ref: 01271d8b49ba6ba3226373e656fda2fa42ae70fb
dir: /3rd/parg/parg.h/
/* * parg - parse argv * * Written in 2015-2016 by Joergen Ibsen * * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all * copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the * public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any * warranty. <> */ #ifndef PARG_H_INCLUDED #define PARG_H_INCLUDED #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define PARG_VER_MAJOR 1 /**< Major version number */ #define PARG_VER_MINOR 0 /**< Minor version number */ #define PARG_VER_PATCH 2 /**< Patch version number */ #define PARG_VER_STRING "1.0.2" /**< Version number as a string */ /** * Structure containing state between calls to parser. * * @see parg_init */ struct parg_state { const char *optarg; /**< Pointer to option argument, if any */ int optind; /**< Next index in argv to process */ int optopt; /**< Option value resulting in error, if any */ const char *nextchar; /**< Next character to process */ }; /** * Structure for supplying long options to `parg_getopt_long()`. * * @see parg_getopt_long */ struct parg_option { const char *name; /**< Name of option */ int has_arg; /**< Option argument status */ int *flag; /**< Pointer to flag variable */ int val; /**< Value of option */ }; /** * Values for `has_arg` flag in `parg_option`. * * @see parg_option */ typedef enum { PARG_NOARG, /**< No argument */ PARG_REQARG, /**< Required argument */ PARG_OPTARG /**< Optional argument */ } parg_arg_num; /** * Initialize `ps`. * * Must be called before using state with a parser. * * @see parg_state * * @param ps pointer to state */ void parg_init(struct parg_state *ps); /** * Parse next short option in `argv`. * * Elements in `argv` that contain short options start with a single dash * followed by one or more option characters, and optionally an option * argument for the last option character. Examples are '`-d`', '`-ofile`', * and '`-dofile`'. * * Consecutive calls to this function match the command-line arguments in * `argv` against the short option characters in `optstring`. * * If an option character in `optstring` is followed by a colon, '`:`', the * option requires an argument. If it is followed by two colons, the option * may take an optional argument. * * If a match is found, `optarg` points to the option argument, if any, and * the value of the option character is returned. * * If a match is found, but is missing a required option argument, `optopt` * is set to the option character. If the first character in `optstring` is * '`:`', then '`:`' is returned, otherwise '`?`' is returned. * * If no option character in `optstring` matches a short option, `optopt` * is set to the option character, and '`?`' is returned. * * If an element of argv does not contain options (a nonoption element), * `optarg` points to the element, and `1` is returned. * * An element consisting of a single dash, '`-`', is returned as a nonoption. * * Parsing stops and `-1` is returned, when the end of `argv` is reached, or * if an element contains '`--`'. * * Works similarly to `getopt`, if `optstring` were prefixed by '`-`'. * * @param ps pointer to state * @param argc number of elements in `argv` * @param argv array of pointers to command-line arguments * @param optstring string containing option characters * @return option value on match, `1` on nonoption element, `-1` on end of * arguments, '`?`' on unmatched option, '`?`' or '`:`' on option argument * error */ int parg_getopt(struct parg_state *ps, int argc, char *const argv[], const char *optstring); /** * Parse next long or short option in `argv`. * * Elements in `argv` that contain a long option start with two dashes * followed by a string, and optionally an equal sign and an option argument. * Examples are '`--help`' and '`--size=5`'. * * If no exact match is found, an unambiguous prefix of a long option will * match. For example, if '`foo`' and '`foobar`' are valid long options, then * '`--fo`' is ambiguous and will not match, '`--foo`' matches exactly, and * '`--foob`' is an unambiguous prefix and will match. * * If a long option match is found, and `flag` is `NULL`, `val` is returned. * * If a long option match is found, and `flag` is not `NULL`, `val` is stored * in the variable `flag` points to, and `0` is returned. * * If a long option match is found, but is missing a required option argument, * or has an option argument even though it takes none, `optopt` is set to * `val` if `flag` is `NULL`, and `0` otherwise. If the first character in * `optstring` is '`:`', then '`:`' is returned, otherwise '`?`' is returned. * * If `longindex` is not `NULL`, the index of the entry in `longopts` that * matched is stored there. * * If no long option in `longopts` matches a long option, '`?`' is returned. * * Handling of nonoptions and short options is like `parg_getopt()`. * * If no short options are required, an empty string, `""`, should be passed * as `optstring`. * * Works similarly to `getopt_long`, if `optstring` were prefixed by '`-`'. * * @see parg_getopt * * @param ps pointer to state * @param argc number of elements in `argv` * @param argv array of pointers to command-line arguments * @param optstring string containing option characters * @param longopts array of `parg_option` structures * @param longindex pointer to variable to store index of matching option in * @return option value on match, `0` for flag option, `1` on nonoption * element, `-1` on end of arguments, '`?`' on unmatched or ambiguous option, * '`?`' or '`:`' on option argument error */ int parg_getopt_long(struct parg_state *ps, int argc, char *const argv[], const char *optstring, const struct parg_option *longopts, int *longindex); /** * Reorder elements of `argv` so options appear first. * * If there are no long options, `longopts` may be `NULL`. * * The return value can be used as `argc` parameter for `parg_getopt()` and * `parg_getopt_long()`. * * @param argc number of elements in `argv` * @param argv array of pointers to command-line arguments * @param optstring string containing option characters * @param longopts array of `parg_option` structures * @return index of first nonoption in `argv` on success, `-1` on error */ int parg_reorder(int argc, char *argv[], const char *optstring, const struct parg_option *longopts); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* PARG_H_INCLUDED */