ref: fe87c990e0e84be637a8a743f2dd9d48ae6f5895
dir: /plan9/net_udp.c/
// net_wins.c #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef NeXT #include <libc.h> #endif netadr_t net_local_adr; #define LOOPBACK 0x7f000001 #define MAX_LOOPBACK 4 typedef struct { byte data[MAX_MSGLEN]; int datalen; } loopmsg_t; typedef struct { loopmsg_t msgs[MAX_LOOPBACK]; int get, send; } loopback_t; loopback_t loopbacks[2]; int ip_sockets[2]; int ipx_sockets[2]; int NET_Socket (char *net_interface, int port); char *NET_ErrorString (void); //============================================================================= void NetadrToSockadr (netadr_t *a, struct sockaddr_in *s) { memset (s, 0, sizeof(*s)); if (a->type == NA_BROADCAST) { s->sin_family = AF_INET; s->sin_port = a->port; *(int *)&s->sin_addr = -1; } else if (a->type == NA_IP) { s->sin_family = AF_INET; *(int *)&s->sin_addr = *(int *)&a->ip; s->sin_port = a->port; } } void SockadrToNetadr (struct sockaddr_in *s, netadr_t *a) { *(int *)&a->ip = *(int *)&s->sin_addr; a->port = s->sin_port; a->type = NA_IP; } qboolean NET_CompareAdr (netadr_t a, netadr_t b) { if (a.ip[0] == b.ip[0] && a.ip[1] == b.ip[1] && a.ip[2] == b.ip[2] && a.ip[3] == b.ip[3] && a.port == b.port) return true; return false; } /* =================== NET_CompareBaseAdr Compares without the port =================== */ qboolean NET_CompareBaseAdr (netadr_t a, netadr_t b) { if (a.type != b.type) return false; if (a.type == NA_LOOPBACK) return true; if (a.type == NA_IP) { if (a.ip[0] == b.ip[0] && a.ip[1] == b.ip[1] && a.ip[2] == b.ip[2] && a.ip[3] == b.ip[3]) return true; return false; } if (a.type == NA_IPX) { if ((memcmp(a.ipx, b.ipx, 10) == 0)) return true; return false; } } char *NET_AdrToString (netadr_t a) { static char s[64]; Com_sprintf (s, sizeof(s), "%i.%i.%i.%i:%i", a.ip[0], a.ip[1], a.ip[2], a.ip[3], ntohs(a.port)); return s; } char *NET_BaseAdrToString (netadr_t a) { static char s[64]; Com_sprintf (s, sizeof(s), "%i.%i.%i.%i", a.ip[0], a.ip[1], a.ip[2], a.ip[3]); return s; } /* ============= NET_StringToAdr localhost idnewt idnewt:28000 ============= */ qboolean NET_StringToSockaddr (char *s, struct sockaddr *sadr) { struct hostent *h; char *colon; char copy[128]; memset (sadr, 0, sizeof(*sadr)); ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = 0; strcpy (copy, s); // strip off a trailing :port if present for (colon = copy ; *colon ; colon++) if (*colon == ':') { *colon = 0; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = htons((short)atoi(colon+1)); } if (copy[0] >= '0' && copy[0] <= '9') { *(int *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr = inet_addr(copy); } else { if (! (h = gethostbyname(copy)) ) return 0; *(int *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr = *(int *)h->h_addr_list[0]; } return true; } /* ============= NET_StringToAdr localhost idnewt idnewt:28000 ============= */ qboolean NET_StringToAdr (char *s, netadr_t *a) { struct sockaddr_in sadr; if (!strcmp (s, "localhost")) { memset (a, 0, sizeof(*a)); a->type = NA_LOOPBACK; return true; } if (!NET_StringToSockaddr (s, (struct sockaddr *)&sadr)) return false; SockadrToNetadr (&sadr, a); return true; } qboolean NET_IsLocalAddress (netadr_t adr) { return NET_CompareAdr (adr, net_local_adr); } /* ============================================================================= LOOPBACK BUFFERS FOR LOCAL PLAYER ============================================================================= */ qboolean NET_GetLoopPacket (netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *net_from, sizebuf_t *net_message) { int i; loopback_t *loop; loop = &loopbacks[sock]; if (loop->send - loop->get > MAX_LOOPBACK) loop->get = loop->send - MAX_LOOPBACK; if (loop->get >= loop->send) return false; i = loop->get & (MAX_LOOPBACK-1); loop->get++; memcpy (net_message->data, loop->msgs[i].data, loop->msgs[i].datalen); net_message->cursize = loop->msgs[i].datalen; *net_from = net_local_adr; return true; } void NET_SendLoopPacket (netsrc_t sock, int length, void *data, netadr_t to) { int i; loopback_t *loop; loop = &loopbacks[sock^1]; i = loop->send & (MAX_LOOPBACK-1); loop->send++; memcpy (loop->msgs[i].data, data, length); loop->msgs[i].datalen = length; } //============================================================================= qboolean NET_GetPacket (netsrc_t sock, netadr_t *net_from, sizebuf_t *net_message) { int ret; struct sockaddr_in from; int fromlen; int net_socket; int protocol; int err; if (NET_GetLoopPacket (sock, net_from, net_message)) return true; for (protocol = 0 ; protocol < 2 ; protocol++) { if (protocol == 0) net_socket = ip_sockets[sock]; else net_socket = ipx_sockets[sock]; if (!net_socket) continue; fromlen = sizeof(from); ret = recvfrom (net_socket, net_message->data, net_message->maxsize , 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen); if (ret == -1) { err = errno; if (err == EWOULDBLOCK || err == ECONNREFUSED) continue; Com_Printf ("NET_GetPacket: %s", NET_ErrorString()); continue; } if (ret == net_message->maxsize) { Com_Printf ("Oversize packet from %s\n", NET_AdrToString (*net_from)); continue; } net_message->cursize = ret; SockadrToNetadr (&from, net_from); return true; } return false; } //============================================================================= void NET_SendPacket (netsrc_t sock, int length, void *data, netadr_t to) { int ret; struct sockaddr_in addr; int net_socket; if ( to.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { NET_SendLoopPacket (sock, length, data, to); return; } if (to.type == NA_BROADCAST) { net_socket = ip_sockets[sock]; if (!net_socket) return; } else if (to.type == NA_IP) { net_socket = ip_sockets[sock]; if (!net_socket) return; } else if (to.type == NA_IPX) { net_socket = ipx_sockets[sock]; if (!net_socket) return; } else if (to.type == NA_BROADCAST_IPX) { net_socket = ipx_sockets[sock]; if (!net_socket) return; } else Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "NET_SendPacket: bad address type"); NetadrToSockadr (&to, &addr); ret = sendto (net_socket, data, length, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr) ); if (ret == -1) { Com_Printf ("NET_SendPacket ERROR: %i\n", NET_ErrorString()); } } //============================================================================= /* ==================== NET_OpenIP ==================== */ void NET_OpenIP (void) { cvar_t *port, *ip; port = Cvar_Get ("port", va("%i", PORT_SERVER), CVAR_NOSET); ip = Cvar_Get ("ip", "localhost", CVAR_NOSET); if (!ip_sockets[NS_SERVER]) ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] = NET_Socket (ip->string, port->value); if (!ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT]) ip_sockets[NS_CLIENT] = NET_Socket (ip->string, PORT_ANY); } /* ==================== NET_OpenIPX ==================== */ void NET_OpenIPX (void) { } /* ==================== NET_Config A single player game will only use the loopback code ==================== */ void NET_Config (qboolean multiplayer) { int i; if (!multiplayer) { // shut down any existing sockets for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { if (ip_sockets[i]) { close (ip_sockets[i]); ip_sockets[i] = 0; } if (ipx_sockets[i]) { close (ipx_sockets[i]); ipx_sockets[i] = 0; } } } else { // open sockets NET_OpenIP (); NET_OpenIPX (); } } //=================================================================== /* ==================== NET_Init ==================== */ void NET_Init (void) { } /* ==================== NET_Socket ==================== */ int NET_Socket (char *net_interface, int port) { int newsocket; struct sockaddr_in address; qboolean _true = true; int i = 1; if ((newsocket = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: socket:", NET_ErrorString()); return 0; } // make it non-blocking if (ioctl (newsocket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO:%s\n", NET_ErrorString()); return 0; } // make it broadcast capable if (setsockopt(newsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&i, sizeof(i)) == -1) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: setsockopt SO_BROADCAST:%s\n", NET_ErrorString()); return 0; } if (!net_interface || !net_interface[0] || !stricmp(net_interface, "localhost")) address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; else NET_StringToSockaddr (net_interface, (struct sockaddr *)&address); if (port == PORT_ANY) address.sin_port = 0; else address.sin_port = htons((short)port); address.sin_family = AF_INET; if( bind (newsocket, (void *)&address, sizeof(address)) == -1) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: %s\n", NET_ErrorString()); close (newsocket); return 0; } return newsocket; } /* ==================== NET_Shutdown ==================== */ void NET_Shutdown (void) { NET_Config (false); // close sockets } /* ==================== NET_ErrorString ==================== */ char *NET_ErrorString (void) { int code; code = errno; return strerror (code); } // sleeps msec or until net socket is ready void NET_Sleep(int msec) { struct timeval timeout; fd_set fdset; extern cvar_t *dedicated; extern qboolean stdin_active; if (!ip_sockets[NS_SERVER] || (dedicated && !dedicated->value)) return; // we're not a server, just run full speed FD_ZERO(&fdset); if (stdin_active) FD_SET(0, &fdset); // stdin is processed too FD_SET(ip_sockets[NS_SERVER], &fdset); // network socket timeout.tv_sec = msec/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000; select(ip_sockets[NS_SERVER]+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); }