ref: c05151aa1b7ac81866cf937c973e7038035dfe53
dir: /ref_soft/r_scana.asm/
.386P .model FLAT ; ; d_scana.s ; x86 assembly-language turbulent texture mapping code ; include include if id386 _DATA SEGMENT _DATA ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; turbulent texture mapping code ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 public _D_DrawTurbulent8Span _D_DrawTurbulent8Span: push ebp ; preserve caller's stack frame pointer push esi ; preserve register variables push edi push ebx mov esi,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_s] mov ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_t] mov edi,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_pdest] mov ebx,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_spancount] Llp: mov eax,ecx mov edx,esi sar eax,16 mov ebp,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_turb] sar edx,16 and eax,offset CYCLE-1 and edx,offset CYCLE-1 mov eax,ds:dword ptr[ebp+eax*4] mov edx,ds:dword ptr[ebp+edx*4] add eax,esi sar eax,16 add edx,ecx sar edx,16 and eax,offset TURB_TEX_SIZE-1 and edx,offset TURB_TEX_SIZE-1 shl edx,6 mov ebp,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_pbase] add edx,eax inc edi add esi,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_sstep] add ecx,ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_tstep] mov dl,ds:byte ptr[ebp+edx*1] dec ebx mov ds:byte ptr[-1+edi],dl jnz Llp mov ds:dword ptr[_r_turb_pdest],edi pop ebx ; restore register variables pop edi pop esi pop ebp ; restore caller's stack frame pointer ret _TEXT ENDS endif ;id386 END