shithub: qk2

ref: a6d435a131bd7d0828a26257d89ef92223ac07eb
dir: /files.c/

View raw version
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"

// define this to dissalow any data but the demo pak file
//#define	NO_ADDONS

// if a packfile directory differs from this, it is assumed to be hacked
// Full version
#define	PAK0_CHECKSUM	0x40e614e0
// Demo
//#define	PAK0_CHECKSUM	0xb2c6d7ea
// OEM
//#define	PAK0_CHECKSUM	0x78e135c




// in memory

typedef struct
	char	name[MAX_QPATH];
	int		filepos, filelen;
} packfile_t;

typedef struct pack_s
	char	filename[MAX_OSPATH];
	FILE	*handle;
	int		numfiles;
	packfile_t	*files;
} pack_t;

char	fs_gamedir[MAX_OSPATH];
cvar_t	*fs_basedir;
cvar_t	*fs_cddir;
cvar_t	*fs_gamedirvar;

typedef struct searchpath_s
	char	filename[MAX_OSPATH];
	pack_t	*pack;		// only one of filename / pack will be used
	struct searchpath_s *next;
} searchpath_t;

searchpath_t	*fs_searchpaths;
searchpath_t	*fs_base_searchpaths;	// without gamedirs


All of Quake's data access is through a hierchal file system, but the contents of the file system can be transparently merged from several sources.

The "base directory" is the path to the directory holding the quake.exe and all game directories.  The sys_* files pass this to host_init in quakeparms_t->basedir.  This can be overridden with the "-basedir" command line parm to allow code debugging in a different directory.  The base directory is
only used during filesystem initialization.

The "game directory" is the first tree on the search path and directory that all generated files (savegames, screenshots, demos, config files) will be saved to.  This can be overridden with the "-game" command line parameter.  The game directory can never be changed while quake is executing.  This is a precacution against having a malicious server instruct clients to write files over areas they shouldn't.


int FS_filelength (FILE *f)
	int		pos;
	int		end;

	pos = ftell (f);
	fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
	end = ftell (f);
	fseek (f, pos, SEEK_SET);

	return end;


Creates any directories needed to store the given filename
void	FS_CreatePath (char *path)
	char	*ofs;
	for (ofs = path+1 ; *ofs ; ofs++)
		if (*ofs == '/')
		{	// create the directory
			*ofs = 0;
			*ofs = '/';


For some reason, other dll's can't just cal fclose()
on files returned by FS_FOpenFile...
void FS_FCloseFile (FILE *f)
	fclose (f);

int	Developer_searchpath (int /*who*/)
	// PMM - warning removal
//	char	*start;
	searchpath_t	*search;

	for (search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next)
		if (strstr (search->filename, "xatrix"))
			return 1;

		if (strstr (search->filename, "rogue"))
			return 2;
		start = strchr (search->filename, ch);

		if (start == NULL)

		if (strcmp (start ,"xatrix") == 0)
			return (1);
	return (0);



Finds the file in the search path.
returns filesize and an open FILE *
Used for streaming data out of either a pak file or
a seperate file.
int file_from_pak = 0;
#ifndef NO_ADDONS
int FS_FOpenFile (char *filename, FILE **file)
	searchpath_t	*search;
	char			netpath[MAX_OSPATH];
	pack_t			*pak;
	int				i;

	file_from_pak = 0;

// search through the path, one element at a time
	for (search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next)
	// is the element a pak file?
		if (search->pack)
		// look through all the pak file elements
			pak = search->pack;
			for (i=0 ; i<pak->numfiles ; i++)
				if (!cistrcmp (pak->files[i].name, filename))
				{	// found it!
					file_from_pak = 1;
					Com_DPrintf ("PackFile: %s : %s\n",pak->filename, filename);
				// open a new file on the pakfile
					*file = fopen (pak->filename, "rb");
					if (!*file)
						Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't reopen %s", pak->filename);	
					fseek (*file, pak->files[i].filepos, SEEK_SET);
					return pak->files[i].filelen;
	// check a file in the directory tree
			Com_sprintf (netpath, sizeof(netpath), "%s/%s",search->filename, filename);
			*file = fopen (netpath, "rb");
			if (!*file)
			Com_DPrintf ("FindFile: %s\n",netpath);

			return FS_filelength (*file);
	Com_DPrintf ("FindFile: can't find %s\n", filename);
	*file = NULL;
	return -1;


// this is just for demos to prevent add on hacking

int FS_FOpenFile (char *filename, FILE **file)
	searchpath_t	*search;
	char			netpath[MAX_OSPATH];
	pack_t			*pak;
	int				i;

	file_from_pak = 0;

