ref: 602ff71c76e6b4ee9af2a7dd423a6fd906a8ac11
dir: /r_surf.c/
// r_surf.c: surface-related refresh code #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" drawsurf_t r_drawsurf; int lightleft, sourcesstep, blocksize, sourcetstep; int lightdelta, lightdeltastep; int lightright, lightleftstep, lightrightstep, blockdivshift; unsigned blockdivmask; void *prowdestbase; unsigned char *pbasesource; int surfrowbytes; // used by ASM files unsigned *r_lightptr; int r_stepback; int r_lightwidth; int r_numhblocks, r_numvblocks; unsigned char *r_source, *r_sourcemax; void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void); void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void); void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void); void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void); static void (*surfmiptable[4])(void) = { R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0, R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1, R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2, R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 }; void R_BuildLightMap (void); extern unsigned blocklights[1024]; // allow some very large lightmaps float surfscale; qboolean r_cache_thrash; // set if surface cache is thrashing int sc_size; surfcache_t *sc_rover, *sc_base; /* =============== R_TextureAnimation Returns the proper texture for a given time and base texture =============== */ image_t *R_TextureAnimation (mtexinfo_t *tex) { int c; if (!tex->next) return tex->image; c = currententity->frame % tex->numframes; while (c) { tex = tex->next; c--; } return tex->image; } /* =============== R_DrawSurface =============== */ void R_DrawSurface (void) { unsigned char *basetptr; int smax, tmax, twidth; int u; int soffset, basetoffset, texwidth; int horzblockstep; unsigned char *pcolumndest; void (*pblockdrawer)(void); image_t *mt; surfrowbytes = r_drawsurf.rowbytes; mt = r_drawsurf.image; r_source = mt->pixels[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // the fractional light values should range from 0 to (VID_GRADES - 1) << 16 // from a source range of 0 - 255 texwidth = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip; blocksize = 16 >> r_drawsurf.surfmip; blockdivshift = 4 - r_drawsurf.surfmip; blockdivmask = (1 << blockdivshift) - 1; r_lightwidth = (>extents[0]>>4)+1; r_numhblocks = r_drawsurf.surfwidth >> blockdivshift; r_numvblocks = r_drawsurf.surfheight >> blockdivshift; //============================== pblockdrawer = surfmiptable[r_drawsurf.surfmip]; // TODO: only needs to be set when there is a display settings change horzblockstep = blocksize; smax = mt->width >> r_drawsurf.surfmip; twidth = texwidth; tmax = mt->height >> r_drawsurf.surfmip; sourcetstep = texwidth; r_stepback = tmax * twidth; r_sourcemax = r_source + (tmax * smax); soffset =>texturemins[0]; basetoffset =>texturemins[1]; // << 16 components are to guarantee positive values for % soffset = ((soffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (smax << 16)) % smax; basetptr = &r_source[((((basetoffset >> r_drawsurf.surfmip) + (tmax << 16)) % tmax) * twidth)]; pcolumndest = r_drawsurf.surfdat; for (u=0 ; u<r_numhblocks; u++) { r_lightptr = blocklights + u; prowdestbase = pcolumndest; pbasesource = basetptr + soffset; (*pblockdrawer)(); soffset = soffset + blocksize; if (soffset >= smax) soffset = 0; pcolumndest += horzblockstep; } } //============================================================================= /* ================ R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 ================ */ void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip0 (void) { int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light; unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest; psource = pbasesource; prowdest = prowdestbase; for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++) { // FIXME: make these locals? // FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM? lightleft = r_lightptr[0]; lightright = r_lightptr[1]; r_lightptr += r_lightwidth; lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 4; lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 4; for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) { lighttemp = lightleft - lightright; lightstep = lighttemp >> 4; light = lightright; for (b=15; b>=0; b--) { pix = psource[b]; prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap) [(light & 0xFF00) + pix]; light += lightstep; } psource += sourcetstep; lightright += lightrightstep; lightleft += lightleftstep; prowdest += surfrowbytes; } if (psource >= r_sourcemax) psource -= r_stepback; } } /* ================ R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 ================ */ void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip1 (void) { int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light; unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest; psource = pbasesource; prowdest = prowdestbase; for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++) { // FIXME: make these locals? // FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM? lightleft = r_lightptr[0]; lightright = r_lightptr[1]; r_lightptr += r_lightwidth; lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 3; lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 3; for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) { lighttemp = lightleft - lightright; lightstep = lighttemp >> 3; light = lightright; for (b=7; b>=0; b--) { pix = psource[b]; prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap) [(light & 0xFF00) + pix]; light += lightstep; } psource += sourcetstep; lightright += lightrightstep; lightleft += lightleftstep; prowdest += surfrowbytes; } if (psource >= r_sourcemax) psource -= r_stepback; } } /* ================ R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 ================ */ void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip2 (void) { int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light; unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest; psource = pbasesource; prowdest = prowdestbase; for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++) { // FIXME: make these locals? // FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM? lightleft = r_lightptr[0]; lightright = r_lightptr[1]; r_lightptr += r_lightwidth; lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 2; lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 2; for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) { lighttemp = lightleft - lightright; lightstep = lighttemp >> 2; light = lightright; for (b=3; b>=0; b--) { pix = psource[b]; prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap) [(light & 0xFF00) + pix]; light += lightstep; } psource += sourcetstep; lightright += lightrightstep; lightleft += lightleftstep; prowdest += surfrowbytes; } if (psource >= r_sourcemax) psource -= r_stepback; } } /* ================ R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 ================ */ void R_DrawSurfaceBlock8_mip3 (void) { int v, i, b, lightstep, lighttemp, light; unsigned char pix, *psource, *prowdest; psource = pbasesource; prowdest = prowdestbase; for (v=0 ; v<r_numvblocks ; v++) { // FIXME: make these locals? // FIXME: use delta rather than both right and left, like ASM? lightleft = r_lightptr[0]; lightright = r_lightptr[1]; r_lightptr += r_lightwidth; lightleftstep = (r_lightptr[0] - lightleft) >> 1; lightrightstep = (r_lightptr[1] - lightright) >> 1; for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { lighttemp = lightleft - lightright; lightstep = lighttemp >> 1; light = lightright; for (b=1; b>=0; b--) { pix = psource[b]; prowdest[b] = ((unsigned char *)vid.colormap) [(light & 0xFF00) + pix]; light += lightstep; } psource += sourcetstep; lightright += lightrightstep; lightleft += lightleftstep; prowdest += surfrowbytes; } if (psource >= r_sourcemax) psource -= r_stepback; } } //============================================================================ /* ================ R_InitCaches ================ */ void R_InitCaches (void) { int size; int pix; // calculate size to allocate if (sw_surfcacheoverride->value) { size = sw_surfcacheoverride->value; } else { size = SURFCACHE_SIZE_AT_320X240; pix = vid.width*vid.height; if (pix > 64000) size += (pix-64000)*3; } // round up to page size size = (size + 8191) & ~8191; ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL,"%ik surface cache\n", size/1024); sc_size = size; sc_base = (surfcache_t *)malloc(size); sc_rover = sc_base; sc_base->next = NULL; sc_base->owner = NULL; sc_base->size = sc_size; } /* ================== D_FlushCaches ================== */ void D_FlushCaches (void) { surfcache_t *c; if (!sc_base) return; for (c = sc_base ; c ; c = c->next) { if (c->owner) *c->owner = NULL; } sc_rover = sc_base; sc_base->next = NULL; sc_base->owner = NULL; sc_base->size = sc_size; } /* ================= D_SCAlloc ================= */ surfcache_t *D_SCAlloc (int width, int size) { surfcache_t *new; qboolean wrapped_this_time; if ((width < 0) || (width > 