ref: e68cc1702b1f63f540deafb5567f7dd347e3fe89
dir: /chunk.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" /* chunk ≡ chain of chunks */ struct Buf{ uchar *buf; usize bufsz; Ref; }; static Chunk *norris; int Δfmt(Fmt *fmt) { Dot *d; d = va_arg(fmt->args, Dot*); if(d == nil) return fmtstrcpy(fmt, "[??:??:??:??]"); return fmtprint(fmt, "[from=%08zux cur=%08zux at=%08zux to=%08zux]", d->from, d->pos, d->at, d->to); } int χfmt(Fmt *fmt) { Chunk *c; c = va_arg(fmt->args, Chunk*); if(c == nil) return fmtstrcpy(fmt, "[]"); return fmtprint(fmt, "0x%08p:%08zux::0x%08p:0x%08p", c, c->len, c->left, c->right); } static void printchunks(Chunk *r) { usize len; Chunk *c; c = r; len = 0; do{ fprint(2, "\t%χ\toff=%08zux\n", c, len); assert(c->right->left == c); len += c->len; c = c->right; }while(c != r); fprint(2, "\n"); } void dprint(Chunk *c, char *fmt, ...) { char s[256]; va_list arg; if(!debug) return; va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(s, s+sizeof s, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); fprint(2, "%s", s); printchunks(c == nil ? norris : c); } static Chunk * newchunk(Buf *b) { Chunk *c; c = emalloc(sizeof *c); c->left = c; c->right = c; c->b = b; c->off = 0; c->len = b->bufsz; incref(&b->Ref); return c; } static Chunk * newbuf(usize n) { Buf *b; assert((n & 3) == 0); b = emalloc(sizeof *b); b->bufsz = n; b->buf = emalloc(b->bufsz); return newchunk(b); } static void linkchunk(Chunk *left, Chunk *c) { c->left->right = left->right; left->right->left = c->left; c->left = left; left->right = c; } static void unlink(Chunk *left, Chunk *right) { left->left->right = right->right; right->right->left = left->left; left->left = right; right->right = left; } static Chunk * clonechunk(Chunk *c) { Chunk *nc; assert(c != nil && c->b != nil); nc = newchunk(c->b); nc->off = c->off; nc->len = c->len; incref(c->b); return nc; } Chunk * clone(Chunk *left, Chunk *right) { Chunk *cl, *c, *nc; cl = clonechunk(left); c = cl; for(; left!=right;){ left = left->right; nc = clonechunk(left); linkchunk(c, nc); c = nc; } return cl; } static void freebuf(Buf *b) { if(b == nil) return; free(b->buf); free(b); } static void freechunk(Chunk *c) { if(c == nil) return; if(c->b != nil && decref(c->b) == 0) freebuf(c->b); free(c); } void freechain(Chunk *c) { Chunk *cl, *cp; if(c == nil) return; for(cl=c->right; cl!=c; cl=cp){ cp = cl->right; unlink(cl, cl); freechunk(cl); } freechunk(c); } static void shrinkbuf(Chunk *c, usize newsz) { Buf *b; b = c->b; assert(b != nil); assert(newsz < b->bufsz && newsz > 0); if(c->off + c->len > newsz) c->len = newsz - c->off; b->buf = erealloc(b->buf, newsz, b->bufsz); } usize chunklen(Chunk *c) { usize n; Chunk *cp; for(cp=c, n=cp->len, cp=cp->right; cp!=c; cp=cp->right) n += cp->len; return n; } Chunk * p2c(usize p, usize *off) { Chunk *c; for(c=norris; p>=c->len; c=c->right){ if(c == norris->left){ assert(p == c->len); break; } p -= c->len; } if(off != nil) *off = p; return c; } usize c2p(Chunk *tc) { Chunk *c; usize p; for(p=0, c=norris; c!=tc; c=c->right) p += c->len; return p; } void recalcsize(void) { int n; n = c2p(norris->left) + norris->left->len; if( == totalsz || > n) = n; if(dot.pos < dot.from || dot.pos > dot.pos = dot.from; = dot.from; dprint(nil, "final %Δ\n", &dot); totalsz = n; } #define ASSERT(x) {if(!(x)) printchunks(norris); assert((x)); } void paranoia(int exact) { usize n; Chunk *c, *pc; Buf *b; ASSERT(dot.pos >= dot.from && dot.pos <; for(pc=norris, n=pc->len, c=pc->right; c!