ref: 37154b67a6dab963885ab645b1ecd328affd7708
dir: /QW/scitech/include/mgraph.h/
/**************************************************************************** * * MegaGraph Graphics Library * * Copyright (C) 1996 SciTech Software. * All rights reserved. * * Filename: $Workfile: mgraph.h $ * Version: $Revision: 1.29 $ * * Language: ANSI C * Environment: IBM PC (MS DOS) * * Description: Header file for the MegaGraph Graphics Library. You can * defined one of the following to specify which MGL API you * wish to use. * * MGL_LITE - Compile for the MGL/Lite API * MGL_PRO - Compile for the MGL/Pro API * MGL_FIX3D - Compile for the MGL/3D API (fixed point) * MGL_FLT3D - Compile for the MGL/3D API (floating point) * * If you do not define any of these, MGL_FIX3D will be defined * automatically for compatibility with older versions of the * MGL. * * $Date: 11 Mar 1997 16:46:42 $ $Author: KendallB $ * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef __MGRAPH_H #define __MGRAPH_H #include <stdio.h> #ifndef __DEBUG_H #include "debug.h" #endif #if !defined(MGL_LITE) && !defined(MGL_PRO) && !defined(MGL_FIX3D) \ && !defined(MGL_FLT3D) #define MGL_FIX3D #endif #if defined(MGL_FIX3D) || defined(MGL_FLT3D) #define MGL_3D #endif /*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/ #pragma pack(1) /* Pack structures to byte granularity */ /* Define the version number for the MGL release */ #define MGL_VERSION_STR "3.1" /* Define the calling conventions for all public MGL functions. If we * are compiling the MGL as a DLL, then all public functions are compiled * and exported with standard C calling conventions, otherwise we use * the default calling conventions provided by the compiler. * * Note that because Watcom C++ uses register based parameter passing * by default we also provide special DLL's for watcom that are compiled * with register parameter passing. This is necessary to work with all * the extra libraries provided as they are all compiled to call MGL * functions with arguments in registers whenever possible. You can still * use the standard DLL but if you do you will need to re-compile all * of the extra libraries with the MGL_DLL #define to change the calling * conventions for the MGL functions. */ #if defined(MGL_DLL) #define MGLAPI _EXPORT __cdecl #else #define MGLAPI _EXPORT _PUBAPI #endif #define ASMAPI _EXPORT __cdecl /* Define a type for integers used in the library. For most environments * we simply define it as a normal integer (16 or 32 bits), however for * 16 bit Windows it is defined as a 32 bit integer as all the real code * lives in a 32 bit DLL that uses 32 bit integers. */ #ifndef __M_INT_DEFINED #if defined(__WINDOWS16__) typedef long m_int; typedef unsigned long m_uint; #else typedef int m_int; typedef unsigned int m_uint; #endif #define __M_INT_DEFINED #endif /* Define the graphics subsystems available */ typedef enum { grDETECT = -1, /* Auto detect the graphics subsystem */ grNONE = 0, /* No graphics hardware detected */ grVGA, /* Standard VGA */ grVESA, /* VESA VBE compliant SuperVGA */ grSVGA, /* Unaccelerated SuperVGA */ grACCEL, /* Accelerated SuperVGA */ grDDRAW, /* Unaccelerated DirectDraw */ grDDRAWACCEL, /* Accelerated DirectDraw */ grDDRAW3D, /* 3D Accelerated DirectDraw */ grMAXDRIVER, /* Maximum driver number */ } MGL_driverType; /* Graphics modes supported - the only video modes supported by this * graphics library are those that support at least 16 colors per pixel. */ typedef enum { /* 16 color VGA video modes */ grVGA_320x200x16, grVGA_640x200x16, grVGA_640x350x16, grVGA_640x400x16, grVGA_640x480x16, grSVGA_800x600x16, /* 256 color VGA ModeX video modes */ grVGAX_320x200x256, grVGAX_320x240x256, grVGAX_320x400x256, grVGAX_320x480x256, /* 256 color VGA video modes */ grVGA_320x200x256, /* 256 color VGA/SuperVGA video modes */ grSVGA_320x200x256, grSVGA_320x240x256, grSVGA_320x400x256, grSVGA_320x480x256, grSVGA_400x300x256, grSVGA_512x384x256, grSVGA_640x350x256, grSVGA_640x400x256, grSVGA_640x480x256, grSVGA_800x600x256, grSVGA_1024x768x256, grSVGA_1152x864x256, grSVGA_1280x960x256, grSVGA_1280x1024x256, grSVGA_1600x1200x256, /* 32,768 color Super VGA video modes */ grSVGA_320x200x32k, grSVGA_320x240x32k, grSVGA_320x400x32k, grSVGA_320x480x32k, grSVGA_400x300x32k, grSVGA_512x384x32k, grSVGA_640x350x32k, grSVGA_640x400x32k, grSVGA_640x480x32k, grSVGA_800x600x32k, grSVGA_1024x768x32k, grSVGA_1152x864x32k, grSVGA_1280x960x32k, grSVGA_1280x1024x32k, grSVGA_1600x1200x32k, /* 65,536 color Super VGA video modes */ grSVGA_320x200x64k, grSVGA_320x240x64k, grSVGA_320x400x64k, grSVGA_320x480x64k, grSVGA_400x300x64k, grSVGA_512x384x64k, grSVGA_640x350x64k, grSVGA_640x400x64k, grSVGA_640x480x64k, grSVGA_800x600x64k, grSVGA_1024x768x64k, grSVGA_1152x864x64k, grSVGA_1280x960x64k, grSVGA_1280x1024x64k, grSVGA_1600x1200x64k, /* 16 million color, 24 bits per pixel Super VGA video modes */ grSVGA_320x200x16m, grSVGA_320x240x16m, grSVGA_320x400x16m, grSVGA_320x480x16m, grSVGA_400x300x16m, grSVGA_512x384x16m, grSVGA_640x350x16m, grSVGA_640x400x16m, grSVGA_640x480x16m, grSVGA_800x600x16m, grSVGA_1024x768x16m, grSVGA_1152x864x16m, grSVGA_1280x960x16m, grSVGA_1280x1024x16m, grSVGA_1600x1200x16m, /* 16 million color, 32 bits per pixel Super VGA video modes */ grSVGA_320x200x4G, grSVGA_320x240x4G, grSVGA_320x400x4G, grSVGA_320x480x4G, grSVGA_400x300x4G, grSVGA_512x384x4G, grSVGA_640x350x4G, grSVGA_640x400x4G, grSVGA_640x480x4G, grSVGA_800x600x4G, grSVGA_1024x768x4G, grSVGA_1152x864x4G, grSVGA_1280x960x4G, grSVGA_1280x1024x4G, grSVGA_1600x1200x4G, /* Render into Windowing System DC (Windows, OS/2 PM, X11) */ grWINDOWED, grMAXMODE, /* Maximum mode number */ } MGL_modeType; /* MGL_result() error codes */ typedef enum { grOK = 0, /* No error */ grNoInit = -1, /* Graphics driver has not been installed */ grNotDetected = -2, /* Graphics hardware was not detected */ grDriverNotFound= -3, /* Graphics driver file not found */ grBadDriver = -4, /* File loaded was not a graphics driver */ grLoadMem = -5, /* Not enough memory to load graphics driver*/ grInvalidMode = -6, /* Invalid graphics mode for selected driver*/ grError = -8, /* General graphics error */ grInvalidName = -9, /* Invalid driver name */ grNoMem = -10, /* Not enough memory to perform operation */ grNoModeSupport = -11, /* Select video mode not supported by hard. */ grInvalidFont = -12, /* Invalid font data */ grBadFontFile = -13, /* File loaded was not a font file */ grFontNotFound = -14, /* Font file was not found */ grOldDriver = -15, /* Driver file is an old version */ grInvalidDevice = -16, /* Invalid device for selected operation */ grInvalidDC = -17, /* Invalid device context */ grInvalidCursor = -18, /* Invalid cursor file */ grCursorNotFound= -19, /* Cursor file was not found */ grInvalidIcon = -20, /* Invalid icon file */ grIconNotFound = -21, /* Icon file was not found */ grInvalidBitmap = -22, /* Invalid bitmap file */ grBitmapNotFound= -23, /* Bitmap file was not found */ grZbufferTooBig = -24, /* Zbuffer allocation is too large */ grNewFontFile = -25, /* Only Windows 2.x font files supported */ grNoDoubleBuff = -26, /* Double buffering is not available */ grNoHardwareBlt = -28, /* No hardware bitBlt for OffscreenDC */ grNoOffscreenMem= -29, /* No available offscreen memory */ grInvalidPF = -30, /* Invalid pixel format for memory DC */ grLastError = -31, /* Last error number in list */ } MGL_errorType; #define MGL_CLIPON true #define MGL_CLIPOFF false /* Color mapped modes */ typedef enum { MGL_CMAP_MODE, /* Normal Color mapped mode */ MGL_DITHER_RGB_MODE, /* 24 bit RGB halftone dithered */ } MGL_colorModes; /* Standard colors - this is the standard set of colors for the IBM PC. The * default palette will have been programmed to contain these values when a * graphics modes is started. If the palette has been changed, they will * not correspond to the actual colors on the screen. Under a Windowing * manage environment these colors will also not be setup by default. */ enum MGL_COLORS { MGL_BLACK, /* dark colors */ MGL_BLUE, MGL_GREEN, MGL_CYAN, MGL_RED, MGL_MAGENTA, MGL_BROWN, MGL_LIGHTGRAY, MGL_DARKGRAY, /* light colors */ MGL_LIGHTBLUE, MGL_LIGHTGREEN, MGL_LIGHTCYAN, MGL_LIGHTRED, MGL_LIGHTMAGENTA, MGL_YELLOW, MGL_WHITE, }; /* Windows standard color indices for 256 color bitmaps. 