shithub: rc

ref: 822eb0ee2f7e54d668f0eb188a7c942efbaa0929
dir: /fn/

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# audio
# playback samples from microphone (needs setup)
fn admp{ dd -bs 4x441 </dev/audio >/dev/audio }
# decode audio files(s) and visualize with pplay(1)
fn pcm{ @{o=(); while(~ $1 -?) o=($o $1) && shift; play -o /fd/1 $* >[2]/dev/null | pplay $o}}
# same, without temporary viariables (???)
fn ppcm{ *=($*($#*) $* $#*) play -o /fd/1 $1 >[2]/dev/null | pplay $*(2-$*($#*)) }
# convert a wolf3d digital audio lump
fn wpcm{ audio/pcmconv -i u8c1r7000 -o s16c2r44100 <$1 >/dev/audio }

# play(1) auxiliaries
# skip to next track
fn fw{ for(i in `{fpl}) echo 'echo kill >/proc/'^$i^/note }
# pause playback
fn sto{ for(i in `{fpl}) echo 'echo stop >/proc/'^$i^/ctl }
# resume playback
fn sta{ for(i in `{fpl}) echo 'echo start >/proc/'^$i^/ctl }
# shortcuts for first play(1) process
fn Fw{ fw | sed 1q | rc }
fn Sta{ sta | sed 1q | rc }
fn Sto{ sto | sed 1q | rc }
# recursively list all files in arguments and play shuffled list forever
fn shp{ *=`"{lr -Q $*}; while(! ~ $#* 0) play `'
' {echo -n $* | shl} }
# shuffle play pre-arranged list of files forever
fn shpp{ status='' while(~ $status '') play `{shl <$1} }

# graphics
# display wolf3d graphic lump using wpic and extracted picheader file
fn wp{
	a=(`{dd </n/tapefs/piched000.^$2 >[2]/dev/null -bs 4 -count 1 -skip $1 | xd -s -2d | sed 's/ 0+/ /g'})
	wpic -x $a(2) -y $a(3) $*(3-) /n/tapefs/pic^$1^.$2 | page

# programming
# dump assembly
fn asm{ 6c -FTVwSo /dev/null $1 }
# ridiculous shortcut for one-file program builds
fn b{ mk -f <{echo '
# dump c function body (thanks aiju)
fn catfn{ sed -n '/^'$1'\(/ {x;p;x;};/^'$1'\(/,/^}/p;h' *.c }


# file processing
# recursive chown implementation, given fs access
fn chown{ for(i in `'
'{lr -Qd $*(2-)}){ chgrp $1 $i && chgrp -o $1 $i } }
# lower filenames
fn lw{ for(i in $*) mv $i `'
'{echo $i | tr A-Z a-z} }

# printing
# show troff document
fn doc{ troff -ms <$1 | page }
# show ps document
fn doc2{ echo `{doctype $1} '| lp -dstdout | page' | rc }

# shortcuts
# connect to aijuboard
fn aib{ echo b115200 >/dev/eiaU*.1ctl && con -r /dev/eiaU*.1 }
# wircrc usage
fn wii{ wircrc -T -p 6697 -c '!#cat-v,!#setecastronomy' -n qwx }
# ircs usage
fn ii{ ircx -t '#cat-v' }
# quake2 crbot
fn q2cr{ qk2 -g crbot $* +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 0 }
# quake2 ctf
fn q2f{ qk2 -g ctf $* +set ctf 1 }
# display shuffled list of images
fn shi{ page `'
'{lr -Q $* | shl | sed 5000q} }
# launch graphical program on a unix host
fn ff{ A=$*(2-); ssh $user@$1 'DISPLAY=:0 '^$"A^' >/dev/null 2>&1'; A=() }
# defunct linux script shortcut
#fn lnx{ linux -r $home/mroot /bin/bash -i }

# rio
# clear window
fn clr{ {}>/dev/text }
# get current window dimensions
fn wsz{ dd -bs 4x12 -count 1 </mnt/wsys/wctl >[2]/dev/null | awk '{print $3-$1, $4-$2}' }

# sys
# bind hg repo to root and execute hg command
fn hg{ bind -ac /dist/plan9front /; fn hg; hg $* }
# hangup connections to given hosts
fn nctl{ echo 'echo hangup >/net/'^`{netstat -n|sed -n 's,^([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +[^ ]+ +'$1'.*,\1/\2/ctl\;,p'} }
# show announced ports and established connections
fn netopn{ netstat -n | grep 'Established|Listen' }
# get list of /proc dirs for matched process names
fn pn{ ps -n | sed -n '/.* '$1'$/s,[^ ]+ +([0-9]+).*,/proc/\1/,p' }
# grep process table
fn psd{ *=`{echo $"* | sed 's/ /|/g'}; ps -n | grep $* }
# reset vga(8) state with vesa
fn vr{ @{rfork n; aux/realemu; aux/vga -lm vesa $vgasize} }

# mail
# manual mail archive
fn arc{ cat >/mail/box/qwx/arc/`{date -n} }
# attempt at quoting
fn qt{ cat | sed 's/^/> /' }

# webshit
# simple ninetimes
fn 9t{
	hget | htmlfmt |
	sed '1,6d;$d;/^[A-Za-z,]+ [0-9][0-9] [A-Za-z]+ 20[0-9][0-9] [0-9:]+ [0-9\+\-]+/{N;s/\n/ /;}'
# query english vocabulary
fn geq{ plumb^$1 }
# query german vocabulary
fn gq{ plumb ''^$* }
# query weather
fn wth{ plumb$1 }

# trials from projects
#fn ss{ sawk '{x[NR]=$4} END{freq(x); for(i in ans) print i, ans[i] | "sort -n"}' db0 }
#fn wp{
#	a=(`{dd </n/tapefs/piched000.^$2 >[2]/dev/null -bs 4 -count 1 -skip $1 | xd -s -2d | sed 's/ 0+/ /g'})
#	wpic -x $a(2) -y $a(3) $*(3-) /n/tapefs/pic^$1^.$2 | page
#	a=()
#fn shirc{ aux/listen1 -vp 1 tcp!*!17066 /bin/exportfs -R -r $home/lib -P <{echo '+ ^/k?irc$'} }
#fn itest{ @{cd p/igfx/igdump; aux/vga -Vipm auto -l $vgasize >$home/v/vga >[2=1]; dumpsnb.rc | prettysnb.rc >>/tmp/snbv} }
#fn idump{ @{cd p/igfx/igdump; dumpsnb.rc | prettysnb.rc > $home/vgam} }
#fn gd{ *=`{echo $"* | sed 's/ /|/g'}; @{cd $home/p/not/ger; grep -i $* *} }
#fn gq2{
#	{for(i in $*) hget ''^$i} |
#	sed -n 's/^.*onclick="return vi\(''([^)]+),[^,]+,''de'',''en'',this\).*/\1/p' |
#	sed 's/''//g;s/,/	→	/'
#fn ftp11{ ftpfs -/na anonymous@anonymous -o UNIX u11 }
#fn ctopdf{ ps2pdf <{lp -dstdout -l100 -x0 -y0 -fCW.7 <{cat $*}} /fd/1 | pump }
#fn shi{ xpage `'
#'{lr -Q $* | shl | sed 5000q} }
fn chi{ cd $home/p/sm2/cin && truetypefs && plumber && font=/n/ttf/unifont.ttf.16/font rio; unmount /mnt/plumb }
fn chidiff{ diff <{ls *.pdf | sort} <{awk '{print $5}' db0 | sort} | sed -n '/^[0-9]/d;s/< /2.5 0 0 0 /p' }