ref: 879855920811b9ac702ba76da9d3c8639b103f2b
dir: /draw.c/
#include "quakedef.h" typedef struct { vrect_t rect; int width; int height; pixel_t *ptexpixels; int rowbytes; } rectdesc_t; qpic_t *draw_disc; static rectdesc_t r_rectdesc; static pixel_t draw_chars[128*128]; // 8*8 graphic characters static qpic_t *draw_backtile; Wad *wad_gfx; //============================================================================= /* Support Routines */ typedef struct cachepic_s { char name[Npath]; mem_user_t cache; } cachepic_t; #define MAX_CACHED_PICS 128 static cachepic_t menu_cachepics[MAX_CACHED_PICS]; static int menu_numcachepics; /* ================ Draw_CachePic ================ */ qpic_t *Draw_CachePic (char *path) { cachepic_t *pic; int i, n; qpic_t *q; for (pic=menu_cachepics, i=0 ; i<menu_numcachepics ; pic++, i++) if (!strcmp (path, pic->name)) break; if (i == menu_numcachepics) { if (menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS) fatal ("menu_numcachepics == MAX_CACHED_PICS"); menu_numcachepics++; strcpy (pic->name, path); } q = Cache_Check(&pic->cache); if(q) return q; // load the pic from disk q = loadcachelmp(path, &pic->cache); if(q == nil) fatal("Draw_CachePic: %s", lerr()); q->width = LittleLong(q->width); q->height = LittleLong(q->height); n = q->width*q->height; q = Cache_Realloc(&pic->cache, sizeof(*q)+n*sizeof(pixel_t)); torgbx((byte*)q->pixels, q->pixels, n); return q; } qpic_t * Draw_PicFromWad(char *name) { return W_ReadQpic(wad_gfx, name, nil); } /* =============== Draw_Init =============== */ void Draw_Init (void) { int i; if(W_ReadPixels(wad_gfx, "conchars", draw_chars, nelem(draw_chars)) < 0) fatal("Draw_Init: %s", lerr()); /* black is transparent */ for(i = 0; i < nelem(draw_chars); i++){ if((draw_chars[i] & 0xffffff) == 0) draw_chars[i] = 0; } if((draw_disc = Draw_PicFromWad("disc")) == nil) fatal("Draw_Init: %s", lerr()); if((draw_backtile = Draw_PicFromWad("backtile")) == nil) fatal("Draw_Init: %s", lerr()); r_rectdesc.width = draw_backtile->width; r_rectdesc.height = draw_backtile->height; r_rectdesc.ptexpixels = draw_backtile->pixels; r_rectdesc.rowbytes = draw_backtile->width; } /* ================ Draw_Character Draws one 8*8 graphics character with 0 being transparent. It can be clipped to the top of the screen to allow the console to be smoothly scrolled off. ================ */ void Draw_Character (int x, int y, int num) { pixel_t *dest, *source; int drawline, row, col; num &= 255; if (y <= -8) return; // totally off screen #ifdef PARANOID if (y > vid.height - 8 || x < 0 || x > vid.width - 8) fatal ("Con_DrawCharacter: (%d, %d)", x, y); if (num < 0 || num > 255) fatal ("Con_DrawCharacter: char %d", num); #endif row = num>>4; col = num&15; source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3); if (y < 0) { // clipped drawline = 8 + y; source -= 128*y; y = 0; } else drawline = 8; dest = vid.conbuffer + y*vid.conrowbytes + x; while(drawline--){ if(source[0]) dest[0] = source[0]; if(source[1]) dest[1] = source[1]; if(source[2]) dest[2] = source[2]; if(source[3]) dest[3] = source[3]; if(source[4]) dest[4] = source[4]; if(source[5]) dest[5] = source[5]; if(source[6]) dest[6] = source[6]; if(source[7]) dest[7] = source[7]; source += 128; dest += vid.conrowbytes; } } /* ================ Draw_String ================ */ void Draw_String (int x, int y, char *str) { while (*str) { Draw_Character (x, y, *str); str++; x += 8; } } /* ============= Draw_Pic ============= */ void Draw_Pic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic) { pixel_t *dest, *source; int px, py; if ((x < 0) || (x + pic->width > vid.width) || (y < 0) || (y + pic->height > vid.height)) { fatal ("Draw_Pic: bad coordinates"); } source = pic->pixels; dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x; for(py = 0; py < pic->height; py++){ for(px = 0; px < pic->width; px++){ if(opaque(source[px])) dest[px] = source[px]; } dest += vid.rowbytes; source += pic->width; } } /* ============= Draw_TransPic ============= */ void Draw_TransPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic) { pixel_t *dest, *source, tpix; int v, u; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x+pic->width > vid.width || y+pic->height > vid.height) fatal ("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates"); source = pic->pixels; dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x; if(pic->width & 7){ // general for(v=0; v<pic->height; v++){ for(u=0; u<pic->width; u++) if(opaque(tpix = source[u])) dest[u] = tpix; dest += vid.rowbytes; source += pic->width; } }else{ // unwound for(v=0; v<pic->height; v++){ for(u=0; u<pic->width; u+=8){ if(opaque(tpix = source[u])) dest[u] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+1])) dest[u+1] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+2])) dest[u+2] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+3])) dest[u+3] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+4])) dest[u+4] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+5])) dest[u+5] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+6])) dest[u+6] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+7])) dest[u+7] = tpix; } dest += vid.rowbytes; source += pic->width; } } } /* ============= Draw_TransPicTranslate ============= */ void Draw_TransPicTranslate (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic, byte *translation) { pixel_t *dest, *source, tpix; int v, u; if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x+pic->width > vid.width || y+pic->height > vid.height) fatal ("Draw_TransPic: bad coordinates"); source = pic->pixels; dest = vid.buffer + y * vid.rowbytes + x; if (pic->width & 7){ // general for(v=0; v<pic->height; v++){ for(u=0; u<pic->width; u++) if(opaque(tpix = source[u])) dest[u] = tpix; dest += vid.rowbytes; source += pic->width; } }else{ // unwound for(v=0; v<pic->height; v++){ for(u=0; u<pic->width; u+=8){ if(opaque(tpix = source[u])) dest[u] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+1])) dest[u+1] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+2])) dest[u+2] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+3])) dest[u+3] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+4])) dest[u+4] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+5])) dest[u+5] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+6])) dest[u+6] = tpix; if(opaque(tpix = source[u+7])) dest[u+7] = tpix; } dest += vid.rowbytes; source += pic->width; } } } static void Draw_CharToConback (int num, pixel_t *dest) { int row, col, drawline, x; pixel_t *source; row = num>>4; col = num&15; source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3); drawline = 8; while (drawline--) { for (x=0 ; x<8 ; x++) if((source[x] & 0xffffff) != 0) dest[x] = source[x]; source += 128; dest += 320; } } /* ================ Draw_ConsoleBackground ================ */ void Draw_ConsoleBackground (int lines) { int x, y, v, n; pixel_t *src, *dest; int f, fstep; qpic_t *conback; char ver[100]; conback = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/conback.lmp"); // hack the version number directly into the pic sprint (ver, "(9)quake %4.2f", (float)VERSION); dest = conback->pixels + 320*186 + 320 - 11 - 8*strlen(ver); n = strlen(ver); for (x=0 ; x<n ; x++) Draw_CharToConback (ver[x], dest+(x<<3)); dest = vid.conbuffer; for(y=0; y<lines; y++, dest+=vid.conrowbytes){ v = (vid.conheight - lines + y) * 200 / vid.conheight; src = conback->pixels + v * 320; if(vid.conwidth == 320) memcpy(dest, src, vid.conwidth*sizeof(pixel_t)); else{ f = 0; fstep = 320 * 0x10000 / vid.conwidth; for(x=0; x<(int)vid.conwidth; x+=4){ dest[x] = src[f>>16]; f += fstep; dest[x+1] = src[f>>16]; f += fstep; dest[x+2] = src[f>>16]; f += fstep; dest[x+3] = src[f>>16]; f += fstep; } } } } /* ============== R_DrawRect8 ============== */ void R_DrawRect8 (vrect_t *prect, int rowbytes, pixel_t *psrc, int transparent) { pixel_t t, *pdest; int i, j, srcdelta, destdelta; pdest = vid.buffer + (prect->y * vid.rowbytes) + prect->x; srcdelta = rowbytes - prect->width; destdelta = vid.rowbytes - prect->width; if (transparent) { for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++){ for (j=0 ; j<prect->width ; j++){ if(opaque(t = *psrc)) *pdest = t; psrc++; pdest++; } psrc += srcdelta; pdest += destdelta; } }else{ for (i=0 ; i<prect->height ; i++){ memcpy (pdest, psrc, prect->width*sizeof(pixel_t)); psrc += rowbytes; pdest += vid.rowbytes; } } } /* ============= Draw_TileClear This repeats a 64*64 tile graphic to fill the screen around a sized down refresh window. ============= */ void Draw_TileClear (int x, int y, int w, int h) { int width, height, tileoffsetx, tileoffsety; pixel_t *psrc; vrect_t vr; r_rectdesc.rect.x = x; r_rectdesc.rect.y = y; r_rectdesc.rect.width = w; r_rectdesc.rect.height = h; vr.y = r_rectdesc.rect.y; height = r_rectdesc.rect.height; tileoffsety = vr.y % r_rectdesc.height; while (height > 0) { vr.x = r_rectdesc.rect.x; width = r_rectdesc.rect.width; if (tileoffsety != 0) vr.height = r_rectdesc.height - tileoffsety; else vr.height = r_rectdesc.height; if (vr.height > height) vr.height = height; tileoffsetx = vr.x % r_rectdesc.width; while (width > 0) { if (tileoffsetx != 0) vr.width = r_rectdesc.width - tileoffsetx; else vr.width = r_rectdesc.width; if (vr.width > width) vr.width = width; psrc = r_rectdesc.ptexpixels + (tileoffsety * r_rectdesc.rowbytes) + tileoffsetx; R_DrawRect8(&vr, r_rectdesc.rowbytes, psrc, 0); vr.x += vr.width; width -= vr.width; tileoffsetx = 0; // only the left tile can be left-clipped } vr.y += vr.height; height -= vr.height; tileoffsety = 0; // only the top tile can be top-clipped } } /* ============= Draw_Fill Fills a box of pixels with a single color ============= */ void Draw_Fill (int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel_t c) { pixel_t *dest; int u, v; dest = vid.buffer + y*vid.rowbytes + x; for(v=0; v<h; v++, dest+=vid.rowbytes) for(u=0; u<w; u++) dest[u] = c; } /* ================ Draw_FadeScreen ================ */ void Draw_FadeScreen (void) { int x,y; pixel_t *pbuf; for (y=0 ; y<vid.height ; y++) { int t; pbuf = vid.buffer + vid.rowbytes*y; t = (y & 1) << 1; for (x=0 ; x<vid.width ; x++) { if ((x & 3) != t) pbuf[x] = 0; } } }