ref: b8c0e4deccffcd668f7d08ffc1fe16147e9e894a
dir: /code/bspc/aas_map.c/
/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "qbsp.h" #include "l_mem.h" #include "../botlib/aasfile.h" //aas_bbox_t #include "aas_store.h" //AAS_MAX_BBOXES #include "aas_cfg.h" #include "../game/surfaceflags.h" #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_EASY 0x00000100 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_MEDIUM 0x00000200 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_HARD 0x00000400 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH 0x00000800 #define SPAWNFLAG_NOT_COOP 0x00001000 #define STATE_TOP 0 #define STATE_BOTTOM 1 #define STATE_UP 2 #define STATE_DOWN 3 #define DOOR_START_OPEN 1 #define DOOR_REVERSE 2 #define DOOR_CRUSHER 4 #define DOOR_NOMONSTER 8 #define DOOR_TOGGLE 32 #define DOOR_X_AXIS 64 #define DOOR_Y_AXIS 128 #define BBOX_NORMAL_EPSILON 0.0001 //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== vec_t BoxOriginDistanceFromPlane(vec3_t normal, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, int side) { vec3_t v1, v2; int i; if (side) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (normal[i] > BBOX_NORMAL_EPSILON) v1[i] = maxs[i]; else if (normal[i] < -BBOX_NORMAL_EPSILON) v1[i] = mins[i]; else v1[i] = 0; } //end for } //end if else { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (normal[i] > BBOX_NORMAL_EPSILON) v1[i] = mins[i]; else if (normal[i] < -BBOX_NORMAL_EPSILON) v1[i] = maxs[i]; else v1[i] = 0; } //end for } //end else VectorCopy(normal, v2); VectorInverse(v2); return DotProduct(v1, v2); } //end of the function BoxOriginDistanceFromPlane //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== vec_t CapsuleOriginDistanceFromPlane(vec3_t normal, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { float offset_up, offset_down, width, radius; width = maxs[0] - mins[0]; // if the box is less high then it is wide if (maxs[2] - mins[2] < width) { width = maxs[2] - mins[2]; } radius = width * 0.5; // offset to upper and lower sphere offset_up = maxs[2] - radius; offset_down = -mins[2] - radius; // if normal points upward if ( normal[2] > 0 ) { // touches lower sphere first return normal[2] * offset_down + radius; } else { // touched upper sphere first return -normal[2] * offset_up + radius; } } //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_ExpandMapBrush(mapbrush_t *brush, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) { int sn; float dist; side_t *s; plane_t *plane; for (sn = 0; sn < brush->numsides; sn++) { s = brush->original_sides + sn; plane = &mapplanes[s->planenum]; dist = plane->dist; if (capsule_collision) { dist += CapsuleOriginDistanceFromPlane(plane->normal, mins, maxs); } else { dist += BoxOriginDistanceFromPlane(plane->normal, mins, maxs, 0); } s->planenum = FindFloatPlane(plane->normal, dist); //the side isn't a bevel after expanding s->flags &= ~SFL_BEVEL; //don't skip the surface s->surf &= ~SURF_SKIP; //make sure the texinfo is not TEXINFO_NODE //when player clip contents brushes are read from the bsp tree //they have the texinfo field set to TEXINFO_NODE //s->texinfo = 0; } //end for } //end of the function AAS_ExpandMapBrush //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_SetTexinfo(mapbrush_t *brush) { int n; side_t *side; if (brush->contents & (CONTENTS_LADDER | CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL | CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL | CONTENTS_TELEPORTER | CONTENTS_JUMPPAD | CONTENTS_DONOTENTER | CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_WINDOW | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP)) { //we just set texinfo to 0 because these brush sides MUST be used as //bsp splitters textured or not textured for (n = 0; n < brush->numsides; n++) { side = brush->original_sides + n; //side->flags |= SFL_TEXTURED|SFL_VISIBLE; side->texinfo = 0; } //end for } //end if else { //only use brush sides as splitters if they are textured //texinfo of non-textured sides will be set to TEXINFO_NODE for (n = 0; n < brush->numsides; n++) { side = brush->original_sides + n; //don't use side as splitter (set texinfo to TEXINFO_NODE) if not textured if (side->flags & (SFL_TEXTURED|SFL_BEVEL)) side->texinfo = 0; else side->texinfo = TEXINFO_NODE; } //end for } //end else } //end of the function AAS_SetTexinfo //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void FreeBrushWindings(mapbrush_t *brush) { int n; side_t *side; // for (n = 0; n < brush->numsides; n++) { side = brush->original_sides + n; // if (side->winding) FreeWinding(side->winding); } //end for } //end of the function FreeBrushWindings //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_AddMapBrushSide(mapbrush_t *brush, int planenum) { side_t *side; // if (nummapbrushsides >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES) Error ("MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES"); // side = brush->original_sides + brush->numsides; side->original = NULL; side->winding = NULL; side->contents = brush->contents; side->flags &= ~(SFL_BEVEL|SFL_VISIBLE); side->surf = 0; side->planenum = planenum; side->texinfo = 0; // nummapbrushsides++; brush->numsides++; } //end of the function AAS_AddMapBrushSide //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_FixMapBrush(mapbrush_t *brush) { int i, j, planenum; float dist; winding_t *w; plane_t *plane, *plane1, *plane2; side_t *side; vec3_t normal; //calculate the brush bounds ClearBounds(brush->mins, brush->maxs); for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) { plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[i].planenum]; w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist); for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides && w; j++) { if (i == j) continue; //there are no brush bevels marked but who cares :) if (brush->original_sides[j].flags & SFL_BEVEL) continue; plane = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[j].planenum^1]; ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON); } //end for side = &brush->original_sides[i]; side->winding = w; if (w) { for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++) { AddPointToBounds(w->p[j], brush->mins, brush->maxs); } //end for } //end if } //end for // for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) { for (j = 0; j < brush->numsides; j++) { if (i == j) continue; plane1 = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[i].planenum]; plane2 = &mapplanes[brush->original_sides[j].planenum]; if (WindingsNonConvex(brush->original_sides[i].winding, brush->original_sides[j].winding, plane1->normal, plane2->normal, plane1->dist, plane2->dist)) { Log_Print("non convex brush"); } //end if } //end for } //end for //NOW close the fucking brush!! for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (brush->mins[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS) { VectorClear(normal); normal[i] = -1; dist = MAX_MAP_BOUNDS - 10; planenum = FindFloatPlane(normal, dist); // Log_Print("mins out of range: added extra brush side\n"); AAS_AddMapBrushSide(brush, planenum); } //end if if (brush->maxs[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS) { VectorClear(normal); normal[i] = 1; dist = MAX_MAP_BOUNDS - 10; planenum = FindFloatPlane(normal, dist); // Log_Print("maxs out of range: added extra brush side\n"); AAS_AddMapBrushSide(brush, planenum); } //end if if (brush->mins[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || brush->maxs[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS) { Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", brush->entitynum, brush->brushnum); } //end if } //end for //free all the windings FreeBrushWindings(brush); } //end of the function AAS_FixMapBrush //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== qboolean AAS_MakeBrushWindings(mapbrush_t *ob) { int i, j; winding_t *w; side_t *side; plane_t *plane, *plane1, *plane2; ClearBounds (ob->mins, ob->maxs); for (i = 0; i < ob->numsides; i++) { plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum]; w = BaseWindingForPlane(plane->normal, plane->dist); for (j = 0; j <ob->numsides && w; j++) { if (i == j) continue; if (ob->original_sides[j].flags & SFL_BEVEL) continue; plane = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum^1]; ChopWindingInPlace(&w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0); //CLIP_EPSILON); } side = &ob->original_sides[i]; side->winding = w; if (w) { side->flags |= SFL_VISIBLE; for (j = 0; j < w->numpoints; j++) AddPointToBounds (w->p[j], ob->mins, ob->maxs); } } //check if the brush is convex for (i = 0; i < ob->numsides; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ob->numsides; j++) { if (i == j) continue; plane1 = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[i].planenum]; plane2 = &mapplanes[ob->original_sides[j].planenum]; if (WindingsNonConvex(ob->original_sides[i].winding, ob->original_sides[j].winding, plane1->normal, plane2->normal, plane1->dist, plane2->dist)) { Log_Print("non convex brush"); } //end if } //end for } //end for //check for out of bound brushes for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //IDBUG: all the indexes into the mins and maxs were zero (not using i) if (ob->mins[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || ob->maxs[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS) { Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: bounds out of range\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum); Log_Print("ob->mins[%d] = %f, ob->maxs[%d] = %f\n", i, ob->mins[i], i, ob->maxs[i]); ob->numsides = 0; //remove the brush break; } //end if if (ob->mins[i] > MAX_MAP_BOUNDS || ob->maxs[i] < -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS) { Log_Print("entity %i, brush %i: no visible sides on brush\n", ob->entitynum, ob->brushnum); Log_Print("ob->mins[%d] = %f, ob->maxs[%d] = %f\n", i, ob->mins[i], i, ob->maxs[i]); ob->numsides = 0; //remove the brush break; } //end if } //end for return true; } //end of the function AAS_MakeBrushWindings //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== mapbrush_t *AAS_CopyMapBrush(mapbrush_t *brush, entity_t *mapent) { int n; mapbrush_t *newbrush; side_t *side, *newside; if (nummapbrushes >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES) Error ("MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHES"); newbrush = &mapbrushes[nummapbrushes]; newbrush->original_sides = &brushsides[nummapbrushsides]; newbrush->entitynum = brush->entitynum; newbrush->brushnum = nummapbrushes - mapent->firstbrush; newbrush->numsides = brush->numsides; newbrush->contents = brush->contents; //copy the sides for (n = 0; n < brush->numsides; n++) { if (nummapbrushsides >= MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES) Error ("MAX_MAPFILE_BRUSHSIDES"); side = brush->original_sides + n; newside = newbrush->original_sides + n; newside->original = NULL; newside->winding = NULL; newside->contents = side->contents; newside->flags = side->flags; newside->surf = side->surf; newside->planenum = side->planenum; newside->texinfo = side->texinfo; nummapbrushsides++; } //end for // nummapbrushes++; mapent->numbrushes++; return newbrush; } //end of the function AAS_CopyMapBrush //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== int mark_entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES]; int AAS_AlwaysTriggered_r(char *targetname) { int i; if (!strlen(targetname)) { return false; } // for (i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) { // if the entity will activate the given targetname if ( !strcmp(targetname, ValueForKey(&entities[i], "target")) ) { // if this activator is present in deathmatch if (!(atoi(ValueForKey(&entities[i], "spawnflags")) & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH)) { // if it is a trigger_always entity if (!strcmp("trigger_always", ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname"))) { return true; } // check for possible trigger_always entities activating this entity if ( mark_entities[i] ) { Warning( "entity %d, classname %s has recursive targetname %s\n", i, ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname"), targetname ); return false; } mark_entities[i] = true; if ( AAS_AlwaysTriggered_r(ValueForKey(&entities[i], "targetname")) ) { return true; } } } } return false; } int AAS_AlwaysTriggered(char *targetname) { memset( mark_entities, 0, sizeof(mark_entities) ); return AAS_AlwaysTriggered_r( targetname ); } //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== int AAS_ValidEntity(entity_t *mapent) { int i; char target[1024]; //all world brushes are used for AAS if (mapent == &entities[0]) { return true; } //end if //some of the func_wall brushes are also used for AAS else if (!strcmp("func_wall", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //Log_Print("found func_wall entity %d\n", mapent - entities); //if the func wall is used in deathmatch if (!(atoi(ValueForKey(mapent, "spawnflags")) & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH)) { //Log_Print("func_wall USED in deathmatch mode %d\n", atoi(ValueForKey(mapent, "spawnflags"))); return true; } //end if } //end else if else if (!strcmp("func_door_rotating", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //if the func_door_rotating is present in deathmatch if (!