ref: 761946b93cf45a3b9e47868a704fb165af760333
dir: /code/q3_ui/ui_cdkey.c/
/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // /* ======================================================================= CD KEY MENU ======================================================================= */ #include "ui_local.h" #define ART_FRAME "menu/art/cut_frame" #define ART_ACCEPT0 "menu/art/accept_0" #define ART_ACCEPT1 "menu/art/accept_1" #define ART_BACK0 "menu/art/back_0" #define ART_BACK1 "menu/art/back_1" #define ID_CDKEY 10 #define ID_ACCEPT 11 #define ID_BACK 12 typedef struct { menuframework_s menu; menutext_s banner; menubitmap_s frame; menufield_s cdkey; menubitmap_s accept; menubitmap_s back; } cdkeyMenuInfo_t; static cdkeyMenuInfo_t cdkeyMenuInfo; /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_Event =============== */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_Event( void *ptr, int event ) { if( event != QM_ACTIVATED ) { return; } switch( ((menucommon_s*)ptr)->id ) { case ID_ACCEPT: if( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer[0] ) { trap_SetCDKey( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer ); } UI_PopMenu(); break; case ID_BACK: UI_PopMenu(); break; } } /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey ================= */ static int UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey( const char *key ) { char ch; if( strlen( key ) != 16 ) { return 1; } while( ( ch = *key++ ) ) { switch( ch ) { case '2': case '3': case '7': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'g': case 'h': case 'j': case 'l': case 'p': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'w': continue; default: return -1; } } return 0; } /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey ================= */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey( void *self ) { menufield_s *f; qboolean focus; int style; char c; float *color; int x, y; int val; f = (menufield_s *)self; focus = (f->generic.parent->cursor == f->generic.menuPosition); style = UI_LEFT; if( focus ) { color = color_yellow; } else { color = color_orange; } x = 320 - 8 * BIGCHAR_WIDTH; y = 240 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2; UI_FillRect( x, y, 16 * BIGCHAR_WIDTH, BIGCHAR_HEIGHT, listbar_color ); UI_DrawString( x, y, f->field.buffer, style, color ); // draw cursor if we have focus if( focus ) { if ( trap_Key_GetOverstrikeMode() ) { c = 11; } else { c = 10; } style &= ~UI_PULSE; style |= UI_BLINK; UI_DrawChar( x + f->field.cursor * BIGCHAR_WIDTH, y, c, style, color_white ); } val = UI_CDKeyMenu_PreValidateKey( f->field.buffer ); if( val == 1 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( 320, 376, "Please enter your CD Key", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_yellow ); } else if ( val == 0 ) { UI_DrawProportionalString( 320, 376, "The CD Key appears to be valid, thank you", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_white ); } else { UI_DrawProportionalString( 320, 376, "The CD Key is not valid", UI_CENTER|UI_SMALLFONT, color_red ); } } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_Init =============== */ static void UI_CDKeyMenu_Init( void ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "ui_cdkeychecked", "1" ); UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache(); memset( &cdkeyMenuInfo, 0, sizeof(cdkeyMenuInfo) ); = qtrue; = qtrue; cdkeyMenuInfo.banner.generic.type = MTYPE_BTEXT; cdkeyMenuInfo.banner.generic.x = 320; cdkeyMenuInfo.banner.generic.y = 16; cdkeyMenuInfo.banner.string = "CD KEY"; cdkeyMenuInfo.banner.color = color_white; = UI_CENTER; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; = ART_FRAME; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.generic.flags = QMF_INACTIVE; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.generic.x = 142; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.generic.y = 118; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.width = 359; cdkeyMenuInfo.frame.height = 256; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.type = MTYPE_FIELD; = "CD Key:"; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.flags = QMF_LOWERCASE; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.x = 320 - BIGCHAR_WIDTH * 2.5; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.y = 240 - BIGCHAR_HEIGHT / 2; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.widthInChars = 16; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.maxchars = 16; cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.generic.ownerdraw = UI_CDKeyMenu_DrawKey; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; = ART_ACCEPT0; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.flags = QMF_RIGHT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; = ID_ACCEPT; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.callback = UI_CDKeyMenu_Event; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.x = 640; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.generic.y = 480-64; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.width = 128; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.height = 64; cdkeyMenuInfo.accept.focuspic = ART_ACCEPT1; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.generic.type = MTYPE_BITMAP; = ART_BACK0; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY|QMF_PULSEIFFOCUS; = ID_BACK; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.generic.callback = UI_CDKeyMenu_Event; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.generic.x = 0; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.generic.y = 480-64; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.width = 128; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.height = 64; cdkeyMenuInfo.back.focuspic = ART_BACK1; Menu_AddItem( &, &cdkeyMenuInfo.banner ); Menu_AddItem( &, &cdkeyMenuInfo.frame ); Menu_AddItem( &, &cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey ); Menu_AddItem( &, &cdkeyMenuInfo.accept ); if( uis.menusp ) { Menu_AddItem( &, &cdkeyMenuInfo.back ); } trap_GetCDKey( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer, cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.maxchars + 1 ); if( trap_VerifyCDKey( cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer, NULL ) == qfalse ) { cdkeyMenuInfo.cdkey.field.buffer[0] = 0; } } /* ================= UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache ================= */ void UI_CDKeyMenu_Cache( void ) { trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_ACCEPT0 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_ACCEPT1 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_BACK0 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_BACK1 ); trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( ART_FRAME ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu =============== */ void UI_CDKeyMenu( void ) { UI_CDKeyMenu_Init(); UI_PushMenu( & ); } /* =============== UI_CDKeyMenu_f =============== */ void UI_CDKeyMenu_f( void ) { UI_CDKeyMenu(); }