8,9,246,247 are * reserved and you should not count on these colors always being the * same. For 16 color bitmaps, colors 248-255 map to colors 8-15. */ enum MGL_WIN_COLORS { MGL_WIN_BLACK = 0, MGL_WIN_DARKRED = 1, MGL_WIN_DARKGREEN = 2, MGL_WIN_DARKYELLOW = 3, MGL_WIN_DARKBLUE = 4, MGL_WIN_DARKMAGENTA = 5, MGL_WIN_DARKCYAN = 6, MGL_WIN_LIGHTGRAY = 7, MGL_WIN_TURQUOISE = 8, /* Reserved; dont count on this */ MGL_WIN_SKYBLUE = 9, /* Reserved; dont count on this */ MGL_WIN_CREAM = 246, /* Reserved; dont count on this */ MGL_WIN_MEDIUMGRAY = 247, /* Reserved; dont count on this */ MGL_WIN_DARKGRAY = 248, MGL_WIN_LIGHTRED = 249, MGL_WIN_LIGHTGREEN = 250, MGL_WIN_LIGHTYELLOW = 251, MGL_WIN_LIGHTBLUE = 252, MGL_WIN_LIGHTMAGENTA = 253, MGL_WIN_LIGHTCYAN = 254, MGL_WIN_WHITE = 255, }; typedef enum { MGL_MARKER_SQUARE, MGL_MARKER_CIRCLE, MGL_MARKER_X, } MGL_markerStyleType; typedef enum { /* Write mode operators */ MGL_REPLACE_MODE, /* Replace mode */ MGL_AND_MODE, /* AND mode */ MGL_OR_MODE, /* OR mode */ MGL_XOR_MODE, /* XOR mode */ } MGL_writeModeType; typedef enum { MGL_BITMAP_SOLID, MGL_BITMAP_OPAQUE, MGL_BITMAP_TRANSPARENT, MGL_PIXMAP, } MGL_fillStyleType; typedef enum { MGL_LINE_PENSTYLE, /* Line drawn in current pen style */ MGL_LINE_STIPPLE, /* Line drawn with current stipple */ } MGL_lineStyleType; typedef enum { MGL_CONVEX_POLYGON, /* Monotone vertical polygon */ MGL_COMPLEX_POLYGON, /* Non-Simple polygons */ MGL_AUTO_POLYGON, /* Auto detect the polygon type */ } MGL_polygonType; /* Text manipulation defines */ typedef enum { MGL_LEFT_TEXT = 0, /* Justify from left */ MGL_TOP_TEXT = 0, /* Justify from top */ MGL_CENTER_TEXT = 1, /* Center the text */ MGL_RIGHT_TEXT = 2, /* Justify from right */ MGL_BOTTOM_TEXT = 2, /* Justify from bottom */ MGL_BASELINE_TEXT = 3, /* Justify from the baseline */ } MGL_textJustType; typedef enum { MGL_LEFT_DIR = 0, /* Text goes to left */ MGL_UP_DIR = 1, /* Text goes up */ MGL_RIGHT_DIR = 2, /* Text goes right */ MGL_DOWN_DIR = 3, /* Text goes down */ } MGL_textDirType; /* Font types */ typedef enum { MGL_VECTORFONT = 1, /* Vector font */ MGL_FIXEDFONT, /* Fixed width bitmap font */ MGL_PROPFONT, /* Proportional width bitmap font */ } MGL_fontType; /* Palette rotation directions */ typedef enum { MGL_ROTATE_UP, /* Rotate the palette values up */ MGL_ROTATE_DOWN, /* Rotate the palette values down */ } MGL_palRotateType; /* Border drawing routine styles */ typedef enum { MGL_BDR_INSET, /* Interior is inset into screen */ MGL_BDR_OUTSET, /* Interior is outset from screen */ MGL_BDR_OUTLINE, /* Border is 3d outline */ } MGL_bdrStyleType; /* Standard display driver names */ #define MGL_VGA4NAME "VGA4.DRV" /* Standard VGA drivers */ #define MGL_VGA8NAME "VGA8.DRV" #define MGL_VGAXNAME "VGAX.DRV" #define MGL_SVGA4NAME "SVGA4.DRV" /* Generic SuperVGA drivers */ #define MGL_SVGA8NAME "SVGA8.DRV" #define MGL_SVGA16NAME "SVGA16.DRV" #define MGL_SVGA24NAME "SVGA24.DRV" #define MGL_SVGA32NAME "SVGA32.DRV" #define MGL_LINEAR8NAME "LINEAR8.DRV" /* Linear framebuffer drivers */ #define MGL_LINEAR16NAME "LINEAR16.DRV" #define MGL_LINEAR24NAME "LINEAR24.DRV" #define MGL_LINEAR32NAME "LINEAR32.DRV" #define MGL_ACCEL8NAME "ACCEL8.DRV" /* VBE/AF Accelerated drivers */ #define MGL_ACCEL16NAME "ACCEL16.DRV" #define MGL_ACCEL24NAME "ACCEL24.DRV" #define MGL_ACCEL32NAME "ACCEL32.DRV" #define MGL_DDRAW8NAME "DDRAW8.DRV" /* DirectDraw drivers */ #define MGL_DDRAW16NAME "DDRAW16.DRV" #define MGL_DDRAW24NAME "DDRAW24.DRV" #define MGL_DDRAW32NAME "DDRAW32.DRV" /* Standard memory driver names */ #define MGL_PACKED1NAME "PACK1.DRV" #define MGL_PACKED4NAME "PACK4.DRV" #define MGL_PACKED8NAME "PACK8.DRV" #define MGL_PACKED16NAME "PACK16.DRV" #define MGL_PACKED24NAME "PACK24.DRV" #define MGL_PACKED32NAME "PACK32.DRV" /* Standard bitmap names */ #define MGL_EMPTY_FILL _MGL_getEmptyPat() #define MGL_GRAY_FILL _MGL_getGrayPat() #define MGL_SOLID_FILL _MGL_getSolidPat() /* Event message masks for keyDown events */ #define EVT_ASCIIMASK 0x00FF /* Ascii code of key pressed */ #define EVT_SCANMASK 0xFF00 /* Scan code of key pressed */ #define EVT_COUNTMASK 0x7FFF0000L /* Count for KEYREPEAT's */ #define EVT_asciiCode(m) ( (uchar) (m & EVT_ASCIIMASK) ) #define EVT_scanCode(m) ( (uchar) ( (m & EVT_SCANMASK) >> 8 ) ) #define EVT_repeatCount(m) ( (short) ( (m & EVT_COUNTMASK) >> 16 ) ) /* Event message masks for mouse events */ #define EVT_LEFTBMASK 0x0001 /* Left button is bit 0 */ #define EVT_RIGHTBMASK 0x0004 /* Right button is bit 1 */ #define EVT_BOTHBMASK 0x0005 /* Both left and right together */ #define EVT_ALLBMASK 0x0005 /* All buttons pressed */ /* Modifier masks */ #define EVT_LEFTBUT 0x0001 /* Set if left button was down */ #define EVT_RIGHTBUT 0x0002 /* Set if right button was down */ #define EVT_RIGHTSHIFT 0x0008 /* Set if right shift down */ #define EVT_LEFTSHIFT 0x0010 /* Set if left shift down */ #define EVT_CTRLSTATE 0x0020 /* Set if ctrl key down */ #define EVT_ALTSTATE 0x0040 /* Set if alt key down */ #define EVT_LEFTCTRL 0x0080 /* Set if left ctrl key down */ #define EVT_LEFTALT 0x0100 /* Set if left alt key down */ #define EVT_SHIFTKEY 0x0018 /* Any shift key */ /* Event codes */ #define EVT_NULLEVT 0x0000 /* A null event */ #define EVT_KEYDOWN 0x0001 /* Key down event */ #define EVT_KEYREPEAT 0x0002 /* Key repeat event */ #define EVT_KEYUP 0x0004 /* Key up event */ #define EVT_MOUSEDOWN 0x0008 /* Mouse down event */ #define EVT_MOUSEUP 0x0010 /* Mouse up event */ #define EVT_MOUSEMOVE 0x0020 /* Mouse movement event */ #define EVT_TIMERTICK 0x0040 /* Timer tick event */ #define EVT_USEREVT 0x0080 /* First user event */ /* Event code masks */ #define EVT_KEYEVT (EVT_KEYDOWN | EVT_KEYREPEAT | EVT_KEYUP) #define EVT_MOUSEEVT (EVT_MOUSEDOWN | EVT_MOUSEUP | EVT_MOUSEMOVE) #define EVT_MOUSECLICK (EVT_MOUSEDOWN | EVT_MOUSEUP) #define EVT_EVERYEVT 0xFFFF /* Suspend Application callback type codes. This callback is called * when the user presses one of the corresponding keys indicating that * they wish to change the active application. The MGL will catch these * events and if you have registered a callback, will call the callback to * save the state of the application so that it can be properly restored * when the user switches back to your application. The MGL takes care of * all the details about saving and restoring the state of the hardware, * and all your application needs to do is save its own state so that you can * re-draw the application screen upon re-activation. * * NOTE: Your application suspend callback may get called twice with the * MGL_DEACTIVATE flag in order to test whether the switch should * occur (under both DirectDraw and WinDirect fullscreen modes). * * NOTE: When your callback is called with the MGL_DEACTIVATE flag, you * cannot assume that you have access to the display memory surfaces * as they may have been lost by the time your callback has been called. */ #define MGL_DEACTIVATE 0x0001 /* Application losing active focus */ #define MGL_REACTIVATE 0x0002 /* Application regaining active focus */ /* Return codes from the suspend application callback. The normal value * to be returned is MGL_SUSPEND_APP and this will cause the app to be * suspended while back in GDI mode until the app is re-activated again * by the user. * * MGL_NO_DEACTIVATE signals to WinDirect that the application does not want * to allow switching to occur, and the switch request will be ignored and * the app will remain in fullscreen mode. * * MGL_NO_SUSPEND_APP can be used to tell WinDirect to switch back to the * desktop, but not to suspend the application. This must be used with * care as the suspend application callback is then responsible for setting * a flag in the application that will stop the application from doing any * rendering to the framebuffer while the application is in GDI mode. This * return value is useful for games that need to maintain network * connectivity while the user has temporarily switched back to GDI mode. */ #define MGL_NO_DEACTIVATE 0 /* Dont allow app to be deactivated */ #define MGL_SUSPEND_APP 1 /* Suspend application until restored */ #define MGL_NO_SUSPEND_APP 2 /* Dont suspend, but allow switch */ /* Here we define the structures used to represent points and rectangles */ typedef struct { m_int x,y; } point_t; typedef struct { m_int left; m_int top; m_int right; m_int bottom; } rect_t; /* All colors are represented as longs by the library. This allows * code to work correctly with up to 24 bit color device drivers. The * device drivers themselves expect the color to be a color index if in * a color mapped mode, or a 15/16/24 bit RGB tuple in a hicolor or truecolor * mode. You can use the appropriate routines to pack and unpack * colors into the color_t format. */ typedef ulong color_t; /* Define the value used to clear the software ZBuffer. The MGL always uses * a > operator for the z compare, and the smallest value is 0. */ #define MGL_ZCLEARVAL 0 /* Structures for passing vertex information to polygon rendering routines. * All fixed point coordinates are passed in 16.16 signed fixed point * format, while zbuffer coordinates are passed in 4.28 signed fixed point * format. The sign bit is used purely for overflow and arithmetic * internally, and all user passed zbuffer values should be greater than * 0. All shaded rendering routines either take a color index in 8.16 fixed * point format (range 0-255.9) or separate RGB components in 8.16 fixed * point format (range 0-255.9). */ #ifdef __FX_FIXED_H #define fix32_t FXFixed #else typedef long fix32_t; #endif typedef fix32_t fxcolor_t; typedef long zfix32_t; typedef struct { fix32_t x,y; } fxpoint_t; typedef struct { fxcolor_t r,g,b; } fxrgb_t; typedef struct { fix32_t w,s,t; } fxtex_t; typedef struct { fxcolor_t c; fxpoint_t p; } fxpointc_t; typedef struct { fxrgb_t c; fxpoint_t p; } fxpointrgb_t; typedef struct { fxpoint_t p; zfix32_t z; } fxpointz_t; typedef struct { fxcolor_t c; fxpoint_t p; zfix32_t z; } fxpointcz_t; typedef struct { fxrgb_t c; fxpoint_t p; zfix32_t z; } fxpointrgbz_t; /* Macros to convert between integer and 32 bit fixed point format */ #define MGL_FIX_1 0x10000L #define MGL_FIX_2 0x20000L #define MGL_FIX_HALF 0x08000L #define MGL_TOFIX(i) ((long)(i) << 16) #define MGL_FIXTOINT(f) ((m_int)((f) >> 16)) #define MGL_FIXROUND(f) ((m_int)(((f) + MGL_FIX_HALF) >> 16)) #define MGL_ZFIX_1 0x10000000L #define MGL_ZFIX_HALF 