Most of the Laplace encoding works, except that ec_decode() is still not giving
More code for laplace decoding (doesn't work)
Code for encoding Laplace-distributed variables (doesn't work).
Fixed codebook entirely quantised
Doing init/reset of the entropy coder properly
Some work on index packing
Multiplier-free entropy coder
improved energy quantisation/prediction
More energy quantisation work
Quantisation of band energies (adding files)
Quantisation of energies
conversion to modes complete
Converting the code to use the modes instead of global arrays.
Adding mode infrastructure (still incomplete)
Compressing the innovation along the pitch direction
Allowing to add pulses on top of intra-band prediction
Fixed intra-frame prediction (added sign)
Code for converting back and forth between pulse vectors and the correspondig
Some improvements to the pitch period estimation
Pre-emphasis, plus a few minor tweaks
Oops, forgot to add the Ghost/ceft vq files
Vector quantisation of the residual (copied from Ghost/ceft)
Some pitch prediction work.
Code for computing band energies and normalising: adapted from CEFT.
Forward MDCTs in a function
Added pitch analysis. Doesn't crash, but otherwise untested.
Got MDCT analysis-synthesis to work
MDCT analysis-synthesis (untested)
Adding fields to the struct
There's nothing, but it now compiles
Initial commit with the autotools stuff and files taken from Speex and Vorbis.