ref: ac7e6ac77f7eaa31be48c79a18b28f41e6ee9c22
dir: /d_local.h/
// d_local.h: private rasterization driver defs enum { R_SKY_SMASK = 0x007F0000, R_SKY_TMASK = 0x007F0000, DS_SPAN_LIST_END = -128, SURFCACHE_SIZE_AT_320X200 = 600*1024, }; typedef struct surfcache_s { struct surfcache_s *next; struct surfcache_s **owner; // NULL is an empty chunk of memory int lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // checked for strobe flush int dlight; int size; // including header int width; int height; // DEBUG only needed for debug float mipscale; struct texture_s *texture; // checked for animating textures pixel_t pixels[]; // width*height elements } surfcache_t; // !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!! typedef struct sspan_s { int u, v, count; } sspan_t; extern cvar_t d_subdiv16; extern float scale_for_mip; extern bool d_roverwrapped; extern surfcache_t *sc_rover; extern surfcache_t *d_initial_rover; extern float d_sdivzstepu, d_tdivzstepu, d_zistepu; extern float d_sdivzstepv, d_tdivzstepv, d_zistepv; extern float d_sdivzorigin, d_tdivzorigin, d_ziorigin; extern fixed16_t sadjust, tadjust; extern fixed16_t bbextents, bbextentt; void D_DrawSpans16 (espan_t *pspans, int forceblend, byte alpha); void D_DrawZSpans (espan_t *pspans); void Turbulent8 (espan_t *pspan, byte alpha); void D_DrawSkyScans8 (espan_t *pspan); void R_ShowSubDiv (void); surfcache_t *D_CacheSurface (msurface_t *surface, int miplevel); extern uzint *d_pzbuffer; extern unsigned int d_zrowbytes, d_zwidth; extern int *d_pscantable; extern int d_scantable[MAXHEIGHT]; extern int d_vrectx, d_vrecty, d_vrectright_particle, d_vrectbottom_particle; extern int d_pix_min, d_pix_max; extern pixel_t *d_viewbuffer; extern uzint *zspantable[MAXHEIGHT]; extern int d_minmip; extern float d_scalemip[3]; pixel_t blendalpha(pixel_t ca, pixel_t cb, int alpha, uzint izi); float alphafor(int flags);