name, frm, type, nr, ps->teamcol); } } enum{ Tmapobj, Tobj, Tattack, Tresource, Tspawn, Ttileset, Tmap, Tspr, }; Table table[] = { [Tmapobj] {"mapobj", readmapobj, 4, &nobjp}, [Tobj] {"obj", readobj, 17, &nobj}, [Tattack] {"attack", readattack, 4, &nattack}, [Tresource] {"resource", readresource, 2, &nresource}, [Tspawn] {"spawn", readspawn, -1, nil}, [Ttileset] {"tileset", readtileset, 1, nil}, [Tmap] {"map", readmap, -1, &mapheight}, [Tspr] {"spr", readspr, -1, nil}, }; static int getcsvfields(char *s, char **fld, int nfld) { int n; if(nfld < 1) return 0; n = 0; *fld++ = s; if(++n == nfld) return n; while(*s != 0){ if(*s == ','){ *s++ = 0; *fld++ = s; if(++n == nfld) return n; }else s++; } return n; } static void loaddb(char *path) { int n; char *s, *p, *fld[256]; Biobuf *bf; Table *t; if((bf = Bopen(path, OREAD)) == nil) sysfatal("loaddb: %r"); Blethal(bf, nil); /* parse twice to preallocate tables, otherwise cross-references will be * invalid */ while((s = Brdstr(bf, '\n', 1)) != nil){ if(s[0] == 0 || s[0] == '#' || (p = strchr(s, ',')) == nil) goto skip; if(p == s || p[1] == 0) goto skip; *p = 0; for(t=table; t<table+nelem(table); t++) if(strcmp(s, t->name) == 0) break; if(t == table + nelem(table)) sysfatal("loaddb: unknown table %s", s); if(t->nrow != nil) (*t->nrow)++; skip: free(s); } Bseek(bf, 0, 0); while((s = Brdstr(bf, '\n', 1)) != nil){ if(s[0] == 0 || s[0] == '#' || (p = strchr(s, ',')) == nil) goto next; if(p == s || p[1] == 0) goto next; *p = 0; for(t=table; t<table+nelem(table); t++) if(strcmp(s, t->name) == 0) break; n = getcsvfields(p+1, fld, nelem(fld)); if(n != t->ncol && t->ncol >= 0) sysfatal("loaddb: invalid row length %d for %s record %s", n, s, fld[0]); t->readfn(fld, n, t); t->row++; next: free(s); } Bterm(bf); } static void initmapobj(void) { Objp *op; Map *m; for(m=map; m<map+mapwidth*mapheight; m++) m->ml.l = m->ml.lp = &m->ml; for(op=objp; op<objp+nobjp; op++) if(spawn(op->x * Node2Tile, op->y * Node2Tile, op->o, op->team) < 0) sysfatal("initmapobj: %s team %d: %r", op->o->name, op->team); free(objp); } static void cleanup(void) { Tilel *tl; for(tl=tilel->l; tl!=tilel; tl=tilel->l){ tilel->l = tl->l; free(tl); } } static void fixobjspr(void) { Obj *o; Pics *idle, *move; for(o=obj; o<obj+nobj; o++){ if(o->f & Fbuild) continue; idle = o->pics[OSidle]; move = o->pics[OSmove]; if(idle[PTbase].pic == nil && move[PTbase].pic == nil) sysfatal("obj %s: no base sprites loaded", o->name); if(idle[PTbase].pic == nil){ memcpy(idle+PTbase, move+PTbase, sizeof *idle); memcpy(idle+PTshadow, move+PTshadow, sizeof *idle); idle[PTbase].iscopy = 1; idle[PTshadow].iscopy = 1; }else if(move[PTbase].pic == nil){ memcpy(move+PTbase, idle+PTbase, sizeof *move); memcpy(move+PTshadow, idle+PTshadow, sizeof *move); move[PTbase].iscopy = 1; move[PTshadow].iscopy = 1; } } } static void checkdb(void) { if(tileset == nil) sysfatal("checkdb: no tileset defined"); if(nresource != Nresource) sysfatal("checkdb: incomplete resource specification"); if(mapwidth % 16 != 0 || mapheight % 16 != 0 || mapwidth * mapheight == 0) sysfatal("checkdb: map size %d,%d not in multiples of 16", mapwidth, mapheight); if(nteam < 2) sysfatal("checkdb: not enough teams"); } static void initdb(void) { checkdb(); initmap(); initmapobj(); cleanup(); fixobjspr(); } void initfs(void) { if(bind(".", prefix, MBEFORE|MCREATE) == -1 || chdir(prefix) < 0) fprint(2, "init: %r\n"); loaddb(dbname); loaddb(mapname); initdb(); }