ref: 602ff71c76e6b4ee9af2a7dd423a6fd906a8ac11
dir: /console.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" console_t con; cvar_t *con_notifytime; #define MAXCMDLINE 256 extern char key_lines[32][MAXCMDLINE]; extern int edit_line; extern int key_linepos; void DrawString (int x, int y, char *s) { while (*s) { re.DrawChar (x, y, *s); x+=8; s++; } } void DrawAltString (int x, int y, char *s) { while (*s) { re.DrawChar (x, y, *s ^ 0x80); x+=8; s++; } } void Key_ClearTyping (void) { key_lines[edit_line][1] = 0; // clear any typing key_linepos = 1; } /* ================ Con_ToggleConsole_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleConsole_f (void) { SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (); // get rid of loading plaque if (cl.attractloop) { Cbuf_AddText ("killserver\n"); return; } if (cls.state == ca_disconnected) { // start the demo loop again Cbuf_AddText ("d1\n"); return; } Key_ClearTyping (); Con_ClearNotify (); if (cls.key_dest == key_console) { M_ForceMenuOff (); Cvar_Set ("paused", "0"); IN_Grabm (1); } else { M_ForceMenuOff (); cls.key_dest = key_console; if (Cvar_VariableValue ("maxclients") == 1 && Com_ServerState ()) Cvar_Set ("paused", "1"); IN_Grabm (0); } } /* ================ Con_ToggleChat_f ================ */ void Con_ToggleChat_f (void) { Key_ClearTyping (); if (cls.key_dest == key_console) { if (cls.state == ca_active) { M_ForceMenuOff (); cls.key_dest = key_game; } } else cls.key_dest = key_console; Con_ClearNotify (); } /* ================ Con_Clear_f ================ */ void Con_Clear_f (void) { memset (con.text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE); } /* ================ Con_Dump_f Save the console contents out to a file ================ */ void Con_Dump_f (void) { int l, x; char *line; FILE *f; char buffer[1024]; char name[MAX_OSPATH]; if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Com_Printf ("usage: condump <filename>\n"); return; } Com_sprintf (name, sizeof(name), "%s/%s.txt", FS_Gamedir(), Cmd_Argv(1)); Com_Printf ("Dumped console text to %s.\n", name); FS_CreatePath (name); f = fopen (name, "w"); if (!f) { Com_Printf ("ERROR: couldn't open.\n"); return; } // skip empty lines for (l = con.current - con.totallines + 1 ; l <= con.current ; l++) { line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth; for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x++) if (line[x] != ' ') break; if (x != con.linewidth) break; } // write the remaining lines buffer[con.linewidth] = 0; for ( ; l <= con.current ; l++) { line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth; strncpy (buffer, line, con.linewidth); for (x=con.linewidth-1 ; x>=0 ; x--) { if (buffer[x] == ' ') buffer[x] = 0; else break; } for (x=0; buffer[x]; x++) buffer[x] &= 0x7f; fprintf (f, "%s\n", buffer); } fclose (f); } /* ================ Con_ClearNotify ================ */ void Con_ClearNotify (void) { int i; for (i=0 ; i<NUM_CON_TIMES ; i++) con.times[i] = 0; } /* ================ Con_MessageMode_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode_f (void) { chat_team = false; cls.key_dest = key_message; } /* ================ Con_MessageMode2_f ================ */ void Con_MessageMode2_f (void) { chat_team = true; cls.key_dest = key_message; } /* ================ Con_CheckResize If the line width has changed, reformat the buffer. ================ */ void Con_CheckResize (void) { int i, j, width, oldwidth, oldtotallines, numlines, numchars; char tbuf[CON_TEXTSIZE]; width = (vid.width >> 3) - 2; if (width == con.linewidth) return; if (width < 1) // video hasn't been initialized yet { width = 38; con.linewidth = width; con.totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con.linewidth; memset (con.text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE); } else { oldwidth = con.linewidth; con.linewidth = width; oldtotallines = con.totallines; con.totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con.linewidth; numlines = oldtotallines; if (con.totallines < numlines) numlines = con.totallines; numchars = oldwidth; if (con.linewidth < numchars) numchars = con.linewidth; memcpy (tbuf, con.text, CON_TEXTSIZE); memset (con.text, ' ', CON_TEXTSIZE); for (i=0 ; i<numlines ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<numchars ; j++) { con.text[(con.totallines - 1 - i) * con.linewidth + j] = tbuf[((con.current - i + oldtotallines) % oldtotallines) * oldwidth + j]; } } Con_ClearNotify (); } con.current = con.totallines - 1; con.display = con.current; } /* ================ Con_Init ================ */ void Con_Init (void) { con.linewidth = -1; Con_CheckResize (); Com_Printf ("Console initialized.