ref: 37154b67a6dab963885ab645b1ecd328affd7708
dir: /QW/dxsdk/sdk/inc/dplay.h/
/*==========================================================================; * * Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dplay.h * Content: DirectPlay include file * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DPLAY_INCLUDED__ #define __DPLAY_INCLUDED__ #ifdef _WIN32 /* for DECLARE_INTERFACE and HRESULT. */ #include <ole2.h> #endif #define _FACDP 0x877 #define MAKE_DPHRESULT( code ) MAKE_HRESULT( 1, _FACDP, code ) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #pragma pack(push, 1) /*============================================================================ * * DirectPlay Structures * * Various structures used to invoke DirectPlay. * *==========================================================================*/ #ifdef __cplusplus /* 'struct' not 'class' per the way DECLARE_INTERFACE_ is defined */ struct IDirectPlay; typedef struct IDirectPlay FAR *LPDIRECTPLAY; #else typedef struct IDirectPlay FAR *LPDIRECTPLAY; #endif typedef DWORD DPID, FAR *LPDPID; typedef struct _DPCAPS { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwMaxBufferSize; DWORD dwMaxQueueSize; // Function of DPlay, not SP. DWORD dwMaxPlayers; DWORD dwHundredBaud; // 24 is 2400, 96 is 9600, etc. DWORD dwLatency; } DPCAPS; typedef DPCAPS FAR *LPDPCAPS; #define DPLONGNAMELEN 52 #define DPSHORTNAMELEN 20 #define DPSESSIONNAMELEN 32 #define DPPASSWORDLEN 16 #define DPUSERRESERVED 16 typedef struct { DWORD dwSize; GUID guidSession; // Id for Game. Null is all games. DWORD dwSession; // session identifier DWORD dwMaxPlayers; // Maximum players allowed in game. DWORD dwCurrentPlayers; // Current players in Game. DWORD dwFlags; // DPOPEN_* flags char szSessionName[DPSESSIONNAMELEN];// Human readable name for Game char szUserField[DPUSERRESERVED]; DWORD dwReserved1; // Reserved for future MS use. char szPassword[DPPASSWORDLEN]; // Password to be allowed into game. DWORD dwReserved2; // Reserved for future MS use. DWORD dwUser1; DWORD dwUser2; DWORD dwUser3; DWORD dwUser4; } DPSESSIONDESC; typedef DPSESSIONDESC FAR *LPDPSESSIONDESC; /* * Create API */ typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL * LPDPENUMDPCALLBACK)( LPGUID lpSPGuid, LPSTR lpFriendlyName, DWORD dwMajorVersion, DWORD dwMinorVersion, LPVOID lpContext); typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL * LPDPENUMSESSIONSCALLBACK)( LPDPSESSIONDESC lpDPSGameDesc, LPVOID lpContext, LPDWORD lpdwTimeOut, DWORD dwFlags); extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectPlayCreate( LPGUID lpGUID, LPDIRECTPLAY FAR *lplpDP, IUnknown FAR *pUnk); extern HRESULT WINAPI DirectPlayEnumerate( LPDPENUMDPCALLBACK, LPVOID ); /* Player enumeration callback prototype */ typedef BOOL (FAR PASCAL *LPDPENUMPLAYERSCALLBACK)( DPID dpId, LPSTR lpFriendlyName, LPSTR lpFormalName, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext ); /* * IDirectPlay */ #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE IDirectPlay #ifdef _WIN32 DECLARE_INTERFACE_( IDirectPlay, IUnknown ) { /*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /*** IDirectPlay methods ***/ STDMETHOD(AddPlayerToGroup) (THIS_ DPID, DPID) PURE; STDMETHOD(Close) (THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreatePlayer) (THIS_ LPDPID,LPSTR,LPSTR,LPHANDLE) PURE; STDMETHOD(CreateGroup) (THIS_ LPDPID,LPSTR,LPSTR) PURE; STDMETHOD(DeletePlayerFromGroup)(THIS_ DPID,DPID) PURE; STDMETHOD(DestroyPlayer) (THIS_ DPID) PURE; STDMETHOD(DestroyGroup) (THIS_ DPID) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnableNewPlayers) (THIS_ BOOL) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnumGroupPlayers) (THIS_ DPID, LPDPENUMPLAYERSCALLBACK,LPVOID,DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnumGroups) (THIS_ DWORD, LPDPENUMPLAYERSCALLBACK,LPVOID,DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnumPlayers) (THIS_ DWORD, LPDPENUMPLAYERSCALLBACK,LPVOID,DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(EnumSessions) (THIS_ LPDPSESSIONDESC,DWORD,LPDPENUMSESSIONSCALLBACK,LPVOID,DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetCaps) (THIS_ LPDPCAPS) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetMessageCount) (THIS_ DPID, LPDWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetPlayerCaps) (THIS_ DPID, LPDPCAPS) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetPlayerName) (THIS_ DPID,LPSTR,LPDWORD,LPSTR,LPDWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(Initialize) (THIS_ LPGUID) PURE; STDMETHOD(Open) (THIS_ LPDPSESSIONDESC) PURE; STDMETHOD(Receive) (THIS_ LPDPID,LPDPID,DWORD,LPVOID,LPDWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(SaveSession) (THIS_ LPSTR) PURE; STDMETHOD(Send) (THIS_ DPID, DPID, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetPlayerName) (THIS_ DPID,LPSTR,LPSTR) PURE; }; #endif /**************************************************************************** * * DIRECTPLAY ERRORS * * Errors are represented by negative values and cannot be combined. * ****************************************************************************/ #define DP_OK 0 #define DPERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED MAKE_DPHRESULT( 5 ) #define DPERR_ACCESSDENIED MAKE_DPHRESULT( 10 ) #define DPERR_ACTIVEPLAYERS MAKE_DPHRESULT( 20 ) #define DPERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL MAKE_DPHRESULT( 30 ) #define DPERR_CANTADDPLAYER MAKE_DPHRESULT( 40 ) #define DPERR_CANTCREATEGROUP MAKE_DPHRESULT( 50 ) #define DPERR_CANTCREATEPLAYER MAKE_DPHRESULT( 60 ) #define DPERR_CANTCREATESESSION MAKE_DPHRESULT( 70 ) #define DPERR_CAPSNOTAVAILABLEYET MAKE_DPHRESULT( 80 ) #define DPERR_EXCEPTION MAKE_DPHRESULT( 90 ) #define DPERR_GENERIC E_FAIL #define DPERR_INVALIDFLAGS MAKE_DPHRESULT( 120 ) #define DPERR_INVALIDOBJECT MAKE_DPHRESULT( 130 ) #define DPERR_INVALIDPARAM E_INVALIDARG #define DPERR_INVALIDPARAMS DPERR_INVALIDPARAM #define DPERR_INVALIDPLAYER MAKE_DPHRESULT( 150 ) #define DPERR_NOCAPS MAKE_DPHRESULT( 160 ) #define DPERR_NOCONNECTION MAKE_DPHRESULT( 170 ) #define DPERR_NOMEMORY E_OUTOFMEMORY #define DPERR_OUTOFMEMORY DPERR_NOMEMORY #define DPERR_NOMESSAGES MAKE_DPHRESULT( 190 ) #define DPERR_NONAMESERVERFOUND MAKE_DPHRESULT( 200 ) #define DPERR_NOPLAYERS MAKE_DPHRESULT( 210 ) #define DPERR_NOSESSIONS MAKE_DPHRESULT( 220 ) #define DPERR_SENDTOOBIG MAKE_DPHRESULT( 230 ) #define DPERR_TIMEOUT MAKE_DPHRESULT( 240 ) #define DPERR_UNAVAILABLE MAKE_DPHRESULT( 250 ) #define DPERR_UNSUPPORTED E_NOTIMPL #define DPERR_BUSY MAKE_DPHRESULT( 270 ) #define DPERR_USERCANCEL MAKE_DPHRESULT( 280 ) #define DPOPEN_OPENSESSION 0x00000001 #define DPOPEN_CREATESESSION 0x00000002 #define DPSEND_GUARANTEE 0x00000001 #define DPSEND_HIGHPRIORITY 0x00000002 #define DPSEND_TRYONCE 0x00000004 #define DPRECEIVE_ALL 0x00000001 #define DPRECEIVE_TOPLAYER 0x00000002 #define DPRECEIVE_FROMPLAYER 0x00000004 #define DPRECEIVE_PEEK 0x00000008 #define DPCAPS_NAMESERVICE 0x00000001 // A name server is supported. #define DPCAPS_NAMESERVER 0x00000002 // You are the name server. #define DPCAPS_GUARANTEED 0x00000004 // SP's don't have to implement guarantees. #define DPENUMSESSIONS_AVAILABLE 0x00000001 // All games that match password (if given) // and have openings. #define DPENUMSESSIONS_ALL 0x00000002 #define DPENUMSESSIONS_PREVIOUS 0x00000004 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_ALL 0x00000000 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_PREVIOUS 0x00000004 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_LOCAL 0x00000008 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_REMOTE 0x00000010 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_GROUP 0x00000020 #define DPENUMPLAYERS_SESSION 0x00000080 // // This flag is set on the enumsessions callback when the time out has occured. // This means that there is no session data for this callback. // If lpdwTimeOut is set to a non-zero value and the EnumSessionsCallback returns // TRUE then EnumSessions will continue until the next timeout occurs. // Timeouts are in milliseconds. #define DPESC_TIMEDOUT 0x00000001 // // System message structures and types. // // System messages have a leading 4 byte type code to identify the message. // an app knows it is a system message because it is addressed 'To' player 0. // #define DPSYS_ADDPLAYER 0x0003 // DPMSG_ADDPLAYER #define DPSYS_DELETEPLAYER 0x0005 // DPMSG_DELETEPLAYER #define DPSYS_ADDPLAYERTOGROUP 0x0007 // DPMSG_GROUPADD #define DPSYS_INVITE 0x000e // DPMSG_INVITE, Net only. #define DPSYS_DELETEGROUP 0x0020 // DPMSG_DELETEPLAYER #define DPSYS_DELETEPLAYERFROMGRP 0x0021 // DPMSG_GROUPDELETE #define DPSYS_SESSIONLOST 0x0031 #define DPSYS_CONNECT 0x484b // DPMSG_GENERIC typedef struct { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwPlayerType; DPID dpId; char szLongName[DPLONGNAMELEN]; char szShortName[DPSHORTNAMELEN]; DWORD dwCurrentPlayers; } DPMSG_ADDPLAYER; typedef DPMSG_ADDPLAYER DPMSG_ADDGROUP; typedef struct { DWORD dwType; DPID dpIdGroup; DPID dpIdPlayer; } DPMSG_GROUPADD; typedef DPMSG_GROUPADD DPMSG_GROUPDELETE; typedef struct { DWORD dwType; DPID dpId; } DPMSG_DELETEPLAYER; typedef struct { DWORD dwType; DPSESSIONDESC dpsDesc; } DPMSG_INVITE; typedef struct { DWORD dwType; } DPMSG_GENERIC; #pragma pack(pop) DEFINE_GUID( IID_IDirectPlay, 0x5454e9a0, 0xdb65, 0x11ce, 0x92, 0x1c, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x49, 0x72); #ifdef __cplusplus }; #endif #endif