0x08000000L #define MGL_FIXTOZ(i) ((i) << 12) #define MGL_ZTOFIX(i) ((i) >> 12) #define MGL_TOZFIX(i) ((long)(i) << 28) #define MGL_ZFIXTOINT(f) ((m_int)((f) >> 28)) #define MGL_ZFIXROUND(f) ((m_int)(((f) + MGL_ZFIX_HALF) >> 28)) /* Region structure */ #ifdef BUILD_MGL struct _span_t; typedef struct _span_t span_t; #else typedef void span_t; #endif typedef struct { rect_t rect; /* Bounding rectangle for region */ span_t *spans; /* Start of span list for region */ } region_t; /* Palette entry structure */ typedef struct { uchar blue; /* Blue component of color */ uchar green; /* Green component of color */ uchar red; /* Blue component of color */ uchar alpha; /* Alpha or alignment byte */ } palette_t; /* Maximum value for each palette entry component */ #define PALMAX 255 /* Max value for palette components */ /* Pixel format structure */ typedef struct { uchar redMask,greenMask; /* Mask values for pixels */ uchar blueMask,rsvdMask; m_int redPos,redAdjust; /* Red position and adjustment */ m_int greenPos,greenAdjust; /* Green position and adjustment */ m_int bluePos,blueAdjust; /* Blue position and adjustment */ m_int rsvdPos,rsvdAdjust; /* Reserved position and adjustment */ } pixel_format_t; /* Structure to hold arc coordinate information */ typedef struct { m_int x,y; /* Centre point of the arc */ m_int startX,startY; /* Starting point on arc */ m_int endX,endY; /* Ending point on arc */ } arc_coords_t; /* Mouse cursor structure */ typedef struct { ulong xorMask[32]; ulong andMask[32]; m_int xHotSpot; m_int yHotSpot; } cursor_t; /* Bitmap structure - always packed pixel DIB format */ typedef struct { m_int width; /* Width of bitmap in pixels */ m_int height; /* Height of bitmap in pixels */ m_int bitsPerPixel; /* Pixel width */ m_int bytesPerLine; /* Bytes per line value for surface */ uchar *surface; /* Pointer to bitmap surface */ palette_t *pal; /* Palette (NULL if not loaded) */ pixel_format_t *pf; /* Pixel format (NULL if none) */ /* ... palette, pixel format and bitmap data are store contiguously */ } bitmap_t; /* Icon structure - can be 32x23, 64x64 or in fact any size */ typedef struct { m_int byteWidth; /* Byte with for AND mask */ uchar *andMask; /* Hold punch mask for icon */ bitmap_t xorMask; /* XOR mask for the icon */ /* ... AND mask and bitmap structure are stored contiguously */ } icon_t; /* Default cursor name */ #define MGL_DEF_CURSOR _MGL_getDefCursor() /* Generic Font structure */ #define _MGL_FNAMESIZE 58 typedef struct { char name[_MGL_FNAMESIZE];/* Name of the font */ short fontType; /* Type of font */ short maxWidth; /* Maximum character width */ short maxKern; /* Maximum character kern */ short fontWidth; /* Font width */ short fontHeight; /* Font height */ short ascent; /* Font ascent value */ short descent; /* Font descent value */ short leading; /* Font leading value */ } font_t; /* Character and font metrics structure */ typedef struct { m_int width; /* Width of character or font */ m_int fontWidth; /* Character width (tightest fit) */ m_int fontHeight; /* Height of the font */ m_int ascent; /* Ascent value */ m_int descent; /* Descent value */ m_int leading; /* Leading value */ m_int kern; /* Kern value */ } metrics_t; /* Text settings structure */ typedef struct { m_int horizJust; /* Horizontal justfication */ m_int vertJust; /* Vertical justification */ m_int dir; /* Text drawing direction */ m_int szNumerx; /* Text x size numerator */ m_int szNumery; /* Text y size numerator */ m_int szDenomx; /* Text x size denominator */ m_int szDenomy; /* Text y size denominator */ m_int spaceExtra; /* Space extra term */ font_t *font; /* Currently selected font */ } text_settings_t; /* Macros to access the (left,top) and (right,bottom) points of a * rectangle. */ #define MGL_leftTop(r) (((point_t *) &(r))[0]) #define MGL_rightBottom(r) (((point_t *) &(r))[1]) typedef uchar pattern_t[8]; typedef color_t pixpattern_t[8][8]; /* Attributes structure */ typedef struct { color_t color; /* Foreground color */ color_t backColor; /* Background color */ m_int colorMode; /* Current color mode */ m_int markerSize; /* Size of markers in pixels */ m_int markerStyle; /* Style of markers */ color_t markerColor; /* Color to draw markers in */ color_t bdrBright; /* Border bright color */ color_t bdrDark; /* Border dark color */ point_t CP; /* Graphics pen position */ m_int writeMode; /* Scan conversion write mode op. */ m_int penStyle; /* Pen style */ m_int penHeight; /* Height of pen */ m_int penWidth; /* Width of pen */ pattern_t penPat; /* Pattern for pen */ pixpattern_t penPixPat; /* Pixmap pattern for pen */ m_int lineStyle; /* Line style */ ushort lineStipple; /* Line stipple */ m_uint stippleCount; /* Current line stipple count */ rect_t viewPort; /* Viewport dimensions */ point_t viewPortOrg; /* Logical viewport origin */ rect_t clipRect; /* Clipping rectangle dimensions */ m_int clip; /* Is clipping on? */ m_int polyType; /* Polygon drawing type */ text_settings_t ts; /* Text drawing attributes */ } attributes_t; /* Mode specific format information. This structrure can be used by * the device driver to build tables of values for all supported modes */ typedef struct { m_int xRes; /* Device x resolution - 1 */ m_int yRes; /* Device y resolution - 1 */ m_int bitsPerPixel; /* Number of bits per pixel */ m_int numberOfPlanes; /* Number of planes in image */ color_t maxColor; /* Maximum number of colors - 1 */ m_int maxPage; /* Maximum number of video pages - 1 */ m_int bytesPerLine; /* Number of bytes in a line */ m_int aspectRatio; /* Mode aspect ratio (horiz/vert * 1000) */ long pageSize; /* Number of bytes in a page */ m_int scratch1; /* Scratch pad value 1 */ m_int scratch2; /* Scratch pad value 2 */ char redMaskSize; /* Size of direct color red mask */ char redFieldPosition; /* Bit posn of lsb of red mask */ char greenMaskSize; /* Size of direct color green mask */ char greenFieldPosition; /* Bit posn of lsb of green mask */ char blueMaskSize; /* Size of direct color blue mask */ char blueFieldPosition; /* Bit posn of lsb of blue mask */ char rsvdMaskSize; /* Size of reserved mask */ char rsvdFieldPosition; /* Bit posn of reserved mask */ } gmode_t; /* Public Device Context Structure. The 'surface' member along with the * gmode_t information block, provides direct access to the active * display surface for user applications. The MGL virtualises the surface * in SuperVGA modes that dont have a real linear framebuffer. */ typedef struct { attributes_t a; /* Active device attributes */ void *surface; /* Pointer to active device surface */ void *zbuffer; /* Pointer to Z-buffer if allocated */ m_int zbits; /* Bits per zbuffer element */ m_int zwidth; /* Width of the zbuffer in pixels */ gmode_t mi; /* Mode specific information block */ pixel_format_t pf; /* Current pixel format for device context */ color_t *colorTab; /* Color lookup table cache */ color_t *shadeTab; /* Currently active shade table */ m_int bankOffset; /* Offset of starting bank number */ /* Remainder of Device Context structure is private and internal */ } publicDevCtx_t; #ifndef BUILD_MGL typedef publicDevCtx_t MGLDC; #else struct internalDevCtx_t; typedef struct internalDevCtx_t MGLDC; #endif typedef struct { ulong which; /* Which window for window manager code */ m_uint what; /* Event code */ ulong when; /* Clock ticks since midnight */ m_int where_x; /* Mouse location */ m_int where_y; ulong message; /* Event specific message */ ulong modifiers; /* Modifier flags */ m_int next; /* Next event in queue */ m_int prev; /* Previous event in queue */ } event_t; /* Structure containing file I/O functions allowing the user application to * completely replace the MGL's file I/O functions with their own. This * allows the app to store all MGL related files in a single large file, * with encryption or compression is desired. By default normal file I/O * functions will be used. */ typedef struct { FILE * (*fopen)(const char *filename,const char *mode); int (*fclose)(FILE *f); int (*fseek)(FILE *f,long offset,int whence); long (*ftell)(FILE *f); size_t (*fread)(void *ptr,size_t size,size_t n,FILE *f); size_t (*fwrite)(const void *ptr,size_t size,size_t n,FILE *f); } fileio_t; /* Define the flags for the types of direct surface access provided */ #define MGL_NO_ACCESS 0x0 /* Surface cannot be accessed */ #define MGL_VIRTUAL_ACCESS 0x1 /* Surface is virtualised */ #define MGL_LINEAR_ACCESS 0x2 /* Surface can be linearly accessed */ #define MGL_SURFACE_FLAGS 0x3 /* Define the flags for the types of direct zbuffer access provided */ #define MGL_NO_ZACCESS 0x0 /* Zbuffer cannot be accessed */ #define MGL_VIRTUAL_ZACCESS 0x4 /* Zbuffer is virtualised in */ #define MGL_LINEAR_ZACCESS 0x8 /* Zbuffer can be linearly accessed */ #define MGL_ZBUFFER_FLAGS 0xC /* Define the flags for the types of hardware acceleration supported by * the device context. This will allow the application to tailor the use of * MGL functions depending upon whether specific hardware support is * available. Hence applications can use specialised software rendering * support if the desired hardware support is not available. * * NOTE: If the hardware flags are not MGL_HW_NONE, you *must* call * the MGL_beginDirectAccess() and MGL_endDirectAccess() functions * before and after any custom code that does direct framebuffer * rendering!! * * This is not necessary