ref: 3345ce88f43cae566eabcc164d5587baf666ca8b
dir: /cmd.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" /* stupidest implementation with the least amount of state to keep track of */ Dot dot; usize totalsz_, totalsz; static Chunk norris = {.left = &norris, .right = &norris}; static Chunk *held; static uchar plentyofroom[Iochunksz]; static int cutheld; static int epfd[2]; static void printchunks(Chunk *r) { Chunk *c; fprint(2, "chunklist dot %zux %zux %zux: ", dot.from.pos, dot.pos,; c = r; do{ fprint(2, "%#p:%zux:←%#p→%#p - ", c, c->bufsz, c->left, c->right); assert(c->right->left == c); c = c->right; }while(c != r); fprint(2, "\n"); } static Chunk * newchunk(usize n) { Chunk *c; assert((n & 3) == 0); c = emalloc(sizeof *c); c->bufsz = n; c->buf = emalloc(c->bufsz); c->left = c; c->right = c; return c; } static Chunk * clonechunk(void) { Chunk *c; assert(held != nil); c = newchunk(held->bufsz); memcpy(c->buf, held->buf, c->bufsz); return c; } static void freechunk(Chunk *c) { if(c == nil) return; free(c->buf); free(c); } static void assertsize(void) { Chunk *c; totalsz_ = 0; for(c=norris.right; c!=&norris; c=c->right) totalsz_ += c->bufsz; assert(totalsz_ == totalsz); assert( <= totalsz); } static void linkchunk(Chunk *left, Chunk *c) { c->left->right = left->right; left->right->left = c->left; c->left = left; left->right = c; totalsz += c->bufsz; } static void unlinkchunk(Chunk *c) { c->left->right = c->right; c->right->left = c->left; c->left = c->right = nil; totalsz -= c->bufsz; } static void resizechunk(Chunk *c, usize newsz) { vlong Δ; Δ = newsz - c->bufsz; c->buf = erealloc(c->buf, newsz, c->bufsz); c->bufsz = newsz; if(c->right == &norris && Δ < 0) += Δ; totalsz += Δ; } /* stupidest possible approach for now: minimal bookkeeping */ Chunk * p2c(usize p, usize *off) { Chunk *c; c = norris.right; while(p > c->bufsz){ p -= c->bufsz; c = c->right; } if(off != nil) *off = p; assert(c != &norris); return c; } static usize c2p(Chunk *tc) { Chunk *c; usize p; p = 0; c = norris.right; while(c != tc){ p += c->bufsz; c = c->right; } return p; } void setrange(usize from, usize to) { dot.from.pos = from; = to; if(dot.pos < from || dot.pos >= to) dot.pos = from; } int setpos(usize off) { setrange(0, totalsz); assert(off >= dot.from.pos && off <; dot.pos = off; return 0; } int jump(usize off) { if(off < dot.from.pos || off >{ werrstr("cannot jump outside of loop bounds\n"); return -1; } dot.pos = off; return 0; } static int holdchunk(Chunk *c, int cut) { if(held != nil){ if(held == c) return 0; else if(cutheld) freechunk(held); } held = c; cutheld = cut; if(cut){ unlinkchunk(c); setpos(dot.from.pos); } return 0; } static Chunk * merge(Chunk *left, Chunk *right) { usize Δ; assert(right != &norris); if(left->buf == nil || right->buf == nil){ werrstr("can\'t merge self into void"); return nil; } if(left->buf != right->buf){ Δ = left->bufsz; resizechunk(left, left->bufsz + right->bufsz); memmove(left->buf + Δ, right->buf, right->bufsz); }else{ right->buf = nil; left->bufsz += right->bufsz; } unlinkchunk(right); freechunk(right); return 0; } static Chunk * splitright(Chunk *left, usize off) { usize Δ; Chunk *c; Δ = left->bufsz - off; if(off == 0 || Δ == 0) return left; c = newchunk(Δ); memcpy(c->buf, left->buf+off, Δ); resizechunk(left, off); linkchunk(left, c); return c; } static Chunk * mergedot(usize *off) { usize p; Chunk *c; c = p2c(dot.from.pos, &p); *off = p; p = dot.from.pos - p; while(p + c->bufsz < merge(c, c->right); return c; } /* before one may split oneself, one must first merge oneself */ static Chunk * splitdot(void) { usize p; Chunk *c; c = mergedot(&p); splitright(c, p + - dot.from.pos); return splitright(c, p); } uchar * getbuf(Dot d, usize n, uchar *scratch, usize *boff) { uchar *bp, *p; usize Δbuf, Δloop, m, off, Δ; Chunk *c; c = p2c(d.pos, &off); p = c->buf + off; m = n; bp = scratch; while(m > 0){ Δloop = - d.pos; Δbuf = c->bufsz - off; if(m < Δloop && m < Δbuf){ Δ = m; memcpy(bp, p, Δ); d.pos += Δ; }else if(Δloop <= Δbuf){ Δ = Δloop; memcpy(bp, p, Δ); d.pos = d.from.pos; c = p2c(d.from.pos, nil); off = 0; p = c->buf; }else{ if(c == &norris) c = c->right; Δ = Δbuf; memcpy(bp, p, Δ); d.pos += Δ; c = c->right; off = 0; p = c->buf; } bp += Δ; m -= Δ; } if(boff != nil) *boff = n; return scratch; } void advance(Dot *d, usize n) { usize Δ, Δbuf, Δloop, m, off; Chunk *c; c = p2c(d->pos, &off); m = n; while(m > 0){ Δloop = d->to.pos - d->pos; Δbuf = c->bufsz - off; if(m < Δloop && m < Δbuf){ d->pos += m; break; }else if(Δloop < Δbuf){ Δ = Δloop; d->pos = d->from.pos; c = p2c(d->from.pos, nil); off = 0; }else{ Δ = Δbuf; d->pos += Δ; c = c->right; off = 0; } m -= Δ; } } static int insert(char *, Chunk *c) { usize p; Chunk *left; if(c == nil && (c = clonechunk()) == nil){ werrstr("insert: no buffer"); return -1; } left = p2c(dot.pos, &p); splitright(left, p); linkchunk(left, c); setrange(dot.pos, dot.pos + c->bufsz); return 1; } static int copy(char *) { Chunk *c; c = splitdot(); holdchunk(c, 0); return 0; } static int cut(char *) { Chunk *c; if(dot.from.pos == 0 && == totalsz){ werrstr("cut: no range selected"); return -1; } c = splitdot(); holdchunk(c, 1); return 1; } static int replace(char *, Chunk *c) { Chunk *left, *right; if(c == nil && (c = clonechunk()) == nil){ werrstr("replace: no buffer"); return -1; } right = splitdot(); left = right->left; unlinkchunk(right); freechunk(right); right = left->right; linkchunk(left, c); setrange(dot.from.pos, right != &norris ? c2p(right) : totalsz); return 1; } static int paste(char *s, Chunk *c) { if(dot.from.pos == 0 && == totalsz) return insert(s, c); return replace(s, c); } static int crop(char *) { usize Δ; Chunk *c, *d; Δ = 0; for(c=norris.right; c!=&norris; c=d){ if(Δ + c->bufsz >= dot.from.pos) break; d = c->right; Δ += c->bufsz; unlinkchunk(c); freechunk(c); } dot.from.pos -= Δ; -= Δ; if(dot.from.pos > 0){ Δ = c->bufsz - dot.from.pos; memmove(c->buf, c->buf + dot.from.pos, Δ); resizechunk(c, Δ); -= dot.from.pos; dot.from.pos = 0; } for(Δ=0; c!=&norris; Δ+=c->bufsz, c=c->right) if(Δ + c->bufsz >= break; if( > 0) resizechunk(c,; for(c=c->right; c!=&norris; c=d){ d = c->right; unlinkchunk(c); freechunk(c); } dot.pos = 0; = totalsz; return 1; } static int forcemerge(char *) { usize p; if(dot.from.pos == 0 && == totalsz){ werrstr("merge: won\'t implicitely merge entire buffer\n"); return -1; } mergedot(&p); return 0; } static Chunk * readintochunks(int fd) { int n; usize m; Chunk *rc, *c, *nc; for(m=0, rc=c=nil;; m+=n){ nc = newchunk(Iochunksz); if(rc == nil) rc = nc; else linkchunk(c, nc); c = nc; if((n = readn(fd, c->buf, Iochunksz)) < Iochunksz) break; yield(); } close(fd); if(n < 0) fprint(2, "readintochunks: %r\n"); else if(n == 0){ if(c != rc) unlinkchunk(c); freechunk(c); if(c == rc){ werrstr("readintochunks: nothing