(atoi(ValueForKey(mapent, "spawnflags")) & SPAWNFLAG_NOT_DEATHMATCH)) { //if the func_door_rotating is always activated in deathmatch if (AAS_AlwaysTriggered(ValueForKey(mapent, "targetname"))) { //Log_Print("found func_door_rotating in deathmatch\ntargetname %s\n", ValueForKey(mapent, "targetname")); return true; } //end if } //end if } //end else if else if (!strcmp("trigger_hurt", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //"dmg" is the damage, for instance: "dmg" "666" return true; } //end else if else if (!strcmp("trigger_push", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { return true; } //end else if else if (!strcmp("trigger_multiple", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //find out if the trigger_multiple is pointing to a target_teleporter strcpy(target, ValueForKey(mapent, "target")); for (i = 0; i < num_entities; i++) { //if the entity will activate the given targetname if (!strcmp(target, ValueForKey(&entities[i], "targetname"))) { if (!strcmp("target_teleporter", ValueForKey(&entities[i], "classname"))) { return true; } //end if } //end if } //end for } //end else if else if (!strcmp("trigger_teleport", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { return true; } //end else if else if (!strcmp("func_static", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //FIXME: easy/medium/hard/deathmatch specific? return true; } //end else if else if (!strcmp("func_door", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { return true; } //end else if return false; } //end of the function AAS_ValidEntity //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== int AAS_TransformPlane(int planenum, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles) { float newdist, matrix[3][3]; vec3_t normal; //rotate the node plane VectorCopy(mapplanes[planenum].normal, normal); CreateRotationMatrix(angles, matrix); RotatePoint(normal, matrix); newdist = mapplanes[planenum].dist + DotProduct(normal, origin); return FindFloatPlane(normal, newdist); } //end of the function AAS_TransformPlane //=========================================================================== // this function sets the func_rotating_door in it's final position // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_PositionFuncRotatingBrush(entity_t *mapent, mapbrush_t *brush) { int spawnflags, i; float distance; vec3_t movedir, angles, pos1, pos2; side_t *s; spawnflags = FloatForKey(mapent, "spawnflags"); VectorClear(movedir); if (spawnflags & DOOR_X_AXIS) movedir[2] = 1.0; //roll else if (spawnflags & DOOR_Y_AXIS) movedir[0] = 1.0; //pitch else // Z_AXIS movedir[1] = 1.0; //yaw // check for reverse rotation if (spawnflags & DOOR_REVERSE) VectorInverse(movedir); distance = FloatForKey(mapent, "distance"); if (!distance) distance = 90; GetVectorForKey(mapent, "angles", angles); VectorCopy(angles, pos1); VectorMA(angles, -distance, movedir, pos2); // if it starts open, switch the positions if (spawnflags & DOOR_START_OPEN) { VectorCopy(pos2, angles); VectorCopy(pos1, pos2); VectorCopy(angles, pos1); VectorInverse(movedir); } //end if // for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) { s = &brush->original_sides[i]; s->planenum = AAS_TransformPlane(s->planenum, mapent->origin, pos2); } //end for // FreeBrushWindings(brush); AAS_MakeBrushWindings(brush); AddBrushBevels(brush); FreeBrushWindings(brush); } //end of the function AAS_PositionFuncRotatingBrush //=========================================================================== // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_PositionBrush(entity_t *mapent, mapbrush_t *brush) { side_t *s; float newdist; int i, notteam; char *model; if (!strcmp(ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"), "func_door_rotating")) { AAS_PositionFuncRotatingBrush(mapent, brush); } //end if else { if (mapent->origin[0] || mapent->origin[1] || mapent->origin[2]) { for (i = 0; i < brush->numsides; i++) { s = &brush->original_sides[i]; newdist = mapplanes[s->planenum].dist + DotProduct(mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, mapent->origin); s->planenum = FindFloatPlane(mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, newdist); } //end for } //end if //if it's a trigger hurt if (!strcmp("trigger_hurt", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { notteam = FloatForKey(mapent, "bot_notteam"); if ( notteam == 1 ) { brush->contents |= CONTENTS_NOTTEAM1; } else if ( notteam == 2 ) { brush->contents |= CONTENTS_NOTTEAM2; } else { // always avoid so set lava contents brush->contents |= CONTENTS_LAVA; } } //end if // else if (!strcmp("trigger_push", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //set the jumppad contents brush->contents = CONTENTS_JUMPPAD; //Log_Print("found trigger_push brush\n"); } //end if // else if (!strcmp("trigger_multiple", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //set teleporter contents brush->contents = CONTENTS_TELEPORTER; //Log_Print("found trigger_multiple teleporter brush\n"); } //end if // else if (!strcmp("trigger_teleport", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //set teleporter contents brush->contents = CONTENTS_TELEPORTER; //Log_Print("found trigger_teleport teleporter brush\n"); } //end if else if (!strcmp("func_door", ValueForKey(mapent, "classname"))) { //set mover contents brush->contents = CONTENTS_MOVER; //get the model number model = ValueForKey(mapent, "model"); brush->modelnum = atoi(model+1); } //end if } //end else } //end of the function AAS_PositionBrush //=========================================================================== // uses the global cfg_t cfg // // Parameter: - // Returns: - // Changes Globals: - //=========================================================================== void AAS_CreateMapBrushes(mapbrush_t *brush, entity_t *mapent, int addbevels) { int i; //side_t *s; mapbrush_t *bboxbrushes[16]; //if the brushes are not from an entity used for AAS if (!AAS_ValidEntity(mapent)) { nummapbrushsides -= brush->numsides; brush->numsides = 0; return; } //end if // AAS_PositionBrush(mapent, brush); //from all normal solid brushes only the textured brush sides will //be used as bsp splitters, so set the right texinfo reference here AAS_SetTexinfo(brush); //remove contents detail flag, otherwise player clip contents won't be //bsped correctly for AAS! brush->contents &= ~CONTENTS_DETAIL; //if the brush has contents area portal it should be the only contents if (brush->contents & (CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL|CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL)) { brush->contents = CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL; brush->leafnum = -1; } //end if //window and playerclip are used for player clipping, make them solid if (brush->contents & (CONTENTS_WINDOW | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP)) { // brush->contents &= ~(CONTENTS_WINDOW | CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP); brush->contents |= CONTENTS_SOLID; brush->leafnum = -1; } //end if // if (brush->contents & CONTENTS_BOTCLIP) { brush->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID; brush->leafnum = -1; } //end if // //Log_Write("brush %d contents = ", brush->brushnum); //PrintContents(brush->contents); //Log_Write("\r\n"); //if not one of the following brushes then the brush is NOT used for AAS if (!(brush->contents & (CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_LADDER | CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL | CONTENTS_DONOTENTER | CONTENTS_TELEPORTER | CONTENTS_JUMPPAD | CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_MOVER ))) { nummapbrushsides -= brush->numsides; brush->numsides = 0; return; } //end if //fix the map brush //AAS_FixMapBrush(brush); //if brush bevels should be added (for real map brushes, not bsp map brushes) if (addbevels) { //NOTE: we first have to get the mins and maxs of the brush before // creating the brush bevels... the mins and maxs are used to // create them. so we call MakeBrushWindings to get the mins // and maxs and then after creating the bevels we free the // windings because they are created for all sides (including // bevels) a little later AAS_MakeBrushWindings(brush); AddBrushBevels(brush); FreeBrushWindings(brush); } //end if //NOTE: add the brush to the WORLD entity!!! mapent = &entities[0]; //there's at least one new brush for now nummapbrushes++; mapent->numbrushes++; //liquid brushes are expanded for the maximum possible bounding box if (brush->contents & (CONTENTS_WATER | CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_TELEPORTER | CONTENTS_JUMPPAD | CONTENTS_DONOTENTER | CONTENTS_MOVER )) { brush->expansionbbox = 0; //NOTE: the first bounding box is the max //FIXME: use max bounding box created from all bboxes AAS_ExpandMapBrush(brush, cfg.bboxes[0].mins, cfg.bboxes[0].maxs); AAS_MakeBrushWindings(brush); } //end if //area portal brushes are NOT expanded else if (brush->contents & CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL) { brush->expansionbbox = 0; //NOTE: the first bounding box is the max //FIXME: use max bounding box created from all bboxes AAS_ExpandMapBrush(brush, cfg.bboxes[0].mins, cfg.bboxes[0].maxs); AAS_MakeBrushWindings(brush); } //end if //all solid brushes are expanded for all bounding boxes else if (brush->contents & (CONTENTS_SOLID | CONTENTS_LADDER )) { //brush for the first bounding box bboxbrushes[0] = brush; //make a copy for the other bounding boxes for (i = 1; i < cfg.numbboxes; i++) { bboxbrushes[i] = AAS_CopyMapBrush(brush, mapent); } //end for //expand every brush for it's bounding box and create windings for (i = 0; i < cfg.numbboxes; i++) { AAS_ExpandMapBrush(bboxbrushes[i], cfg.bboxes[i].mins, cfg.bboxes[i].maxs); bboxbrushes[i]->expansionbbox = cfg.bboxes[i].presencetype; AAS_MakeBrushWindings(bboxbrushes[i]); } //end for } //end else } //end of the function AAS_CreateMapBrushes