ref: b459e4cedab04ffb4047a0adf5f3b03149c29e80
dir: /cmake/OpusFunctions.cmake/
if(__opus_functions) return() endif() set(__opus_functions INCLUDED) function(get_library_version OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR) file(STRINGS opus_lt_current_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_CURRENT=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_CURRENT=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_current_string}) set(OPUS_LT_CURRENT ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) file(STRINGS opus_lt_revision_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_REVISION=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_REVISION=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_revision_string}) set(OPUS_LT_REVISION ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) file(STRINGS opus_lt_age_string LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "OPUS_LT_AGE=") string(REGEX MATCH "OPUS_LT_AGE=([0-9]*)" _ ${opus_lt_age_string}) set(OPUS_LT_AGE ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) math(EXPR OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR "${OPUS_LT_CURRENT} - ${OPUS_LT_AGE}") set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR ${OPUS_LT_AGE}) set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH ${OPUS_LT_REVISION}) set( OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION "${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR}.${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR}.${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_PATCH}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR ${OPUS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MAJOR} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(check_flag NAME FLAG) include(CheckCCompilerFlag) check_c_compiler_flag(${FLAG} ${NAME}_SUPPORTED) endfunction() include(CheckIncludeFile) # function to check if compiler supports SSE, SSE2, SSE4.1 and AVX if target # systems may not have SSE support then use OPUS_MAY_HAVE_SSE option if target # system is guaranteed to have SSE support then OPUS_PRESUME_SSE can be used to # skip SSE runtime check function(opus_detect_sse COMPILER_SUPPORT_SIMD) message(STATUS "Check SIMD support by compiler") check_include_file(xmmintrin.h HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H) # SSE1 if(HAVE_XMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) # different arch options for 32 and 64 bit target for MSVC if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE1 /arch:SSE) else() set(SSE1_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE1 -msse) endif() else() set(SSE1_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(emmintrin.h HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H) # SSE2 if(HAVE_EMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE2 /arch:SSE2) else() set(SSE2_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE2 -msse2) endif() else() set(SSE2_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(smmintrin.h HAVE_SMMINTRIN_H) # SSE4.1 if(HAVE_SMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) check_flag(SSE4_1 /arch:SSE2) # SSE2 and above else() set(SSE4_1_SUPPORTED 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() else() check_flag(SSE4_1 -msse4.1) endif() else() set(SSE4_1_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() check_include_file(immintrin.h HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H) # AVX if(HAVE_IMMINTRIN_H) if(MSVC) check_flag(AVX /arch:AVX) else() check_flag(AVX -mavx) endif() else() set(AVX_SUPPORTED 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(SSE1_SUPPORTED OR SSE2_SUPPORTED OR SSE4_1_SUPPORTED OR AVX_SUPPORTED) set(COMPILER_SUPPORT_SIMD 1 PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(STATUS "No SIMD support in compiler") endif() endfunction() function(opus_detect_neon COMPILER_SUPPORT_NEON) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "(arm|aarch64)") message(STATUS "Check NEON support by compiler") check_include_file(arm_neon.h HAVE_ARM_NEON_H) if(HAVE_ARM_NEON_H) set(COMPILER_SUPPORT_NEON ${HAVE_ARM_NEON_H} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() function(opus_supports_cpu_detection RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION) if(MSVC) check_include_file(intrin.h HAVE_INTRIN_H) else() check_include_file(cpuid.h HAVE_CPUID_H) endif() if(HAVE_INTRIN_H OR HAVE_CPUID_H) set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 1 PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "(arm|aarch64)") # ARM cpu detection is implemented for Windows and anything # using a Linux kernel (such as Android). if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(Windows|Linux|Android)") set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 1 PARENT_SCOPE) endif () else() set(RUNTIME_CPU_CAPABILITY_DETECTION 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() function(add_sources_group target group) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${ARGN}) source_group(${group} FILES ${ARGN}) endfunction() function(get_opus_sources SOURCE_GROUP MAKE_FILE SOURCES) # read file, each item in list is one group file(STRINGS ${MAKE_FILE} opus_sources) # add wildcard for regex match string(CONCAT SOURCE_GROUP ${SOURCE_GROUP} ".*$") # find group foreach(val IN LISTS opus_sources) if(val MATCHES ${SOURCE_GROUP}) list(LENGTH val list_length) if(${list_length} EQUAL 1) # for tests split by '=' and clean up the rest into a list string(FIND ${val} "=" index) math(EXPR index "${index} + 1") string(SUBSTRING ${val} ${index} -1 sources) string(REPLACE " " ";" sources ${sources}) else() # discard the group list(REMOVE_AT val 0) set(sources ${val}) endif() break() endif() endforeach() list(LENGTH sources list_length) if(${list_length} LESS 1) message( FATAL_ERROR "No files parsed succesfully from ${SOURCE_GROUP} in ${MAKE_FILE}") endif() # remove trailing whitespaces set(list_var "") foreach(source ${sources}) string(STRIP "${source}" source) list(APPEND list_var "${source}") endforeach() set(${SOURCES} ${list_var} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction()