ref: 964902ba628e0aecc635f888b4e0c09803c179cd
dir: /r_draw.c/
#include "quakedef.h" #define MAXLEFTCLIPEDGES 100 // !!! if these are changed, they must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!! #define FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED 0x80000000 #define FRAMECOUNT_MASK 0x7FFFFFFF static unsigned int cacheoffset; int c_faceclip; // number of faces clipped int r_drawflags; clipplane_t view_clipplanes[4]; static medge_t *r_pedge; static bool r_leftclipped, r_rightclipped; static bool makeleftedge, makerightedge; static bool r_nearzionly; int sintable[SIN_BUFFER_SIZE]; int intsintable[SIN_BUFFER_SIZE]; static mvertex_t r_leftenter, r_leftexit; static mvertex_t r_rightenter, r_rightexit; typedef struct { float u,v; int ceilv; } evert_t; static int r_emitted; static float r_nearzi; static float r_u1, r_v1, r_lzi1; static int r_ceilv1; static bool r_lastvertvalid; int surfdrawflags(int flags) { if(flags & SURF_TRANS){ if((flags & SURF_FENCE) == 0 && alphafor(flags) >= 1.0f) return 0; return DRAW_BLEND; } return 0; } int entdrawflags(entity_t *e) { if(e == nil || e->model == nil) return DRAW_NO; if(e->model != cl.worldmodel){ if(e->effects & EF_NODRAW) return DRAW_NO; if(e->model->blend || (e->effects & EF_ADDITIVE) || !defalpha(e->alpha)) return DRAW_BLEND; } return 0; } /* ================ R_EmitEdge ================ */ void R_EmitEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1) { edge_t *edge, *pcheck; int u_check; float u, u_step; vec3_t local, transformed; float *world; int v, v2, ceilv0; float lzi0, u0, v0; if (r_lastvertvalid) { u0 = r_u1; v0 = r_v1; lzi0 = r_lzi1; ceilv0 = r_ceilv1; } else { world = &pv0->position[0]; // transform and project VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local); TransformVector (local, transformed); if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP) transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP; lzi0 = 1.0 / transformed[2]; // FIXME: build x/yscale into transform? u0 = xcenter + xscale*lzi0*transformed[0]; u0 = clamp(u0, r_refdef.fvrectx_adj, r_refdef.fvrectright_adj); v0 = ycenter - yscale*lzi0*transformed[1]; v0 = clamp(v0, r_refdef.fvrecty_adj, r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj); ceilv0 = (int)ceil(v0); } world = &pv1->position[0]; // transform and project VectorSubtract (world, modelorg, local); TransformVector (local, transformed); if (transformed[2] < NEAR_CLIP) transformed[2] = NEAR_CLIP; r_lzi1 = 1.0 / transformed[2]; r_u1 = xcenter + xscale*r_lzi1*transformed[0]; r_u1 = clamp(r_u1, r_refdef.fvrectx_adj, r_refdef.fvrectright_adj); r_v1 = ycenter - yscale*r_lzi1*transformed[1]; r_v1 = clamp(r_v1, r_refdef.fvrecty_adj, r_refdef.fvrectbottom_adj); if (r_lzi1 > lzi0) lzi0 = r_lzi1; if (lzi0 > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding r_nearzi = lzi0; // for right edges, all we want is the effect on 1/z if (r_nearzionly) return; r_emitted = 1; r_ceilv1 = (int)ceil(r_v1); // create the edge if (ceilv0 == r_ceilv1) { // we cache unclipped horizontal edges as fully clipped if (cacheoffset != 0x7FFFFFFF) { cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED | (r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK); } return; // horizontal edge } edge = edge_p++; edge->owner = r_pedge; edge->nearzi = lzi0; if (ceilv0 <= r_ceilv1) { // trailing edge (go from p1 to p2) v = ceilv0; v2 = r_ceilv1 - 1; edge->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces; edge->surfs[1] = 0; u_step = ((r_u1 - u0) / (r_v1 - v0)); u = u0 + ((float)v - v0) * u_step; } else { // leading edge (go from p2 to p1) v2 = ceilv0 - 1; v = r_ceilv1; edge->surfs[0] = 0; edge->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces; u_step = (u0 - r_u1) / (v0 - r_v1); u = r_u1 + ((float)v - r_v1) * u_step; } edge->u_step = u_step*0x100000; edge->u = u*0x100000 + 0xFFFFF; /* with all the clamping before this one shouldn't be needed but kept to be 100% sure */ edge->u = clamp(edge->u, r_refdef.vrect_x_adj_shift20, r_refdef.vrectright_adj_shift20); // sort the edge in normally u_check = edge->u; if (edge->surfs[0]) u_check++; // sort trailers after leaders if (!newedges[v] || newedges[v]->u >= u_check) { edge->next = newedges[v]; newedges[v] = edge; } else { pcheck = newedges[v]; while (pcheck->next && pcheck->next->u < u_check) pcheck = pcheck->next; edge->next = pcheck->next; pcheck->next = edge; } edge->nextremove = removeedges[v2]; removeedges[v2] = edge; } /* ================ R_ClipEdge ================ */ void R_ClipEdge (mvertex_t *pv0, mvertex_t *pv1, clipplane_t *clip) { float d0, d1, f; mvertex_t clipvert; for(; clip != nil; clip = clip->next){ d0 = DotProduct (pv0->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist; d1 = DotProduct (pv1->position, clip->normal) - clip->dist; if (d0 >= 0) { // point 0 is unclipped if (d1 >= 0) { // both points are unclipped continue; } // only point 1 is clipped // we don't cache clipped edges cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF; f = d0 / (d0 - d1); clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] + f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]); clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] + f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]); clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] + f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]); if (clip->leftedge) { r_leftclipped = true; r_leftexit = clipvert; } else if (clip->rightedge) { r_rightclipped = true; r_rightexit = clipvert; } R_ClipEdge (pv0, &clipvert, clip->next); return; } else { // point 0 is clipped if (d1 < 0) { // both points are clipped // we do cache fully clipped edges if (!r_leftclipped) cacheoffset = FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED | (r_framecount & FRAMECOUNT_MASK); return; } // only point 0 is clipped r_lastvertvalid = false; // we don't cache partially clipped edges cacheoffset = 0x7FFFFFFF; f = d0 / (d0 - d1); clipvert.position[0] = pv0->position[0] + f * (pv1->position[0] - pv0->position[0]); clipvert.position[1] = pv0->position[1] + f * (pv1->position[1] - pv0->position[1]); clipvert.position[2] = pv0->position[2] + f * (pv1->position[2] - pv0->position[2]); if (clip->leftedge) { r_leftclipped = true; r_leftenter = clipvert; } else if (clip->rightedge) { r_rightclipped = true; r_rightenter = clipvert; } R_ClipEdge (&clipvert, pv1, clip->next); return; } } // add the edge R_EmitEdge (pv0, pv1); } /* ================ R_EmitCachedEdge ================ */ void R_EmitCachedEdge (void) { edge_t *pedge_t; pedge_t = (edge_t *)((uintptr)r_edges + r_pedge->cachededgeoffset); if (!pedge_t->surfs[0]) pedge_t->surfs[0] = surface_p - surfaces; else pedge_t->surfs[1] = surface_p - surfaces; if (pedge_t->nearzi > r_nearzi) // for mipmap finding r_nearzi = pedge_t->nearzi; r_emitted = 1; } float alphafor(int flags); /* ================ R_RenderFace ================ */ int R_RenderFace (msurface_t *fa, int clipflags) { int i, lindex; unsigned mask; mplane_t *pplane; float distinv; vec3_t p_normal; medge_t *pedges, tedge; clipplane_t *pclip; if((surfdrawflags(fa->flags) | entdrawflags(currententity)) ^ r_drawflags) return 0; // skip out if no more surfs if (surface_p >= surf_max){ r_outofsurfaces++; return 1; } // ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible if (edge_p + fa->numedges + 4 >= edge_max){ r_outofedges += fa->numedges; return 1; } c_faceclip++; // set up clip planes pclip = nil; for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1) { if (clipflags & mask) { view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip; pclip = &view_clipplanes[i]; } } // push the edges through r_emitted = 0; r_nearzi = 0; r_nearzionly = false; makeleftedge = makerightedge = false; pedges = currententity->model->edges; r_lastvertvalid = false; for (i=0 ; i<fa->numedges ; i++) { lindex = currententity->model->surfedges[fa->firstedge + i]; if (lindex > 0) { r_pedge = &pedges[lindex]; // if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge if (!insubmodel) { if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED) { if ((int)(r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) == r_framecount) { r_lastvertvalid = false; continue; } } else { if ((((uintptr)edge_p - (uintptr)r_edges) > r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) && (((edge_t *)((uintptr)r_edges + r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge)) { R_EmitCachedEdge (); r_lastvertvalid = false; continue; } } } // assume it's cacheable cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges; r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false; R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]], &r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]], pclip); r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset; if (r_leftclipped) makeleftedge = true; if (r_rightclipped) makerightedge = true; r_lastvertvalid = true; } else { lindex = -lindex; r_pedge = &pedges[lindex]; // if the edge is cached, we can just reuse the edge if (!insubmodel) { if (r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FULLY_CLIPPED_CACHED) { if ((int)(r_pedge->cachededgeoffset & FRAMECOUNT_MASK) == r_framecount) { r_lastvertvalid = false; continue; } } else { // it's cached if the cached edge is valid and is owned // by this medge_t if ((((uintptr)edge_p - (uintptr)r_edges) > r_pedge->cachededgeoffset) && (((edge_t *)((uintptr)r_edges + r_pedge->cachededgeoffset))->owner == r_pedge)) { R_EmitCachedEdge (); r_lastvertvalid = false; continue; } } } // assume it's cacheable cacheoffset = (byte *)edge_p - (byte *)r_edges; r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false; R_ClipEdge (&r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[1]], &r_pcurrentvertbase[r_pedge->v[0]], pclip); r_pedge->cachededgeoffset = cacheoffset; if (r_leftclipped) makeleftedge = true; if (r_rightclipped) makerightedge = true; r_lastvertvalid = true; } } // if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too // FIXME: faster to do in screen space? // FIXME: share clipped edges? if (makeleftedge) { r_pedge = &tedge; r_lastvertvalid = false; R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next); } // if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi if (makerightedge) { r_pedge = &tedge; r_lastvertvalid = false; r_nearzionly = true; R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, view_clipplanes[1].next); } // if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface if (!r_emitted) return 1; surface_p->data = (void *)fa; surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi; surface_p->flags = fa->flags; surface_p->insubmodel = insubmodel; surface_p->spanstate = 0; surface_p->entity = currententity; surface_p->key = r_currentkey++; surface_p->spans = nil; pplane = fa->plane; // FIXME: cache this? TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal); // FIXME: cache this? distinv = 1.0 / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal)); surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv; surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv; surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv - xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu - ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv; surface_p++; return 1; } /* ================ R_RenderBmodelFace ================ */ void R_RenderBmodelFace (bedge_t *pedges, msurface_t *psurf) { int i; unsigned mask; mplane_t *pplane; float distinv; vec3_t p_normal; clipplane_t *pclip; static medge_t tedge; // skip out if no more surfs if (surface_p >= surf_max) { r_outofsurfaces++; return; } // ditto if not enough edges left, or switch to auxedges if possible if ((edge_p + psurf->numedges + 4) >= edge_max) { r_outofedges += psurf->numedges; return; } c_faceclip++; // this is a dummy to give the caching mechanism someplace to write to r_pedge = &tedge; // set up clip planes pclip = nil; for (i=3, mask = 0x08 ; i>=0 ; i--, mask >>= 1) { if (r_clipflags & mask) { view_clipplanes[i].next = pclip; pclip = &view_clipplanes[i]; } } // push the edges through r_emitted = 0; r_nearzi = 0; r_nearzionly = false; makeleftedge = makerightedge = false; // FIXME: keep clipped bmodel edges in clockwise order so last vertex caching // can be used? r_lastvertvalid = false; for ( ; pedges ; pedges = pedges->pnext) { r_leftclipped = r_rightclipped = false; R_ClipEdge (pedges->v[0], pedges->v[1], pclip); if (r_leftclipped) makeleftedge = true; if (r_rightclipped) makerightedge = true; } // if there was a clip off the left edge, add that edge too // FIXME: faster to do in screen space? // FIXME: share clipped edges? if (makeleftedge) { r_pedge = &tedge; R_ClipEdge (&r_leftexit, &r_leftenter, pclip->next); } // if there was a clip off the right edge, get the right r_nearzi if (makerightedge) { r_pedge = &tedge; r_nearzionly = true; R_ClipEdge (&r_rightexit, &r_rightenter, view_clipplanes[1].next); } // if no edges made it out, return without posting the surface if (!r_emitted) return; surface_p->data = (void *)psurf; surface_p->nearzi = r_nearzi; surface_p->flags = psurf->flags; surface_p->insubmodel = true; surface_p->spanstate = 0; surface_p->entity = currententity; surface_p->key = r_currentbkey; surface_p->spans = nil; pplane = psurf->plane; // FIXME: cache this? TransformVector (pplane->normal, p_normal); // FIXME: cache this? distinv = 1.0 / (pplane->dist - DotProduct (modelorg, pplane->normal)); surface_p->d_zistepu = p_normal[0] * xscaleinv * distinv; surface_p->d_zistepv = -p_normal[1] * yscaleinv * distinv; surface_p->d_ziorigin = p_normal[2] * distinv - xcenter * surface_p->d_zistepu - ycenter * surface_p->d_zistepv; surface_p++; }