	// get config from directory, everything else from pak
	if (!strcmp(filename, "config.cfg") || !strncmp(filename, "players/", 8))
		Com_sprintf (netpath, sizeof(netpath), "%s/%s",FS_Gamedir(), filename);
		*file = fopen (netpath, "rb");
		if (!*file)
			return -1;
		Com_DPrintf ("FindFile: %s\n",netpath);

		return FS_filelength (*file);

	for (search = fs_searchpaths ; search ; search = search->next)
		if (search->pack)
	if (!search)
		*file = NULL;
		return -1;

	pak = search->pack;
	for (i=0 ; i<pak->numfiles ; i++)
		if (!cistrcmp (pak->files[i].name, filename))
		{	// found it!
			file_from_pak = 1;
			Com_DPrintf ("PackFile: %s : %s\n",pak->filename, filename);
		// open a new file on the pakfile
			*file = fopen (pak->filename, "rb");
			if (!*file)
				Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't reopen %s", pak->filename);	
			fseek (*file, pak->files[i].filepos, SEEK_SET);
			return pak->files[i].filelen;
	Com_DPrintf ("FindFile: can't find %s\n", filename);
	*file = NULL;
	return -1;



Properly handles partial reads
void CDAudio_Stop(void);
#define	MAX_READ	0x10000		// read in blocks of 64k
void FS_Read (void *buffer, int len, FILE *f)
	int		block, remaining;
	int		read;
	byte	*buf;
	int		tries;

	buf = (byte *)buffer;

	// read in chunks for progress bar
	remaining = len;
	tries = 0;
	while (remaining)
		block = remaining;
		if (block > MAX_READ)
			block = MAX_READ;
		read = fread (buf, 1, block, f);
		if (read == 0)
			// we might have been trying to read from a CD
			if (!tries)
				tries = 1;
				Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "FS_Read: 0 bytes read");

		if (read == -1)
			Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "FS_Read: -1 bytes read");

		// do some progress bar thing here...

		remaining -= read;
		buf += read;


Filename are reletive to the quake search path
a null buffer will just return the file length without loading
int FS_LoadFile (char *path, void **buffer)
	FILE	*h;
	byte	*buf;
	int		len;

// look for it in the filesystem or pack files
	len = FS_FOpenFile (path, &h);
	if (!h)
		if (buffer)
			*buffer = NULL;
		return -1;
	if (!buffer)
		fclose (h);
		return len;

	buf = Z_Malloc(len);
	*buffer = buf;

	FS_Read (buf, len, h);

	fclose (h);

	return len;

void FS_FreeFile (void *buffer)
	Z_Free (buffer);


Takes an explicit (not game tree related) path to a pak file.

Loads the header and directory, adding the files at the beginning
of the list so they override previous pack files.
pack_t *FS_LoadPackFile (char *packfile)
	dpackheader_t	header;
	int				i;
	packfile_t		*newfiles;
	int				numpackfiles;
	pack_t			*pack;
	FILE			*packhandle;
	dpackfile_t		info[MAX_FILES_IN_PACK];
	unsigned		checksum;

	packhandle = fopen(packfile, "rb");
	if (!packhandle)
		return NULL;

	fread (&header, 1, sizeof(header), packhandle);
	if (LittleLong(header.ident) != IDPAKHEADER)
		Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "%s is not a packfile", packfile);
	header.dirofs = LittleLong (header.dirofs);
	header.dirlen = LittleLong (header.dirlen);

	numpackfiles = header.dirlen / sizeof(dpackfile_t);

	if (numpackfiles > MAX_FILES_IN_PACK)
		Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "%s has %i files", packfile, numpackfiles);

	newfiles = Z_Malloc (numpackfiles * sizeof(packfile_t));

	fseek (packhandle, header.dirofs, SEEK_SET);
	fread (info, 1, header.dirlen, packhandle);

// crc the directory to check for modifications
	checksum = Com_BlockChecksum ((void *)info, header.dirlen);

#ifdef NO_ADDONS
	if (checksum != PAK0_CHECKSUM)
		return NULL;
// parse the directory
	for (i=0 ; i<numpackfiles ; i++)
		strcpy (newfiles[i].name, info[i].name);
		newfiles[i].filepos = LittleLong(info[i].filepos);
		newfiles[i].filelen = LittleLong(info[i].filelen);

	pack = Z_Malloc (sizeof (pack_t));
	strcpy (pack->filename, packfile);
	pack->handle = packhandle;
	pack->numfiles = numpackfiles;
	pack->files = newfiles;
	Com_Printf ("Added packfile %s (%i files)\n", packfile, numpackfiles);
	return pack;


Sets fs_gamedir, adds the directory to the head of the path,
then loads and adds pak1.pak pak2.pak ... 
void FS_AddGameDirectory (char *dir)
	int				i;
	searchpath_t	*search;
	pack_t			*pak;
	char			pakfile[MAX_OSPATH];

	strcpy (fs_gamedir, dir);