256)) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL,"D_SCAlloc: bad cache width %d\n", width); if ((size <= 0) || (size > 0x10000)) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL,"D_SCAlloc: bad cache size %d\n", size); size = (int)(uintptr)&((surfcache_t *)0)->data[size]; size = (size + 3) & ~3; if (size > sc_size) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL,"D_SCAlloc: %i > cache size of %i",size, sc_size); // if there is not size bytes after the rover, reset to the start wrapped_this_time = false; if ( !sc_rover || (byte *)sc_rover - (byte *)sc_base > sc_size - size) { if (sc_rover) { wrapped_this_time = true; } sc_rover = sc_base; } // colect and free surfcache_t blocks until the rover block is large enough new = sc_rover; if (sc_rover->owner) *sc_rover->owner = NULL; while (new->size < size) { // free another sc_rover = sc_rover->next; if (!sc_rover) ri.Sys_Error (ERR_FATAL,"D_SCAlloc: hit the end of memory"); if (sc_rover->owner) *sc_rover->owner = NULL; new->size += sc_rover->size; new->next = sc_rover->next; } // create a fragment out of any leftovers if (new->size - size > 256) { sc_rover = (surfcache_t *)( (byte *)new + size); sc_rover->size = new->size - size; sc_rover->next = new->next; sc_rover->width = 0; sc_rover->owner = NULL; new->next = sc_rover; new->size = size; } else sc_rover = new->next; new->width = width; // DEBUG if (width > 0) new->height = (size - sizeof(*new) + sizeof(new->data)) / width; new->owner = NULL; // should be set properly after return if (d_roverwrapped) { if (wrapped_this_time || (sc_rover >= d_initial_rover)) r_cache_thrash = true; } else if (wrapped_this_time) { d_roverwrapped = true; } return new; } /* ================= D_SCDump ================= */ void D_SCDump (void) { surfcache_t *test; for (test = sc_base ; test ; test = test->next) { if (test == sc_rover) ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL,"ROVER:\n"); ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL,"%p : %i bytes %i width\n",test, test->size, test->width); } } //============================================================================= // if the num is not a power of 2, assume it will not repeat int MaskForNum (int num) { if (num==128) return 127; if (num==64) return 63; if (num==32) return 31; if (num==16) return 15; return 255; } int D_log2 (int num) { int c; c = 0; while (num>>=1) c++; return c; } //============================================================================= /* ================ D_CacheSurface ================ */ surfcache_t *D_CacheSurface (msurface_t *surface, int miplevel) { surfcache_t *cache; // // if the surface is animating or flashing, flush the cache // r_drawsurf.image = R_TextureAnimation (surface->texinfo); r_drawsurf.lightadj[0] = r_newrefdef.lightstyles[surface->styles[0]].white*128; r_drawsurf.lightadj[1] = r_newrefdef.lightstyles[surface->styles[1]].white*128; r_drawsurf.lightadj[2] = r_newrefdef.lightstyles[surface->styles[2]].white*128; r_drawsurf.lightadj[3] = r_newrefdef.lightstyles[surface->styles[3]].white*128; // // see if the cache holds apropriate data // cache = surface->cachespots[miplevel]; if (cache && !cache->dlight && surface->dlightframe != r_framecount && cache->image == r_drawsurf.image && cache->lightadj[0] == r_drawsurf.lightadj[0] && cache->lightadj[1] == r_drawsurf.lightadj[1] && cache->lightadj[2] == r_drawsurf.lightadj[2] && cache->lightadj[3] == r_drawsurf.lightadj[3] ) return cache; // // determine shape of surface // surfscale = 1.0 / (1<<miplevel); r_drawsurf.surfmip = miplevel; r_drawsurf.surfwidth = surface->extents[0] >> miplevel; r_drawsurf.rowbytes = r_drawsurf.surfwidth; r_drawsurf.surfheight = surface->extents[1] >> miplevel; // // allocate memory if needed // if (!cache) // if a texture just animated, don't reallocate it { cache = D_SCAlloc (r_drawsurf.surfwidth, r_drawsurf.surfwidth * r_drawsurf.surfheight); surface->cachespots[miplevel] = cache; cache->owner = &surface->cachespots[miplevel]; cache->mipscale = surfscale; } if (surface->dlightframe == r_framecount) cache->dlight = 1; else cache->dlight = 0; r_drawsurf.surfdat = (pixel_t *)cache->data; cache->image = r_drawsurf.image; cache->lightadj[0] = r_drawsurf.lightadj[0]; cache->lightadj[1] = r_drawsurf.lightadj[1]; cache->lightadj[2] = r_drawsurf.lightadj[2]; cache->lightadj[3] = r_drawsurf.lightadj[3]; // // draw and light the surface texture // = surface; c_surf++; // calculate the lightings R_BuildLightMap (); // rasterize the surface into the cache R_DrawSurface (); return cache; }