for non-accelerated device context, so you * might want to optimise these calls out if there is no hardware * acceleration support. */ #define MGL_HW_NONE 0x0000 /* No hardware acceleration */ #define MGL_HW_LINE 0x0010 /* Hardware line drawing */ #define MGL_HW_STIPPLE_LINE 0x0020 /* Hardware stippled line drawing */ #define MGL_HW_POLY 0x0040 /* Hardware polygon filling */ #define MGL_HW_RECT 0x0080 /* Hardware rectangle fill */ #define MGL_HW_PATT_RECT 0x0100 /* Hardware pattern rectangle fill */ #define MGL_HW_CLRPATT_RECT 0x0200 /* Hardware color pattern fill */ #define MGL_HW_SCR_BLT 0x0400 /* Hardware screen/screen bitBlt */ #define MGL_HW_SRCTRANS_BLT 0x0800 /* Hardware source transparent blt */ #define MGL_HW_DSTTRANS_BLT 0x1000 /* Hardware dest. transparent blt */ #define MGL_HW_MONO_BLT 0x2000 /* Hardware monochrome blt */ #define MGL_HW_CLIP 0x4000 /* Hardware clipping */ #define MGL_HW_FLAGS 0xFFF0 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */ #endif /*------------------------- Function Prototypes ---------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Routines bound to a specific device context. These routines all take * an MGLDC as a parmeter for the context to work with and hence dont work * with the current context. If however the context passed is the currently * active context, all changes to that context are reflected in the * currently active context as well. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Environment detection and initialisation */ m_int MGLAPI MGL_registerDriver(const char *name,void *driver); void MGLAPI MGL_unregisterAllDrivers(void); void MGLAPI MGL_registerAllDispDrivers(bool useLinear,bool useDirectDraw,bool useWinDirect); void MGLAPI MGL_registerAllMemDrivers(void); void MGLAPI MGL_detectGraph(m_int *driver,m_int *mode); uchar * MGLAPI MGL_availableModes(void); m_int MGLAPI MGL_availablePages(m_int mode); m_int MGLAPI MGL_modeResolution(m_int mode,m_int *xRes,m_int *yRes,m_int *bitsPerPixel); bool MGLAPI MGL_isDisplayDC(MGLDC *dc); bool MGLAPI MGL_isWindowedDC(MGLDC *dc); bool MGLAPI MGL_isMemoryDC(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_exit(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setBufSize(unsigned size); void MGLAPI MGL_fatalError(const char *msg); m_int MGLAPI MGL_result(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setResult(m_int result); const char * MGLAPI MGL_errorMsg(m_int err); const char * MGLAPI MGL_modeName(m_int mode); const char * MGLAPI MGL_modeDriverName(m_int mode); const char * MGLAPI MGL_driverName(m_int driver); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getDriver(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getMode(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_surfaceAccessType(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_zbufferAccessType(MGLDC *dc); long MGLAPI MGL_getHardwareFlags(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_defaultAttributes(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_makeSubDC(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); /* Viewport and clip rectangle manipulation bound to a specific DC */ void MGLAPI MGL_setViewportDC(MGLDC *dc,rect_t view); void MGLAPI MGL_setRelViewportDC(MGLDC *dc,rect_t view); void MGLAPI MGL_getViewportDC(MGLDC *dc,rect_t *view); void MGLAPI MGL_setViewportOrgDC(MGLDC *dc,point_t org); void MGLAPI MGL_getViewportOrgDC(MGLDC *dc,point_t *org); void MGLAPI MGL_globalToLocalDC(MGLDC *dc,point_t *p); void MGLAPI MGL_localToGlobalDC(MGLDC *dc,point_t *p); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxxDC(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxyDC(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_setClipRectDC(MGLDC *dc,rect_t clip); void MGLAPI MGL_getClipRectDC(MGLDC *dc,rect_t *clip); void MGLAPI MGL_setClipModeDC(MGLDC *dc,bool mode); bool MGLAPI MGL_getClipModeDC(MGLDC *dc); /* Color and palette manipulation */ color_t MGLAPI MGL_realColor(MGLDC *dc,m_int color); color_t MGLAPI MGL_rgbColor(MGLDC *dc,uchar R,uchar G,uchar B); void MGLAPI MGL_setPaletteEntry(MGLDC *dc,m_int entry,uchar red,uchar green,uchar blue); void MGLAPI MGL_getPaletteEntry(MGLDC *dc,m_int entry,uchar *red,uchar *green,uchar *blue); void MGLAPI MGL_setPalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *pal,m_int numColors,m_int startIndex); void MGLAPI MGL_getPalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *pal,m_int numColors,m_int startIndex); void ASMAPI MGL_rotatePalette(MGLDC *dc,m_int numColors,m_int startIndex,m_int direction); bool ASMAPI MGL_fadePalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *fullIntensity,m_int numColors,m_int startIndex,uchar intensity); void MGLAPI MGL_realizePalette(MGLDC *dc,m_int numColors,m_int startIndex,m_int waitVRT); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getPaletteSize(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_getDefaultPalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *pal); void MGLAPI MGL_setDefaultPalette(MGLDC *dc); #ifndef MGL_LITE bool MGLAPI MGL_checkIdentityPalette(bool enable); void MGLAPI MGL_mapToPalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *pal); #endif /* Generic device context information and manipulation */ bool MGLAPI MGL_haveWidePalette(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getBitsPerPixel(MGLDC *dc); color_t MGLAPI MGL_maxColor(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxPage(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_sizex(MGLDC *dc); m_int MGLAPI MGL_sizey(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_getPixelFormat(MGLDC *dc,pixel_format_t *pf); void * MGLAPI MGL_computePixelAddr(MGLDC *dc,int x,int y); /* Double buffering support */ void MGLAPI MGL_setActivePage(MGLDC *dc,m_int page); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getActivePage(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_setVisualPage(MGLDC *dc,m_int page,m_int waitVRT); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getVisualPage(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_setDisplayStart(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,m_int waitFlag); void MGLAPI MGL_getDisplayStart(MGLDC *dc,m_int *x,m_int *y); void MGLAPI MGL_vSync(MGLDC *dc); bool MGLAPI MGL_doubleBuffer(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_singleBuffer(MGLDC *dc); void MGLAPI MGL_swapBuffers(MGLDC *dc,m_int waitVRT); /* Zbuffering support */ #ifdef MGL_3D m_int MGLAPI MGL_getHardwareZBufferDepth(MGLDC *dc); bool ASMAPI MGL_zBegin(MGLDC *dc,m_int zbits); bool MGLAPI MGL_zShareZBuffer(MGLDC *dc,MGLDC *dcShared,m_int zbits); #endif /* Event handling support */ bool MGLAPI EVT_getNext(event_t *evt,m_uint mask); bool MGLAPI EVT_peekNext(event_t *evt,m_uint mask); bool MGLAPI EVT_post(ulong which,m_uint what,ulong message,ulong modifiers); void MGLAPI EVT_flush(m_uint mask); void MGLAPI EVT_halt(event_t *evt,m_uint mask); m_int MGLAPI EVT_setTimerTick(m_int ticks); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Routines bound to the currently active context. All these routines work * with the currently active context and do not reflect any changes made * to the global context to the original user supplied context (because it * may be cached). The cached DC is automatically flushed back to the * original DC when a new context is enabled with MGL_makeCurrentDC(). * * Before destroying a DC that is current, make sure you call * MGL_makeCurrentDC(NULL) first! *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Routines to change the active global device context */ MGLDC * MGLAPI MGL_makeCurrentDC(MGLDC *dc); bool MGLAPI MGL_isCurrentDC(MGLDC *dc); /* Current device context information and manipulation */ m_int MGLAPI MGL_getAspectRatio(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setAspectRatio(m_int aspectRatio); void ASMAPI MGL_setColor(color_t color); void MGLAPI MGL_setColorRGB(uchar R,uchar G,uchar B); void MGLAPI MGL_setColorCI(m_int index); color_t MGLAPI MGL_getColor(void); void ASMAPI MGL_setBackColor(color_t color); color_t MGLAPI MGL_getBackColor(void); color_t ASMAPI MGL_packColor(pixel_format_t *pf,uchar R,uchar G,uchar B); void MGLAPI MGL_unpackColor(pixel_format_t *pf,color_t color,uchar *R,uchar *G,uchar *B); color_t ASMAPI MGL_packColorRGB(uchar R,uchar G,uchar B); void MGLAPI MGL_unpackColorRGB(color_t color,uchar *R,uchar *G,uchar *B); color_t MGLAPI MGL_defaultColor(void); #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_setMarkerSize(m_int size); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getMarkerSize(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setMarkerStyle(m_int style); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getMarkerStyle(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setMarkerColor(color_t color); color_t MGLAPI MGL_getMarkerColor(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setBorderColors(color_t bright,color_t dark); void MGLAPI MGL_getBorderColors(color_t *bright,color_t *dark); void ASMAPI MGL_setWriteMode(m_int mode); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getWriteMode(void); void ASMAPI MGL_setPenStyle(m_int style); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getPenStyle(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setLineStyle(m_int style); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getLineStyle(void); void