\n"); // // register our commands // con_notifytime = Cvar_Get ("con_notifytime", "3", 0); Cmd_AddCommand ("toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("togglechat", Con_ToggleChat_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("clear", Con_Clear_f); Cmd_AddCommand ("condump", Con_Dump_f); con.initialized = true; } /* =============== Con_Linefeed =============== */ void Con_Linefeed (void) { con.x = 0; if (con.display == con.current) con.display++; con.current++; memset (&con.text[(con.current%con.totallines)*con.linewidth] , ' ', con.linewidth); } /* ================ Con_Print Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk If no console is visible, the text will appear at the top of the game window ================ */ void Con_Print (char *txt) { int y; int c, l; static int cr; int mask; if (!con.initialized) return; if (txt[0] == 1 || txt[0] == 2) { mask = 128; // go to colored text txt++; } else mask = 0; while ( (c = *txt) ) { // count word length for (l=0 ; l< con.linewidth ; l++) if ( txt[l] <= ' ') break; // word wrap if (l != con.linewidth && (con.x + l > con.linewidth) ) con.x = 0; txt++; if (cr) { con.current--; cr = false; } if (!con.x) { Con_Linefeed (); // mark time for transparent overlay if (con.current >= 0) con.times[con.current % NUM_CON_TIMES] = cls.realtime; } switch (c) { case '\n': con.x = 0; break; case '\r': con.x = 0; cr = 1; break; default: // display character and advance y = con.current % con.totallines; con.text[y*con.linewidth+con.x] = c | mask | con.ormask; con.x++; if (con.x >= con.linewidth) con.x = 0; break; } } } /* ============== Con_CenteredPrint ============== */ void Con_CenteredPrint (char *text) { int l; char buffer[1024]; l = strlen(text); l = (con.linewidth-l)/2; if (l < 0) l = 0; memset (buffer, ' ', l); strcpy (buffer+l, text); strcat (buffer, "\n"); Con_Print (buffer); } /* ============================================================================== DRAWING ============================================================================== */ /* ================ Con_DrawInput The input line scrolls horizontally if typing goes beyond the right edge ================ */ void Con_DrawInput (void) { int i; char *text; if (cls.key_dest == key_menu) return; if (cls.key_dest != key_console && cls.state == ca_active) return; // don't draw anything (always draw if not active) text = key_lines[edit_line]; // add the cursor frame text[key_linepos] = 10+((int)(cls.realtime>>8)&1); // fill out remainder with spaces for (i=key_linepos+1 ; i< con.linewidth ; i++) text[i] = ' '; // prestep if horizontally scrolling if (key_linepos >= con.linewidth) text += 1 + key_linepos - con.linewidth; // draw it for (i=0 ; i<con.linewidth ; i++) re.DrawChar ( (i+1)<<3, con.vislines - 22, text[i]); // remove cursor key_lines[edit_line][key_linepos] = 0; } /* ================ Con_DrawNotify Draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game top ================ */ void Con_DrawNotify (void) { int x, v; char *text; int i; int time; char *s; int skip; v = 0; for (i= con.current-NUM_CON_TIMES+1 ; i<=con.current ; i++) { if (i < 0) continue; time = con.times[i % NUM_CON_TIMES]; if (time == 0) continue; time = cls.realtime - time; if (time > con_notifytime->value*1000) continue; text = con.text + (i % con.totallines)*con.linewidth; for (x = 0 ; x < con.linewidth ; x++) re.DrawChar ( (x+1)<<3, v, text[x]); v += 8; } if (cls.key_dest == key_message) { if (chat_team) { DrawString (8, v, "say_team:"); skip = 11; } else { DrawString (8, v, "say:"); skip = 5; } s = chat_buffer; if (chat_bufferlen > (vid.width>>3)-(skip+1)) s += chat_bufferlen - ((vid.width>>3)-(skip+1)); x = 0; while(s[x]) { re.DrawChar ( (x+skip)<<3, v, s[x]); x++; } re.DrawChar ( (x+skip)<<3, v, 10+((cls.realtime>>8)&1)); v += 8; } if (v) { SCR_AddDirtyPoint (0,0); SCR_AddDirtyPoint (vid.width-1, v); } } /* ================ Con_DrawConsole Draws the console with the solid background ================ */ void Con_DrawConsole (float frac) { int i, j, x, y, n; int rows; char *text; int row; int lines; char version[64]; char dlbar[1024]; lines = vid.height * frac; if (lines <= 0) return; if (lines > vid.height) lines = vid.height; // draw the background re.DrawStretchPic (0, -vid.height+lines, vid.width, vid.height, "conback"); SCR_AddDirtyPoint (0,0); SCR_AddDirtyPoint (vid.width-1,lines-1); Com_sprintf (version, sizeof(version), "v%4.2f", VERSION); for (x=0 ; x<5 ; x++) re.DrawChar (vid.width-44+x*8, lines-12, 128 + version[x] ); // draw the text con.vislines = lines; /* rows = (lines-8)>>3; // rows of text to draw y = lines - 24; */ rows = (lines-22)>>3; // rows of text to draw y = lines - 30; // draw from the bottom up if (con.display != con.current) { // draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x+=4) re.DrawChar ( (x+1)<<3, y, '^'); y -= 8; rows--; } row = con.display; for (i=0 ; i<rows ; i++, y-=8, row--) { if (row < 0) break; if (con.current - row >= con.totallines) break; // past scrollback wrap point text = con.text + (row % con.totallines)*con.linewidth; for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x++) re.DrawChar ( (x+1)<<3, y, text[x]); } //ZOID // draw the download bar // figure out width if ( { if ((text = strrchr(cls.downloadname, '/')) != NULL) text++; else text = cls.downloadname; x = con.linewidth - ((con.linewidth * 7) / 40); y = x - strlen(text) - 8; i = con.linewidth/3; if (strlen(text) > i) { y = x - i - 11; strncpy(dlbar, text, i); dlbar[i] = 0; strcat(dlbar, "..."); } else strcpy(dlbar, text); strcat(dlbar, ": "); i = strlen(dlbar); dlbar[i++] = 0x80; // where's the dot go? if (cls.downloadpercent == 0) n = 0; else n = y * cls.downloadpercent / 100; for (j = 0; j < y; j++) if (j == n) dlbar[i++] = 0x83; else dlbar[i++] = 0x81; dlbar[i++] = 0x82; dlbar[i] = 0; sprintf(dlbar + strlen(dlbar), " %02d%%", cls.downloadpercent); // draw it y = con.vislines-12; for (i = 0; i < strlen(dlbar); i++) re.DrawChar ( (i+1)<<3, y, dlbar[i]); } //ZOID // draw the input prompt, user text, and cursor if desired Con_DrawInput (); }