ref: 0493d7b7bb62d7d260e58910f2bf8daa47c2fa21
dir: /doc/crbot/crbot.txt/
Updated by Grieve (Marc Kerschbaumer) and DUB (Peter Chiochetti) 2003/2004 - Several code cleanups (pure C code now) - vweapon bug fixed, if vweapons are missing the default weapon is drawn instead of the "diamond" - bot now affected by trigger_push, will use jumppads sometimes. - Ingame menu in Linux fixed. - Linux makefile added; and updated project files for Visual Studio 6 and LCC win32. ======================================================================================= Name of Mod : The CRBot, for Quake II File Name : Version : 1.14 Date : April 23, 1998 Author : Mike Malakhov E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Web Site : Build time : >210 hours Source code : 180 Kb CREDITS: -------- Quake2, source code for .dll -- ID Software, ThreeWave CTF, source code -- Zoid, VWep, Viewable Weapons Patch -- Hentai, AUTHOR INFO ----------- My name's Mike Malakhov, you can get more info about me on my homepage at TYPE OF MOD ----------- DLL : YES CTF support: YES Ingame menu: YES Sound : NO Maps : NO Graphics : NO FORMAT ------ It was compiled using Visual C++ v5.0. You MUST install patch v3.13 (or later) for Quake2 to play this version of CRbot! INSTALLATION ------------ Unzip this file with subdirectories in your Quake2 dir. For example, if your Quake2 directory is d:\quake2\ after unzipping you will get d:\quake2\crbot\ subdirectory. Then copy your standard shortcut for running Quake2 into a new one and then add +set game "crbot" +set deathmatch 1 to the command line. If you want to play CTF, add "+set ctf 1", otherwise use "+set ctf 0". And don't forget to copy PAK0.PAK from CTF into CRbot subdirectory. COMMANDS -------- sv addbots <skill> <amount> -- to spawn several bots; <skill> could be a number from 1(easy) to 10(most advanced), or could be a range like this: <min_skill>..<max_skill> that'll allow you to create random set of bots with different skills; example: addbots 3..6 5 it'll create 5 bots with random skills from 3 to 6; skill 0 has special meaning -- bot with this skill level will be adjusting his abilities dynamically to match player's skills; sv addbot "<name>" <skill> "<model name>" "<skin name>" <team_no> -- add a bot, where <skill> is a number from 1(low) to 10(most advanced); 0 is special "adjusting" skill level; you can repeat this command to add more bots; you can also use this command in .CFG files (see BOTS.CFG for example how to do this) to create predefined set of bots by typing "exec bots.cfg" in console window; sv killbot <name> -- remove bot with name <name> from the game permanently; bot_team # -- (# is a number from 0 to 9) you can assign next created bot to specified team; bots from the same team don't attack each other unless they'll accidentally hurt each other; team 0 has special meaning, all bots in that team fight for themselves (default team). cmd join_team # -- put yourself into the team number # together with bots; bot_skin <name> -- default is "male/viper"; as bot_team command this one presets the skin for all bots created afterwards; bot_model <name> -- default is "male"; no_tech 1/0 -- disable/enable CTF style techs in normal deathmatch game; no_hook 1/0 -- disable/enable grappling hook in normal deathmatch game; cmd save_nodemap -- save path nodes structure into external file; Note: All commands with "sv" prefix will be effective only if typed on server; All 'bot_' vars will be saved in config.cfg. For example, if you want to start the game with 8 bots, two female ones in one team with skill 3, three males in another team with skills between 3 and 7, three individual bots with skills 6, 8 and 10 and names, and assign distinctive skins to every team and to individual bots, you have to type in console window: bot_model "female" bot_skin "female/voodoo" bot_team 1 addbots 3 2 bot_model "male" bot_skin "male/viper" bot_team 2 addbots 3..7 3 cmd addbot scout 6 "male" "male/flak" 0 cmd addbot bitch 8 "female" "female/venus" 0 cmd addbot "ultimate bot" 10 "male" "male/sniper" 0 CTF SUPPORT ----------- If you want to play CTF, you will need to copy PAK0.PAK from CTF into CRbot subdirectory, and then add "+set ctf 1" to your command line. Or you can change "ctf" cvar from console. Don't forget to restart the map after that. Team #1 is the RED team, and team #2 is the BLUE team. So if you want to add bots to Red team, use "bot_team 1", or if you want them to be in Blue team, use "bot_team 2". If no team number assigned or it's not equal to 1 or 2, bots will be evenly placed in both team. TEAM CONTROL ------------ If you are in the team (by using "cmd join_team" command) then you can use following commands to control your team: cmd team_help -- summon all members of your team to your current location, will not affect bots which are engaged in melee already; cmd team_group -- this will force all bots in your team to get in tight formation and follow you as a leader; cmd team_free [bot name] -- dismiss named bot or whole current formation if no name specified; cmd team_guard [bot name] -- order named bot to guard the area; if no name specified this assignment will be given to all visible bots in front of you; cmd team_patrol [bot name] -- same as team_guard but slightly more freedom for bots; MENU ---- You can use menu system to edit different settings and to create bots. To access it use your "inventory" key -- which is <TAB> by default. To navigate menu use "[" and "]" keys ("next in inventory" and "previous in inventory" keys) and to select menu item use <ENTER> (or your "use inventory" key). MISC. COMMANDS -------------- cmd bot_stats -- show information about all bots in the game; cmd team_stats -- show team scores; notarget -- this command will toggle "observer mode"; view_weapons 0/1 -- toggle viewable weapons support (VWep patch); in order to be able to use it, goto download VWep patch, install it and then copy PAK2.PAK into CRbot directory; bot_chat 0/1 -- set this var to 0 if you don't want to hear anything from bots, default is 1; obituary_msgs 0/1 -- deafult is 1; if it's set to 0 you will not see any "bot killed by bot", "human killed by bot", etc., messages; bot_menu 0/1 -- set var to 0 if you don't want bot menu; useful for dedicated servers to prevent users from adding new bots; bot_taunt 0/1 -- set this var to 0 if you don't want taunt/flip animation, default is 1; EXTERNAL CONFIG FILES --------------------- There are four text files you can edit which contain lines bot will say in different situations: DEATH.TXT -- when bot dies KILL.TXT -- when bot kills somebody PAIN.TXT -- when bot gets hurt by somebody FIGHT.TXT -- random saying during melee FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: ------------------------- Q: I can't run Quake2, it says "Error during initialization" or "ERROR: game is version 3, not #". What's wrong? A: You need to install patch v3.13 or later for your Quake2. Q: I've installed everything as you said, but can't create any bots, game doesn't understand "addbot" or "addbots" commands. Why? A: Make sure you DO NOT have gamex86.dll in base Quake2 directory. It should be located only in QUAKE2/BASEQ2 and/or QUAKE2/CRBOT subdirs. Q: What about Linux and Alpha port? A: Yes, eventually I'm going to do it. But not right now. Q1: I've done everything as you said, but can't create the bot. Why? Q2: You bot is great, but how do I play it? Q3: Where do I find Quake2 shortcut and how to add "+set game crbot" to the command line? A: (by Jay Fortman <[email protected]>) Double click on the .zip to open up your .zip program (presumably WinZip). When the file names show up goto edit and "Select All" (or press Ctrl+A). Press extract. It will then ask for a location to extract the files to. Enter: C:\Quake2 (where C: is the drive Q2 is installed on and assuming you didn't rename the directory from default Quake2). The files will then be extracted to a new directory under Quake2 labeled CRBot automatically. Future updates can be performed in the same manner--they will just overwrite the old files (and, as a suggestion, keep your old version in its original .zip just in case the new one doesn't work for you). Now you'll need to RIGHT click (the mouse button) on the Taskbar at the bottom of the Desktop (that's that area between the Start button and clock that doesn't have taskbuttons--if you don't know that you don't belong on a computer). Select Properties. A new window will pop up titled Taskbar Properties--select the Start Menu Programs tab just under the titlebar. Some new options come up--select the button labeled Advanced. Assuming you didn't move the Q2 start menu shortcut open the plus next to Programs, you should now see Quake II. Click on the Quake II folder and all of its contents will be displayed in the right window. From the window with the Q2 contents, RIGHT click on Quake II -or- Quake II - Compatability Mode (whichever you prefer to use--I recommend the compatability mode myself). Select the option COPY. Now RIGHT click in the empty space of the same window and choose PASTE. You should now have a COPY OF QUAKE II - COMPATABILITY MODE. RIGHT click that and rename it whatever you like ("Quake II - CRBot" is my choice ; ). Now RIGHT click it again and choose PROPERTIES. Click on the SHORTCUT tab under the title bar. In the window that pops up there should be an entry labeled TARGET. Click in the text area and make sure you move the cursur all the way to your right (the end of the entry). Add one space after the last entry and add the following: +set game "crbot" +set deathmatch 1 . So the TARGET should read something like this (where C: is the drive your Q2 is in and E: is your CD-rom drive): C:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set cddir E:\install\data +set basedir c:\QUAKE2 +set vid_ref soft +set vid_fullscreen 0 +set sw_mode 0 +set s_wavonly 1 +set game "crbot" +set deathmatch 1 . If everything is set up just like that your copy of Quake II - CRBot should now be ready to run like the blood splattered on the wall after you were supremely gibbed. Close all windows and then go through the start menu and select your CRBot shortcut. BINGO! To add bots to your working Q2 game simply follow the instructions posted in the README.TXT file extracted from the .zip file directly into your CRBot directory (may I suggest making a start menu shortcut for that too--it's simple, you can do it). If you feel you need to peruse the contents of the readme and are in the middle of your Q2 game simply hold down ALT and then press TAB. This will return you to windows without losing your game (most of the time--everything has bugs sometimes). And that about sums it up fragies and fragmen. I hope this was informative enough to help you out ;) . COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS ---------------------- This bot was solely created for my own use, therefore it is distributed AS IS and I can not guarantee you anything, including your satisfaction. I also will not take any responsibility for system crashes and/or any damage or loss of data caused by bot's mod. I can however guarantee that I have not intentionally added any malicious content to this application. This mod is in no way associated with id Software. You may freely distribute this archive, as long as it remains intact. Commercial distribution or distribution on CDs is prohibited by ID Software's End User License for Quake2 source code used in this mod. Enjoy, Mike Malakhov, [email protected] [email protected]