qw: lower screen size for our t61p to get ≥72 fps
launchers: system-wide installations of quake* and wl3d
bindbins: move scripts to a bin/ subdir for easier binding
add skey, mpi: usb and software keyboards
stealrc: add henesy's rc version of khm's getlinks.sh
vmxlinux: update, add option for resolution, better cleanup, use wireless when available
add ya, yv: youtube scripts for lower quality video and audio only
mku: update patches, remove /dev/themes until more work is done
syncbv91: only sync m folders for one device
add sysup: sysupdate with files changed printed
add stealrc: populate $home/bin/rc with stolen scripts
add gridchat script, slightly modified from mycroftiv's own
vmxlinux: update kernel, and reduce memory usage (vs. cwfs)
mku: add sigrid's rio selection patch
add theme scripts for sigrid's rio/picker
add imfdec: wrapper for imf decoding
vmxlinux: lower memory usage, adjusting for cwfs et al
syncbv91: reactivate, adjust for multiple devices, swap reference i archive
vncrio: update for oftc and remove riow workaround
syncbv91: inactivate one-way picture lib sync
fn: simpler hg and acid (thanks sigrid) aliases
riostart: unhide riow bar(1), scroll kprint
riostart: no longer need to reset kbmap (thanks sigrid)
mku: add sigrid's mp3dec and resample replacements
add repou: fetch and update alien software from lists
cpurio, vncrio: now using kvik's uga font!
mfmt: more more characters to remove
add workspace: set up usual workspaces
riostart: use sizes, standardize layout
add sizes: compute and save sizes for usual rio windows
v: hostname can be different under sshnet
syncbv91: fix organization, ignore mtimes for sdcard
syncab: add option to sort of ignore mtimes
move t to its own script and start ssh by default
bindbins: overlaying /lib doesn't work right for creation
syncab: fix spaces in names breaking filenames
syncab: quote file names and remove files in reverse order (for dirs)
rsam: unstupid namespace and read file list from library
9grid: unstupid namespace and rio -k
add obsolete bullshit scripts that might be of use maybe
more joy scripts for other joysticks
add nesj: attempt to get usb endpoint before launching nes with joynes
add bullshit script to switch to eth from wlan
add aconv2: aconv for flac input only
add rsam: yet another silly sam script, now in subrio
add gridreg: dial index and register grid services
add edit: edit current rio window's text
add metro: mst/midi/pplay based metronome
add pcmf: pcm equivalent for decoding to file and pplay -f on it