ASMAPI MGL_setLineStipple(ushort stipple); ushort MGLAPI MGL_getLineStipple(void); void ASMAPI MGL_setLineStippleCount(m_uint stippleCount); m_uint MGLAPI MGL_getLineStippleCount(void); void ASMAPI MGL_setPenBitmapPattern(const pattern_t *pat); void MGLAPI MGL_getPenBitmapPattern(pattern_t *pat); void ASMAPI MGL_setPenPixmapPattern(const pixpattern_t *pat); void MGLAPI MGL_getPenPixmapPattern(pixpattern_t *pat); void MGLAPI MGL_setPenSize(m_int height,m_int width); void MGLAPI MGL_getPenSize(m_int *height,m_int *width); #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_setColorMapMode(m_int mode); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getColorMapMode(void); #endif void MGLAPI MGL_setPolygonType(m_int type); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getPolygonType(void); #endif void MGLAPI MGL_getAttributes(attributes_t *attr); void MGLAPI MGL_restoreAttributes(attributes_t *attr); /* Device clearing */ void ASMAPI MGL_clearDevice(void); void MGLAPI MGL_clearViewport(void); /* Viewport and clip rectangle manipulation */ void MGLAPI MGL_setViewport(rect_t view); void MGLAPI MGL_setRelViewport(rect_t view); void MGLAPI MGL_getViewport(rect_t *view); void MGLAPI MGL_setViewportOrg(point_t org); void MGLAPI MGL_getViewportOrg(point_t *org); void MGLAPI MGL_globalToLocal(point_t *p); void MGLAPI MGL_localToGlobal(point_t *p); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxx(void); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxy(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setClipRect(rect_t clip); void MGLAPI MGL_getClipRect(rect_t *clip); void MGLAPI MGL_setClipMode(bool mode); bool MGLAPI MGL_getClipMode(void); /* Pixel plotting */ void MGLAPI MGL_pixelCoord(m_int x,m_int y); color_t MGLAPI MGL_getPixelCoord(m_int x,m_int y); void ASMAPI MGL_beginPixel(void); void MGLAPI MGL_pixelCoordFast(m_int x,m_int y); color_t MGLAPI MGL_getPixelCoordFast(m_int x,m_int y); void ASMAPI MGL_endPixel(void); /* Line drawing and clipping */ void MGLAPI MGL_moveToCoord(m_int x,m_int y); void MGLAPI MGL_moveRelCoord(m_int dx,m_int dy); void MGLAPI MGL_lineToCoord(m_int x,m_int y); void MGLAPI MGL_lineRelCoord(m_int dx,m_int dy); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getX(void); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getY(void); void MGLAPI MGL_getCP(point_t* CP); void MGLAPI MGL_lineCoord(m_int x1,m_int y1,m_int x2,m_int y2); void MGLAPI MGL_lineCoordFX(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2); void MGLAPI MGL_lineCoordFast(m_int x1,m_int y1,m_int x2,m_int y2); void MGLAPI MGL_lineCoordFastFX(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2); void MGLAPI MGL_lineEngine(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,void (ASMAPI *plotPoint)(m_int x,m_int y)); bool MGLAPI MGL_clipLineFX(fix32_t *x1,fix32_t *y1,fix32_t *x2,fix32_t *y2,fix32_t left,fix32_t top,fix32_t right,fix32_t bottom); #ifndef MGL_LITE void ASMAPI MGL_scanLine(m_int y,m_int x1,m_int x2); #endif /* Routines to perform bank switching for banked framebuffers for custom * rendering code. The first version is callable only from assembler and * requires the new bank value to be passed in the DL register. The second * version is callable directly from C. DO NOT CALL THESE FUNCTIONS WHEN * RUNNING WITH A LINEAR FRAMEBUFFER!!! */ void _ASMAPI SVGA_setBank(void); void _ASMAPI SVGA_setBankC(int bank); /* Routines to begin/end direct framebuffer access. You must call these * functions is you wish to render directly to a hardware accelerated * device surface. */ void ASMAPI MGL_beginDirectAccess(void); void ASMAPI MGL_endDirectAccess(void); /* Routines to begin/end fast rendering of flat shaded lines, scanlines * and polygons. */ void ASMAPI MGL_beginDrawing(void); void ASMAPI MGL_endDrawing(void); /* Routines to begin/end fast rendering of smooth shaded lines, scanlines * and polygons. */ #ifdef MGL_3D void ASMAPI MGL_beginShadedDrawing(void); void ASMAPI MGL_endShadedDrawing(void); #endif /* Routines to begin/end fast rendering of flat shaded, zbuffered lines and * polygons. */ #ifdef MGL_3D void ASMAPI MGL_beginZDrawing(void); void ASMAPI MGL_endZDrawing(void); #endif /* Routines to begin/end fast rendering of smooth shaded, zbuffered lines and * polygons. */ #ifdef MGL_3D void ASMAPI MGL_beginZShadedDrawing(void); void ASMAPI MGL_endZShadedDrawing(void); #endif /* Polygon drawing: Note that the following fast polygon routines * only work with convex polygons. The integer coordinate versions are * provided for compatibility only, and convert the coordinates to fixed * point and call the appropriate fixed point routines below. */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_fillPolygon(m_int count,point_t *vArray,m_int xOffset,m_int yOffset); void MGLAPI MGL_fillPolygonFast(m_int count,point_t *vArray,m_int xOffset,m_int yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_fillPolygonFX(m_int count,fxpoint_t *vArray,m_int vinc,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_fillPolygonFastFX(m_int count,fxpoint_t *vArray,m_int vinc,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); #endif /* 3D rasterization routines */ #ifdef MGL_3D void MGLAPI MGL_zClearCoord(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,zfix32_t clearVal); #endif #ifdef MGL_FIX3D void ASMAPI MGL_cLineCoordFast(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t c1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,fix32_t c2); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbLineCoordFast(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t r1,fix32_t g1,fix32_t b1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,fix32_t r2,fix32_t g2,fix32_t b2); void ASMAPI MGL_zLineCoordFast(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,zfix32_t z1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,zfix32_t z2); void ASMAPI MGL_czLineCoordFast(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,zfix32_t z1,fix32_t c1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,zfix32_t z2,fix32_t c2); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbzLineCoordFast(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,zfix32_t z1,fix32_t r1,fix32_t g1,fix32_t b1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,zfix32_t z2,fix32_t r2,fix32_t g2,fix32_t b2); void ASMAPI MGL_triFast(fxpoint_t *v1,fxpoint_t *v2,fxpoint_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_cTriFast(fxpointc_t *v1,fxpointc_t *v2,fxpointc_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbTriFast(fxpointrgb_t *v1,fxpointrgb_t *v2,fxpointrgb_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_zTriFast(fxpointz_t *v1,fxpointz_t *v2,fxpointz_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_czTriFast(fxpointcz_t *v1,fxpointcz_t *v2,fxpointcz_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbzTriFast(fxpointrgbz_t *v1,fxpointrgbz_t *v2,fxpointrgbz_t *v3,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_quadFast(fxpoint_t *v1,fxpoint_t *v2,fxpoint_t *v3,fxpoint_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_cQuadFast(fxpointc_t *v1,fxpointc_t *v2,fxpointc_t *v3,fxpointc_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbQuadFast(fxpointrgb_t *v1,fxpointrgb_t *v2,fxpointrgb_t *v3,fxpointrgb_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_zQuadFast(fxpointz_t *v1,fxpointz_t *v2,fxpointz_t *v3,fxpointz_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_czQuadFast(fxpointcz_t *v1,fxpointcz_t *v2,fxpointcz_t *v3,fxpointcz_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); void ASMAPI MGL_rgbzQuadFast(fxpointrgbz_t *v1,fxpointrgbz_t *v2,fxpointrgbz_t *v3,fxpointrgbz_t *v4,fix32_t xOffset,fix32_t yOffset,zfix32_t zOffset); #endif /* Routine to set the currently active shade table. In HiColor and TrueColor * video modes, you must set a valid shadeTable before you call any of the * color index shaded rendering routines (MGL_cTri() etc). These routines * will interpolate an index into the current shade table rather than * each of the RGB color channels, and the appropriate full RGB color is * extracted directly from the shade table. The shade table can be any size, * but the application must ensure that the indices passed in are within * the range of the current shade table. */ #ifdef MGL_3D void MGLAPI MGL_setShadeTable(color_t *shadeTab); #endif /* Polyline drawing */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_marker(point_t p); void MGLAPI MGL_polyPoint(m_int count,point_t *vArray); void MGLAPI MGL_polyMarker(m_int count,point_t *vArray); void MGLAPI MGL_polyLine(m_int count,point_t *vArray); #endif /* Rectangle drawing */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_rectCoord(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); void MGLAPI MGL_fillRectCoord(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); #endif /* Scanline color scanning. Thee routines are primitive, and do not perform * any clipping or viewport mapping, so can be used to build you own * high performance floodfilling routines (see the example file ffill.c * for pre-built high speed floodfill routines). */ #ifndef MGL_LITE m_int ASMAPI MGL_scanRightForColor(m_int x,m_int y,color_t color); m_int ASMAPI MGL_scanLeftForColor(m_int x,m_int y,color_t color); m_int ASMAPI MGL_scanRightWhileColor(m_int x,m_int y,color_t