=norris; pc=c, c=c->right){ b = c->b; ASSERT(b != nil); ASSERT((b->bufsz & 3) == 0 && b->bufsz >= Sampsz); ASSERT(c->off < b->bufsz); ASSERT(c->len > Sampsz); ASSERT(c->off + c->len <= b->bufsz); ASSERT(c->left == pc); n += c->len; } if(exact){ ASSERT(n <= totalsz); ASSERT( <= totalsz); } } #undef ASSERT /* FIXME: should set .pos as well? or just bounds? s/setdot/setbounds/? */ void setdot(Dot *dot, Chunk *right) { dot->from = 0; if(right == nil) dot->to = c2p(norris->left) + norris->left->len; else dot->to = c2p(right); dot->at = dot->from; } void fixroot(Chunk *rc, usize off) { Chunk *c; dprint(rc, "fixroot [%χ] %08zux\n", rc, off); for(c=rc->left; off>0; off-=c->len, c=c->left){ if(off - c->len == 0) break; assert(off - c->len < off); } norris = c; } Chunk * splitchunk(Chunk *c, usize off) { Chunk *nc; dprint(nil, "splitchunk %Δ [%χ] off=%08zux\n", &dot, c, off); if(off == 0 || c == norris->left && off == c->len) return c; assert(off <= c->len); nc = clonechunk(c); nc->off = c->off + off; nc->len = c->len - off; c->len = off; linkchunk(c, nc); return nc; } /* c1 [nc … c2] nc */ int splitrange(usize from, usize to, Chunk **left, Chunk **right) { usize off; Chunk *c; dprint(nil, "splitrange from=%08zux to=%08zux\n", from, to); c = p2c(from, &off); if(off > 0){ splitchunk(c, off); *left = c->right; }else *left = c; /* dangerous in combination with *right */ c = p2c(to, &off); if(off < c->len - 1){ splitchunk(c, off); *right = c; }else *right = c; return 0; } Chunk * cutrange(usize from, usize to, Chunk **latch) { Chunk *c, *left, *right; dprint(nil, "cutrange from=%08zux to=%08zux\n", from, to); if(splitrange(from, to, &left, &right) < 0) return nil; c = left->left; if(left == norris) norris = right->right; unlink(left, right); if(latch != nil) *latch = left; return c; } Chunk * croprange(usize from, usize to, Chunk **latch) { Chunk *cut, *left, *right; dprint(nil, "croprange from=%08zux to=%08zux\n", from, to); if(splitrange(from, to, &left, &right) < 0) return nil; norris = left; cut = right->right; if(latch != nil) *latch = cut; unlink(right->right, left->left); return left; } // FIXME: generalized insert(from, to), where from and to not necessarily distinct Chunk * inserton(usize from, usize to, Chunk *c, Chunk **latch) { Chunk *left; dprint(c, "inserton from=%08zux to=%08zux\n", from, to); left = cutrange(from, to, latch); linkchunk(left, c); if(from == 0) norris = c; dprint(nil, "done\n"); return left; } Chunk * insertat(usize pos, Chunk *c) { usize off; Chunk *left; dprint(c, "insertat cur=%08zux\n", pos); if(pos == 0){ left = norris->left; norris = c; }else{ left = p2c(pos, &off); splitchunk(left, off); } if(off == 0) left = left->left; linkchunk(left, c); return left; } uchar * getslice(Dot *d, usize n, usize *sz) { usize Δbuf, Δloop, off; Chunk *c; if(d->pos >= totalsz){ werrstr("out of bounds"); *sz = 0; return nil; } c = p2c(d->pos, &off); Δloop = d->to - d->pos; Δbuf = c->len - off; if(n < Δloop && n < Δbuf){ *sz = n; d->pos += n; }else if(Δloop <= Δbuf){ *sz = Δloop; d->pos = d->from; }else{ *sz = Δbuf; d->pos += Δbuf; } return c->b->buf + c->off + off; } Chunk * readintochunks(int fd) { int n; usize m; Chunk *rc, *c, *nc; for(m=0, rc=c=nil;; m+=n){ nc = newbuf(Iochunksz); if(rc == nil) rc = nc; else linkchunk(c, nc); c = nc; if((n = readn(fd, c->b->buf, Iochunksz)) < Iochunksz) break; yield(); } close(fd); if(n < 0) fprint(2, "readintochunks: %r\n"); else if(n == 0){ if(c != rc) unlink(c, c); freechunk(c); if(c == rc){ werrstr("readintochunks: nothing read"); return nil; } }else if(n > 0 && n < Iochunksz) shrinkbuf(c, n); return rc; } void graphfrom(Chunk *c) { norris = c; recalcsize(); setdot(&dot, nil); }