Fix intrin0.h include guard.
Build time improvement, for MSVC use intrin0.h instead of intrin.h and remove usage of stdio.h in production code
Disable message box when calling abort(). The message box is causing hangs in tests.
Build and run test for cmake build in gitlab-ci
Update Doxygen config file, header and footer to Doxygen 1.8.18
Build trivial_example by default.
trivial_example: Check the return value of fread().
trivial_example: open raw pcm files in binary mode.
fix equivalent bitrate calculation for <20ms frame sizes
Repository moved to
gitlab-ci: Add a build description.
Fix a typo in in opus_custom.h.
cmake - add option for fast math
cmake - add option for float_approx for IEEE 754 compatible targets
cmake - Add variable length detection and alloca detection
CMake Changes
cmake - Fix OPUS_STACK_PROTECTOR option
cmake - Add OPUS prefix to feature info to show correct commandline option
cmake - Add option for testing to improve cli
cmake - intinsics fixes, only compile SSE source with SSE flags on non-windows when target use runtime check (GH #154). For windows we only use /arch flag when target is presumed to support SSE to avoid AVX function pollution (GH #132).
cmake - add math library for test programs demo and compare when building dynamic library
cmake - Fix CMake install include directory
cmake - Add support for detecting the presence of lrint and lrintf.
cmake - add CPack and default to TGZ package
cmake - make package version parsing more robust
Fix celt decoder assertion when using OPUS_CUSTOM
Fix another signed integer overflow in silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec
Fix signed integer overflows in silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec
Fix for an assertion when running the fixed point tests
Reland "Fixes to the the activity flag that is passed to Silk so it represents the final activity flag used in the DTX decision"
Revert "Fixes to the the activity flag that is passed to Silk so it represents the final activity flag used in the DTX decision"
Fixes to the the activity flag that is passed to Silk so it represents the final activity flag used in the DTX decision
Revert "Attenuate SILK PLC gain only for unvoiced speech"
CMake: use PACKAGE_VERSION for the pkg-config file
CMake: Add alias Opus::opus for opus library. Useful for CMake superbuild pattern.
CMake: Add shared library to features
CMake: add option to set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable
OPUS_GET_IN_DTX handles Silk middle channel only
Don't update null data pointer after each multistream decoder
Fix NEON optimizations buffer read overrun
Avoid processing LPC coeffs beyond the given order in NEON optimizations
Fix typo in _FORTIFY_SOURCE define.
Silk CNG adapts faster to received packets with lower gains
Add mising cmake file from make dist
CMake changes
CMake changes
API for checking whether the encoder is in DTX
Correctly enable/disable SILK DTX with forced mode
Fix build errors using Makefile.mips
Adding CMake support for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android Co-Authored-By: evpobr
Fix mismatching arg names in function declaration and definition
test_opus_encode: Use fprintf instead of snprintf
Reset nb_no_activity_frames when analysis DTX isn't used
Improve silence handling
Fixing initialization issues on small frame sizes
Fixes analysis buffering for silence and complexity changes
Avoiding problems with x87
Properly handle a bad stream_id in OPUS_MULTISTREAM_GET_*_STATE_REQUEST
Fix FIXED_POINT conditional check
Clean up resources in projection test
Refactoring: Isolating the matrix-vector product in gemm_accum()
Adding the scripts used to train the RNN classifier
Trivial sprintf to snprintf conversion. Some linkers warn about unbounded sprintf calls.
Make float2int() static with VS
Fixes misleading initialization with not enough zeros
Proper detection of _mm_cvtss_si32 for MS compiler
Renaming compute_allocation to clt_compute_allocation() to avoid symbol clashes
Prevent the SILK counter from overflowing after 2 years and 9 months
Retrain RNN classifier weights to include reverberated speech
Fixes packet parsing for 16-bit CPUs
Clarify configure --help
Update ISO Base Media Format draft to version 0.8.1.
Avoiding get_demixing_matrix() symbol clash on unified build
OpusMSDecoder does not have an arch field
Add include/opus_projection.h to
Apply equal bit allocation to ambisonic channels
Work around VS2015 internal compiler error
Fixing arithmetic problems for 16-bit CPUs in ambisonics_rate_allocation()
Fix bitrate allocation for channel mapping 2
win32: Add ambisonics sources to VS project
Fixes C90 "mixed declarations and code" error
Remove ambisonics experimental flag
Enable ambisonics by default
Enable hardening by default
Fix comma that should have been a semicolon
Use ambisonics families 2 and 3 instead of 254 and 253
Validate multistream/projection decoder frame_size
Make bandwidth detection more conservative to avoid low-passing frames
Avoiding arithmetic on NULL pointer
Avoiding leaks when opus_demo exits with an error