ref: 761946b93cf45a3b9e47868a704fb165af760333
dir: /code/game/ai_vcmd.c/
/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // /***************************************************************************** * name: ai_vcmd.c * * desc: Quake3 bot AI * * $Archive: /MissionPack/code/game/ai_vcmd.c $ * *****************************************************************************/ #include "g_local.h" #include "botlib.h" #include "be_aas.h" #include "be_ea.h" #include "be_ai_char.h" #include "be_ai_chat.h" #include "be_ai_gen.h" #include "be_ai_goal.h" #include "be_ai_move.h" #include "be_ai_weap.h" // #include "ai_main.h" #include "ai_dmq3.h" #include "ai_chat.h" #include "ai_cmd.h" #include "ai_dmnet.h" #include "ai_team.h" #include "ai_vcmd.h" // #include "chars.h" //characteristics #include "inv.h" //indexes into the inventory #include "syn.h" //synonyms #include "match.h" //string matching types and vars // for the voice chats #include "../../ui/menudef.h" typedef struct voiceCommand_s { char *cmd; void (*func)(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode); } voiceCommand_t; /* ================== BotVoiceChat_GetFlag ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_GetFlag(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { // if (gametype == GT_CTF) { if (!ctf_redflag.areanum || !ctf_blueflag.areanum) return; } #ifdef MISSIONPACK else if (gametype == GT_1FCTF) { if (!ctf_neutralflag.areanum || !ctf_redflag.areanum || !ctf_blueflag.areanum) return; } #endif else { return; } // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_GETFLAG; //set the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_GETFLAG_TIME; // get an alternate route in ctf if (gametype == GT_CTF) { //get an alternative route goal towards the enemy base BotGetAlternateRouteGoal(bs, BotOppositeTeam(bs)); } // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_Offense ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_Offense(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { if ( gametype == GT_CTF #ifdef MISSIONPACK || gametype == GT_1FCTF #endif ) { BotVoiceChat_GetFlag(bs, client, mode); return; } #ifdef MISSIONPACK if (gametype == GT_HARVESTER) { // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_HARVEST; //set the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_HARVEST_TIME; bs->harvestaway_time = 0; // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); } else #endif { // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_ATTACKENEMYBASE; //set the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ATTACKENEMYBASE_TIME; bs->attackaway_time = 0; // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); } #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_Defend ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_Defend(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { #ifdef MISSIONPACK if ( gametype == GT_OBELISK || gametype == GT_HARVESTER) { // switch(BotTeam(bs)) { case TEAM_RED: memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &redobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t)); break; case TEAM_BLUE: memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &blueobelisk, sizeof(bot_goal_t)); break; default: return; } } else #endif if (gametype == GT_CTF #ifdef MISSIONPACK || gametype == GT_1FCTF #endif ) { // switch(BotTeam(bs)) { case TEAM_RED: memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_redflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t)); break; case TEAM_BLUE: memcpy(&bs->teamgoal, &ctf_blueflag, sizeof(bot_goal_t)); break; default: return; } } else { return; } // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_DEFENDKEYAREA; //get the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_DEFENDKEYAREA_TIME; //away from defending bs->defendaway_time = 0; // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_DefendFlag ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_DefendFlag(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { BotVoiceChat_Defend(bs, client, mode); } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_Patrol ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_Patrol(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { // bs->decisionmaker = client; // bs->ltgtype = 0; bs->lead_time = 0; bs->lastgoal_ltgtype = 0; // BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "dismissed", NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, client, CHAT_TELL); BotVoiceChatOnly(bs, -1, VOICECHAT_ONPATROL); // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_Camp ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_Camp(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { int areanum; aas_entityinfo_t entinfo; char netname[MAX_NETNAME]; // bs->teamgoal.entitynum = -1; BotEntityInfo(client, &entinfo); //if info is valid (in PVS) if (entinfo.valid) { areanum = BotPointAreaNum(entinfo.origin); if (areanum) { // && trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areanum)) { //NOTE: just assume the bot knows where the person is //if (BotEntityVisible(bs->entitynum, bs->eye, bs->viewangles, 360, client)) { bs->teamgoal.entitynum = client; bs->teamgoal.areanum = areanum; VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, bs->teamgoal.origin); VectorSet(bs->teamgoal.mins, -8, -8, -8); VectorSet(bs->teamgoal.maxs, 8, 8, 8); //} } } //if the other is not visible if (bs->teamgoal.entitynum < 0) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "whereareyou", EasyClientName(client, netname, sizeof(netname)), NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, client, CHAT_TELL); return; } // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_CAMPORDER; //get the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_CAMP_TIME; //the teammate that requested the camping bs->teammate = client; //not arrived yet bs->arrive_time = 0; // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_FollowMe ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_FollowMe(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { int areanum; aas_entityinfo_t entinfo; char netname[MAX_NETNAME]; bs->teamgoal.entitynum = -1; BotEntityInfo(client, &entinfo); //if info is valid (in PVS) if (entinfo.valid) { areanum = BotPointAreaNum(entinfo.origin); if (areanum) { // && trap_AAS_AreaReachability(areanum)) { bs->teamgoal.entitynum = client; bs->teamgoal.areanum = areanum; VectorCopy(entinfo.origin, bs->teamgoal.origin); VectorSet(bs->teamgoal.mins, -8, -8, -8); VectorSet(bs->teamgoal.maxs, 8, 8, 8); } } //if the other is not visible if (bs->teamgoal.entitynum < 0) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "whereareyou", EasyClientName(client, netname, sizeof(netname)), NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, client, CHAT_TELL); return; } // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //the team mate bs->teammate = client; //last time the team mate was assumed visible bs->teammatevisible_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //get the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + TEAM_ACCOMPANY_TIME; //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_TEAMACCOMPANY; bs->formation_dist = 3.5 * 32; //3.5 meter bs->arrive_time = 0; // BotSetTeamStatus(bs); // remember last ordered task BotRememberLastOrderedTask(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_FollowFlagCarrier ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_FollowFlagCarrier(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { int carrier; carrier = BotTeamFlagCarrier(bs); if (carrier >= 0) BotVoiceChat_FollowMe(bs, carrier, mode); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_ReturnFlag ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_ReturnFlag(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { //if not in CTF mode if ( gametype != GT_CTF #ifdef MISSIONPACK && gametype != GT_1FCTF #endif ) { return; } // bs->decisionmaker = client; bs->ordered = qtrue; bs->order_time = FloatTime(); //set the time to send a message to the team mates bs->teammessage_time = FloatTime() + 2 * random(); //set the ltg type bs->ltgtype = LTG_RETURNFLAG; //set the team goal time bs->teamgoal_time = FloatTime() + CTF_RETURNFLAG_TIME; bs->rushbaseaway_time = 0; BotSetTeamStatus(bs); #ifdef DEBUG BotPrintTeamGoal(bs); #endif //DEBUG } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_StartLeader ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_StartLeader(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { ClientName(client, bs->teamleader, sizeof(bs->teamleader)); } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_StopLeader ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_StopLeader(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { char netname[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; if (!Q_stricmp(bs->teamleader, ClientName(client, netname, sizeof(netname)))) { bs->teamleader[0] = '\0'; notleader[client] = qtrue; } } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_WhoIsLeader ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_WhoIsLeader(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { char netname[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; if (!TeamPlayIsOn()) return; ClientName(bs->client, netname, sizeof(netname)); //if this bot IS the team leader if (!Q_stricmp(netname, bs->teamleader)) { BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "iamteamleader", NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, 0, CHAT_TEAM); BotVoiceChatOnly(bs, -1, VOICECHAT_STARTLEADER); } } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_WantOnDefense ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_WantOnDefense(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { char netname[MAX_NETNAME]; int preference; preference = BotGetTeamMateTaskPreference(bs, client); preference &= ~TEAMTP_ATTACKER; preference |= TEAMTP_DEFENDER; BotSetTeamMateTaskPreference(bs, client, preference); // EasyClientName(client, netname, sizeof(netname)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "keepinmind", netname, NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, client, CHAT_TELL); BotVoiceChatOnly(bs, client, VOICECHAT_YES); trap_EA_Action(bs->client, ACTION_AFFIRMATIVE); } /* ================== BotVoiceChat_WantOnOffense ================== */ void BotVoiceChat_WantOnOffense(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { char netname[MAX_NETNAME]; int preference; preference = BotGetTeamMateTaskPreference(bs, client); preference &= ~TEAMTP_DEFENDER; preference |= TEAMTP_ATTACKER; BotSetTeamMateTaskPreference(bs, client, preference); // EasyClientName(client, netname, sizeof(netname)); BotAI_BotInitialChat(bs, "keepinmind", netname, NULL); trap_BotEnterChat(bs->cs, client, CHAT_TELL); BotVoiceChatOnly(bs, client, VOICECHAT_YES); trap_EA_Action(bs->client, ACTION_AFFIRMATIVE); } void BotVoiceChat_Dummy(bot_state_t *bs, int client, int mode) { } voiceCommand_t voiceCommands[] = { {VOICECHAT_GETFLAG, BotVoiceChat_GetFlag}, {VOICECHAT_OFFENSE, BotVoiceChat_Offense }, {VOICECHAT_DEFEND, BotVoiceChat_Defend }, {VOICECHAT_DEFENDFLAG, BotVoiceChat_DefendFlag }, {VOICECHAT_PATROL, BotVoiceChat_Patrol }, {VOICECHAT_CAMP, BotVoiceChat_Camp }, {VOICECHAT_FOLLOWME, BotVoiceChat_FollowMe }, {VOICECHAT_FOLLOWFLAGCARRIER, BotVoiceChat_FollowFlagCarrier }, {VOICECHAT_RETURNFLAG, BotVoiceChat_ReturnFlag }, {VOICECHAT_STARTLEADER, BotVoiceChat_StartLeader }, {VOICECHAT_STOPLEADER, BotVoiceChat_StopLeader }, {VOICECHAT_WHOISLEADER, BotVoiceChat_WhoIsLeader }, {VOICECHAT_WANTONDEFENSE, BotVoiceChat_WantOnDefense }, {VOICECHAT_WANTONOFFENSE, BotVoiceChat_WantOnOffense }, {NULL, BotVoiceChat_Dummy} }; int BotVoiceChatCommand(bot_state_t *bs, int mode, char *voiceChat) { int i, voiceOnly, clientNum, color; char *ptr, buf[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE], *cmd; if (!TeamPlayIsOn()) { return qfalse; } if ( mode == SAY_ALL ) { return qfalse; // don't do anything with voice chats to everyone } Q_strncpyz(buf, voiceChat, sizeof(buf)); cmd = buf; for (ptr = cmd; *cmd && *cmd > ' '; cmd++); while (*cmd && *cmd <= ' ') *cmd++ = '\0'; voiceOnly = atoi(ptr); for (ptr = cmd; *cmd && *cmd > ' '; cmd++); while (*cmd && *cmd <= ' ') *cmd++ = '\0'; clientNum = atoi(ptr); for (ptr = cmd; *cmd && *cmd > ' '; cmd++); while (*cmd && *cmd <= ' ') *cmd++ = '\0'; color = atoi(ptr); if (!BotSameTeam(bs, clientNum)) { return qfalse; } for (i = 0; voiceCommands[i].cmd; i++) { if (!Q_stricmp(cmd, voiceCommands[i].cmd)) { voiceCommands[i].func(bs, clientNum, mode); return qtrue; } } return qfalse; }