read"); return nil; } }else if(n > 0 && n < Iochunksz){ resizechunk(c, n); /* kludge! first chunk still unlinked */ if(m < Iochunksz) totalsz += Iochunksz - c->bufsz; } return rc; } static int readfrom(char *s) { int fd; Chunk *c; if((fd = open(s, OREAD)) < 0) return -1; c = readintochunks(fd); close(fd); if(c == nil) return -1; return paste(nil, c); } static int writebuf(int fd) { int nio; usize n, m, c, k; uchar *p; Dot d; d.pos = d.from.pos = dot.from.pos; =; if((nio = iounit(fd)) == 0) nio = 8192; nio = MIN(nio, sizeof plentyofroom); for(, c=0; m>0;){ k = nio < m ? nio : m; if((p = getbuf(d, k, plentyofroom, &k)) == nil){ fprint(2, "writebuf: couldn\'t get a buffer: %r\n"); return -1; } if((n = write(fd, p, k)) != k){ fprint(2, "writebuf: short write not %zd: %r\n", k); return -1; } m -= n; d.pos += n; c += n; } write(fd, plentyofroom, 0); /* close pipe */ return 0; } static void rc(void *s) { close(epfd[1]); dup(epfd[0], 0); dup(epfd[0], 1); close(epfd[0]); procexecl(nil, "/bin/rc", "rc", "-c", s, nil); sysfatal("procexec: %r"); } static void wproc(void *efd) { int fd; fd = (intptr)efd; writebuf(fd); close(fd); threadexits(nil); } static void rthread(void *efd) { int fd; Chunk *c; fd = (intptr)efd; if((c = readintochunks(fd)) == nil) threadexits("readintochunks: %r"); close(fd); paste(nil, c); assertsize(); redraw(0); threadexits(nil); } static int pipeline(char *arg, int rr, int wr) { assertsize(); if(pipe(epfd) < 0) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); if(procrfork(rc, arg, mainstacksize, RFFDG|RFNOTEG|RFNAMEG) < 0) sysfatal("procrfork: %r"); close(epfd[0]); if(wr && procrfork(wproc, (int*)dup(epfd[1], -1), mainstacksize, RFFDG) < 0){ fprint(2, "threadcreate: %r\n"); return -1; } if(rr && threadcreate(rthread, (int*)dup(epfd[1], -1), mainstacksize) < 0){ fprint(2, "threadcreate: %r\n"); return -1; } close(epfd[1]); return 0; } static int pipeto(char *arg) { return pipeline(arg, 0, 1); } static int pipefrom(char *arg) { return pipeline(arg, 1, 0); } static int pipethrough(char *arg) { return pipeline(arg, 1, 1); } /* the entire string is treated as the filename, ie. * spaces and any other weird characters will be part * of it */ static int writeto(char *arg) { int r, fd; if( - dot.from.pos == 0){ werrstr("writeto: dot isn't a range"); return -1; } if((fd = create(arg, OWRITE, 0664)) < 0){ werrstr("writeto: %r"); return -1; } r = writebuf(fd); close(fd); return r; } int cmd(char *s) { int n; Rune r, r´; /* FIXME: avoid potential conflicts with keys in main() */ assert(s != nil); s += chartorune(&r, s); for(;;){ n = chartorune(&r´, s); if(r´ == Runeerror){ werrstr("malformed input"); return -1; } if(r´ == 0 || r´ != ' ' && r´ != '\t') break; s += n; } assertsize(); switch(r){ case '<': return pipefrom(s); case '^': return pipethrough(s); case '|': return pipeto(s); case 'c': return copy(s); case 'd': return cut(s); case 'm': return forcemerge(s); case 'p': return paste(s, nil); case 'r': return readfrom(s); case 'w': return writeto(s); case 'x': return crop(s); default: werrstr("unknown command %C", r); break; } return -1; } int loadin(int fd) { Chunk *c; if((c = readintochunks(fd)) == nil) sysfatal("loadin: %r"); linkchunk(&norris, c); setrange(0, totalsz); return 0; } static void catch(void *, char *msg) { if(strstr(msg, "closed pipe")) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } void initcmd(void) { notify(catch); }