	// add the directory to the search path
	search = Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t));
	strcpy (search->filename, dir);
	search->next = fs_searchpaths;
	fs_searchpaths = search;

	// add any pak files in the format pak0.pak pak1.pak, ...
	for (i=0; i<10; i++)
		Com_sprintf (pakfile, sizeof(pakfile), "%s/pak%i.pak", dir, i);
		pak = FS_LoadPackFile (pakfile);
		if (!pak)
		search = Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t));
		search->pack = pak;
		search->next = fs_searchpaths;
		fs_searchpaths = search;		



Called to find where to write a file (demos, savegames, etc)
char *FS_Gamedir (void)
	return fs_gamedir;

	char buf[MAX_QPATH], *d;

	d = Cvar_VariableString("gamedir");
	snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%s/%s/autoexec.cfg", fs_basedir->string, *d ? d : BASEDIRNAME);

	if(Sys_FindFirst(buf, 0) != nil)
		Cbuf_AddText("exec autoexec.cfg\n");


Sets the gamedir and path to a different directory.
void FS_SetGamedir (char *dir)
	searchpath_t	*next;
	char *home;

	if (strstr(dir, "..") || strstr(dir, "/")
		|| strstr(dir, "\\") || strstr(dir, ":") )
		Com_Printf ("Gamedir should be a single filename, not a path\n");

	// free up any current game dir info
	while (fs_searchpaths != fs_base_searchpaths)
		if (fs_searchpaths->pack)
			fclose (fs_searchpaths->pack->handle);
			Z_Free (fs_searchpaths->pack->files);
			Z_Free (fs_searchpaths->pack);
		next = fs_searchpaths->next;
		Z_Free (fs_searchpaths);
		fs_searchpaths = next;


	Com_sprintf (fs_gamedir, sizeof(fs_gamedir), "%s/%s", fs_basedir->string, dir);

	if (!strcmp(dir,BASEDIRNAME) || (*dir == 0))
		Cvar_FullSet ("gamedir", "", CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSET);
		Cvar_FullSet ("game", "", CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_SERVERINFO);
		Cvar_FullSet ("gamedir", dir, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSET);
		if (fs_cddir->string[0])
			FS_AddGameDirectory (va("%s/%s", fs_cddir->string, dir) );
		FS_AddGameDirectory (va("%s/%s", fs_basedir->string, dir) );
		if((home = getenv("home")) != nil){
			FS_AddGameDirectory(va("%s/lib/quake2/%s", home, dir));

char **
FS_ListFiles(char *findname, int *numfiles, int f)
	char *s;
	int nfiles = 0;
	char **list;

	s = Sys_FindFirst(findname, f);
	while(s != nil){
		if(s[strlen(s)-1] != '.')
		s = Sys_FindNext(f);

		return nil;

	nfiles++; // add space for a guard
	*numfiles = nfiles;

	list = malloc( sizeof( char * ) * nfiles );
	memset( list, 0, sizeof( char * ) * nfiles );

	s = Sys_FindFirst(findname, f);
	nfiles = 0;
	while ( s )
		if ( s[strlen(s)-1] != '.' )
			list[nfiles] = strdup( s );
		s = Sys_FindNext(f);
	Sys_FindClose ();

	return list;

/* for enumerating all dirs in the search path */
char *
FS_NextPath(char *prevpath)
	searchpath_t *s;
	char *prev;

	if(prevpath == nil)
		return fs_gamedir;

	prev = fs_gamedir;
	for(s = fs_searchpaths; s != nil; s = s->next){
		if(s->pack != nil)
		if(prevpath == prev)
			return s->filename;
		prev = s->filename;
	return nil;

void FS_InitFilesystem (void)
	static char homedir[1024];
	char *home;

	// basedir <path>
	// allows the game to run from outside the data tree
	fs_basedir = Cvar_Get ("basedir", "/sys/games/lib/quake2", CVAR_NOSET);

	// cddir <path>
	// Logically concatenates the cddir after the basedir for 
	// allows the game to run from outside the data tree
	fs_cddir = Cvar_Get ("cddir", "", CVAR_NOSET);
	if (fs_cddir->string[0])
		FS_AddGameDirectory (va("%s/"BASEDIRNAME, fs_cddir->string) );

	// start up with baseq2 by default
	FS_AddGameDirectory (va("%s/"BASEDIRNAME, fs_basedir->string) );
	if((home = getenv("home")) != nil){
		FS_AddGameDirectory(va("%s/lib/quake2/"BASEDIRNAME, home));

	// any set gamedirs will be freed up to here
	fs_base_searchpaths = fs_searchpaths;

	// check for game override
	fs_gamedirvar = Cvar_Get ("game", "", CVAR_LATCH|CVAR_SERVERINFO);
	if (fs_gamedirvar->string[0])
		FS_SetGamedir (fs_gamedirvar->string);