shithub: opus

ref: ff5f7228fda6809abf53dfd378b4a2f095a74c1d
dir: /README.draft/

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To build this source code, simply type:

% make

If this does not work, or to change the default configuration (e.g. compile for
a fixed-point architecture), simply edit the options in the Makefile

To build from the git repository instead of using this draft, the following 
steps are necessary

1) Clone the repository:

% git clone git://
% cd opus

2) Compile

% ./
% ./configure
% make

Once you have compiled the codec, there will be a test_opus executable in
the src/ directory. This can be in the following way:

% ./test_opus <mode (0/1/2)> <sampling rate (Hz)> <channels> <bits per second>  [options] <input> <output>

mode: 0 for audo, 1 for voice, 2 for audio:
-cbr                 : enable constant bitrate; default: VBR
-bandwidth <NB|MB|WB|SWB|FB>  : audio bandwidth (from narrowband to fullband); default: sampling rate
-framesize <2.5|5|10|20|40|60>  : frame size in ms; default: 20 
-max_payload <bytes> : maximum payload size in bytes, default: 1024
-complexity <comp>   : complexity, 0 (lowest) ... 10 (highest); default: 10
-inbandfec           : enable SILK inband FEC
-dtx                 : enable SILK DTX
-loss <perc>         : simulate packet loss, in percent (0-100); default: 0

input and output are 16-bit PCM files (machine endian)