ref: bce1f392353d72d77d543bb2069a044ae1045e9d
dir: /cmake/RunTest.cmake/
if(NOT EXISTS ${TEST_EXECUTABLE}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error could not find ${TEST_EXECUTABLE}, ensure that you built the test binary") endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Android") # support to run plain old binary on android devices # requires android debug bridge to be installed find_program(adb_executable adb) if(NOT adb_executable) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error could not find adb") endif() # check if any device emulator is attached execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} shell echo RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error adb: no devices/emulators found") endif() # push binary set(android_path /data/local/tmp) execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} push ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} ${android_path} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${adb_executable} push ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} ${android_path} failed with result ${CMD_RESULT}") endif() # set permissions get_filename_component(test_executable ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} NAME) set(test_executable_on_android /data/local/tmp/${test_executable}) execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} shell chmod 555 ${test_executable_on_android} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${adb_executable} shell chmod 555 ${test_executable_on_android} failed with result ${CMD_RESULT}") endif() # run executable execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} shell ${test_executable_on_android} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${adb_executable} shell ${test_executable_on_android} failed with result ${CMD_RESULT}") endif() # clean up binary execute_process(COMMAND ${adb_executable} shell rm ${test_executable_on_android} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${adb_executable} shell rm ${test_executable_on_android} failed with result ${CMD_RESULT}") endif() elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "iOS") # CTest doesn't support iOS message(FATAL_ERROR "Error CTest is not supported on iOS") else() # for other platforms just execute test binary on host execute_process(COMMAND ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} RESULT_VARIABLE CMD_RESULT) if(CMD_RESULT) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} failed with result ${CMD_RESULT}") endif() endif()