color); m_int ASMAPI MGL_scanLeftWhileColor(m_int x,m_int y,color_t color); #endif /* Psuedo 3D border drawing */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_drawBorderCoord(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int style,m_int thickness); void MGLAPI MGL_drawHDivider(m_int y,m_int x1,m_int x2); void MGLAPI MGL_drawVDivider(m_int x,m_int y1,m_int y2); #endif /* Ellipse drawing */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_ellipseArc(rect_t extentRect,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle); void MGLAPI MGL_ellipseArcCoord(m_int x,m_int y,m_int xradius,m_int yradius,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle); void ASMAPI MGL_getArcCoords(arc_coords_t *coords); void MGLAPI MGL_ellipse(rect_t extentRect); void MGLAPI MGL_ellipseCoord(m_int x,m_int y,m_int xradius,m_int yradius); void MGLAPI MGL_fillEllipseArc(rect_t extentRect,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle); void MGLAPI MGL_fillEllipseArcCoord(m_int x,m_int y,m_int xradius,m_int yradius,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle); void MGLAPI MGL_fillEllipse(rect_t extentRect); void MGLAPI MGL_fillEllipseCoord(m_int x,m_int y,m_int xradius,m_int yradius); void MGLAPI MGL_ellipseEngine(rect_t extentRect,void (ASMAPI *setup)(m_int topY,m_int botY,m_int left,m_int right),void (ASMAPI *set4pixels)(bool inc_x,bool inc_y,bool region1),void (ASMAPI *finished)(void)); void MGLAPI MGL_ellipseArcEngine(rect_t extentRect,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle,arc_coords_t *ac,void (ASMAPI *plotPoint)(m_int x,m_int y)); #endif /* Text attribute manipulation */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_setTextJustify(m_int horiz,m_int vert); void MGLAPI MGL_getTextJustify(m_int *horiz,m_int *vert); void MGLAPI MGL_setTextDirection(m_int direction); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getTextDirection(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setTextSize(m_int numerx,m_int denomx,m_int numery,m_int denomy); void MGLAPI MGL_getTextSize(m_int *numerx,m_int *denomx,m_int *numery,m_int *denomy); void MGLAPI MGL_setSpaceExtra(m_int extra); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getSpaceExtra(void); void MGLAPI MGL_setTextSettings(text_settings_t *settings); void MGLAPI MGL_getTextSettings(text_settings_t *settings); m_int MGLAPI MGL_textHeight(void); m_int MGLAPI MGL_textWidth(const char *str); void MGLAPI MGL_textBounds(m_int x,m_int y,const char *str,rect_t *bounds); m_int MGLAPI MGL_charWidth(char ch); void MGLAPI MGL_getFontMetrics(metrics_t *metrics); void MGLAPI MGL_getCharMetrics(char ch,metrics_t *metrics); m_int MGLAPI MGL_maxCharWidth(void); void MGLAPI MGL_underScoreLocation(m_int *x,m_int *y,const char *str); #endif /* Text drawing */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_drawStr(const char *str); void MGLAPI MGL_drawStrXY(m_int x,m_int y,const char *str); bool MGLAPI MGL_useFont(font_t *font); font_t * MGLAPI MGL_getFont(void); bool MGLAPI MGL_vecFontEngine(m_int x,m_int y,const char *str,void (ASMAPI *move)(m_int x,m_int y),void (ASMAPI *draw)(m_int x,m_int y)); #endif /* BitBlt support */ void MGLAPI MGL_bitBltCoord(MGLDC *dst,MGLDC *src,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,m_int op); void MGLAPI MGL_stretchBltCoord(MGLDC *dst,MGLDC *src,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,m_int dstRight,m_int dstBottom); #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_getDivotCoord(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,void *divot); void MGLAPI MGL_putDivot(MGLDC *dc,void *divot); long MGLAPI MGL_divotSizeCoord(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); void MGLAPI MGL_putMonoImage(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,m_int byteWidth,m_int height,void *image); void MGLAPI MGL_putBitmap(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,const bitmap_t *bitmap,m_int op); void MGLAPI MGL_putBitmapSection(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,const bitmap_t *bitmap,m_int op); void MGLAPI MGL_putBitmapTransparent(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,const bitmap_t *bitmap,color_t transparent,bool sourceTrans); void MGLAPI MGL_putBitmapTransparentSection(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,const bitmap_t *bitmap,color_t transparent,bool sourceTrans); void MGLAPI MGL_putBitmapMask(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,const bitmap_t *mask,color_t color); void MGLAPI MGL_stretchBitmap(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,const bitmap_t *bitmap); void MGLAPI MGL_putIcon(MGLDC *dc,m_int x,m_int y,const icon_t *icon); void MGLAPI MGL_transBltCoord(MGLDC *dst,MGLDC *src,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,color_t transparent,bool sourceTrans); #endif /* Linear offscreen DC BitBlt support */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_bitBltLinCoord(MGLDC *dst,MGLDC *src,ulong srcOfs,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,m_int dstRight,m_int dstBottom,m_int op); void MGLAPI MGL_transBltLinCoord(MGLDC *dst,MGLDC *src,ulong srcOfs,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,m_int dstRight,m_int dstBottom,color_t transparent,bool sourceTrans); #endif /* Monochrome bitmap manipulation */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_drawGlyph(font_t *g,m_int x,m_int y,uchar glyph); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getGlyphWidth(font_t *font,uchar glyph); m_int MGLAPI MGL_getGlyphHeight(font_t *font); void MGLAPI MGL_rotateGlyph(uchar *dst,uchar *src,m_int *byteWidth,m_int *height,m_int rotation); void MGLAPI MGL_mirrorGlyph(uchar *dst,uchar *src,m_int byteWidth,m_int height); #endif /* Region management */ #ifndef MGL_LITE region_t * MGLAPI MGL_newRegion(void); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_copyRegion(const region_t *s); void MGLAPI MGL_clearRegion(region_t *r); void MGLAPI MGL_freeRegion(region_t *r); void MGLAPI MGL_drawRegion(m_int x,m_int y,const region_t *r); #endif /* Region generation primitives */ #ifndef MGL_LITE region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnLineCoord(m_int x1,m_int y1,m_int x2,m_int y2,const region_t *pen); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnLineCoordFX(fix32_t x1,fix32_t y1,fix32_t x2,fix32_t y2,const region_t *pen); /*region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnPolygon(m_int count,point_t *vArray);*/ /*region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnPolygonFast(m_int count,point_t *vArray);*/ region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnSolidRectCoord(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnEllipse(rect_t extentRect,const region_t *pen); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnEllipseArc(rect_t extentRect,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle,const region_t *pen); void MGLAPI MGL_rgnGetArcCoords(arc_coords_t *coords); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnSolidEllipse(rect_t extentRect); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_rgnSolidEllipseArc(rect_t extentRect,m_int startAngle,m_int endAngle); #endif /* Region alegbra */ #ifndef MGL_LITE region_t * MGLAPI MGL_sectRegion(const region_t *r1,const region_t *r2); region_t * MGLAPI MGL_sectRegionRect(const region_t *r1,const rect_t *r2); bool MGLAPI MGL_unionRegion(region_t *r1,const region_t *r2); bool MGLAPI MGL_unionRegionRect(region_t *r1,const rect_t *r2); bool MGLAPI MGL_unionRegionOfs(region_t *r1,const region_t *r2,m_int xOffset,m_int yOffset); bool MGLAPI MGL_diffRegion(region_t *r1,const region_t *r2); bool MGLAPI MGL_diffRegionRect(region_t *r1,const rect_t *r2); void MGLAPI MGL_optimizeRegion(region_t *r); void MGLAPI MGL_offsetRegion(region_t *r,m_int dx,m_int dy); bool MGLAPI MGL_emptyRegion(const region_t *r); bool MGLAPI MGL_equalRegion(const region_t *r1,const region_t *r2); bool MGLAPI MGL_ptInRegionCoord(m_int x,m_int y,const region_t *r); #endif /* Region traversal */ #ifndef MGL_LITE typedef void (ASMAPI *rgncallback_t)(const rect_t *r); void MGLAPI MGL_traverseRegion(region_t *rgn,rgncallback_t doRect); #endif /* RGB to 8 bit halftone dithering routines */ #ifndef MGL_LITE void MGLAPI MGL_getHalfTonePalette(palette_t *pal); uchar MGLAPI MGL_halfTonePixel(m_int x,m_int y,uchar R,uchar G,uchar B); #endif /* Resource loading/unloading */ font_t * MGLAPI MGL_loadFont(const char *fontname); bool MGLAPI MGL_availableFont(const char *fontname); void MGLAPI MGL_unloadFont(font_t *font); cursor_t * MGLAPI MGL_loadCursor(const char *cursorName); bool MGLAPI MGL_availableCursor(const char *cursorName); void MGLAPI MGL_unloadCursor(cursor_t *cursor); #ifndef MGL_LITE icon_t * MGLAPI MGL_loadIcon(const char *iconName,bool loadPalette); bool MGLAPI MGL_availableIcon(const char *iconName); void MGLAPI MGL_unloadIcon(icon_t *icon); #endif /* Windows BMP bitmap loading/unloading/saving */ #ifndef MGL_LITE bitmap_t * MGLAPI MGL_loadBitmap(const char *bitmapName,bool loadPalette); bool MGLAPI MGL_availableBitmap(const char *bitmapName); void MGLAPI MGL_unloadBitmap(bitmap_t *bitmap); bool MGLAPI MGL_getBitmapSize(const char *bitmapName,m_int *width,m_int *height,m_int *bitsPerPixel,pixel_format_t *pf); bool MGLAPI MGL_loadBitmapIntoDC(MGLDC *dc,const char *bitmapName,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,bool