ref: de3b3f4e656b21469bc4684f55b2b8720e2310fc
dir: /vid.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <thread.h> #include "dat.h" #include "quakedef.h" #include "fns.h" viddef_t vid; /* global video state */ int resized; Point center; /* of window */ Rectangle grabr; static s32int fbpal[256]; static uchar *fbs; static Image *fbi; static Rectangle fbr; static u8int *vidbuffers[2]; static int bufi = 0; static Channel *frame; void pal2xrgb(int n, s32int *pal, u8int *s, u32int *d); static void resetfb(void) { static int highhunk; void *surfcache; int hunkvbuf, scachesz, i; Point p; /* lower than 320x240 doesn't really make sense, * but at least this prevents a crash, beyond that * it's your funeral */ vid.width = Dx(screen->r); if(vid.width < 320) vid.width = 320; vid.height = Dy(screen->r); if(vid.height < 160) vid.height = 160; if(d_pzbuffer != nil){ D_FlushCaches(); free(d_pzbuffer); d_pzbuffer = nil; } // alloc an extra line in case we want to wrap, and allocate the z-buffer hunkvbuf = vid.width * vid.height * sizeof *d_pzbuffer; scachesz = D_SurfaceCacheForRes(vid.width, vid.height); hunkvbuf += scachesz; if((d_pzbuffer = malloc(hunkvbuf)) == nil) sysfatal("Not enough memory for video mode\n"); surfcache = (byte *)d_pzbuffer + vid.width * vid.height * sizeof *d_pzbuffer; D_InitCaches(surfcache, scachesz); vid.rowbytes = vid.width; vid.aspect = (float)vid.height / (float)vid.width * (320.0/240.0); vid.conrowbytes = vid.rowbytes; vid.conwidth = vid.width; vid.conheight = vid.height; center = divpt(addpt(screen->r.min, screen->r.max), 2); p = Pt(vid.width/2, vid.height/2); fbr = Rpt(subpt(center, p), addpt(center, p)); p = Pt(vid.width/4, vid.height/4); grabr = Rpt(subpt(center, p), addpt(center, p)); freeimage(fbi); for(i = 0; i < nelem(vidbuffers); i++){ free(vidbuffers[i]); vidbuffers[i] = mallocalign(vid.width*vid.height*4, 64, 0, 0); } fbi = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height), XRGB32, 0, 0); if(fbi == nil) sysfatal("resetfb: %r (%d %d)", vid.width, vid.height); bufi = 0; vid.buffer = vidbuffers[0]; vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer; draw(screen, screen->r, display->black, nil, ZP); } static void loader(void *p) { u8int *f, *fb; fb = p; for(;;){ if((f = recvp(frame)) == nil) break; pal2xrgb(vid.width * vid.height, fbpal, f, (u32int*)fb); loadimage(fbi, Rect(0, 0, vid.width, vid.height), fb, vid.height*vid.rowbytes*4); draw(screen, fbr, fbi, nil, ZP); flushimage(display, 1); } free(fb); threadexits(nil); } void stopfb(void) { if(frame != nil){ sendp(frame, nil); chanclose(frame); frame = nil; } } void flipfb(void) { if(resized){ /* skip this frame if window resize */ stopfb(); resized = 0; if(getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("getwindow: %r"); resetfb(); vid.recalc_refdef = 1; /* force a surface cache flush */ Con_CheckResize(); Con_Clear_f(); return; } if(frame == nil){ frame = chancreate(sizeof(u8int*), 0); proccreate(loader, mallocalign(vid.width*vid.height*4+16, 64, 0, 0), 4096); } if(sendp(frame, vidbuffers[bufi]) > 0){ bufi = (bufi+1) % nelem(vidbuffers); vid.buffer = vidbuffers[bufi]; vid.conbuffer = vid.buffer; } } void setpal(uchar *p) { int *fp; for(fp=fbpal; fp<fbpal+nelem(fbpal); p+=3, fp++) *fp = p[0] << 16 | p[1] << 8 | p[2]; scr_fullupdate = 0; } void initfb(void) { vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH; vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT; vid.numpages = 2; vid.colormap = host_colormap; vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong(*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048)); if(initdraw(nil, nil, "quake") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw: %r\n"); resetfb(); }