loadPalette); bool MGLAPI MGL_saveBitmapFromDC(MGLDC *dc,const char *bitmapName,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); bitmap_t * MGLAPI MGL_getBitmapFromDC(MGLDC *dc,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom,bool savePalette); bitmap_t * MGLAPI MGL_buildMonoMask(bitmap_t *bitmap,color_t transparent); #endif /* PCX bitmap loading/unloading/saving (1/4/8 bpp only) */ #ifndef MGL_LITE bitmap_t * MGLAPI MGL_loadPCX(const char *bitmapName,bool loadPalette); bool MGLAPI MGL_availablePCX(const char *bitmapName); bool MGLAPI MGL_getPCXSize(const char *bitmapName,m_int *width,m_int *height,m_int *bitsPerPixel); bool MGLAPI MGL_loadPCXIntoDC(MGLDC *dc,const char *bitmapName,m_int dstLeft,m_int dstTop,bool loadPalette); bool MGLAPI MGL_savePCXFromDC(MGLDC *dc,const char *bitmapName,m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); #endif /* Random number generation routines for shorts and longs with full range */ void ASMAPI MGL_srand(m_uint seed); ushort ASMAPI MGL_random(ushort max); ulong ASMAPI MGL_randoml(ulong max); /* Mouse support */ bool MGLAPI MS_available(void); void MGLAPI MS_show(void); void MGLAPI MS_hide(void); void MGLAPI MS_obscure(void); void MGLAPI MS_setCursor(cursor_t *curs); void MGLAPI MS_setCursorColor(color_t color); void MGLAPI MS_moveTo(m_int x,m_int y); void MGLAPI MS_getPos(m_int *x,m_int *y); void MGLAPI MS_drawCursor(void); /* Rectangle and Point manipulation */ rect_t MGLAPI MGL_defRect(m_int left,m_int top,m_int right,m_int bottom); rect_t MGLAPI MGL_defRectPt(point_t leftTop,point_t rightBottom); bool MGLAPI MGL_sectRect(rect_t s1,rect_t s2,rect_t *d); bool MGLAPI MGL_sectRectCoord(m_int left1,m_int top1,m_int right1,m_int bottom1,m_int left2,m_int top2,m_int right2,m_int bottom2,rect_t *d); void MGLAPI MGL_unionRect(rect_t s1,rect_t s2,rect_t *d); void MGLAPI MGL_unionRectCoord(m_int left1,m_int top1,m_int right1,m_int bottom1,m_int left2,m_int top2,m_int right2,m_int bottom2,rect_t *d); /* Built-in patterns and mouse cursor */ #ifndef MGL_LITE pattern_t * MGLAPI _MGL_getEmptyPat(void); pattern_t * MGLAPI _MGL_getGrayPat(void); pattern_t * MGLAPI _MGL_getSolidPat(void); #endif cursor_t * MGLAPI _MGL_getDefCursor(void); /* Fixed point multiplication/divide routines */ #if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__) /* For Watcom C++ we can use special inline assembler code that is much * faster than calling the 386 assembler functions. Currently this is the * the only compiler that will allow inline assembler to be expanded * directly as inline functions. */ fix32_t MGL_FixMul(fix32_t a,fix32_t b); #pragma aux MGL_FixMul = \ "imul edx" \ "add eax,8000h" \ "adc edx,0" \ "shrd eax,edx,16" \ parm [eax] [edx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax edx]; fix32_t MGL_FixDiv(fix32_t a,fix32_t b); #pragma aux MGL_FixDiv = \ "xor eax,eax" \ "shrd eax,edx,16" \ "sar edx,16" \ "idiv ebx" \ parm [edx] [ebx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax edx]; fix32_t MGL_FixMulDiv(fix32_t a,fix32_t b,fix32_t c); #pragma aux MGL_FixMulDiv = \ "imul ebx" \ "idiv ecx" \ parm [eax] [ebx] [ecx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax edx]; m_int MGL_backfacing(fix32_t dx1,fix32_t dy1,fix32_t dx2,fix32_t dy2); #pragma aux MGL_backfacing = \ "imul ebx" \ "mov ebx,eax" \ "mov ecx,edx" \ "mov eax,esi" \ "imul edi" \ "sub eax,ebx" \ "mov eax,1" \ "sbb edx,ecx" \ "jns @@Backfacing" \ "xor eax,eax" \ "@@Backfacing:" \ parm [eax] [esi] [edi] [ebx] \ value [eax] \ modify exact [eax ecx edx]; void MGL_memcpy(void *dst,void *src,m_int n); #pragma aux MGL_memcpy = \ "mov eax,ecx" \ "shr ecx,2" \ "rep movsd" \ "mov cl,al" \ "and cl,3" \ "rep movsb" \ parm [edi] [esi] [ecx] \ modify exact [eax ecx esi edi]; #else fix32_t ASMAPI MGL_FixMul(fix32_t a,fix32_t b); fix32_t ASMAPI MGL_FixDiv(fix32_t a,fix32_t b); fix32_t ASMAPI MGL_FixMulDiv(fix32_t a,fix32_t b,fix32_t c); m_int ASMAPI MGL_backfacing(fix32_t dx1,fix32_t dy1,fix32_t dx2,fix32_t dy2); void ASMAPI MGL_memcpy(void *dst,void *src,m_int n); #endif /* The following are special memcpy routines that properly handler reading * and writing to virtual linear buffer memory by forcing the proper * alignment. Note that the copy is extended to use a DWORD copy of speed. */ void ASMAPI MGL_memcpyVIRTSRC(void *dst,void *src,m_int n); void ASMAPI MGL_memcpyVIRTDST(void *dst,void *src,m_int n); /* Function to find an MGL system file's full pathname */ bool MGLAPI _MGL_findFile(char *validpath,const char *dir, const char *filename, const char *mode); /* Override the internal MGL file I/O functions */ void MGLAPI MGL_setFileIO(fileio_t *fio); /* The following dummy symbols are used to link in driver files to be used. A * driver is not active until it is linked in with the MGL_registerDriver * call. Because we dont export globals in DLLs, we provide functions to * get the address of the drivers. However for a static link library we * need to use globals so that if the driver data is unreferenced, it will * not be linked in with the code. */ #ifndef BUILD_MGL #if defined(MGL_DLL) && !defined(BUILD_MGLDLL) void * MGLAPI VGA4_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI VGAX_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI SVGA4_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI SVGA8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI SVGA16_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI SVGA24_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI SVGA32_getDriverAddr(void); #if !defined(__16BIT__) void * MGLAPI VGA8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI LINEAR8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI LINEAR16_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI LINEAR24_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI LINEAR32_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI ACCEL8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI ACCEL16_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI ACCEL24_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI ACCEL32_getDriverAddr(void); #if defined(MGLWIN) || defined(__WINDOWS__) void * MGLAPI DDRAW8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI DDRAW16_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI DDRAW24_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI DDRAW32_getDriverAddr(void); #endif #endif void * MGLAPI PACKED1_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI PACKED4_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI PACKED8_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI PACKED16_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI PACKED24_getDriverAddr(void); void * MGLAPI PACKED32_getDriverAddr(void); #define VGA4_driver VGA4_getDriverAddr() #define VGAX_driver VGAX_getDriverAddr() #define SVGA4_driver SVGA4_getDriverAddr() #define SVGA8_driver SVGA8_getDriverAddr() #define SVGA16_driver SVGA16_getDriverAddr() #define SVGA24_driver SVGA24_getDriverAddr() #define SVGA32_driver SVGA32_getDriverAddr() #if !defined(__16BIT__) #define VGA8_driver VGA8_getDriverAddr() #define LINEAR8_driver LINEAR8_getDriverAddr() #define LINEAR16_driver LINEAR16_getDriverAddr() #define LINEAR24_driver LINEAR24_getDriverAddr() #define LINEAR32_driver LINEAR32_getDriverAddr() #define ACCEL8_driver ACCEL8_getDriverAddr() #define ACCEL16_driver ACCEL16_getDriverAddr() #define ACCEL24_driver ACCEL24_getDriverAddr() #define ACCEL32_driver ACCEL32_getDriverAddr() #if defined(MGLWIN) || defined(__WINDOWS__) #define DDRAW8_driver DDRAW8_getDriverAddr() #define DDRAW16_driver DDRAW16_getDriverAddr() #define DDRAW24_driver DDRAW24_getDriverAddr() #define DDRAW32_driver DDRAW32_getDriverAddr() #endif #endif #define PACKED1_driver PACKED1_getDriverAddr() #define PACKED4_driver PACKED4_getDriverAddr() #define PACKED8_driver PACKED8_getDriverAddr() #define PACKED16_driver PACKED16_getDriverAddr() #define PACKED24_driver PACKED24_getDriverAddr() #define PACKED32_driver PACKED32_getDriverAddr() #else extern m_int _VARAPI VGA4_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI VGAX_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI SVGA4_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI SVGA8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI SVGA16_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI SVGA24_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI SVGA32_driver[]; #if !defined(__16BIT__) extern m_int _VARAPI VGA8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI LINEAR8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI LINEAR16_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI LINEAR24_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI LINEAR32_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI ACCEL8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI ACCEL16_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI ACCEL24_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI ACCEL32_driver[]; #if defined(MGLWIN) || defined(__WINDOWS__) extern m_int _VARAPI DDRAW8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI DDRAW16_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI DDRAW24_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI DDRAW32_driver[]; #endif #endif extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED1_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED4_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED8_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED16_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED24_driver[]; extern m_int _VARAPI PACKED32_driver[]; #endif #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Memory allocation and utility functions. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __16BIT__ #define _HUGE #else #define _HUGE _huge #endif void MGL_availableMemory(ulong *physical,ulong *total); void MGL_useLocalMalloc(void _HUGE * (*malloc)(long size),void (*free)(void _HUGE *p)); void * MGLAPI MGL_malloc(long size); void * MGLAPI MGL_calloc(long size,long n); void MGLAPI MGL_free(void _HUGE *p); void MGLAPI MGL_memset(void _HUGE *s,m_int c,long n); void MGLAPI MGL_memsetw(void _HUGE *s,m_int c,long n); void MGLAPI MGL_memsetl(void _HUGE *s,long c,long n); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set a fullscreen suspend application callback function. This is used in * fullscreen video modes to allow switching back to the normal operating * system graphical shell (such as Windows GDI, OS/2 PM etc). *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef m_int (ASMAPI *MGL_suspend_cb_t)(MGLDC *dc,m_int flags); void MGLAPI MGL_setSuspendAppCallback(MGL_suspend_cb_t staveState); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Tell the MGL to use a pre-loaded ACCEL.DRV driver file. This allows * you to link with the SciTech WinDirect/Pro and WinDirect/Ultra device * support libraries and tell the MGL to use the device support drivers. * If the user has a real ACCEL.DRV driver file in the standard location * on their machine, this driver file will still be used. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MGLAPI MGL_setACCELDriver(void *driver); /*---------------------- Inline functions as Macros -----------------------*/ #define MGL_equalPoint(p1,p2) ((p1).x == (p2).x && (p1).y == (p2).y) #define MGL_equalRect(r1,r2) ((r1).left == (r2).left && \ (r1).top == (r2).top && \ (r1).right == (r2).right && \ (r1).bottom == (r2).bottom) #define MGL_emptyRect(r) ((r).bottom <= (r).top || \ (r).right <= (r).left) #define MGL_disjointRect(r1,r2) ((r1).right <= (r2).left || \ (r1).left >= (r2).right || \ (r1).bottom <= (r2).top || \ (r1).top >= (r2).bottom) #define MGL_sectRect(s1,s2,d) \ ((d)->left = MAX((s1).left,(s2).left), \ (d)->right = MIN((s1).right,(s2).right), \ (d)->top = MAX((s1).top,(s2).top), \ (d)->bottom = MIN((s1).bottom,(s2).bottom), \ !MGL_emptyRect(*d)) #define MGL_sectRectFast(s1,s2,d) \ (d)->left = MAX((s1).left,(s2).left); \ (d)->right = MIN((s1).right,(s2).right); \ (d)->top = MAX((s1).top,(s2).top); \ (d)->bottom = MIN((s1).bottom,(s2).bottom) #define MGL_sectRectCoord(l1,t1,r1,b1,l2,t2,r2,b2,d) \ ((d)->left = MAX(l1,l2), \ (d)->right = MIN(r1,r2), \ (d)->top = MAX(t1,t2), \ (d)->bottom = MIN(b1,b2), \ !MGL_emptyRect(*d)) #define MGL_sectRectFastCoord(l1,t1,r1,b1,l2,t2,r2,b2,d) \ (d)->left = MAX(l1,l2); \ (d)->right = MIN(r1,r2); \ (d)->top = MAX(t1,t2); \ (d)->bottom = MIN(b1,b2) #define MGL_unionRect(s1,s2,d) \ (d)->left = MIN((s1).left,(s2).left); \ (d)->right = MAX((s1).right,(s2).right); \ (d)->top = MIN((s1).top,(s2).top); \ (d)->bottom = MAX((s1).bottom,(s2).bottom) #define MGL_unionRectCoord(l1,t1,r1,b1,l2,t2,r2,b2,d) \ (d)->left = MIN(l1,l2); \ (d)->right = MAX(r1,r2); \ (d)->top = MIN(t1,t2); \ (d)->bottom = MAX(b1,b2) #define MGL_offsetRect(r,dx,dy) \ { (r).left += dx; (r).right += dx; \ (r).top += dy; (r).bottom += dy; } #define MGL_insetRect(r,dx,dy) \ { (r).left += dx; (r).right -= dx; \ (r).top += dy; (r).bottom -= dy; \ if (MGL_emptyRect(r)) \ (r).left = (r).right = (r).top = (r).bottom = 0; } #define MGL_ptInRect(p,r) ((p).x >= (r).left && \ (p).x < (r).right && \ (p).y >= (r).top && \ (p).y < (r).bottom) #define MGL_ptInRectCoord(x,y,r) ((x) >= (r).left && \ (x) < (r).right && \ (y) >= (r).top && \ (y) < (r).bottom) #define MGL_ptInRegion(p,r) MGL_ptInRegionCoord((p).x,(p).y,r) #define MGL_pixel(p) MGL_pixelCoord((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_getPixel(p) MGL_getPixelCoord((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_pixelFast(p) MGL_pixelCoordFast((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_getPixelFast(p) MGL_getPixelCoordFast((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_moveTo(p) MGL_moveToCoord((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_moveRel(p) MGL_moveRelCoord((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_line(p1,p2) MGL_lineCoord((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y) #define MGL_lineFast(p1,p2) MGL_lineCoordFast((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y) #define MGL_lineFX(p1,p2) MGL_lineCoordFX((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y) #define MGL_lineFastFX(p1,p2) MGL_lineCoordFastFX((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y) #define MGL_cLineFast(p1,p2) MGL_cLineCoordFast((p1).p.x,(p1).p.y,(p1).c,(p2).p.x,(p2).p.y,(p2).c) #define MGL_rgbLineFast(p1,p2) MGL_rgbLineCoordFast((p1).p.x,(p1).p.y,(p1).c.r,(p1).c.g,(p1).c.b,(p2).p.x,(p2).p.y,(p2).c.r,(p2).c.g,(p2).c.b) #define MGL_zLineFast(p1,p2) MGL_zLineCoordFast((p1).p.x,(p1).p.y,(p1).z,(p2).p.x,(p2).p.y,(p2).z) #define MGL_czLineFast(p1,p2) MGL_czLineCoordFast((p1).p.x,(p1).p.y,(p1).z,(p1).c,(p2).p.x,(p2).p.y,(p2).z,(p2).c) #define MGL_rgbzLineFast(p1,p2) MGL_rgbzLineCoordFast((p1).p.x,(p1).p.y,(p1).z,(p1).c.r,(p1).c.g,(p1).c.b,(p2).p.x,(p2).p.y,(p2).z,(p2).c.r,(p2).c.g,(p2).c.b) #define MGL_zClearPt(lt,rb,z) MGL_zClearCoord((lt).x,(lt).y, \ (rb).x,(rb).y,z) #define MGL_zClear(r,z) MGL_zClearCoord((r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom,z) #define MGL_lineTo(p) MGL_lineToCoord((p).x,(p).y) #define MGL_lineRel(p) MGL_lineRelCoord((p).x,(p).y); #define MGL_rectPt(lt,rb) MGL_rectCoord((lt).x,(lt).y,(rb).x,(rb).y) #define MGL_rect(r) MGL_rectCoord((r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom) #define MGL_drawBorder(r,s,t) MGL_drawBorderCoord((r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom,(s),(t)) #define MGL_fillRectPt(lt,rb) MGL_fillRectCoord((lt).x,(lt).y, \ (rb).x,(rb).y) #define MGL_fillRect(r) MGL_fillRectCoord((r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom) #define MGL_bitBlt(d,s,r,dl,dt,op) MGL_bitBltCoord((d),(s),(r).left, \ (r).top,(r).right,(r).bottom,dl,dt,op) #define MGL_bitBltLin(d,s,so,r,op) MGL_bitBltLinCoord((d),(s),so, \ (r).left,(r).top,(r).right,(r).bottom,op) #define MGL_stretchBlt(d,s,sr,dr) MGL_stretchBltCoord((d),(s),(sr).left, \ (sr).top,(sr).right,(sr).bottom, \ (dr).left,(dr).top,(dr).right,(dr).bottom) #define MGL_transBlt(d,s,r,dl,dt,c,st) MGL_transBltCoord((d),(s),(r).left, \ (r).top,(r).right,(r).bottom,dl,dt,c,st) #define MGL_transBltLin(d,s,so,r,c,st) MGL_transBltLinCoord((d),(s),so, \ (r).left,(r).top,(r).right,(r).bottom,c,st) #define MGL_getDivot(dc,r,divot) MGL_getDivotCoord(dc,(r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom,divot) #define MGL_divotSize(dc,r) MGL_divotSizeCoord(dc,(r).left,(r).top,\ (r).right,(r).bottom) #define MGL_isSimpleRegion(r) (((region_t*)(r))->spans == NULL) #define MGL_rgnLine(p1,p2,p) MGL_rgnLineCoord((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y,p) #define MGL_rgnLineFX(p1,p2,p) MGL_rgnLineCoordFX((p1).x,(p1).y,(p2).x,(p2).y,p) #define MGL_rgnSolidRectPt(lt,rb) MGL_rgnSolidRectCoord((lt).x,(lt).y, \ (rb).x,(rb).y) #define MGL_rgnSolidRect(r) MGL_rgnSolidRectCoord((r).left,(r).top, \ (r).right,(r).bottom) /* Fast color packing/unpacking routines implemented as macros */ #define MGL_packColorFast(pf,R,G,B) \ ((ulong)(((uchar)(R) >> (pf)->redAdjust) & (pf)->redMask) << (pf)->redPos) \ | ((ulong)(((uchar)(G) >> (pf)->greenAdjust) & (pf)->greenMask) << (pf)->greenPos) \ | ((ulong)(((uchar)(B) >> (pf)->blueAdjust) & (pf)->blueMask) << (pf)->bluePos) #define MGL_unpackColorFast(pf,c,R,G,B) \ { \ (R) = (uchar)((((ulong)(c) >> (pf)->redPos) & (pf)->redMask) << (pf)->redAdjust); \ (G) = (uchar)((((ulong)(c) >> (pf)->greenPos) & (pf)->greenMask) << (pf)->greenAdjust);\ (B) = (uchar)((((ulong)(c) >> (pf)->bluePos) & (pf)->blueMask) << (pf)->blueAdjust); \ } /* Macros to access the RGB components in a packed 24 bit RGB tuple */ #define MGL_rgbRed(c) (((uchar*)&(c))[2]) #define MGL_rgbGreen(c) (((uchar*)&(c))[1]) #define MGL_rgbBlue(c) (((uchar*)&(c))[0]) /* Fast 24 bit color packing/unpacking routines implemented as macros */ #define MGL_packColorRGBFast(R,G,B) \ (((ulong)((uchar)(R)) << 16) | ((ulong)((uchar)(G)) << 8) | (uchar)(B)) #define MGL_packColorRGBFast2(c,R,G,B) \ { \ MGL_rgbRed(c) = (uchar)(R); \ MGL_rgbGreen(c) = (uchar)(G); \ MGL_rgbBlue(c) = (uchar)(B); \ } #define MGL_unpackColorRGBFast(c,R,G,B) \ { \ (R) = MGL_rgbRed(c); \ (G) = MGL_rgbGreen(c); \ (B) = MGL_rgbBlue(c); \ } #ifdef __cplusplus } /* End of "C" linkage for C++ */ #include "mglrect.hpp" /* Include C++ point/rectangle classes */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* Include appropriate platform specific bindings */ #if defined(MGLWIN) || defined(__WINDOWS__) #include "mglwin.h" #elif defined(MGLPM) || defined(__OS2__) /*#include "mglpm.h"*/ #elif defined(MGLX) || defined(__UNIX__) /*#include "mglx.h"*/ #else #include "mgldos.h" #endif #pragma pack() /* Return to default packing */ #endif /* __MGRAPH_H */